Sei sulla pagina 1di 2

quadratic : 2

tan ml l k: 2
15 : state transition matrix, diagonalization distinct-repeated eigenvalues, modal
17 : sylvester method(state-tranition matrix)
21 : parallel representation
22 : parallel representation block diagram
23 : repeated roots for parallel representation
25 : serial (cascade) representation
27 : controllable companion
28 : controllable companion block diagram, observable companion ve block diagram
29 : obtaining a controllable companion form from an arbitrary representation
30 : poles and zeros of a system described by state equations
34 : controllable companion for = system design
35 : observable companion form system design - model form design
37 : discrete time state equations
38 : discrete time state equations example =>>>> Fin hesaplanmas nda ssel
ifadenin hesab n nas l yapt ????
39 : controllability, observability conditions
40 : controllable companion form - output controllability
41 : observability , observability matrix, observable companion form, modal form
43 : companion form rne i
44 : state-transformation for an uncontrollable system
45 : rnek
46 : state transformation for an unobservable system
47 : stabilizability, detectability
50 : observers block diagram falan , observer design based on the output prediction
error (SISO)
51 : error dynamics
53 : rnek, luenberger observer
54 : luenberger conditions, steady-state response, block diagram
55: rnek
56 : rne in devam
57 : limits of deterministic observer
58 : stabilisation of LTI systems, conditions for cl stability
59 : find a gain K such that the CL system a desired transient response
61 : algorithm
62 : rnek devam linearization
63 : dc motor
64 : state-feedback with observer nemli !!!!!
65 : devam ve without observer
66: rnek
67 : devam ve principle of seperation
68 : liquid level systems
69 : devam
71 : liquid level with two inputs
72 : modal control
73 : devam

2-) controllable form genel hali
3-) observable form genel hali

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