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Dear Sir or Madam,

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Zinaye Tekeste for admission to the Public health
programme at the University of Bradford. I kno Mr. !inaye for the past four years, both as
an associate professor and an assigned immediate ork supervisor of him and this gave me
the chance to gain insight into his abilities and personality.
!inaye is one among most mature, intelligent and successful employees. "t a personal level,
he is a ell disciplined, responsible student ith a pleasant personality. #e has alays been
very friendly and respectful. #e is a broad$minded, internationally oriented employee and is
ell prepared to ne challenges.
Mr. !inaye as teaching Microbiology, Parasitology, Immunology and other courses at
University of %ondar, &ollege of Medicine and health Sciences. 'urthermore, he has
completed his undergraduate and post graduate studies in (nglish as medium of instruction.
)herefore, I have no doubt that he ill complete his study at the University of Bradford
ithout any problem.
'or all these reasons, I ould highly recommend Mr. !inaye. #e is an e*ceptional candidate,
ho ould contribute greatly to any programme. 'urthermore, I believe that studying at your
University ill provide him ith valuable e*perience and ill help him deepen
understanding of the sub+ect hich he is sincerely interested in.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
,ours Sincerely,
(Dr. Chandrashekhar G. Unakal)

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