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THE COMMUNICATIONS TRIANGLE: you, your computer, fer peers modem DERE Rel eee Terminal presents more Lazy Jones LLAMASOFT Pema ide Tei kay NO FUZZ. The remark MCOITV is built o chassis, so naturally it offer in picture quality But it also features DIN sockets fordirect RGB and Composite Video input. Which means every signal, from whatever source, is transmitted new Ferguson the famous TX he best directly to the screen without being demodulated The resull is clear to see hear, No more fuzzy images.Nomore dull colours.Sharperwordingandno hiss or hum on the sound Unique automatic source switching allows you to plugin your video recorder and any home corn: puter with RGB output and leave them set up. ‘There's no need to unplug any thing unless you want to carry the highly portable Ferguson MCO1 around with yo Petree Eo Acomputermonitorthat’: colour television is the ideal se set for the modern family. RENT OR BUY Andnow youcanrentorbuy the Ferguson MCOI from DER. Rental costs just £8.95 a mont Forthat you get a lead compatible with your computer and full DER ice, Or you can buy the package for only £225, Simply {ilLin the coupon now and we'llarrangea free stration soon, The Ferguson MCOl from DER will help you to understand all you: programs more clearly. No fuzz, no bother supply ends for the following com uters BBC Aand fh Acorn Electron ROB, Or ‘Lym RG, Sharp Mx 71INGS, Dragon ‘ond M3, Newbrain, Atari 800, Conon MSX. Ipretertorent__) vay eciptiarh louse, Twickenham Road, me reat | THATSD ER DOES YOURS DO THAT | ‘HORIZONS: Faitor Christopher Jenkins Production Kaitor Barbora Hajek Ealtorial Secretary Geraldine Smyth | Group Advertisement Manager David Lake Advertisement Manager I Jeremy Kite Administration Theresa Lacy Managing Faitor Brendon Gore Publishing Director Dunean Seot ‘Telephone Number ‘all departments) 01-437 4443, UK address Commodore Horzons 12-13 Lite] Newport Street, London WC2H TPP, US address Commodore Horizons, c/o Business Press_ International, 308 East 2nd Street, New York, NY 10017. Subscriptions UK £10.00 for 12 issues, overseas surface (excluding US and Canada) £16.00 for 12 issues, US and Canada air US8S3.95 for 12 issues | Commodore Horizons welcomes readers’ ‘oniributions — either articles or program istings. Articles should be typed double-spaced with a wide § margin. Programs should, whenever possible, be printed out on plain white paper, accompanied by a cassette. We cannot guarantee to return every article 6 program submitted, so please keep a ‘copy. If you want to have your program returned you must include an s.a Commodore Horizons is published monthly Jf} by Sunshine Rooks, Scot Pris Lid. Typeset by IoSiep Lid, 38-41 Dalington Stree, Jf London Ect. Printed by ‘Riverside Press Lid, Thanet Way, Whitstable, Kent Jf Discrbuted by SM Disiibuion, 1618 Trinity Gardens. London SW9 (clone 01-274 8611, tees 261643). ISSN (265-4164, Jf) Revistered ai the Post Office ax newspaper. Sunshine Books 1985 aller 4 UD aps a More hints, tips and queries, plus Richard Bartle imroduces Compunet’s Computer Fink's assault on the ‘games multiuser dutgeon adventure market } nae 4 baat tile a) Ariola's software plans, Codewriter's Resets! own programs including Vie 20 ‘ames and utilities catalogue and the latest on’ CBM US. sony 3 2 ])9/4 imme a ‘Am extract from Brian Lloyl’s book into. ducing the new Commodore micros ‘ase’ Our latest look at the world of computer | books Mascertronic Tasks Software, Bubble Bus US Gold, English all th Seeley i) Brian Lloyd compares the most popular modems and explains what they achieve It’s wild it's whacky, i's Psychedeh and 2) Some “ thete ate, Vic and C16 vertonsto'win David Whitaker's Lazy Jones res agin tn this tres €4 ga Babe a cae |The plas 10 100k fr bargin software and N Gregory explains methods of sorting data hardware on the Commodore 68 ae i jan especie Un? tans at Barbara Conway once more ventures ito caer uty ! tends of mpery 30d magle 2 paid S casein 3 Chris Whitcombe looks at Resetti’s music software for the 64 If you can't Keep up with your 64, win a Slomo and cut its nace COMPUNET, MICRONET, AND the many bulletin board systems now available 1o Commodore micro owners, are at the forelront of modern communications technology History shows, though, that society is slow to respond wo sciemtifie developments, It sase't Io he sight of a motor ear would be invariably accompanied by thal of a man walking in front with a red warning flag I took mass production and the development of the market for the motor car to become 4 suceess. In much the same way, an increase inthe sheer numbers of network users will Force relevant legistation and technical development to be carried throwsh At the moment, for instance, the high telephone charges invelved in networking discourage many potential uscrs. If special rates could be negotiated then the marke Yrould be much wider. At the same time, there are technical problems with the systems ‘which do litle 1. encouraue users: Compuinet’s downloading rates ate slow, aid appears that the memory space taken up by the modem itself may limit the use of serious appli cations software. This might imply that the small business user market, which showld fortn 4 substantial part of Compunet's subscriptions list, would be limited Al the same time there are legal questions to be settled; isa network system responsible for all matetial uploaded, or, as Campunet maintains, is it-no more responsible than British Telecom is for what is said over its phone lines? Whether or not networks can be regarded as “electronic publishers”, legally responsible For whatever taterial they catty. have to be decided before long. It's just one of the ways in which society has not vet adjusted to the micro age, though one thi justment is made, the Potential of networking + unlimited, 8 is sure; once th

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