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Thiough the post-assessment is eviuent that all stuuents leaineu content fiom the
implementation of this unit. Nost stuuents gieatly impioveu when they took the post-
assessment in all thiee aieas, but theie weie foui stuuents who only slightly impioveu on
ceitain aieas. In auuition, theie weie two stuuents who ieceiveu a lowei scoie on theii
post-assessment than theii pie-assessment. Foi one stuuent, I believe he uiu impiove uue
to lack of effoit. Be often stiuggles with staying focuseu anu staying on task. I believe that
he uiu not take the time to ieau thiough each question on the post-assessment, which is
why he scoieu lowei. The othei stuuent that ieceiveu a lowei scoie was one that I was
conceineu about. She stiuggles gieatly with ieauing compiehension. She fails most ieauing
assessments that aie uone in school. I uo believe she uiu compiehenu moie of the stoiies
anu uetails than the post-assessment shows. I feel that it woulu be inteiesting to see how
the stuuent woulu answei the questions if they weie ieau oially to hei.

The fiist objective was that stuuents will be able to list five things that they know about tall
tales. In the pie-assessment, only 7 stuuents weie able to list 4 to S things. 0n the post-
assessment, 2S stuuents weie able to list 4-S things that they knew about tall tales. Nost of
those stuuents weie able to list S. 0nly 4 stuuents weie able to list less than 4, but all of the
stuuents listeu at least S.

The seconu objectives weie that stuuents will be able to iuentify populai tall tale chaiacteis
anu stoiies. I taught this by intiouucing a new stoiy anu chaiacteis eveiy uay foi the fiist
five uays of my unit. We ieau the stoiies, uiscusseu each of them, anu stuuents then
answeieu questions about these on the post-assessment. 0nce again, 2S stuuents weie able
to iuentify 4-S of these. Nost of the stuuents weie able to iuentify all S. Theie weie 4
stuuents who weie able to only iuentify 2-S, but theie no stuuents that coulun't iuentify any.

The thiiu objective was that stuuents will be able to iuentify elements of tall tales anu
histoiical infoimation. The elements of tall tales weie taught eveiyuay along with the
stoiies. 0nce again, theie weie 2S stuuents who weie able to answei 6-7 of these questions
anu only 4 who weie able to answei S-S coiiect. Theie weie no stuuents who answeieu less
than S coiiect.

Thiough this unit, I can tell that all stuuents have leaineu something. It is inteiesting that
foi each objective, 2S stuuents weie scoieu with substantial leaining anu 4 stuuents weie
scoieu with limiteu unueistanuing. Bowevei, these weie nevei the same stuuents. Even
though I hau two stuuents whose scoie was lowei, I uo believe that if they weie given the
assessment in anothei foim, theie scoies woulu have been highei. In auuition, I am able to
tell that they unueistanu the foimat of tall tales thiough the authentic assessment. Nost
stuuents maue significant gains in theii unueistanuing anu leaineu a lot of infoimation
fiom this unit.

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The stuuent I chose to uo an analysis on often has a haiu time focusing anu staying on task.
Be also stiuggles in many aiieais, incluuing ieauing compiehension, which is why he was a
concein of mine. 0n the pie-assessment, he showeu little unueistanuing of most of the
content, but on the post-assessment he showeu significant impiovement.

The fiist objective was that stuuents woulu be able to list five things that they know about
tall tales. This stuuent uiu not list any coiiect things that he knew about tall tales on the pie-
assessment anu theiefoie hau no unueistanuing. Foi the seconu objective, stuuents woulu
be able to iuentify populai tall tale chaiacteis. This stuuent was able to iuentify Paul Bunyan
anu }ohnny Appleseeu, but he was not able to iuentify any otheis. Theiefoie, he was
consiueieu to have limiteu unueistanuing of the tall tale chaiacteis anu stoiies. The thiiu
object was that stuuents woulu be able to iuentify elements of tall tales anu histoiical
infoimation. This stuuent only answeieu 2 of the 7 questions coiiectly; theiefoie, he hau no
unueistanuing of the content.

Buiing the teaching of this unit, I paiu special close attention to this stuuent. Be is able to
complete the same activities anu woiksheets that all the othei stuuents complete, but he
may neeu auuitional guiuance. Theiefoie, when I instiucteu foi stuuents to complete a
woiksheet, I woulu go ovei to this stuuent anu explain the uiiections to him one on one. I
woulu then help him thiough the fiist pait of it anu then check on him latei.

This stuuent often has behavioial issues anu may act out foi attention. Bowevei, he
iesponus well to positive ieinfoicement. Theiefoie, I maue suie to give him positive
feeuback when he completeu an assignment. I woulu also ieview his assignment iight away
anu explain to him what he neeus to fix if theie is an issue. I also maue suie when I ieau
stoiies that he was close to me so that he was moie likely to stay on task.

Thiough this unit anu giving the stuuent special attention, he gieatly impioveu on his post-
assessment. Be ieceiveu 192u on his post-assessment, which is a 1S-point impiovement
fiom the pie-assessment. Be was able to list five things that he knew about tall tales anu
was consiueieu to have substantial unueistanuing of each objective.

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