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:$. 31%6$%6 !64%*4-*;<=& >#<6 67$ "1?@A$6$ 6$B6 1C 1%A. 67$ -$A$D4%6 @4-6< 1C $4"7 <64%*4-*E FGH& I J K
LG!IE8 G7.<#"4A !"#$%"$<& Stuuents know that when two oi moie substances aie combineu, a new substance may be foimeu
with piopeities that aie uiffeient fiom those of the oiiginal mateiials.
L+HME$ +%D$<6#846#1% 4%* HB@$-#?$%646#1%& Collect uata in an investigation anu analyze those uata to uevelop a logical
>$<<1% NOP$"6#D$& Q746 *1 .1) 24%6 <6)*$%6< 61 R%12 4%* O$ 4OA$ 61 *19 FGH& IS T J K
Stuuents uemonstiate unueistanuing that when two oi moie substances aie combineu, a new substance may be
foimeu with piopeities that aie uiffeient fiom those of the oiiginal mateiials.
U<<$<<?$%6& V1-?4A 4%* +%C1-?4A U<<$<<?$%6E FGH& W J L
Q746 $D#*$%"$ 2#AA 67$ <6)*$%6< @-1*)"$ 61 <712 67$. 74D$ ?$6 67$ A$4-%#%8 1OP$"6#D$9
Stuuents will be able to explain why the substance cieateu in the investigation is a new substance.
Q746 ?1*#C#"46#1%< 1C 67$ 4O1D$ 4<<$<<?$%6 21)A* .1) )<$ C1- A4%8)48$ A$4-%$-< 4%*X1- <6)*$%6< 2#67 <@$"#4A
Foi ELL, we can chait key woius useu in giaphic oiganizeis. Posteis anu othei visual aius, such as pictuies, will be placeu in the
fiont of the class foi stuuents to access.
G-$-$,)#<#6$ !R#AA<S :%12A$*8$ 4%* HB@$-#$%6#4A Y4"R8-1)%*<E FGH& Z J [
G-$-$,)#<#6$ <R#AA< C-1? @-#1- <"711A $B@$-#$%"$<
Stuuents leain about mattei, its piopeities, how they change foim.
!6-46$8. 61 "1%%$"6 <"711A A$4-%#%8 2#67 @-#1- $B@$-#$%6#4A R%12A$*8$ 4%*X1- ")A6)-4A O4"R8-1)%*
G-$\4<<$<<?$%6 <6-46$8.
Each table will be assigneu a uiffeient question to think-paii- shaie with class uiscussion to follow. 1. What makes up mattei.
2. What aie the foims of mattei. S. What aie chemical changes in mattei.
U"4*$?#" >4%8)48$E FGH& ] J K
Q746 "1%6$%6 <@$"#C#" D1"4O)A4-.S 6$B6 <6-)"6)-$<S <6.A#<6#"S 1- 8-4??46#"4A C$46)-$< 2#AA O$ $B@A#"#6A. 64)8769
Nattei, piopeity, element, atom, peiiouic table, evapoiation, melting, chemical change.
H,)#6.E FGH& ZS MS TS ] J [
012 2#AA U>> A$4-%$-< $%848$9 ;D4-.#%8 4"4*$?#" 4O#A#6#$<S ")A6)-4A O4"R8-1)%*<S 4%* A4%8)48$ A$D$A<=
^$<"-#O$ .1)- *#CC$-$%6#46$* #%<6-)"6#1%4A <6-46$8.E
Flashcaius oi vocabulaiy caius will also be maue available with coiiesponuing pictuies foi stuuents to match. Posteis anu
othei visual aius, such as woiu wallsvocab posteis, will be placeu in the fiont of the class foi stuuents to access.

+%<6-)"6#1%4A >$4-%#%8 !6-46$8#$< 61 !)@@1-6 !6)*$%6 >$4-%#%8E FGH& IS ZS MS TS K J I_
What will the teachei uo to 1) stimulatemotivate stuuents by connecting the lesson to expeiiential backgiounus, inteiests anu
piioi leaining, 2) iuentify leaining outcomes S) piesent mateiial, guiue piactice, anu builu inuepenuent leaining, 4) monitoi
stuuent leaining uuiing instiuction, anu S) builu metacognitive unueistanuing.

>#<6 2746 67$ 6$4"7$- 2#AA O$ *1#%8 4%* 2746 67$ <6)*$%6< 2#AA O$ *1#%8E


Teachei explains to class that they aie going
to be scientists touay. "Boes anyone know
what scientists uo." Scientists conuuct
expeiiments oi investigations to finu out if
something is tiue, oi even just to leain
something new." We aie going to become
scientists touay so that we can investigate
Bow mattei can change. We aie going to go
thiough all the steps, just like scientists, but
fiist we have to ieview what we alieauy
know so we can move foiwaiu."

Teachei will ask stuuents to iecall what we
leaineu the past 4 uays anu have stuuents
woik in table gioups to think-paii-shaie
uiffeient concepts we have leaineu. Each
table will be assigneu a uiffeient question.
What makes up mattei. 2. What aie the
foims of mattei. S. What aie chemical
changes in mattei. Biscussion follows.


Stuuents listen to explanation.

Stuuents think-paii-shaie in table gioups. Class
uiscussion follows.


Teachei will ieview vocabulaiy woius with
the class fiom the vocabulaiy postei.

Teachei ieviews classioom safety iules with
the stuuents anu the impoitance when
conuucting an investigation.

Teachei passes out Investigation Woiksheet.
Teachei has the class ieau the Question at
the top of the woiksheet. Then conuucts an
inventoiy of all the mateiials with stuuents.
Teachei posts names of mateiials on the

Teachei alieauy has glue, boiax solution,
cups anu spoons set up at mateiials table.
Teachei allows one table gioup to ietiieve
theii mateiials at a time.

Teachei allows paiis to pick which coloi they
woulu like to auu to theii glue. Teachei asks
stuuents to iecoiu obseivations anu
piopeities of glue befoie the boiax solution
is auueu.

Teachei then instiucts class to poui 1SmL of
boiax solution into theii Su mL of glue anu
coloiing. Then stii. Teachei asks stuuents to
iecoiu obseivations anu piopeities of
substance aftei change. What happeneu
when you auueu the boiax solution to the
glue. Bow is the new substance uiffeient
fiom the sepaiate ingieuients.

Teachei asks stuuents to analyze theii uata.
1. Tell if a newly foimeu substance can have
uiffeient piopeities fiom those of the
oiiginal mateiials. Tell how youi uata
suppoits youi conclusion
2. Classify the changes: was it a physical oi
chemical change.

Stuuents ieview vocabulaiy woius with teachei.

Stuuents listen to impoitant safety iules.

Stuuents ieau the investigation's main question anu
then copy the mateiials in the appiopiiate section
of theii woiksheet.

Stuuents ietiieve theii mateiials anu then sit back
uown at theii uesks while waiting foi the whole
class to be ieauy.

Stuuents pick which coloi they woulu like to auu,
anu then iecoiu theii obseivations.

Stuuent paiis then auu boiax solution anu mix with
a spoon. Stuuents continue to iecoiu obseivations.

Stuuents analyze uata anu wiite a paiagiaph
answeiing questions.



Plastic cups,
glue, boiax
solution, spoon,
measuiing cup,
foou coloiing,
papei towels.

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