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Name: Jae Hee Kim, Jordon Bocago, Joseph Pangelinan

School: Marianas Elementary School

Theme: Basketball Lesson Title: Shoots and Dribbles
Duration: 1 hour ! minutes
Unit Topic: Physical "itness
Day: !#$#$%!1#, "riday Grade: #th
Weekly Title: Staying Healthy
Standards & Benchmarks:
#&'((1 Describe the bene)its o) participating in regularly scheduled physical acti*ities
#&'((% +denti)y the components o) health,related physical )itness -e(g(, )le.ibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardio,respiratory endurance/
#&'(0(% Participate 1ith a partner or a small group during cooperati*e physical acti*ities
Student Learning O!ecti"es:
Students 1ill be able to e.plain ho1 daily *igorous acti*ity o*er an allotted time 1ill bene)it and maintain their health(
Students 1ill be able to describe speci)ic acti*ities that may be practiced )or cardio*ascular and muscular endurance -e(g(, dribbling, passing,
Students 1ill be able to participate 1ith a partner or in small groups to practice basic basketball coordination skills(
Basketballs Basket court Drinking 1ater Proper attire -shorts, shoes, etc(/
Bell$ork %& minutes': Students 1ill count,o)) using 1 and % to identi)y 1hich group they 1ill be in(
Norms %(minute':
3ome prepared 1ith com)ortable clothes and shoes )or physical acti*ity
Sa)ety is al1ays )irst in all acti*ities4 "ollo1 directions
5se encouraging 1ords to1ards one another
6ield to one another4 7et the other person go )irst
Bring a 1ater bottle
#ini)lesson* #odel: "acilitators 1ill go o*er and demonstrate the directions )or each stretch and acti*ity
Teacher Students
Warm)Up +cti"ity %(, minutes'
Stretching acti*ities

% 7aps around the basketball court

Warm)Up -articipation
Students in t1o lines )acing each other 1ill obser*e and
"le.ibility stretches
Students 1ill count along 1ith the )acilitators,
1hile stretching
8un % laps around the perimeter o) the basketball
Students are encourage to drink 1ater to be
properly hydrated
Basketall .amiliari/ation %0 minutes':
Basketball court )amiliari9ation4 identi)y 1ith the students
the areas o) the basketball court -court boundary, : %
point 9ones, etc(/
;iolations4 identi)y 1ith the students tra*eling, carrying,
double dribble, etc(
Passing4 chest and bounce
Shooting and Driles +cti"ity:
Students are di*ided into paired groups
Each group 1ill be pro*ided se*eral balls to use during
the drills
Basketall .amiliari/ation:
Students 1ill help to identi)y rules and *iolations o) the
Student 1ill per)orm each drill )ully and completely to help
increase their playing ability
Students 1ill run care)ully to a*oid in2ury
Students are encourage to drink 1ater to be
properly hydrated
Shooting and Driles:
Students 1ill listen and )ollo1 instructions
-students are encouraged to practice team1ork/
Students are encouraged to run
=hey cannot impede $ sabotage other groups
Students encouraged to practice good sportsmanship-i.e.,
be positive, motivate/
"acilitators may alter re>uirement i) students are ha*ing
Students must be 1ell hydrated
Tackling is not allo1ed
Drile Lay)up and Shoot %&, minutes':
Students lined up on opposite sides o) the board 1ill4
?ne line o) students 1ill dribble to1ards the basket and
per)orm a lay,up,
@ait )or the ne.t student to per)orm a scoring attempt,
8ebound the ball and pass to the ne.t person on the
opposite line
He$she 1ill then proceed to the back o) the opposite line
1here they 1ill this time attempt to shoot the ballA a)ter
1hich the process 1ill be repeated(
Game)time %&, minutes':
Staying in their groups students 1ill4
Play a series o) hal),court games -best o) /
5sing # members o) their group, 1ith the
remainder ser*ing as reser*es(
=eams are to s1itch out their players at minute
inter*als -or 1hen needed/
<ame point is B
"acilitators 1ill keep score
+ccommodations*#odi1ications %Spina)i1ida':
Students 1ith special needs 1ill be pro*ided 1ith student or
peer assistance( 8epetition o) instruction and repetiti*e
strategies 1ill be used )or )urther assistance(
Cre e.pected to participate in all parts o) the days lesson and
Sections o) the court 1ill be marked )or the student to position
him$hersel) 1hen participating in the game(
Drile Lay)up and Shoot:
Students 1ill listen and )ollo1 the )acilitatorDs
demonstrations and directions(
Students are reminded to a*oid running into
marked areas 1hen their special needs peer is
occupying the area
Per)orm the skills 1ith guidance
Per)orm the skills properly
Students 1ill listen to and )ollo1 instructions
Students are encouraged to be constantly mo*ing
e*en 1hen not in possession o) the basketball
8eminded to hydrate 1hen they ha*e been
s1itched out o) the court
Stay clear o) marked o)) areas 1hen being
occupied by a special needs peer
Student is gi*en designated areas 1here he$she is
best capable o) operating )rom
Student is )ree to mo*e about the court back and
)orth bet1een his$her designated
o))ensi*e$de)ensi*e positions
Student is encouraged to )ully participate to the
best o) his$her ability
Since student 1ill be operating out o) a
1heelchair, )ocus o) stretches and acti*ities 1ill
be on the studentDs upper torso, arms and head
8eminded to noti)y the )acilitator i) a problem
health or other1ise occurs(
Guided Practice (1-2 minutes per activity): At each activity a facilitator to go over and demonstrate the station
Independent Practice: Students will perform each activity of the lesson; the facilitators will observe and supervise
to check if students are performing skills properly.
Cool Down (5 minutes): Stretches
Closure Lesson (5 minutes):
Lesson !pectations:
Today we worked:
Together as a team
Building-up our endurance
mproving our balance and coordination
!eveloping concentration and self-discipline
Building-up muscle
"eflect on student learning outcomes and share any thoughts on the day#s lesson

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