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Chelsea Saunders

Annotated bibliography
period Conaway!"l
#his article is about the di$$erence between wo"en and "en%
and the "en to wo"en ratio. &t also talks about the $e"inist
politics that would trans$er all e'pressions o$ power and
ine(uality. &t also "entions things about what wo"en and
"en think bout the body politics and the di$$erence between
the two.
#his article "ainly talks about the "eaning o$ the body politics
% which is described to be a "etaphor in which a nation is considered
to be a corporate entity% being likened to a hu"an body. &t also
talks about how the word +body politic, is de$ined and broken
down . + the word -politic. in this phrase is a post positi/e adjecti/e0
so it is + a body o$ a politic nature rather than a politic o$ a bodily
nature. &t goes on to say that a body politic co"prises all the people
in a particular country and they are considered a single group.
#his article is about the actual "eaning o$ the body politic.
&t gi/es e'a"ples o$ what body politics are. #his site also
gi/es two "eanings o$ what they belie/e body politics are
one including + the collecti/e body o$ a nation or state as
politically organi3ed or as e'ercising political $unctions. #he
second de$inition it ga/e was + a corporation,.
#his article is about the "eaning o$ body politics. &t says
+the body politic,is used to describe the people o$ a go/ern"ent
considerd as a whole% $ro" the go/ern"ent.s leader right
down to ordinary citi3ens., &t says that the body politic is
about the go/ern"ent and the citi3ens as a whole e/en though
so"e people describe it as being just about the go/ern"ent
and e'cluding the citi3ens. &t goes on to say that body politics
are so"eti"es used in a religious sense% the church so"eti"es
/iews itsel$ as the body politic /iewing god as the head o$ the body.$""aryo$latowspoliticso$"l6"71
#his article is going to shorten the thoughts o$ Bruno
8atow.s +politics o$ nature., &t is a break down o$ chapters
o$ the book starting with the introduction. &t talks about
ecologis" and how it cant be si"ply the introductions
o$ nature into politics% because the idea o$ nature and
politics0 both o$ the" depend on a certain conception
o$ science. #he book talks about why political ecology
let go o$ nature and how nature is a particular way o$
totali3ing the "e"bers who share the sa"e co""on world."l
#his article is about the body politic and its i"age. +born out
o$ n ancient sy"bolic association between the body and the
state% the body politic grew during the early "odern period
into a pheno"enal i"age o$ state o$ power,. &t also talks about
how henry the eighth used this thought about the body politic.
&t goes on to talk about how other people also used it such as
(ueen eli3abeth and also about how the body politic doesn.t
allow di/orce and re(uires $or you to produce a son.
#his article is about how wo"en think o$ their body and
their i"age. &t talks about the di$$erent shapes and si3es
and races and how people think o$ their sel/es in di$$erent
ways. &t also describes the opinions o$ people% no "atter
i$ they pre$er "en or wo"en. Basiclaly de$inition
o$ the body politic is just that people.s opinion on their
i"age o$ the"sel/es.
#his article is about ernest 9antoro/ich. 1e was a
historian o$ "edie/al political and intellectual history.
&t talks about his li$e and how he taught at an institute
at !rinceton and he ended up writing and publishing
a book about a king who has two bodies% a body
natural and a body politic. +his body natural is a body
"ortal% subject to all in$i"ities that co"e by nature
or accident., +his body politic is a body that cannot
be seen or handled % consisting o$ policy and go/ern"ent
and constituted $or the direction o$ the people and
the "anage"ent o$ the public weal.,
#his article is about the de$inition o$ body politics
and the true de$inition o$ it. +the ter" body politics
re$ers to the practices and policies through which
powers o$ society regulate the hu"an body% as well
as the struggle o/er the degree o$ indi/idual and
social control o$ the body., &t also talks about the powers
that play in the body politics. &t includes institutional
powers which are e'pressed in go/ern"ent and
laws% personal% discretionary and econo"ic powers.
&t also talks about the $e"inist polices and the abortion
#his article talks about +the body politic and how
it has "ultigenerational and transnational wo"en.s
project in the truest $or"., &t also talks about the
de$inition o$ body politics and how it re$ers to how
so"ething outside o$ our control% na"ely our physical
being% &t goes on to say that body politic is about
the appearance % the shape% color and si3e. &t says
that body politics are to acti/ely create a trans$or"ati/e
e'perience $or its participants

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