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Lesson prepared by:____Rebecca Zastrow__________

Tempera Designing a
CD cover
Subject area Art
Date Week 13-14 Time 2 weeks Grade HS
1B. Use art material and tools safely and responsibly.
1C. Apply organizational principles and functions to solve specific visual arts problems.
2A. Apply knowledge of materials, techniques, and processes to create artwork.
2B. Create artworks that use organizational principles and functions to solve specific visual arts
2D. Apply and adapt subjects, symbols, and creative ideas in artworks and use the skills gained to
solve problems in daily life.
2E. Demonstrate an improved ability to integrate structures, characteristics and principles to
accomplish commercial, personal, communal, or other purposes in art.
5B. Describe the characteristics of a variety of visual arts careers.
OBJECTIVES Through these learning activities, the student will be able to:
-go through the process of designing
-utilize tempera paint skillfully
-mix colors with tempera paint to create the color wheel
-create an original design
-apply words to the design process utilizing either block or bubble letters
INSTRUCTION Teaching strategy: _______________________
Introduction/Instructional activities/Conclusion
Introduction: The students are introduced to the concept of using tempera paint versus the watercolor paint
form the previous project. Mixing paint for the color wheel is demonstrated and the students are shown
examples of CD cover designs.
Instruction: Students receive an explanation of the designs of the CD covers. The students begin by choosing
lyrics to a song. They then think of how to illustrate these lyrics through images to be placed on the CD
cover. The students must also incorporate either bubble or bloc letters into their design to account for the
title of the song as well as the songs artist, taking designing components into consideration as a graphic
design artist would.
Conclusion: Students then apply these strategies to their final project in which they will also begin to add
color with tempera paint. Students will practice with keeping the paint from streaking and aim to have solid
colors throughout the piece.
How this lesson provides for ASSESSMENT of student learning:
Students are asked about their previous experiences with tempera paint. This is then compared to their use
of watercolor paint on the previous project. These skills are then practiced on the color wheel. The students
must also decide on their definition of art. This is explored further through the movie poster journal where
they take into consideration the idea of graphic design as art.
Checking up
Students will begin designing their CDD cover. Taking the qualities of the paint into consideration, the
students must incorporate large spaces into the design in order to maintain proper paint control.
Students will complete their CD cover design, filling all spaces with paint and being careful to not streak the
paint. The students must also match their illustration to the lyrics of the chosen song, incorporating words
for the artist and song title. This will then be a part of their project evaluation.
How this lesson provides DIFFERENTIATION for the students in this class
When demonstrating, the students are able to hear and watch me as I present the ideas. The kinesthetic
learners then get the chance to interact with mixing the paints. Students with lower motor skills begin with a
sketch for the cover, placing their general designs and placing them on the cover. The students are then
allowed to use a net book to look up pictures of clip art. They print off these images, using them as a
reference or stencil for their final project/design. The students are still designing the project as a graphic
artist would.
Color wheel, brushes, tempera paint, paper, pencils, Sharpies, rulers, computer/printer
REFLECTIVE ASSESSMENT of lesson and student success (To be written on back after lesson is taught)

Students responded well to the idea of designing a CD cover. The more relevant the topic
is to the students, the more interested they are in completing the project. The students had no
problem coming up with ideas of songs to illustrate.
When it came to drawing the cover, some students became insecure of their abilities to
draw and did not want to complete the project. Encouraging them to come up with a brief sketch
just to place ideas onto the paper, the students were more receptive of finding images online to
aid their drawing and design. This was a nice alteration in requirements for student with lower
motor skills and presented then with a process to use in the future in order to be successful.
Looking at the final projects, many students struggled with the idea of keeping the paint
from streaking. When working with mixing on the color wheel, the students were working in
small spaces to mix the paint and did not run into the issue if streaking the paint. This issue
became more evident on the final project when the students were filling color in to the larger
spaces. The students would benefit from more practice with controlling the paint and working
with larger paces before continuing on to the final project.

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