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Fare For All

Produce Pack
Nutrition Analysis Toolkit

By Renee Fung

FFA Produce Pack Nutrition Analysis Toolkit
Purpose of the Toolkit
Current Produce Pack sales
Health benefits of Produce Pack

How to Use Produce Pack Nutrition Analysis Tools
Excel Spreadsheet to Calculate Nutrition
Marketing Poster


Questions & Answers

Rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5
(1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5 = Excellent)

1.My knowledge of nutrition of the produce packs

2.My readiness to give more information on the nutrition of produce packs to
Fare For All customers

Final Question:
3. How do you feel about our current Fare For All produce pack sales?

Produce Pack
Nutrition Analysis Toolkit

Purpose of the Toolkit
Staff can promote more produce pack sales

Staff can market health benefits

Staff can market cost benefits

Current Sales of
Produce Pack
Produce vs. Meat sales
January 2014: Produce pack sales (1371) was 22% lower than mega-meat pack sales

Produce sales in January 2013 vs. 2014
January 2013: Of the 3 packs (produce pack, mega-meat pack, and meat-only pack),
produce pack sales made up 33.7% of sales

January 2014: Of the 3 packs, produce pack sales made up 32.2% of sales, meaning sales
decreased 1.5% as compared to the same month last year

Health Benefits of our
Produce Pack
Allows a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Important sources of many nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber, folate,
vitamin A, and vitamin C

Reduces risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, & obesity

Strengthens the immune system

Helps with weight control (lower in calories)

Promotes healthy skin and eyesight

MyPlate Recommends:

o 2 cups of fruits
o 3 cups of vegetables

Total of 5 cups of fruits and
vegetables per day

Fruit & Vegetable Serving
How Much is One Cup?
Generally 1 cup of raw or cooked
vegetables, or 2 cups of raw leafy
greens = 1 cup from the
Vegetable Group

Generally 1 cup of fruit or cup
of dried fruit can be considered
as 1 cup from the Fruit Group

How to Use
Produce Pack
Nutrition Analysis Tools

(demonstration and handout)
Tool to promote health and
cost benefits of produce

May be updated when
produce pack food items


goal of the Toolkit
Staff can promote more produce pack sales

Staff can market health benefits

Staff can market cost benefits

Post- Evaluation
Rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5
(1=Poor, 2=Fair, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5 = Excellent)

1.My knowledge of nutrition of the produce packs

2.My readiness to give more information on the nutrition of produce
packs to Fare For All customers

Final Question:
3. What are your thoughts about the Nutrition Analysis Toolkit? Do
you think it would affect our produce pack sales? How so?

Questions & Answers

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