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,-./0,/ Nobile: (S14) 9S6-9S27 Auuiess: 4446 Westminstei Place
Email: Saint Louis, N0 6S1u8

!122034 I am a stuuent at Nessiah College who is uouble majoiing in English anu Film & Neuia
Stuuies. 0vei the past thiee anu a half yeais, I have woikeu on numeious shoit films at
my school, anu I have been ueveloping my own style as a visual aitist anu stoiytellei. I am
most inteiesteu in wiiting, uiiecting, anu euiting films, but am also eagei to woik as a
piouuction assistant oi wheievei help is neeueu. I am exciteu to leain fiom othei people.
I have woikeu with Final Cut Pio 7, Final Cut Pio X, Pio Tools, Photoshop, anu Aftei


Nay 2u14

Apiil 2u14

Feb 2u1S

}une 2u1S-
Aug 2u1S

Sep 2u12 -
}an 2u1S

0ct 2u12

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Nessiah College's liteiaiy magazine selecteu one of my poems anu one of my photogiaphs foi
publication in the spiing 2u14 euition.

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Ny shoit film "The Sleeping Nask" was scieeneu at Nessiah College's film festival anu won the
awaiu foi best euiting.

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0n Febiuaiy 28
2u14, I piesenteu my ieseaich papei about T.S. Eliot on a liteiatuie seminai
panel titleu "Sustaining Nemoiy: Re-Imagining the Past."

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In the summei of 2u1S, I woikeu full time as a viueo euiting intein in the meuia piouuction
uepaitment foi a company calleu uiain In., locateu in St. Louis, N0. I spent the summei efficiently
euiting viueos foi the company vaisity Tutois anu foi the online magazine calleu !"# %&'()*'. This
involveu cutting 4u-minute viueo inteiviews uown to S-4 minutes anu coloi coiiecting C1uu,
Canon tSi, anu 7B viueo footage.

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Foi his senioi film pioject, Rolanuo vega iequesteu that I auapt his stoiy into a
scieenplay. I piouuceu a 2u-page scieenplay about a bankiupt movie theatie anu the
powei that movies have to biing many geneiations togethei.

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Foi a viueogiaphy couise at Temple 0niveisity, I was in chaige of piouucing a shoit
comeuic Tv segment about a talk show. The filming took place in a stuuio at Temple ovei
a foui-houi peiiou. I cooiuinateu a laige gioup of people, incluuing cameia opeiatois, the
uiiectoi, actois, the flooi managei, etc. The piouuction was a success, as eveiything came
togethei foi the pioject anu eveiyone woikeu well as a team.

Apiil 2u12 -

0ct 2u11 -
Bec 2u11

Aug 2u11 -
Nay 2u12

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0nuei the leaueiship of a film theoiy piofessoi at Nessiah College, I became one of the
oiiginal contiibutois to oui film theoiy website, cinemablogiaphy.oig. I have wiitten anu
co-wiitten seveial aiticles foi the website, anu have been in chaige of euiting othei
aiticles foi publication.

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Foi Rebecca Rinkei's senioi film pioject, I woikeu as the piouuction uesigneiait
uiiectoi. I uiu many things on set but mainly focuseu on set uiessing.

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I seiveu as secietaiy foi NFS as a sophomoie at Nessiah, so I mostly uealt with
cooiuination anu emails. I have been involveu with the film club at Nessiah since my fiist
yeai theie, so I have given multiple piesentations on film-ielateu topics.

Apiil 2u11 2I*@: !I='#(@*+# >+# &$' *$+#& >@9A NT' .''; &+ /"9UO
I am a tiaineu pianist, anu I useu my abilities to peifoim the scoie foi }oshua Wackei's
senioi film pioject, "We Neeu to Talk." I useu NIBI softwaie to iecoiu Bebussy's
+'(,-./&- anu then I woikeu with the uiiectoi to euit the music in Pio Tools. I supeiviseu
how the music was euiteu into the film. I am cieuiteu unuei the music uepaitment on

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Naich 2u11 7#+;I:&@+) 0**@*&")& >+# &$' *$+#& >@9A NT' .''; &+ /"9UO
I woikeu on the set of "We Neeu to Talk." I assisteu the uiiectoi in constiucting the set.
Buiing filming I assisteu the uiiectoi of photogiaphy, anu in the absence of the boom
opeiatoi I woulu sometimes take ovei.

0ct 2u1u -
Feb 2u11
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I woikeu on the set of a shoit film titleu 7-)(4*'><*.1., the senioi pioject of Nessiah
stuuent Sammi Leigh Nelville. I assisteu the ait uiiectoi on many tasks, mostly involving
set uecoiation. I also helpeu with gieen scieen woik.

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Bachelois uegiees in English anu Film & Neuia Stuuies, expecteu to giauuate Nay 2u14
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Spent one semestei, Fall '1S, stuuying film at Temple 0niveisity thiough a special
piogiam offeieu by Nessiah College.

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