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Kyle Talarico

Adam Padgett
ENGL 1102
Feburary, 23, 2014
Annotated Bibliography
I!uiry" I# #ocial media a# big o$ a %roblem a# may e&# article# claim'
Pro%o#ed t(e#i#" )ocial media %roblem# are greatly e*aggerated by t(e e&#+
Rosen, L.D., et al. "Is Facebook Creating Idisorders? The Link Between Clinical Symptoms Of Psychiatric Disorders And
Technology Use, Attitudes And Anxiety." Computers In Human Behavior 29.3 (2013): 1243-1254. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 23 Feb. 2014
T(e goal o$ t(i# #tudy &a# to coclude i$ t(ere are coectio# bet&ee #ocial media ad #i*
%er#oality di#order#, #c(i,oid, arci##i#tic, ati#ocial, com%ul#i-e, %araoid ad (i#trioic+ It
al#o #tudied t(e correlatio bet&ee #ocial media ad t(ree mood di#order#, ma.or de%re##io,
dy#t(ymia ad bi%olar/maia+ T(e #tudy (ad iteret u#er# $rom tee# to adult# $ill out a olie
#ur-ey+ 0#ig t(i# #ur-ey t(ey $oud may correlatio# bet&ee t(e u#e o$ Faceboo1 ad
#e-eral %#yc(ological di#order#+ T(ey &ere able to li1 t(at t(o#e &it( bi%olar/maia geerally
(a-e more $ried# t(a t(o#e &it(out it, oe could i$er t(at t(o#e &it( a (ig( umber o$ $ried#
(a-e bi%olar/maia &(ic( #im%ly mig(t ot be t(e ca#e+ It2# ot #o muc( t(at a (ig( umber o$
$ried# idicate# a #ig o$ bi%olar/maia but t(at a (ig( umber o$ $ried# i# a #ide e$$ect o$
bi%olar/maia+ T(e #tudy (a# a lot o$ i$ormatio coectig t(e %ro%o#ed di#order# &it(
certai correlatio# bet&ee tec(ology today+ T(e limitatio# o$ t(e #tudy are a# $ollo&# t(e
#tudy &a# %er$ormed i #out(er 3ali$oria &(ic( could ot be a good re%re#etatio o$ t(e
&(ole coutry, t(e #tudy doe# ot clear u% t(e !ue#tio o$ cau#e ad e$$ect, it could be t(at
#ocial media cau#e# t(e#e di#order# or t(e di#order# cau#e t(e #ub.ect to reac( out to #ocial
STROM, PARIS, and ROBERT STROM. "Growing Up With Social Networks And Online Communities." Education
Digest 78.1 (2012): 48-51. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.
T(i# article i# about a# t(e title #ugge#t gro&ig u% &it( #ocial media ad t(e %o##ible bee$it# ad
de$icit# o$ (a-ig #ocial media i t(e de-elo%met %roce##+ )ome o$ t(e mai %oit# o$ t(e article are
cyberbullyig ad t(e egati-e e$$ect it ca (a-e o it# -ictim#, (o& t(e time o$ 1ee%ig a Faceboo1
%ro$ile u% to date ca lead to le## meaig$ul $ried#(i%#, ad (o& may yout(# today are begiig to
#tart blog# i#tead o$ %ri-ate .oural#+ T(i# i# im%ortat becau#e it #(o&# (o& muc( tee# today (a-e a
%roblem 1ee%ig t(ig# %ri-ate, o& ot e-e t(e mo#t %ri-ate t(ig#, a .oural, are beig 1e%t %ri-ate
but i#tead are beig %ut o t(e iteret $or e-eryoe to #ee+ It tal1# o$ t(e reliace o te*tig o$ today4#
teeager# ad gi-e# %ercetage# o (o& muc( te*tig i# u#ed bet&ee teeager#+ It al#o %oit# out t(at
t(ere are may u#er# o$ Faceboo1 t(at are &ell uder t(e age o$ 13+
Tazghini, Sarah, and Karen L. Siedlecki. "A Mixed Method Approach To Examining Facebook Use And Its Relationship To
Self-Esteem." Computers In Human Behavior 29.3 (2013): 827-832. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Feb.
T(i# i# a #tudy %er$ormed u#ig college #tudet# a# t(e te#t #ub.ect# ad t(e re#earc( &a#
collected olie+ It# mai $ocu# &a# t(e relatio#(i% bet&ee #ocial media #ite# ad t(e #el$/
e#teem o$ it# u#er#+ It $oud t(at t(o#e &it( lo&er #el$/e#teem &ere more li1ely to acce%t $ried
re!ue#t# $rom %eo%le t(at t(ey do2t 1o& ad $re!uetly utagged t(em#el-e# $rom %(oto#+ It
al#o $oud t(at t(e o%%o#ite, t(o#e &it( (ig(er #el$/e#teem, $oud more e.oymet out o$
%o#tig %(oto# ad #tatu#e#+ T(e %o#iti-e u#e# $or #ocial media t(at &ere gat(ered $rom
#tatemet# o$ t(e %artici%at# &ere mo#tly cetered aroud 1ee%ig i touc( &it( $amily
member# or old $ried# t(at o& li-ed $ar a&ay+ T(e egati-e u#e# t(at &ere gat(ered $rom t(e
#ame !ue#tio &ere cau#ig relatio#(i% co$lict#, lo## o$ %ri-acy, ad t(at it &a# o-erall too
addictig+ )ome limitatio# o$ t(e #tudy &ere t(at t(ere &ere oly 201 %artici%at# ad out o$
t(e 201 oly 135 com%leted t(e #ur-ey yet t(e i$ormatio o$ t(e icom%lete #ur-ey# &a# #till
u#ed ad #till #(o&ed t(e #ame tred# a# t(o#e t(at com%leted t(e #ur-ey+
Greeberg, 6arbara+ 78 Problem# &it( Tee# ad )ocial 9edia+7 The Huffington Post+
T(e:u$$igtoPo#t+com, 20 ;ue 2013+ <eb+ 05 9ar+ 2014+
T(e article i# #et u% a# a letter to a cocered mot(er, t(e letter cotai# eig(t bullet %oit#+ T(e
bullet%oit# co#i#ted o$ loo#ig $ace/to/$ace iteractio, becomig addicted to cell %(oe u#e,
ad #lee%/de%ri-atio+ )(e made a #%ecial %oit o (o& t(e aoymity o$ olie #ite# ca cau#e
tee# to become more aggre##i-e t(a ormal+ I %la to u#e t(i# #ource a# a com%ari#o bet&ee
t(e $act# ad &(at t(e media t(i1# i# t(e %roblem+ It &ould be im%o##ible to cite e*am%le# o$
t(e media2# ideal# &it(out a e*am%le o$ t(em+
Whitehill, Jennifer, M., Libby, N. Brockman, and Megan, A. Moreno. "Just Talk To Me: Communicating With College
Students About Depression Disclosures On Facebook." Journal of Adolescent Health 52.1 (2013): 122-
127. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 6 Mar. 2014
T(i# #tudy ob#er-e# (o& a #tudet #u$$erig $rom de%re##io &ould li1e to a%%roac(ed i$ #omeoe (ad
#ee di#%lay# o$ de%re##io o t(e #u$$er# Faceboo1 %age+ It $oud t(at =3> o$ t(e %artici%at#
&ere com$ortable beig a%%roac(ed by a 1o& adult, ad a%%ro*imately (al$ &ere o1ay &it(
beig a%%roac(ed by a #trager about it+ T(e mode o$ a%%roac( &a# di$$eret $rom 1o& adult# to
#trager#, t(e #tudy $oud t(at a meetig i/%er#o &a# %re$erred $or 1o& adult#, &(ile e/mail
or u#ig a $ried a# a #te%%ig #toe &a# %re$erred $or #trager#+ T(e #tudy &a# coducted o
#tudet# ragig $rom 18 to 1= at a large %ublic ui-er#ity, 50 #tudet# i total %artici%ated i
t(e #tudy &it( 50> beig $emale %artici%at#+ ?ue to #mall #am%le #i,e t(e re#ult# could be a
%oor re%re#etatio $or a larger grou% o$ Faceboo1 u#er#+ T(e #tudy al#o oly c(oo#e #tudet#
&it( %ublic %ro$ile# &(ic( mea# t(e re#ult# could be di$$eret $or t(o#e &it( more %ri-ate

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