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1. The following have vasodilating effects: A)Antidiuretic hormone B) Calcitonin C) Endothelin

D) Renin E) Somatostatin
2. Contraindications to streptokinase are: A) Age over 75 years B) Atrial fibrillation C) Asthma
D) Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus E) Background diabetic retinopathy
3. Regarding acute myocardial infarction, the following are true: A) Heparin is beneficial if given
with streptokinase B) Dipyridamole reduces reinfarction within the first year C) Prophylactic lidocaine
given in the first 48 hours is effective in preventing ventricular fibrillation
D) Pansystolic murmur developing the first 48 hours does not require further investigation
E)dihydropyridines increase the risk of MI
4. One week after an acute myocardial infarction that has been thrombolysed with
streptokinase: A) The plasma troponin concentration continues to remain high. B) Total cholesterol will
be higher than the pre-infarct level. C) patients may drive their car after discharge. D) Ischaemic pains
recurring post MI is an indication for urgent coronary angiography E) re infarction may be treated with
repeat streptokinase
5. An Early Diastolic Murmur at the left sternal edge is characteristic in: A) Mitral stenosis
B) Ankylosing spondylitis C) Pulmonary stenosis D) SLE E) Eisenmenger's syndrome
6. The following have been shown to reduce systemic blood pressure:
A) intravenous infusion of endothelin B) dietary potassium supplementation C) intravenous infusion of
salbutamol D) isometric exercise E) omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplementation
7. Infective endocarditis rarely occurs with: A) Mitral valve prolapse
B) Patent ductus arteriosus C) Bicuspid aortic valve D) Atrial septal defect E) Tight mitral stenosis
8. The following statements concerning primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension
are correct: A) Central cyanosis at rest is a characteristic feature. B) It is a recognised cause of finger
clubbing. C) The pulmonary capillary (wedge) pressure is normal. D) The pulmonary vascular
resistance does not vary. E) There are prominent 'a' waves in the jugular venous pulse.
9. Isolated right heart failure is caused by: A)Constrictive pericarditis B) Ebstein's anomaly
C) Beri-beri D) Cardiac tamponade E) Myocarditis
10. A short PR interval on the ECG is associated with:
A) hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy B) dystrophia myotonica C) Lown-Ganong-Levine
syndrome D) rheumatic carditis E) Duchenne muscular dystrophy
11. In a patient with low blood pressure and raised JVP the following would make a
diagnosis of pericardial tamponade less likely: A) a large heart shadow on the CXR
B) absence of a 3rd heart sound C) failure to show a pericardial effusion at ECHO
D) a fall in the JVP on inspiration E) electrical alternans on the EC
12. Concerning congenital heart disease: A) ASD is the commonest malformation at birth
B) osteogenesis imperfecta is associated with aortic stenosis C) Ebstein's anomaly is associated with
maternal exposure to lithium carbonate D) congenital complete heart block is usually associated with
Anti-Ro antibodies in the mother E) hypoplastic left heart syndrome is characterised by a large, dilated
left ventricle
13. The mitral diastolic murmur of Austin Flint: A) Is associated with a loud first heart sound
B) is an early sign of aortic regurgitation C) can be distinguished from the murmur of mitral stenosis by
absence of presystolic accentuation D) is due to partial closure of the posterior leaflet of the mitral
valve E) does not occur in aortic incompetence secondary to an aortitis
14. Which of these statements are true of right ventricular failure?
A) pulmonary artery wedge pressure is unaffected B) emphysema is a rare cause
C) pulsus alternans occurs D) left ventricular ejection fraction is usually reduced
E) central venous pressure is usually greater than 4 mmHg
15. The following are true of coronary artery anatomy:
A) Right bundle branch block in acute anterior myocardial infarction suggests obstruction
prior to the first septal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery
B) the posterior descending artery is usually a branch of the circumflex artery
C) The sinus node is supplied by a branch of the right coronary in over 90% of subjects.
D) The AV node is supplied by the left anterior descending coronary artery.
E) The left main stem is about 4 cm long false
16. The calibre of arterioles is affected as follows:
A) angiotensin II causes marked vasodilatation
B) epinephrine causes vasodilatation in skeletal muscles
C) decreased oxygen tension causes vasodilatation
D) locally released serotonin causes vasoconstriction
E) increased noradrenergic discharge causes vasodilatation
17. Typical features of complete heart block include: A) a wide pulse pressure B) irregular cannon
'a' waves C) paradoxical splitting of the second heart sound D) an increase in pulse rate with amyl
nitrite E)a mid-diastolic murmur over the apex
18. Serum digoxin concentrations are increased when given with
A) Amiodarone B) Atenolol C) Cholestyramine D) Quinine E) Verapamil
19. Ostium secundum ASD is associated with
A) tricuspid regurgitation B) left bundle branch block C) fixed splitting of the second heart sound
D) onset of atrial fibrillation in the second decade E) mitral stenosis
20. Rapid bolus intravenous adenosine would be expected to terminate the following
arrhythmias: A) atrial flutter with 2:1 atrioventricular block B) paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
C) atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia D) orthodromic atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia
E) catecholamine-sensitive ventricular tachycardia

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