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Jeopardy AP World Studies Unit 5

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

100 200 300 400


100 200 300 400


100 200 300 400


100 200 300 400


100 200 300 400


100 Points
Republic founded by the Boers in the 1950s

100 Points

What is Transvaal

Theme 1 Prompt 200 Points

Dynastic Name taken by the Manchu

dynasty was

Theme 1 Response 200 Points

What is the Qing dynasty

Theme 1 Prompt 300 Points

The belief that the US was destined to

rule the North American continent

from coast to coast

Theme 1 Response 300 Points

What is Manifest Destiny

Theme 1 Prompt 400 Points

This minister was responsible for enacting reforms for the peasantry following the revolution of 1905

Theme 1 Response 400 Points

Who is Stolypin

Theme 1 Prompt 500 Points

British officers hunting pigeons accidently shot the wife of a Muslim prayer leader and were subsequently assaulted.

Theme 1 Response 500 Points

What is The Dinshawi incident

Theme 2 Prompt 100 Points

What was the primary goal of Zapatas forces within the Mexican Revolution?

Theme 2 Response 100 Points

What is sweeping land reform

Theme 2 Prompt 200 Points

Hitlers foreign and military policies were based on

Theme 2 Response 200 Points

What is preparation of war

Theme 2 Prompt 300 Points

Who was the leader of the Russian government after the March Revolution

Theme 2 Response 300 Points

Who is Alexander Kerensky

Theme 2 Prompt 400 Points

By what decade had the European colonization of most black Africa come to an end

Theme 2 Response 400 Points

What is 1960s

Theme 2 Prompt 500 Points

Independent labor movement in Poland that challenged Soviet dominance was called

Theme 2 Response 500 Points

What is Solidarity

Theme 3 Prompt 100 Points

Vietnamese nationalists in 1954 decisively defeated the French at the battle of

Theme 3 Response 100 Points

What is Dien Bien Phu

Theme 3 Prompt 200 Points

Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies and who sometimes seized the national government were called.

Theme 3 Response 200 Points

What are Caudillos

Theme 3 Prompt 300 Points

Failure in what war led to the Russian revolution of 1905

Theme 3 Response 300 Points

What is Russo- Japanese

Theme 3 Prompt 400 Points

Politician first challenged the Mexican government in 1910?

Theme 3 Response 400 Points

Who is Francisco Madero?

Theme 3 Prompt 500 Points

The Nazi invasion of this country in 1939 put an end to the idea of appeasement

Theme 3 Response 500 Points

What was the invasion of Poland

Theme 4 Prompt 100 Points

The textbook mentions this company

as the most striking international

cultural influence since the 1970s

Theme 4 Response 100 Points

What is McDonalds

Theme 4 Prompt 200 Points

In what century did most of Latin

American countries achieve their


Theme 4 Response 200 Points

What is the 19th century

Theme 4 Prompt 300 Points

What group was responsible for the overthrow of the Ottoman Sultanate in 1980?

Theme 4 Response 300 Points

What is the Ottoman Society for

Union and Progress

Theme 4 Prompt 400 Points

The communal holdings created as part of the program of land reform following the Mexican Revolution were called this.

Theme 4 Response 400 Points

What is Ejidos

Theme 4 Prompt 500 Points

Soviet Agricultural policy

immediately following Stalins

concentration of power in 1928

Theme 4 Response 500 Points

What is collectivization

Theme 5 Prompt 100 Points

Work by Simone de Beauvior.

Signified the beginning of the new

feminism in 1949

Theme 5 Response 100 Points

What is The Second Sex.

Theme 5 Prompt 200 Points

The gang of four were

Theme 5 Response 200 Points

What is Jiang Qing and three allies

who contested for power with the

pramatists on behalf of the aging


Theme 5 Prompt 300 Points

Working class and rural men and

women were integrated into the global

network mainly as

Theme 5 Response 300 Points

What is skilled workers

Theme 5 Prompt 400 Points

Who proposed evolution in the 1859 as the basis of biological developement

Theme 5 Response 400 Points

What is Charles Darwin

Theme 5 Prompt 500 Points

Person responsible for managing the

unification of Italy

Theme 5 Response 500 Points

Who is Count Camillo di Cavour

Final Jeopardy Between 1832 and 1854, dominated Mexican politics (THIS GUY)

Who is Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

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