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PROJECT SPACE Professor Koning Spring 2014

Having completed an abbreviated ethnography/space analysis in 113A, you are ready to take on a more in-depth space analysis. This project considers the socioeconomics and politics o space. !hile space can be de ined as urban, community and personal, it may also be institutional "e.g. the university and hospital#. !e$re interested in ho% space shapes our conception o %orld, sel , and other. &roject 'pace re(uires that you orm groups o ) or * to do ield%ork "go beyond the classroom# and report on the physical and cultural geographies o a particular area or structure, the virtual or material representation o that area or structure+ and/or the e ects o a particular area or structure on our understanding o race, class and gender "e.g. ho% your building re lects raciali,ed or classist attitudes#. A survey and demographic analysis must be conducted/completed by each group. &roject 'pace -ptions. -ne speci ic shopping center T%o shopping malls/supermarkets/etc., one in an a luent neighborhood and one in a %orking class/less a luent neighborhood or %ith t%o di erent objectives "e.g., /odeo 0rive vs. &anorama 1ity+ The Americana vs. 2lendale 2alleria# 0isneyland or other theme park 3as 4egas A particular attraction/destination5e.g., 'an 0iego$s 2aslamp 0istrict, 'anta 6arbara$s 'tate 'treet, 'anta 7onica &ier/&romenade, etc.

This is not an e8haustive list. &lease see me or approval i you have other ideas59 am e8cited to hear them: /esources. 7ike 0avis, ;<ortress 3os Angeles= 7ichael 'orkin, ;'ee >ou in 0isneyland= ?enneth @ackson, ;All the !orld$s a 7all= 7argaret 1ra% ord, ;The !orld in a 'hopping 7all= Requirements: Mood e ref e!tions "10 points e#!$ % &0 points tot# '( Each student is re(uired to post & Mood e posts re lecting on the idea o space. The re lection may be a response to a particular reading assignment or to an idea discussed in class relevant or your &roject 'pace paper. Each post should be 350-500 words in length) be academic in content and style) #nd should incorporate outside links to course-related Websites or use some form of new media/visual rhetoric( Prospe!tus "2* points'( Aach student is re(uired to submit a 1+p#ge prospe!tus that presents your thesis and includes an in ormal outline o your ideas and anticipated essay structure. >our prospectus must also include #n #nnot#ted ,i, iogr#p$- of #t e#st 2 #!#demi! i,r#r- sour!es you %ill be using in your essay. Our course reading(s) can be included but cannot count for one of the two library sources.

o >our annotated bibliography should include at least t%o MLA-formatted citations, each with a 100-1 0 word summary. "Ho% to !rite an Annotated 6ibliography - &urdue -!3# Peer "1* points'. Aach student %ill post a rough dra t o their &roject 'pace paper to an assigned peer revie% group orum on 7oodle and then complete detailed peer revie% eedback and evaluations or each peer in his or her group. 0roup present#tion "&0 points'( E#!$ group of four "one group /i $#.e t$ree mem,ers' /i report on t$e fie d/or1 done that e8plores the implications and e ects o space. The presentation should use ;ne%= media technologies "e.g. &o%er&oint, 2oogle presentation, video, %ebsite# and be at least 1* minutes in length. A survey and demographic analysis conducted/completed by the group must be included as %ell as real-%orld e8amples and re erences to the readings. A %orks cited must also be included at the end o the presentation. o &resentations %ill be assessed per the presentation rubric. o Aach group member %ill complete a one-page sel -evaluation describing her or his contribution to the group. 2orm# Argument#ti.e Ess#- "100 points'( Each student %ill %rite a form# #rgument#ti.e ess#"at least our pages, Times Be% /oman 1C point ont# that urther e8plores an issue highlighted during the group ield%ork. Pro3e!t Sp#!e P#per 1onsider ho% the particular space you studied during your group %ork re lects some orm o ideology or ho% it shapes our understanding o di erence. !oes the s"ace highlight a s"ecific social and#or "olitical issue$ !oes the s"ace reflect socioeconomic concerns$ Are certain issues connected#related to "articular s"aces$ !ith this in mind "as %ell as issues related to %arbology and consumerism discussed last semester or those o you continuing on %ith me#, respond to one o the ollo%ing (uestions or your &roject 'pace &aper. Ho% do you de ine your selected space"s#D !hat are the similarities/di erences bet%een your selected spaces and %hat are the implicationsD

4our p#per must in! ude: A det#i ed des!ription of -our se e!ted sp#!e"s' 5#t# g#t$ered from -our sur.e-6demogr#p$i! rese#r!$ "findings' Rese#r!$ from #t e#st four !redi, e #!#demi! i,r#r- sour!es A t$oroug$ #n# -sis of t$e me#ning of -our se e!ted sp#!e"s' A /or1s !ited p#ge

Ess#- Requirements: A 1+p#ge prospe!tus that presents your essay introduction and thesis, and an in ormal outline o your ideas and anticipated essay structure. >our prospectus should also include #n #nnot#ted ,i, iogr#p$of #t e#st 2 outside sour!es you %ill be using in your essay. o >our annotated bibliography should include the MLA citation and a 100-1 0 word summary o your source. "http.//

&eer /evie% o >ou %ill participate in peer revie% %ith your group members. >ou %ill revie% your peers$ essays and they %ill revie% yours. &olished dra t that is #t e#st four t-ped) dou, e+sp#!ed p#ges, form#tted #!!ording to M7A guide ines %ith Times 8e/ Rom#n 12 pt( font and 19 m#rgins. >ou must in! ude # :or1s Cited p#ge. o &esearch is re'uired for this assignment. >ou should include material rom at least 4 #!#demi! sour!es "from your own research, not class readings#. Any outside material you include must be rom credible sources such as material rom the library, articles rom the library databases or ne%spaper/journal articles. 9 you are using material that comes rom a source other than those 9$ve listed, you must sho% me the material or approval. o >our essay should be #rgument#ti.e #nd t$esis+dri.en, supported %ith logical reasons, e8planations and evidence. o 6ecause there is al%ays more than one side to an issue, your essay should incorporate and discuss possible counterarguments and opposing vie%s. o >our essay should re lect rhetorical a%areness and address a general, academic audience. 5ue 5#tes: FC.FG.1) FC.11.1) FC.13.1) FC.CF.1) F3.FC.1) Assay 1 &rospectus due "7oodle# by 11.** &7 &roject 'pace &resentations "in class# &roject 'pace &resentations "in class# &ost /ough 0ra t to 2roup <orum or &eer /evie% Assay 1 &olished dra t due "7oodle# by 11.** &7

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