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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Day 9 Research Unit Kayla Gerkin

Content Standards Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening Prepare for audience and purpose by ensuring proper length of presentation, suitable mode of dress, appropriate topic, and engaging content Present claims and findings, emphasi ing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent descriptions, facts, details, and e!amples" use appropriate eye contact, ade#uate volume, and clear pronunciation$ Prepare presentation of research findings %written, oral, or a visual product& for clarity of content and effect, and grammatically correct use of language, spelling, and mechanics 'hat determines the value of a person( Students will present their findings as a group in front of the class Students will take a post test to demonstrate their knowledge gained over the unit$ Students will do a self reflection in their notebooks about their effort throughout the unit$ Students will present their findings Students will take a post test Students will complete a self reflection Presentations, Post Test, )eflection 'rapping it Up *+ minutes ,oing over the game plan and beginning with presentations$ -$ 'ill go over the .game plan/ for the day 0$ 1iscuss the reading 2ournal assignment$ 3$ )emind students what it takes to make a good presentation$ 4$ 5egin with the remaining groups to present their information$ 6$ 7nce the first group has gone, have any remaining groups go$ 8$ 7nce the presentations are finished, pass out the post test to students$ a$ Provide about -+ minutes to take the test$ 1uring the last -90 minutes, have students check their notes to make sure there isn:t anything that they missed, and to double check their answers$ ;$ Those students that have finished the post test can move on to the reflection$ They need to answer the five #uestions displayed on the board on the ne!t blank page in their notebook$ *$ 'hen they are finished with the post test, collect it$ <$ 'hen they are finished with the reflection, have them raise their hands$ ,o around and stamp their last activity and then count how many stamps they have$ )ecord on student chart sheet$ -+$ 5ecause this is my last day of instruction, = am having students fill out an evaluation sheet of my teaching$ They will put this on the chair at the front of the room$

Inquiry Questions Concepts and Skills Students will Master !"idence #utco$es Goals %earnin& 'ar&et #()ecti"es Student !n&a&e$ent *cti"ity +a$e *ppro,- 'i$e *nticipatory Set 'eachin& .resentation/ %Select the most appropriate teaching model$& 0direct instruction -presentation model -concept teaching -cooperative learning -inquiry Guided .ractice Independent .ractice CSU

Colorado State University College of Applied Human Sciences Page 1

STEPP Lesson Plan Form Modelin& Input Closure Materials *cco$$odations 1 Modi2ications Ticket out the door is the teacher evaluation sheet$ )eading 2ournal forms, smart board, post test, notebooks, reflection #uestions, evaluation handout, stamp and stamp pad, student chart sheet$ This unit does a really good 2ob of meeting any accommodations, modifications, and e!tensions on its own$ Students will do what they can, based on the research they look for and how much research they look for$ They are also able to research in English, ,eography, and during their EL7 class period$ Students will be able to receive help on their post test through their notes in their notebook and teachers in the room$ >ssessment will be done via the presentations, post test, and the stamp activities done throughout the unit$ >ny e!tra time will be devoted to discussing the poetry contest$ --$ =f there is time, we will talk about the poetry contest coming up$

*ssess$ent !,tra 'i$e

Re2lection/ I a$ pretty happy with how this unit ended- *ll o2 $y students put a lot o2 e22ort in to their presentations3 as well as their sel2 re2lectionsMy post0test assess$ents showed a &reat deal o2 &rowth 2ro$ the pre0 tests3 and $y students &a"e $e so$e use2ul 2eed(ack on what I do well as a teacher and what I can do to (eco$e a (etter teacher- !"erythin& went really well- *ny chan&es that I would $ake to the unit as a whole ha"e (een discussed in $y student teachin& re2lection-

Colorado State University College of Applied Human Sciences Page 2

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