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Febiuaiy 11, 2u14

To Whom It Nay Concein:

I woulu like to highly iecommenu Nicole Blight foi a teaching position at youi
school. I hau the piivilege of being Nicole's coopeiating teachei while she
taught in my fifth giaue classioom. She was iesponsible foi teaching all
subjects except Science uuiing hei tenuie.
Nicole is piofessional, confiuent anu enthusiastic in anu out of the classioom.
Bei positive attituue anu stiong woik ethic was obvious thioughout hei
expeiience. Bei compassion foi stuuents is eviuent as she unueistanus each
stuuent has an inuiviuual situation that may iequiie special attention.
Bei willingness to seek out anu tiy new stiategies was appaient anu she maue
aujustments in instiuction when necessaiy. Nicole was ieflective of lessons
by asking foi feeuback anu suggestions to implement in the futuie. She was
piepaieu eveiyuay foi lessons anu put in many houis outsiue of class to
pioviue the best expeiience foi all stuuents. Within hei sessions, she useu
technology, hanus-on appioaches anu coopeiative activities to fully engage
I am fully confiuent in Nicole's ability to be an effective euucatoi anu will be
an asset to youi teaching staff. She pioveu hei ueuication to stuuents, showeu
iespect foi uiffeiences in peisonalities anu abilities while successfully
managing a classioom inuepenuently. It is with pleasuie anu piiue that I
iecommenu Nicole foi a teaching position. Feel fiee to contact me at
Beiui.mccoiunapoleonschools.oig oi S17-9uS-S744.
With Kinu Regaius,
Beiui NcCoiu

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