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1he 8esplraLory SysLem

8y: Lauren Ll
Pave you ever wondered whlch human body sysLem helps you
breaLhe? lL ls your 8esplraLory SysLem. ?our 8esplraLory SysLem
supplles Lhe blood wlLh oxygen. When you breaLhe your 8esplraLory
SysLem ls aL work. When you lnhale you breaLhe ln oxygen, and when
you exhale you breaLhe ouL carbon dloxlde. uld you know LhaL planLs
exhale carbon dloxlde so aL nlghL you shouldn'L puL planLs ln your
room, because wlLhouL oxygen we cannoL breaLhe?
uld you know LhaL Lhe ma[or organs of Lhe 8esplraLory SysLem
are your lungs, dlaphragm, Lrachea, nose, and more? ?our ulaphragm
ls locaLed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe lungs, lL separaLes Lhe lungs and Lhe
sLomach. When you lnhale your ulaphragm moves upwards, when you
exhale your ulaphragm moves downwards. ?our hearL ls also one of
Lhe mosL lmporLanL organs ln Lhe sysLem,
because when you breaLhe Lhe hearL wlll
pump by lLs self (lnvolunLary muscle). ln
your Lrachea, alr Lravels down so you can
breaLhe. ?our nose ls also one of Lhe
lmporLanL organs, because lL ls whaL you
use Lo breaLhe wlLh. Powever, your lung ls
also an lmporLanL organ, lL ls surrounded by Lhe rlbcage. ?our
bronchlal Lubes are locaLed lnslde your lungs, Lhe alr moves lnLo
smaller passages.
1here are many dlseases assoclaLed wlLh Lhe 8esplraLory SysLem,
e.g. Lmphysema, lung cancer, Sars, AsLhma, lnfluenza, hlegm and
more. Lmphysema, Lung cancer, and AsLhma are a dlsease LhaL wlll
make you hard Lo breaLh. Smoklng causes lung Cancer, because some
people smoke so Lhe bacLerla damages Lhe cllla (small halr ln Lubes). lf
you llve wlLh a person who smokes, you have 20-30 LhaL you wlll
have Lung Cancer, even Lhough lf you never smoked. 1haL ls why a loL
of people dle wlLh lung cancer.
1o keep Lhe 8esplraLory SysLem healLhy, we
should never smoke, avold alr polluLlon, Loxlc
wasLe, polsonous gas, and do regular exerclse e.g.
runnlng, swlmmlng. lf you are golng ouL and you
wanL Lo avold Loxlc wasLe, polsonous gas, and alr
polluLlon you can wear a mask, geL a Lowel and cover your nose, or
you can go Lo oLher places where Lhere are noL as much polluLlon.
uld you know LhaL many sysLems have Lo work LogeLher? 1he
8esplraLory SysLem lnLeracLs wlLh
many oLher sysLems, e.g. Lhe
ClrculaLory SysLem, Lhe nervous
sysLem, Lhe ulgesLlve sysLem, Lhe
Muscular SysLem and more. 1he
8esplraLory SysLem lnLeracLs wlLh
Lhe ClrculaLory SysLem because Lhe
clrculaLory sysLem geLs oxygen
Lhrough cells. 1he nervous SysLem conLrols Lhe breaLhlng raLe of Lhe
8esplraLory SysLem. WlLhouL Lhe Muscular SysLem we won'L be able Lo
breaLhe wlLhouL our muscles. 1he ulgesLlve SysLem provldes energy Lo
body cells so LhaL ls why lL lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe sysLem.
AfLer you flnlsh readlng Lhls reporL, l hoped you learnL a loL
abouL Lhe 8esplraLory SysLem. now you've learnL Lo keep Lhe sysLem
healLhy, so l hope you won'L geL one of Lhose dlseases.

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