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Birth Control Debate Should teens be allowed to take birth control?

Rachel Reed

English IV Mrs. Jones April 24, 2014

Outline Thesis: Based on explanations and moralistic background, is it right to allow young teens to retrieve and take the unethical drugs. I. Background information on how birth control came about unto the world. A. Margret Sanger and difficulties of getting birth control in peoples life. II. The Pros and Cons off letting people, main adolescents use birth control. A. The different medicines and tools used to prevent pregnancy. B. From Norris Cotton Center Help explain the benefits or taking birth control. C. Studies show that there are more bad things that can happen from birth control than good. D. Birth control is not always defective and can lose worth early. E. It does not protect against everything such as AIDS and etc. III. HIV and AIDS effects mostly young teens starting sexual activity early.

A. HIV and AIDS in being spread across the world only effects humans. B. Statics show more infections and health problems in teens according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. IV. Religious leaders dont like promoting birth control or early sex in teen, it ungodly and affects them badly. A. Stephen Nimako is upset with how far teen sex has gotten. B. Birth control not only affects the body but also the teens developing mind. V. People are trying to make it easier for teens to get birth control without prescription. A. Theres a concern on French regulators on the dangerous drug. B. Facts show that teens should not be allowed birth control.

Birth Control Debate Should teens be allowed to take birth control? Did you know that there are proximately 3 million adolescents relying on the pill or implantable method of birth control, but less than half understand the problems birth control may cause. Birth control is the process of preventing pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, or implantation (Modern Medical Guide). Using birth control can be a positive decision, but we fail to see how it effects others negatively, especially our teens. Based on explanations and moralistic background, is it right to allow young teens to retrieve and take the unethical drugs. Background Margret Sanger, a pioneer who started the birth control movement. It was created because of maternal deaths due to abortions. Few clinics were open in 1916 but shut down because of bad publicity. In the 1930s a Penal Code was set to stop advertising birth control and a fine to anyone, even married couples, who were found using any form or birth control, condoms etc. Later, the contraception was later legalized for physicians to give to patients. Sanger then started a Planned Parenthood Federation with doctor rights to inform patients about birth control.

Pros and Cons of Birth Control (BC) Did you know that one in five American girls between the ages of 13 through 18 is on the birth control; the age is getting younger and younger. There are many different forms of birth control thats provided helps prevent pregnancy. Lippes loop is a plastic flexible device fit in uterus and helps prevent fertilization affect ways egg or sperm move, Norplant implant, which is six thin plastic rods under skin of upper arm and keep ovaries from releasing egg and mucus, also a patch (orthro evra), which works the same as Norplant and others. These are some of the well known BC medicine, but there are many more positive thing birth control can do for a person. According to the health encyclopedia of Norris Cotton Center (2014), birth control reduces cramps, ovulation pain, and lower anemia risk. It also states how some may help less chance of ectopic pregnancy - pregnancy out of the uterus acne and ovarian cysts fluid that forms inside an ovary. While it is true that birth control helps prevent unwanted pregnancy, this doesnt account for allowing teens to take part in this harmful drug used to kill off unwanted babies and brings unwanted health problems upon those taking them. Studies have shown a lot more issues and development of taking birth control then there are in being an aid. Some say

teens need birth control because it lessens teen pregnancy, which it does, but some also may also think it condom in teen sex. The younger they start having sex, the more possible they are of getting a disease. According to Consumer Health News, about 253 teens in study dont know anything about infections, AIDS, etc that birth control cause and wont effect (Many Teens). This discovering is concluding that American teens are blind to the down side of accepting BC for example. The Lippes can cause physical problems and infection become prevalent. Birth control shots cause bone loss which is more of a concern for teens because they should be building up bone mass. Certain birth control tools can also be defective as well, such as the patch. If the patch hits direct sun light or heat it will release hormones from it and stop working earlier the usually. As some people argue that birth control is a great thing for teens to partake in, they see how it can cause later pregnancy problems in the childs life. These helpful contraceptives are so dangerous that if a woman stops taking birth control and try to have children it may less their chances and make child birth more difficult. Some lucky women who are able to conceive and have children after birth control wont always be able to breast feed because of reduced milk supply to the pill or shot etc. It blinds your

receiving cell, block hormones and can cause heavy bleeding that can last up to about two weeks. Most importantly it does not stop one from receiving sexually transmitted infections (STI) or HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). HIV and AIDS HIV is particularly a virus that can only infect humans. HIV attacks your T- cells and uses them to multiply itself. When HV destroy too many cells it means AIDS. A person with HIV can affect another person an unknown open womb with easy access. STIs is an infection pass from person to person through sexual activity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). These diseases can bring harm to more than a billion people around the world. A statistics list stated, in the U.S. theyre about 19 million affected yearly, but most of these infections are among young people ages 15 to 24 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). There is also a lot of health problem. It can cause cancer, infertility diseases, and organ damage. Is it still correct to allow youth to take part in getting birth control even though it not only cause awful body effects, numerous infections and deadly diseases, it is against most peoples religion.

Religious Beliefs and Teens Effects These abortion causing drug go against some faith and make families choose between the laws of the land or maintaining religious beliefs. Many religious leaders are unhappy about offering adolescents birth control. Prophet Stephen Nimako expresses, Christianity is not only dressing gorgeously to attend church services, but the exhibition of practical Christian values, goo morals, and virtues that would impact meaningfully on the society (Religious Minister Expresses Concern). Allowing the youth to have this drug is going against the family morals and beliefs which cause problems. Its providing them easier way to go against Gods way of life and not waiting till marriage. Birth control also affects a teen mind. It encourages them to have sex freely with no care. Promiscuity in teens is a great problem in America. According to the statistics of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 36.9 percent of 14-year-olds have had sex - more than one out of three (Sexual Promiscuity in Adolescents). They participate in risky behaviors that cause them to have mental and physical issues.

Regulators The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) cleared the drug as on of the most serious regulatory concerns from French regulators. According to a statement on the website of ANSM, the drugs, as of mid-January 2014, will be allowed to return to the French market. Gaffney, RAC, also said, a risk management plan will be established by each manufacturer in order to "minimize risks and in particular to study the use of these drugs"(Safety Concerns Assuaged). Based on these statics and reports, its clearly seen that teen are not stabile able to condom in taking birth control. Even though these problems affect women of all ages, it is more harmful to the youth. The bad outweighs the good. So should teen still be allowed to receive these treacherous drugs called birth control?


"Birth Control in the 1930s." DISCovering U.S. History. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. "Contraception." World of Health. Gale, 2007. Student Resources in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

Gaffney, RAC , A. (2014). Retrieved March 14, 2014, from

GNA (2014). Religious minister expresses concern about youth sexual promiscuity | Regional News 2004-04-27. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from her Institute (2014). Contraceptive Use in the United States. Retrieved March 17, 2014, from

"Issues and Developments in Birth Control since 1950." Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer. Vol. 7. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Student Resources in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

"Many Teens Don't Discuss Their Sex Life at Annual Checkup; Doctors are missing opportunities to educate teens about healthy sexual behaviors, researchers say."

Consumer Health News [English] 31 Dec. 2013. Student Resources in Context. Web. 20 Mar. 2014. Norris Cotton Center (2014). Birth Control: Pros and Cons of Hormonal Methods | Health Encyclopedia | Norris Cotton Cancer Center. Retrieved March 11, 2014, from, Inc. (2014). Birth Control Debate Surfaces Awful Arguments. Retrieved March 19, 2014, from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2012, July 16). Sexually transmitted infections (STI) fact sheet | Retrieved March 19, 2014, from

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