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This lesson is aimeu foi 9

giaueis who aie taking Algebia I. The majoiity of these stuuents have
nevei taken Algebia I befoie, but theie aie two oi thiee of them who have pieviously taken a similai
couise. This makes it uifficult to make the class inteiesting foi those two oi thiee stuuents because foi
many of them the mateiial is ieview. I am tiying to figuie out a way to make the class moie challenging
foi them by making it less about computing pioblems, anu moie about conceptual unueistanuing.
0nfoitunately, my classioom mentoi piefeis to stick to computational unueistanuing because that is
what they will be testeu on when they take the Keystones. I think the essential question of this couise is
figuiing out how to get stuuents to be moie inuepenuent when thinking about mathematics. Nany of
them unueistanu pioblems when I compute them on the boaiu, anu then they aie askeu to compute them
on theii own. Bowevei, veiy few stuuents aie confiuant enough to think about pioblems anu apply
pievious knowleuge to solving moie uifficult pioblems. I want them to tiy to giasp this confiuence anu
unueistanuing thioughout the couise. I want them to become moie inuepenuent thinkeis iathei than
"moueleis." I will be using the Algebia I Bolt Textbook to foimulate my lessons anu Pizzazz Woiksheets
foi homewoik assignments. I especially like the Pizzazz assignments because they allow stuuents to check
theii woik as opposeu to wonueiing about the coiiect answeis. I am emphasizing inuepenuent thinking
anu piactice along with ieal woilu examples that aie applicable to inequality expiessions. If stuuents can
see the ieal woilu implications of the math that they aie leaining, then I think they will be moie investeu
in theii leaining piocess anu moie willing to paiticipate anu think in class.

Nolly Southam
CN: Linua Quinlan
Class: Algebia I
uiaue: 9

Peiiou: 1
, 4

!"#$%: uiaphing Inequalities
&'()*$'+ -'(.*/01'($'+: Stuuents will be able to ueteimine how to move along the numbei line.
They shoulu be able to say that when something is gieatei than, they will move to the iight anu
when something is less than they will move to the left. Stuuents will be able to cieate theii own
iules baseu on given infoimation-when they cieate iules foi inequalities.
&//.'0$12 3)./0$"'4/5:
1. What is the uefinition of inequality.
2. What uoes it mean to be gieatei than.
S. What uoes it mean to be less than.
4. What is the uiffeience between being gieatei than oi equal to.
S. What is the uiffeience between being less than oi equal to.
1. Befining inequality symbols
2. uiaphing inequalities
S. Iuentifying equations looking at an
inequality giaph
7$0: This is the fiist time stuuents aie being
exposeu to inequalities. I want to ielay to them
that it is veiy similai to solving iegulai
9.1/)*.1:2. ;:<.%0$=./>
?@ 6*1#A$'+ B'.C)12$0$./
D@ E.0.*F$'$'+ B'.C)12$0$./ :1/.( "' 1
?@ E" H"IJ B 2$K. 0" %A.%K 0A.$* E" H"IL/
"' 1 (1$2M :1/$/ 0" /.. 0A10 0A.M 1*.
("$'+ /"F.0A$'+ $' %21// 1'( 0"
(.0.*F$'. IA10 /"F. "N 0A.$*
F$/)'(.*/01'($'+/ F$+A0 :.@
D@ O"F.I"*K
80)(.'0 P*.*.C)$/$0. Q'"I2.(+.: Solving Equations
8)FF1*M R S$/0 "N Q.M T"'%.#0/ U"%1:)21*M:
1. Inequalities
2. uieatei than

Nolly Southam
CN: Linua Quinlan
Class: Algebia I
uiaue: 9

Peiiou: 1
, 4

!"#$%: Solving Inequalities
&'()*$'+ -'(.*/01'($'+: Stuuents will be able to unueistanu how ceitain mathematical
opeiations affect vaiious mathematical opeiations.
&//.'0$12 3)./0$"'4/5: Bow uoes auuing, subtiacting, multiplying, anu uiviuing positive anu
negative numbeis impact inequality equations.
6"12: Stuuents will be able to calculate one step
inequalities anu explain each of theii steps.
7$0: Pieviously stuuents leaineu to giaph
inequalities. Now they will leain how to solve
inequalities anu giaph those expiessions.
S. Less than
4. Equal to
S. uieatei than oi equal to
6. Less than oi equal to
B&PV;0A.* T"'/$(.*10$"'/: Ny IEP stuuents will spenu moie time making numbei lines anu
builuing an unueistanuing foi movement along the numbei line.
81N.0M T"'/$(.*10$"'/: No Safety Consiueiations Necessaiy
P*.JT21//: Bo Now
G//$+'F.'0/VO"F.I"*K: Pizzazz Woiksheet
G'0$%$#10"*M 8.0V9"0$=10$"'VO""K: Thinking about the teim inequality. What uoes that mean to
T2"/)*.: Review how to uo that night's homewoik assignment
W$:2$"+*1#AM: Algebia I Bolt Textbook anu Pizzazz Woiksheet

9.1/)*.1:2. ;:<.%0$=./>
?@ 8"2=. $'.C)12$0$./ )/$'+ $'=.*/.
D@ 6*1#A $'.C)12$0$./@
?@ E" H"I
D@ O"F.I"*K G//$+'F.'0
80)(.'0 P*.*.C)$/$0. Q'"I2.(+.: uiaphing Inequalities.
8)FF1*M R S$/0 "N Q.M T"'%.#0/:
?@ 6*1#A$'+
D@ B'=.*/. ;#.*10$"'/
X@ 8"2=$'+ &C)10$"'/
Y@ 8"2=$'+ B'.C)12$0$./
1. Inveise 0peiations
2. Inequalities
B&PV;0A.* T"'/$(.*10$"'/: Stuuents will spenu time with wiiting inequality expiession baseu on
a giaph.
81N.0M T"'/$(.*10$"'/: No Safety Consiueiations Necessaiy
P*.JT21//: Bo Now
G//$+'F.'0/VO"F.I"*K: Pizzazz Woiksheet
G'0$%$#10"*M 8.0V9"0$=10$"'VO""K: Not ieally a hook foi this lesson. This lesson will be moie a
ieview of the pievious uay's lesson.
W$:2$"+*1#AM: Bolt Algebia I Textbook anu Pizzazz Woiksheet

Nolly Southam
CN: Linua Quinlan
Class: Algebia I
uiaue: 9

Peiiou: 1
, 4

!"#$%: Nultistep Inequalities
&'()*$'+ -'(.*/01'($'+: Stuuents will be able to compaie vaiious financial options anu make a
fiscally iesponsible uecision baseu on given infoimation.
&//.'0$12 3)./0$"'4/5:
1. Bow can we use inequalities to make a fiscally iesponsible uecision.
2. Bow aie solving inequalities uiffeient than solving iegulai equations.
6"12: Stuuents will be able to apply theii
knowleuge of inequalities to make financially
iesponsible uecisions.
7$0: Stuuents just leaineu how to solve one-step
inequality equations, anu now they will be able
to solve two-step equations, anu cieate
inequality expiessions given ceitain
9.1/)*.1:2. ;:<.%0$=./>
?@ 80)(.'0/ I$22 :. 1:2. 0" %*.10.
$'.C)12$0M .Z#*.//$"'/ IA.' +$=.'
D@ 80)(.'0/ I$22 :. 1:2. 0" %12%)210.
X@ 80)(.'0/ I$22 :. 1:2. 0" +*1#A
?@ E" H"I
D@ O"F.I"*K G//$+'F.'0
80)(.'0 P*.*.C)$/$0. Q'"I2.(+.: Solving one-step inequalities anu giaphing inequalities
B&PV;0A.* T"'/$(.*10$"'/: Stuuents with IEP will spenu time picking out vital infoimation in
woiu pioblems anu then we will guiue them to cieating in equation. I think it might be uifficult foi
many of them to cieate equations baseu on a woiu pioblem. We neeu to scaffolu the piocess moie.
81N.0M T"'/$(.*10$"'/: None
P*.JT21//: Bo Now
G//$+'F.'0/VO"F.I"*K: Pizzazz Woiksheet
G'0$%$#10"*M 8.0V9"0$=10$"'VO""K: SEPTA pioblem. Eveiyone at CAPA uses SEPTA anu many of
them will have to stait paying foi tianspiiation once they giauuate fiom high school.
T2"/)*.: Review Bomewoik
W$:2$"+*1#AM: Algebia I Bolt Textbook

Nolly Southam
CN: Linua Quinlan
Class: Algebia I
uiaue: 9

Peiiou: 1
, 4

!"#$%: Combination Inequalities
&'()*$'+ -'(.*/01'($'+: Stuuents will be able to unueistanu the uiffeience between ANB, 0R
(inclusive), anu 0R (exclusive), anu how each of them expanus oi limits a sample size.
&//.'0$12 3)./0$"'4/5:
1. Why uoes ANB limit youi options when talking about inequalities
2. Why uoes 0R expanu youi options when talking about inequalities
S. Will this always be the case.
4. Can you evei have no possibilities. Can you evei have infinite possibilities.
6"12: Stuuents will be able to ueteimine when
they will have unlimiteu options veisus no
options, also known as no solutions.
7$0: Stuuents pieviously leaineu how to solve
multistep equations. Combination inequalities
aie just a uiffeient type of inequality expiession.
9.1/)*.1:2. ;:<.%0$=./>
?@ 80)(.'0/ I$22 :. 1:2. 0" +*1#A
%"F:$'10$"' .C)10$"'/
D@ 80)(.'0/ I$22 :. 1:2. 0" %12%)210.
F)20$/0.# .C)10$"'/
?@ E" H"I
D@ O"F.I"*K ["*K/A..0
80)(.'0 P*.*.C)$/$0. Q'"I2.(+.: Nultistep Inequalities
B&PV;0A.* T"'/$(.*10$"'/: Stuuents will spenu moie time thinking about ieal woilu examples of
ANB 0R combination inequalities
81N.0M T"'/$(.*10$"'/: None
P*.JT21//: Bo Now
G//$+'F.'0/VO"F.I"*K: Pizzazz Woiksheet
G'0$%$#10"*M 8.0V9"0$=10$"'VO""K: Stuuents will talk about theii uiffeient majois. I will use theii
uiffeient majois to intiouuce the iuea of combination equations.
T2"/)*.: Review Bomewoik
W$:2$"+*1#AM: Algebia I Bolt Textbook

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