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School of Education Portfolio University of Wisconsin Platteville Artifact Reflection Title of Experience/Artifact: Date Experience Completed: Passing Praxis

s 2 Scores/Adapted Lesson Plan Fall 201

Describe your educational experience/artifact:

For t!is experience " too# t!e Praxis 2 for $ot! t!e %ealt! Content &no'ledge and t!e P!(sical Ed)cation Content &no'ledge* As (o) can see $( t!e cop( of m( scores+ " passed $ot! test t!e first time t!at " 'as a$le to ta#e eac! of t!em* As anot!er artifact for t!is standard (o) 'ill see a lesson plan t!at " !a,e planned o)t for a st)dent 'it! a disa$ilit(* T!is lesson 'as planned o)t s!o'ing "EP goals $eing met and 'or#ed on d)ring t!e lesson*
Wisconsin eacher Standard Ali!n"ent

" $elie,e t!is artifact addresses Standard 1 t!e $est* T!is artifact aligns $est 'it! Standard 1 $eca)se it s!o's t!at " #no' t!e material t!at " need to #no' to $ecome an effecti,e teac!er* T!is artifact s!o's competenc( in Standard 1 $eca)se " passed $ot! of t!e Praxis 2 test t!e first time ta#ing t!em* -an( people ta#e se,eral times so t!is means t!at " clearl( #no' t!e material t!at " 'ill $e teac!ing* As (o) loo# at t!e lesson plan t!at " created (o) can see t!at " #no' m( material $eca)se t!ere are "EP goals t!at " am 'or#ing on t!ro)g!o)t t!e entire lesson and t!ere are e,en assessments to see to '!at extent " am ac!ie,ing t!ese "EP goals*
UW#Platteville School of Education $no%led!e& S'ills& Dispositions Ali!n"ent

" $elie,e t!is artifact $est aligns 'it! &SD1*a* T!is artifact aligns $est 'it! t!is &SD $eca)se it s!o's t!at " #no' t!e material t!at " need to #no' to $ecome an affecti,e teac!er* T!is artifact s!o's m( competenc( in t!is &SD $eca)se it s!o's t!at " #no' t!e material t!at " need to #no' to teac! m( st)dents+ and t!at " #no' it 'ell* -an( people ta#e se,eral attempts to pass t!e Praxis 2 $)t " did it on m( first time* As (o) loo# at t!e lesson plan t!at " created (o) can see t!at " #no' m( material $eca)se t!ere are "EP goals t!at " am 'or#ing on t!ro)g!o)t t!e entire lesson and t!ere are e,en assessments to see to '!at extent " am ac!ie,ing t!ese "EP goals* T!is is important $eca)se it s!o's m( a$ilit( to effecti,el( teac! c!ildren 'it! special needs*
Explain %hat you learned about teachin!/learnin! fro" this experience:

" learned t!at if (o) #no' t!e material t!at (o) are tr(ing to teac! t!en e,er(t!ing else s!o)ld start to fall into place* .nce " passed t!e Praxis 2 " fo)nd t!at some t!ings start to come toget!er and it ends )p $eing easier to 'rite a lesson plan* &no'ing t!at " #no' t!e material t!at m( st)dents need to #no' gi,es me a little more p)s! to 'rite t!e $est lesson plan t!at " can possi$l( 'rite* " also learned t!at '!ile it is diffic)lt to ma#e a lesson incl)de all of t!ese "EP goals $)t it is a ,er( !ig! necessit(* " learned t!at it is 'ort! t!e little more effort to p)t in to !a,e all of t!e st)dents $e s)ccessf)l*

Explain %hat you learned about yourself as a prospective educator as a result of this experience/artifact:

/!at " learned from t!is artifact is t!at " 'ill $e a$le to !elp m( st)dents li,e !ealt!ier and !appier li,es in t!e near f)t)re* &no'ing all of t!is ,al)a$le information 'ill !elp me $etter teac! m( st)dents and it is m( !opes t!at it 'ill !elp increase t!e acti,it( le,el at t!e sc!ool " decide to teac! at* " 'ill also $e a$le to effecti,el( teac! st)dents 'it! special needs* As (o) can see 'it! t!is lesson plan t!at " p)t toget!er " !a,e t!e a$ilit( to create a good lesson to teac! e,er( st)dent* " can still 'or# on creating $etter lessons to $e a$le to teac! st)dents 'it! special needs to a !ig!er le,el* " can create a good lesson $)t $( t!e time t!at " lea,e t!e 0ni,ersit( " f)ll( intend to $e a$le to create an ama1ing lesson for t!ese st)dents*

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