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Heavy Weight Drill Pipe Mempunyai dinding yang tebal dengan berat 2 - 3 kari dari drill pipe standard.

Kegunaan penggunaan heavy weight driil pipe adarah sebagai berikut : Mengurangi kerusakkan pipa dengan adanya zona transisi. Mengurangi penggunaan drill collar Menghemat biaya directional drilling, mengurangi torque dan

kecenderungan perubahan kemiringan Drill pipe jenis ini berfungsi sebagai pemberat rangkaian pipa bor pada kondisi-kondisi khusus, misalnya pada waktu terjadi down hole problem, seperti pipa terjepit (pipe sticking), runtuhan shale (slouging shale) dan sebagainya. Heavy weight drill pipe is the most commonly used in the vertical section of the hole and provides weight on the bit for directional drilling while maintaining more flexibility than a drill collar. Heavy weight is also knows as hevi-wate or HWDP in the industry. Heavy weight drill pipe has a "center upset", also known as wear pad, that increases tube life by protecting the tube from wearing on the outer diameter by keeping the tube away from the hole wall. It also reduces hole drag and differential sticking problems. The walls of heavy weight drill pipe are thicker and have longer upsets compared to conventional drill

pipe, as well as being stronger with high tensile strength. There are a variety of specifications of heavy weight drill pipe. Heavyweight drill pipe (HWDP) may be used to make the transition between the drill collars and drill pipe. The function of the HWDP is to provide a flexible transition between the drill collars and the drill pipe. This helps to reduce the number of fatigue failures seen directly above the BHA. A Heavy Weight Drill Pipe (HWDP) looks like a normal drill pipe except for an upset centered along the tube which helps to prevent excessive buckling. HWDP is used as a transitional stiffness section, typically between the stiff and rigid drill collars and the relatively light and flexible drill pipe joints to reduce fatigue failures directly above the bottom hole assembly. Its wall thickness is up to 3 times that of a similar-sized normal drill pipe to add additional weight to the bit. HWDP is used most commonly in directional drilling because it bends more easily and helps to control torque and fatigue in high-angle operations. HWDP is manufactured in accordance with API Spec. 7/7-1 guideline

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