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Early Settlers

1. Christopher Columbus European Explorer from Italy, but sailed for Spain. He was the first European to reach America in 1492. He landed in the Caribbean Islands, but thought we had landed in Asia. His goal was to try to find a water route to Asia by traveling west from Europe.

American Revolution
King George III King of England during the Revolutionary War, he ruled the 13 Colonies. Crispus Attucks - One of the 5 colonists that died during the Boston Massacre. He was the first African American to die for American freedom. George Washington Commander of the Continental Army (Patriots), first president of the United States. Samuel Adams Patriot who was founder of the Sons of Liberty. Paul Revere Patriot who wrote on horseback warning the minutemen that the British are Coming! John Adams Patriot who helped with the Declaration of Independence, first vice-president and second president. Patrick Henry patriot who gave powerful speeches persuading loyalists to become patriots. He is famous for saying give me liberty or give my death! Benedict Arnold a traitor who was a Patriot hero at the Battle of Saratoga and later secretly sides to the British. Ben Franklin - This man lived in Philadelphia and is credited with many great inventions and ideas. helped write the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution. Thomas Paine Patriot who wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet persuading loyalist to become Patriots. Thomas Jefferson writer of the Declaration of Independence, he was out third president. He was president when the U.S.A. bought the Louisiana Purchase from France. James Madison Father of the Constitution, 4th president of the United States.

Westward Expansion & Industrial Revolution Meriwether Lewis Thomas Jefferson sent him, William Clark, Sacagawea and about 30 others on an expedition in 1803 to explore the Western part of the United States. The land that they explored had just been bought from France in what was called the Louisiana Purchase.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton Fought for womens rights during the Womens Suffrage Movement. She delivered a powerful speech at the Seneca Falls Convention.

2. John Cabot European Explorer from Italy, but sailed for England. He was looking for a water route from Europe to Asia in 1497, but found a rich fishing area off the coast of Canada instead.

3. Vasco Nunez de Balboa European Explorer from Spain and sailed for Spain. He was a Spanish Conquistador. He was the first European to reach the Pacific Ocean in 1501; he landed in present day Panama (country in Central America).

Harriet Tubman runaway slave who was an abolitionist (against slavery). She started the Underground Railroad, an escape route for slaves to get to freedom.

4. Juan Ponce de Leon European Explorer from Spain and sailed for Spain. He was a Spanish Conquistador. He was looking for a Fountain of Youth in 1513. He never found it, but discovered present day Florida.

5. Jacques Cartier European Explorer from France and sailed for France. He was looking for the Northwest Passage in 1534, on his journey he sailed down the St. Lawrence River.

William Clark - Thomas Jefferson sent him, Meriwether Lewis, Sacagawea and about 30 others on an expedition in 1803 to explore the Western part of the United States. The land that they explored had just been bought from France in what was called the Louisiana Purchase.

Sojourner Truth Woman who is part of the Womens Suffrage movement. She delivered a powerful speech called, Aint I a Woman at the Ohio Womens Rights Convention in 1851.

6. Henry Hudson European Explorer from England and sailed for England. He was looking for the Northwest Passage in 1609, on his journey he discovered a bay and a river that are named after him. His crew mutinied him (overthrew him).

Eli Whitney during the Industrial Revolution he invented the Cotton Gin, which was an invention that pulled the seeds out of cotton.

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