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Question # 4 Report Name: Muhammad Usman Riaz ID: 101620043

a) Preprocess -> filter -> unsupervised -> attribute Center

Mean: 0 StdDev: 0.828 Type: numeric Unique: 9(6%) Distinct: 36

This filter discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes. In my analysis, I selected petal length, Distinct attributes are 10 while 0 attributes are missing.

This filter detects outliers and extreme values based on interquartile ranges. In my analysis, it gives 150 outliers and extreme values with 9 unique and 35 distinct attributes

This filter normalizes all numeric values in the given dataset except the class attribute. The result is: 10 distinct, 0 missing , 0 unique attributes while type is nominal.

This attribute standardizes all numeric attributes in the given dataset to have zero mean and unit variance. Result is: 35 distinct, 9 unique, 0 mean and standard deviation is 1.

This filter performs a principal components analysis and transformation of the data. Result shows the reduction of data dimensionally with mean 0 and stdDev 1.706. Type is numeric, 145 unique and 147 distinct attributes

b) Preprocess -> filter -> unsupervised -> Instance Randomize

This filter randomly shuffles the order of instances passed through it. The random number generator is reset with the seed value whenever a new set of instances is passed in.

Remove Percentage
This filter removes a given percentage of a dataset. Results are shown below in screen-shot

c) Preprocess -> filter -> supervised -> attribute

This filter can be used to select attributes. It is very flexible and allows various search and evaluation methods to be combined. Results on Iris dataset are shown below in screen-shot.

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