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Senior Projects Conversion to pseudo-MVC

** Senior Project Status / Senior Project Mentor Info / Edit Mentor Info / Senior
Project Parent Info

1. New controller file controller_assignment_sproj.php created. Located in

New controller file controller_assignment_sprojmentor.php created.
Located in /Controllers/widgets.
New controller file controller_assignment_einfo.php created. Located in
New controller file controller_assignment_sprojparent.php created.
Located in /Controllers/widgets.

2. Code from /Senior Projects/view_assignment_sproj.php transferred to

Code from /Senior Projects/view_assignment_sprojmentor.php transferred
to controller_assignment_sprojmentor.php.
Code from /Senior Projects/view_assignment_einfo.php transferred to
Code from /Senior Projects/view_assignment_sprojparent.php transferred
to controller_assignment_sprojparent.php.

3. There are seveal queries in the view file that are scattered all
throughout the code and cannot be easilly separated.
Solution: Created functions in the controller file which contain mainly
queries and code such as populating arrays.

4. Some loops in the view file use queries from the database again as loop
Solution: Used $Sql->getQuery in the controller file to populate an

** Problems Encountered

There are still some remaining segments of code that can't be transferred
from the view file to the controller file.

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