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Sabbath McKiernan-Allen

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Holocaust Unit 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS Tab 1: Unit Planning Tab 2: Instruction Tab 3: Assessment Tab 4: Students Tab 5: Technology Tab 6: Cross Curricular Tab 7: Culminating Activity Tab 8: Rationale for Unit Design Tab 9: Resources and Materials Tab 10: References

Holocaust Unit 3

Unit Objective: When given a summative assessment, students will be able to identify and explain injustice as it is seen in the Holocaust.

Holocaust Unit 4

Lesson 1 -Introduction: What is injustice? -Setting stage for unit

Based on what you know about injustice, predict what will happen in the story?

Lesson 3 -Hitler's rise to power. -How does power influence injustice? /

Lesson 5
-Wrap Up -Where did we see injustice throughout the unit?
What do you think Hitler will do with his power?

Lesson 2 -Hitler's young life. -What impacted him early on to drive his decisions later in life.

Based on what impacted Hitler at a young age, predict what you think his later decisions are going to be?

Lesson 4 -Inhumane Treatment -What did Hitler do with his power?

Where do we see injustice throughout the Holocaust?

Throughout the unit the students will keep a prediction journal. They will answer the question indicated above. I will collect the journals to ensure of the students participation. At the end of the unit the students will receive a grade. They will make an A if they have made a prediction every day.

Holocaust Unit 5

Prerequisite Chart Cognitive

-Students will have an understanding of WW1.

-Students will be able to work in groups & partners.

Motor Development
-Students will be able to write. -Students will be able to draw.

-Students will be -Students will be able familiar with the treaty to have meaningful of Versailles. discussions within a group. -Students will have note taking skills. -Students will be able to express their ideas -Students will be able with a group. to read. -Students will be able to think critically and logically.

Holocaust Unit 6

Students will explain and describe how power leads to treating larger groups unjustly. Students will be able to describe inhumane treatment as it relates to the Holocaust. Students will be able to identify important facts in the Holocaust Students will be able to explain events that impacted Adolf Hitler's life. Students will compare and contrast how injustice is seen in the holocaust AND how injustice is seen in the world around them.

-SOCIAL INJUSTICEBig Ideas: *You can treat people unjustly, but no power you have no influence *With great power you have a greater ability to treat larger groups of people unjustly. *In some cases injustice leads to groups being treated inhumanely

*Adolf Hitler grew up in Austria. *After dropping out of school Hitler moved to Vienna to become an artist. *After being rejected from art school Hitler spent 5 years in Vienna poor, hungry, and angry. *Around this time Hitler began to hate the Jewish people. *Hitler convinced himself that it was a Jewish doctor who treated his mother *He convinced himself that is was a Jewish professor that denied him entry at art school. *He became angry and obsessed with German politics. *Many philosophers helped shape Hitler's philosophy. He became antisemantic. *Hitler joined the war to escape his misery *After Germany was defeated in the war Hitler continued to work for the government. *Hitler went to a German's Worker Party and became a member *Through speeches and clever moves Hitler became the leader of the German Workers Party which was later called Nazi's.

* Injustice *Holocaust *Propaganda *Ghettos *Concentration camps *Aryan race * Mein Kampf *Kristallnacht *Genocide *Anti-Semitism *Crematorium *Extermination camp * Nuremberg Laws *Inhumane Treatment *Scapegoat *Death march

Holocaust Unit 7
*The Nazi's grew until they were the second largest party in Germany. *After an idea to take power Hitler was tried for treason. *He was sent to jail where he had time to write Mein Kampf. *After being released from jail Hitler reformed his Nazi party. *Hitler ran for president and lost to Hindenburg. *Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor. *Hindenburg dies and through voting Hitler become dictator of Germany. *When he came to power he brainwashed other political groups saying that the Jews were the reason for all the hardships Germany had gone through in the first World War. *Hitler had a plan to get rid of all of the Jews. *Some Jews fled to other countries, some were moved to ghettos, others went to concentration camps, and some went to extermination camps. *In the ghettos and camps the Jewish people were stripped of their dignity. *The Jews were forced to wear stars on their clothing. *Nuremburg Laws were put in place to strip the Jews of their

Holocaust Unit 8
rights. *The Final Solution was the idea to kill off all of the Jews. The Nazi's would kill 100's of Jews at one time by putting them into gas chambers. *In 1944 many Jews were liberated from the concentration camps.

Holocaust Unit 9

For this unit, I will teach by telling the story of the Holocaust through the eyes of Hitler. As the story is read there will be pictures, videos, and documents to reinforce the teaching. Before each lesson we start with an activity that will set the stage for the lesson. For example, on the first day we talk about what injustice is. The lesson begins with an activity that breaks the room up into two different groups. One group is treated better than the other. This will help set the atmosphere for the lesson. Using a personal experience will help when we talk about injustice. The students will remember what it felt like when we did the activity, connections will be made through the activities and through the teacher's questioning of the students. Throughout the unit the class will have a word wall. Each word will be up on the wall and the definitions will be scrambled. When we come upon a word that I want the students to know we stop and talk about it. Together we will look at the word. We will look at the word in context. When the word is understood, a student will go back to the word wall and stick the correct definition by the word. The word wall will be beneficial allowing the students to continually look back at the wall when we come to the word again. The word wall is designed to make definitions accessible. The word wall will stay up throughout the unit, I will take it down before the summative test is given. To help the student's abstract thinking I ask several "what if" questions. This forces the students to take what they know and infer what would happen under differing circumstances. questioning the students along the way will allow me to make sure they are paying attention and to make sure they understand some of the harder concepts. Some points in the unit must be understood in order to understand the big picture. When we reach these specific points I ask

Holocaust Unit 10 questions to make sure the concept is understood. The students will have note taking guides that will be filled out during the teaching. The note taking guides encourage students to be active listeners. I will promote active learning throughout the unit by asking higher level thinking questions and encouraging the students to discuss with their table groups. Provisions will be made for students to practice their new knowledge or skills. This will be done using these strategies: Group discussion Making predictions Letter Writing Poster making Drawing pictures/writing poems Working on oral presentations Researching I will introduce the unit with a injustice demonstration. When the students walk in I am going to allow all the students who are wearing red shirts to get a piece of candy. I am going to treat those students better than the other students. I will follow the demonstration by asking the students what they think about the activity. This activity is used to give the students a personal connection with injustice . I am going to close the unit by having a blast from the past talk show. When we begin the unit, I am going to give each student a character card. They are going to research their person and at the end of the unit they are going to dress up like that person and be a guest on the Sabbath talk show. Parents, teachers, and administrators are encouraged to come to the talk show.


Holocaust Unit 11 Each day during the lecture/ story the students will be taking notes on a note taking guide. The students will be encouraged to review their notes for homework every day. The note taking guides will be used as the study guide for the students.


Holocaust Unit 12

Design for Learning

Instructor: Sabbath McKiernan-Allen Lesson Title: What is Injustice? Curriculum Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th grade Date: March 25, 2013 Estimated Time: 1 hour

Standards Connection: 8.) List key figures, significant events, and reasons for the involvement of the United States in World War II. Learning Objectives: When given a story the students will be able to identify injustice and explain how it is an example of injustice. The student will be considered proficient if they can correctly identify the form of injustice and explain how it is injustice. Learning Objective(s) stated in "kid-friendly" language: Today we are going to talk about social injustice. Evaluation of Learning Objective: The teacher will give each student a story. The students will identify each form of injustice. They will explain how the example is a form of injustice. The student will be considered proficient if they can correctly identify and explain the examples of injustice. Engagement: If you are wearing a red shirt I want you to come up to the front of the classroom and get a piece of candy. You are going to be my helpers today. Everyone else, I want you guys to clean the tables of the people in red shirts AND do whatever they tell you to do. [Play this out for about 3 minutes. Make sure you are treating the red shirt wearers better than the rest of the classroom.] Okay now everyone back to your seats. Raise your hand if you liked the activity? I want you to turn and talk with your table and discuss that activity. What happened? What did make you think of? What is it called when this type of thing occurs in the world. Have you seen anything like this before? [Give students time to talk about the activity] Okay I want you guys to raise your hand and tell me things that you noticed about the activity. [Have students talk about what they noticed. As they give you answers right them on the board so the students can see the answers] Do you think it was fair that the people in red shirts got candy and the rest of the class did not? Do you think it was fair that I made the rest of the class clean the desks of the red shirt wearers


Holocaust Unit 13 just because they wore a different color today? What you just experienced is known as injustice. And today we are going to be talk about injustice. Learning Design: I. Teaching In the dictionary injustice is defined as- [Write INJUSTICE on the board and the definition. -INJUSTICE: violation of right or of the rights of another in society: unfairness] An easy way to remember injustice is the lack of justice or lack of fairness. If you look to the back of our classroom you will see that we have lots of definitions and words. Throughout the unit we are going to come across vocabulary that is unfamiliar to us. When this occurs we will talk about the word and someone will go back and find the word and the corresponding definition. Who wants to go back to our word wall and find the definition for injustice. How was the activity we just participated in a form of injustice? [Give students an opportunity to think and answer the question] In the activity I let the people with red shirts have candy just because they had a specific color on. Was that fair? Also the people who were not in that color not only didn't get candy they were forced to obey the people in the red shirts. They were being treated unfairly and I also took away their freedom. Let's think of some examples of social injustice.[Write all answers on the board] It can be simple forms of social injustice like your coach not playing you in a soccer games because his daughter was on the team. Even though you were better AND worked harder he still played her. Or it could be very serious like the civil rights movement. For this next couple of weeks we are going to hear a story containing some of the worst injustice the world has ever seen. Before we start this story we are going to take some time to set the scene. This story is going to take place in two different places. The majority of the story takes place in the country of Germany. [Have a picture of Germany up on the screen.] But, our story begins in a place called Braunam am Inn, Austria. So, the setting of our story is in Germany from the
early 1900's to the 1940's.Throughout the unit we are going to have a timeline up and when key events happen we are going to put them on the timeline. So we have the setting of our story. Next let's think about the characters in our story. I am going to pass out a card to each of you that has a person's name on it. [Pass out character cards] These people all make up the cast of our story. The only person who is not on a card that is the person telling the story. This story is told by a person named Adolf Hitler. During this story you will hear about a young boy who starts out like any other child, but things happen in his life and he turns into one of the cruelest men history has ever seen. So, in this unit I would say, don't sit back and don't relax, put yourself in Hitler's shoes and let's take an adventure into history.

II. Opportunity for practice:(20 min) The first thing I want you guys to do is look at your character card. Examine it. Read the person's name. Now, on the sheet provided I want you to make a hypothesis about your character. Who do you think your character is? What is their job, what role do you think they might play in our story, are they a significant character or not, why do you think this? Take your


Holocaust Unit 14 time and try to figure out exactly who your character is. [Give students time to write who they think their character is.] Okay, very good now I am going to collect your hypothesis and keep them until the end of our story. Now, I am going to pass out a journal to each of you. This journal should be kept throughout the unit. We are going to call this our prediction journal. In your journal I am going to ask you to make another hypothesis. What type of injustices do you THINK we will encounter in our story of the holocaust. You may know some, you may not just write down what you think is going to happen. I am going to give you about 10 minutes. [Give students time to write down what is going to happen in the story.] Now turn to your partner and share you answer. [Let the students share answers and walk around listening and prompting conversation.] Would anyone like to share what they wrote down with the class? [Let students share if they want] [Use the journal to assess prior knowledge the students have about the Holocaust.] III. Assessment: During this lesson we have been talking about injustice, Now, I am going to give each of you a story. What I want you to do is read the story and write down every example of injustice that you can find. When you have found all the examples, go back and explain why the example was a form of injustice. IV. Closure: For homework I want you guys to research injustice in everyday life. So, raise your hand if you have ever heard of the company Nike. I want you guys to go home and research the Nike company. I don't want you to go the Nike websites, but to other websites that explain the working conditions for the Nike workers. Look at how Nike treats workers in places like Malaysia and Indonesia. One website example is behind the swoosh. com. I want you to come into class tomorrow and let me know what you have found. Differentiation Strategies: Each student will receive a Holocaust Bingo Board. On the board I have included questions and activities that the students can work on. If the student completely finishes the bingo board they will receive a prize. For the students who understand the content, they will be given a chance to work on their bingo board. For the students who don't understand injustice I will provided smaller group instruction. I will refer to the beginning activity and slowly go through what it means to treat people unfairly.


Holocaust Unit 15 Materials & Resources: PowerPoint Candy Story containing injustice Character cards Timeline Dates Word Wall words and definitions Prediction Journal Nike Handout


Holocaust Unit 16
Read through the story of Darwin. As you read highlight all the examples of injustice. On a separate sheet of paper explain how each example you found is a form of injustice.

Name___________________________ It was a day like any other day. Darwin packed up his book bag and headed out the door, ready for the adventure of middle school. As he cruised through the morning class work, Darwins smile radiated from ear to ear. But, in the cafeteria during his lunch hour, the table he wanted to sit at would not let him sit with them because they knew Darwin did not own an iPad. The table laughed at him and continued to eat their meals as Darwin sulked off to a table of his own. The day took an even worse turn during PE, when Darwin was not allowed to play football because he had glasses. The teacher made him sit on the sidelines and watch the other kids run around and play on the crisp green grass. After PE, Darwin decided that today was just not his day. The teacher decided to give the students a pop-quiz in Geography and Darwin thought he did really well. Little did he know, Darwins teacher went to high school with his mother and did not like her so she gave Darwin and F on his quiz, even though he really got a B+. As the final bell rang, Darwin really thought that this was just the worst day ever! He did not think that anything else could possibly happen to him. But, as Darwin made his way on the bus he saw a sign that said If you have freckles you must proceed to the back of the bus. Darwin held back tears as he made his way back, double checking the numerous freckles on his arms. The bus ride was a long one, but Darwin walked home from the bus stop believing that tomorrow held new positive possibilities.


Holocaust Unit 17


For homework I want you to research the company Nike. I don't want you to look at Get on Google and research injustice in Nike companies. Look for how they treat their workers in Indonesia and Malaysia. Write down 2-3 points from your research. Be ready to discuss in class.


Holocaust Unit 18

[Character Card Examples]

Name: Alois Hitler Name: Klara Hitler Name: Heinrich Himmler

Who am I? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What was my role in the story? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What else do you know about me? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Who am I? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What was my role in the story? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What else do you know about me? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

Who am I? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What was my role in the story? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ What else do you know about me? _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________


Holocaust Unit 19

[What is injustice?]

The definition of injustice is:

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



Holocaust Unit 20

Design for Learning

Instructor: Sabbath McKiernan-Allen Lesson Title: What leads to Injustice? Curriculum Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th grade Date: March 25, 2013 Estimated Time: 1hr. 30 min

Standards Connection: 8.) List key figures, significant events, and reasons for the involvement of the United States in World War II. Learning Objectives: When given a writing prompt the students will answer the question explaining the events that impacted Hitler's life ultimately leading to his hatred of the Jewish race. Learning Objective(s) stated in "kid-friendly" language: Today we are going to learn about the main character of our story, Adolf Hitler. We are going to learn about the events that impacted him early in life which effected how he viewed a certain group of people. Evaluation of Learning Objective: The students will receive a writing prompt asking them to explain the events in Hitler's life that led him to hate the Jewish race. The students are asked to respond by identifying major events that brought Hitler to this hatred of the Jews. The students are also asked to predict what Hitler will do with this hatred. The student will be considered proficient if he/she correctly lists and explain two major events. Engagement: Yesterday I told you that for the next couple of lessons I am going to tell a story. Well today I am going to start with chapter one. Raise your hand if you can remind the class who the main character of our story is? Raise your hand if you can tell us the time and setting of our story? [Hitler is the main character and the time is 1889 and the setting of the story is Germany.] Before we start our story I am going to pass out a timeline to each of you. What I want you to do is write down some major things that happened to you when you were younger that impacted who you are today. For example, when I was little I was the youngest child so my brothers and sisters picked on me ALOT. This event or situation led me to be a strong person. So, take about 10 minutes and write down some things that impacted you when you were growing up. [Give


Holocaust Unit 21 students time to write down what impacted them as children.] Now turn to your partner and share your timeline. Make sure you explain how the situation or event impacted you. Very good, I will come around and collect your timelines. Similar to the activity you did,today we are going to learn about our main character Hitler and the things that impacted him early in life that effected how he viewed a certain group of people.

Learning Design:(45 minutes) I. Teaching: Hi, my name is Adolf Hitler. I was born April 20, 1889 in Braunam am Inn, Austria [Show a picture of Austria] my parents names were Alois Hitler and Klara Hitler.[Put this date on the timeline] [Put picture of Hitler's parents on the screen] Alois and Klara had had two boys and a girl before me, but all three children passed away. My mom, Klara, was so worried that something was going to happen to me as a baby so she gave me extra care and attention. On the other hand my father, who I will refer to as Alois, was usually busy working or playing with his bees. Bee keeping was my father's hobby! I was the prize of my mother's eye. She never let me leave her side. That is until she had a son who they named Edmund and a daughter who they named Paula. After having more kids Klara was preoccupied taking care of the two younger children which left me free to be. I was like any 5 year old boy, I lived on a farm in Austria so I would run and climb and just play outside. When I was six years old two things happened that interrupted my carefree lifestyle. The first interruption was the start of school. I was sent to primary school where I was under the watchful eye of my teachers.[Do some of you feel like you are under the constant eye of the teacher?] Well, back to the story. So like many young boys, I was under strict supervision at school which was irritating. The other thing that interrupted my lifestyle was my father 's decision to retire. That doesn't sound so bad, but Alois was very strict and had little patience for me. So, at school I was disciplined and supervised by my teachers and at home I was disciplined and supervised by my father. I couldn't catch a break To make things worse, my father, Alois, was having a hard time adjusting to retired life. He had been a hard worker all his life, and didn't like doing nothing. He often got irritated with me and would say really hurtful things. On occasion Alois would even hit me. This made things hard for me and my father. Let's just say we didn't have a very strong relationship. In elementary school I was a pretty good student. I went to a church school and became intrigued by the priests. For awhile I thought that I wanted to become a priest. That didn't last very long. As I got older the relationship between me and his father was still really rough. I made the decision that I wanted to be a painter. I loved to paint! I would paint everything, but I especially loved painting houses and buildings. It was all so intriguing to me. Of course, my father disapproved of my dream. He wanted me to become a civil officer. He pushed me in school, he wanted me to do well. [Raise your hand if you have parents who aren't supportive of what you like to do. That has to be


Holocaust Unit 22 pretty tough. So can you guys begin to understand how Hitler might feel. You can probably also begin to understand how this would affect Adolf and Alois's relationship.] So most of the time me and my father were on the outs. On the other hand Klara, my mom, was very caring and loving and often took my side when I would fight with my father. My mom wanted me to stay in school of course, but she didn't push the subject as much as Alois did. At school I wasn't very popular. I didn't have many friends and my teachers described me as lazy and said that I rarely excelled in school.[Put Hitler's report card on the screen] Ha, well I guess that was pretty true, I was lazy. I was a trouble maker as well. I would play practical jokes on my teachers and on other people in the classroom. It was crazy, I started out as such a bright student, but as the idea of becoming an artist surfaced I didn't want to do anything else. Can you blame me? So, I didn't have good grades, I didn't have any friends and to make things worse in 1903 my father suddenly died. (Put this date on the timeline) I was thirteen years old. I wasn't close to my father, but I was still really sad when he died. I tried to return to school after he died, but I just had no motivation to stay. So in 1905 , with the support of my mom, I dropped out of school. [Put this date on the timeline.] I was fifteen years old. Now out of school I could focus on chasing my dream of becoming an artist. The same year I dropped out of school, I moved to Vienna to pursue my dream. In Vienna I toured museums ,attended operas, and went to art shows. These were the best years of my life. I had no responsibilities, for the second time in my life I was just free to be me. One of my fondest memories was seeing an opera by Richard Wagner.[Put Richard Wagner's opera on the screen. Let the students listen to the music.] This opera was about the struggles between hated enemies. After seeing this opera I felt possessed. I loved it so much. I remember, I went to a hill and spoke in a strange voice and spoke of a mission in which I would lead the people to freedom using similar scenes from the opera I had just seen. After being in Vienna for awhile, I decided that I was going to apply to the Vienna Academy of Fine Art. This was in 1907, I was eighteen. [Put this date on the timeline and show students the picture of the academy.] I was very confident that I would get in. My teachers were always telling me how good of an artist I was.[Show painting by Adolf Hitler] When I was denied entry I was shocked. They told me my drawings were unsatisfactory. I couldn't believe this, I was so upset I went to the academy to get an explanation. How could they not let accept a person with as much talent as me. The professors at the academy told me my drawings showed a lack of talent for artistic painting notably a lack of appreciation of the human form. They did tell me I could do well as an architect. Well, that was out of the question because I didn't even finish high school. In the midst of my rejections, my world was rocked yet again. My mother passed away. She had cancer and after ineffective treatment she passed away in the same year I had been rejected from art school. [What year was that class? 1907. Put that under the same year as rejection from art school.]. I was broken. I loved my mom with all my heart. I remember just sitting in front of her


Holocaust Unit 23 dead body crying and drawing. I was so upset. My mother and I were so close, she supported me no matter what I wanted to do. I was depressed and had no job. Without any work I had no means to support myself. I lived for a short amount of time in a doss house with tramps. I tried painting postcards hoping to sell them. I also cleaned pathways of snow. This was the point in my life that I needed someone to blame, So guess who I blamed? [Class, who do you think Hitler began to blame? Give students time to answer] I began to hate Jewish people. I convinced myself that the doctor who treated my mother was most definitely Jewish. You know what else, I bet the art professor who rejected me was Jewish as well. Also as I was struggling for money I was clearing the paths of beautiful mansions. I also decided that only Jewish people lived in those homes. I was desperate and convinced myself of all these things. So in 1908 I became anti-semantic.[Okay class, here is another vocabulary word. What do we think it means to be anti-semantic. Let's first break it down. We know what the word anti means. Can we look at the word in the sentence and look back at our definitions to define the word. Give the students time to figure out the word. Have one student physically move the definition to the word.] Those five years in Vienna were my five years of hardship and misery. My time in Vienna was entirely the fault of the Jews and I hated them. They were going to pay. There was one good thing that happened during my time in Vienna. I became obsessed with politics. I would read books and magazines about politicians. Some of the ideas that really changed me were the philosophical works of Nietzsche, Hegel, Fichte. Treitschke, and the Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlin. From these books I began to pick up bits and pieces of philosophy about nationalism, racism, and Anti Semitism. These ideas helped me build my philosophy. In 1914 I wanted to escape my misery so I decided to join the Austrian Army. However I failed my physical. They said that I was too weak to carry weapons. What did they expect, I had been barely eating for five years. In 1914 World War 1 was declared so I snuck over to Germany passed my medical exam and joined the war.[Put this date on the timeline.] Okay class that is where we are going to end our story for today. II. Opportunity for practice: Okay so the story ended with Adolf Hitler wanting to join the army. He said he wanted to escape his misery. For practice I am going to pass out a letter worksheet. What I want you to do is put yourself in Hitler's shoes. Write a letter to a German official explaining to him all of the reasons you want to join the army. Include what Hitler might have meant by "misery." What did he want to escape? [Give the students time to construct a letter to a German official. When they are done give them time to share with their partner. Pick 2 people to read their letter in front of the class.] When you are done with your letter I want you to reread it and check it for grammatical errors. When everyone is done you are going to get with your partner and read your letter to them. And


Holocaust Unit 24 when you are done I want two students to come to the front of the room, sit in our authors chair, and read us their letters.[Let two students come to the front of the room to read their letters.] I am going to walk around and collect the rest of your letters. III. Assessment: I'm sure all of the letters will be wonderful .I can't wait to read them. Next, I am going to hand out a writing prompt worksheet. I want you to look up at the top of your worksheet. There is a question I want you to answer in a paragraph or two. [Hitler began to hate the Jewish people early on, identify and explain why. Also what do you think Hitler is going to do with that hatred? I am not looking for quantity, but I am looking for quality. I want you to answer all parts of the question. Don't leave anything out! When you are done again reread your answer and check it for grammatical errors. When you think it is perfect you may turn it in to my desk. Make sure you are quiet because other students may still be working. If you have extra time you may work on your choice boards. You must work independently on your choice boards and stay very quiet until the rest of the class has finished. [Give students time to do their assessment] IV. Closure: So today we talked about things that impacted Hitler. In your prediction journal I want you to write what you think Hitler's later decisions are going to be based on what happened to him at a young age. Do this for homework and I will collect it first thing tomorrow. Thank you boys and girls for being such attentive listeners. Make sure we have that same attitude tomorrow as we discuss Hitler's rise to power! Differentiation Strategies: Each student will receive a Holocaust Bingo Board. On the board I have included questions and activities that the students can work on. If the student completely finishes the bingo board they will receive a prize. For the students who understand the content, they will be given a chance to work on their bingo board. For the students who are having trouble understanding we will meet in a small group and we will go through the story together and I will explicitly tell them the things that impacted Hitler's life and we will discuss why those things could have impacted him. Materials & Resources: PowerPoint Worksheet [Letter Format] Timeline worksheet Prediction Journal Timeline Dates


Holocaust Unit 25



Holocaust Unit 26

Name________________________________ On the worksheet provided I want you to pretend that you are Hitler. Write a note to a German official explaining why you want to join the arm. Talk about what has happened to you since you have been in Vienna. Why have you called these the years of hardship and misery?

Dear German Official,

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Sincerely, Adolf Hitler


Holocaust Unit 27 NAME___________________________________ Read the prompt below. Answer the question fully on the lines provided. Be sure to answer both parts of the question. Hitler's hatred of the Jewish race began early in Hitler's life. List and describe the reasons for Hitler's hatred. Predict what you think Hitler is going to do with his hatred of the Jewish race. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 28

[Hitler's young life]
Our story is told by: __________________________________________________________________

The two main places our story takes place are: __________________________ & _______________________________

Hitler's relationship with his mother was: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Hitler's relationship with his father was: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ What made Hitler and his father have a _________ relationship?

In 1905 when Hitler was 13 his father_________________________________. When his father ________ Hitler decided to ________________________. He moved to __________________________________ to pursue his dream of becoming an ____________________.


Holocaust Unit 29

Around the same time Hitler got ________________ from art school and his mom _____________. These two events left Hitler This was around the time that Hitler began to ________ Jewish people. He convinced himself that the ____________ that treated his mother was _______. He also convinced himself that the professor who ________ him from art school was ________________. Hitler referred to the five years he spent in Vienna as the five years of ____________ & ______________. During this time Hitler became very interested in _________________________. Hitler began to read the works of

These works talked of ______________, ________________, & ___________________. These philosophies helped me develop my very own ______________. To escape my misery in 1914 I tried to join the _____________________. However I _______________ my physical. So when war was declared, I snuck over to ______________. I retook my physical and __________. That is when I became a __________________.


Holocaust Unit 30




Holocaust Unit 31

Design for Learning

Instructor: Sabbath McKiernan-Allen Lesson Title: Hitler's Rise To Power Curriculum Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th grade Date: March 28,2013 Estimated Time: 1 hr. 40min

Standards Connection: 8.) List key figures, significant events, and reasons for the involvement of the United States in World War II. Learning Objectives: The students will identify that Hitler started out powerless, but using speeches, propaganda, and manipulation he was able to rise to the top. When given a Quick write the students will be able to explain how Hitler rose to power in 30 words. Learning Objective(s) stated in "kid-friendly" language: Today we are going to learn about how Hitler went from being nobody to becoming the most powerful person in Germany. Evaluation of Learning Objective: The students will be given 10 minutes to write how Hitler came into power using only 30 words. To be considered proficient the students must: Tell that Hitler was able to speak well allowing him to get ahead. He used propaganda making him and his group look better than other groups. AND the Germans were desperate and needed something to believe in. Engagement: Okay before we start I am going to pass out a worksheet. We are going to do a quick and fun activity. I want you guys to close your eyes. I want you to visualize for a second. Think of a land that is completely new. There is no one in charge, no rules, NOTHING. Think of this land and give it a name. Write the name of your land on the worksheet. Thumbs to your chest when you have your land in mind. Okay now visualize yourself. You want to be the leader of that land, but the people don't know you very well. what steps would you tale to gain power? Take a second and think about it? What would you do? Write your plan of action on your worksheet. [Give students time to work on their worksheet.] Raise your hand if you want to share what actions you would take to become in charge of the land. [Give students time to think and share about how they would try to become powerful.] Those are all really great ideas. Well today we are


Holocaust Unit 32 going to continue our story and learn how Hitler went from being nobody to becoming the most powerful person in Germany. Learning Design: I. Teaching: Before I start I want to remind you guys to remember your character cards and be listening for your person. When you hear your person you should write down who they are. Back to my story, so I was in World War 1, but you guys already know about that. You know how the allies humiliated the Germans with the Treaty of Versailles. Well, I'll get back to that. So before the war had begun I had already been obsessed with the German government. I was obsessed with these ideas I had read about Anti-Semitism and racism. During the war I was honored for my bravery and was awarded the Iron Cross, which was pretty cool. During the war I would try to tell my fellow soldiers about my many ideas, but they never wanted to hear them. Anyways, I thought the war was going great and was wounded in the war and was in the hospital. While in the hospital which was in 1918 [Put this date on the timeline] I learned that Germany had been defeated. I didn't know what to think. I didn't blame the military. I blamed the politicians back at home and of course the Jewish people. It had to have been there fault. So, in 1919[Put this date on timeline] the Treaty of Versailles was signed stripping Germany of their dignity. That didn't seem fair to me. I am not going to bother telling you about all the treaty entailed because I think you already know. Just know the treaty left us humiliated! After the war I continued to work for the German government. I was in charge of going undercover and weeding out the Marxists who had influence within the ranks and investigating subversive political organizations. The government sent me to meetings where I would often have outburst blaming the Jewish people for the German's misfortune. People were impressed with my ideas and the way I spoke. People began to say I was born to give speeches. They said I was extremely charismatic and engaging.[Show a video of Hitler giving a speech] [So, here we see that Hitler was first able to gain attention because he was a good speaker. Raise your hand if you would have thought that was important? When we have presidential elections is it important for them to be good speakers. What do you think would have happened if Hitler wasn't a good speaker? Let's say that Hitler had all the same ideas and beliefs, but wasn't good at getting his ideas across what would happen? Turn and talk with your partner and discuss what would have happened then. Have the students talk with each other about what would have happened if Hitler wasn't a good speaker.] For my next assignment I was ordered to investigate a small group in Munich known as the German Workers party. This was in 1919. [Put this date on the timeline] Dressed in normal clothes I went to the meeting of the German Workers Party. It was located in Munich Beer Hall. [Show a picture on the PowerPoint] There were about 25 people at this meeting. The speech


Holocaust Unit 33 was entitled, "How and by what means is capitalism to be eliminated." I was indifferent towards the speech. I had gotten up to leave when a man got up and began to talk about forming a new nation with Austria. I couldn't believe this, I had to say something back. I stood up and spoke against the man's idea. It was at this point where a few of the members realized, that I had a gift and could take the German's Worker Party somewhere. The party invited me to come back and gave me a booklet. I went home and read the booklet and was happy to see many of my ideas were similar to their ideas. A few days later I received a postcard that said I had been accepted as a member of the German Workers Party. I joined the party in 1919 at the age of 30, and entered into politics. [Put this date on the timeline under the first time Hitler went to the party] There were not many members in the German's Worker Party and we were pretty powerless at this point. We decided we needed more members. First we sent out invitations and not many people showed up. I decided to put an Anti-Semantic advertisement in the paper. [Class do we remember what the word Anti Semantic means?] After that ad we had just over 100 people show up at the next meeting. We were growing in numbers. I spoke at many meetings and the party decided that I was going to be the face of the German Workers Party. At the rest of the meetings I was the featured speaker. It was exciting. Sometimes I would become almost hysteric when I was speaking. I wanted people so badly to get behind my beliefs. I was gaining power and people were listening to me. In the early 1920's we began to use another tactic to get power. We started using propaganda! [Okay class, raise your hand if you have ever heard the word propaganda. It is back on our word wall. What do you think it means? Let's look at it in context. Thumbs to your chest if you have a guess at the definition of propaganda. Very good! So Hitler began to use propaganda. What do you think he used it for?-Talk to your table and predict what you think the Nazi's used propaganda for. Give students time to make predictions. Would anyone like to share their prediction? Let's go back to the story and find out.] We used propaganda to make the Jewish people look bad. We wanted everyone to think that the Jewish people were inferior to us. The propaganda was effective. We used posters and ads filled with propaganda. [Show pictures from the power point.] We were the best and they had no business being around. Many people began to join our party we were continuing to grow. This was a really exciting time for me. In 1920 I decided to hold a mass meeting of the German Worker's Party. At this meeting there were two thousand people waiting to hear me speak. I was thrilled. During this particular speech the idea sparked for the German nation. As the party continued to grow and our ideas continued to be pushed I realized that one thing the German Workers Party lacked was a recognizable flag. So, in the summer of 1920 I chose a symbol I had seen as a boy. I picked a swastika. I decided that the flag was going to be white and red. Around this same time the name of our party was changed from Germans Worker Party to the National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi for short. By the end of 1920 we now had a flag and a new name and three thousand members. [Put this on the timeline. So, at this point the party has grown. What do you think this means for the Nazi group? Do you think they may have more influence now? What else may be happening? Why do you think people are listening to Hitler? Take some time at your table to discuss and we will begin the story again.]


Holocaust Unit 34 By 1921 I was getting really good at speaking to large crowds. I would speak out against the Treaty of Versailles, rival politicians, and of course the Jewish people. I was curious as to how I could get the Nazi party to spread throughout Germany. While I was away there was a revolt among the Nazi party. The party said that I was getting to powerful and they wanted me to have less of a place in the Nazi party. I decided to resign from the party in 1921. The party realized that without me there would be no more Nazi party. I told them I would return ONLY if I was given dictatorial powers. In 1921 I became the Fuehrer(leader) of the Nazi party. This was the first time I was called Fuehrer.[Put this date on the timeline] Later that same year, the Allies presented Germany with a bill of 33 billion dollars. This caused an inflation in Germany.[What is an inflation? Would someone go back to the word wall and we can discuss what we think inflation is. Have one of the students move inflation to the appropriate definition.] Many of my beloved Germans lost their life savings. Salaries were paid in worthless money, and groceries cost billions of dollars. This caused chaos in Germany. Hunger strikes broke out and bitter resentment rung out amongst my people. This was not fair. We, as a Nazi party, were not going to stand for this. The government was not going to do something we were. On November 8, 1923 the Nazi's (led by me) stormed the Munich Beer Hall causing panic.[Put this date on the timeline] The Beer hall was a very large gathering of business men and important leaders. We decided that we were going to storm Beer Hall and kidnap the important leaders and force them to put the Nazi's in charge of Germany. Well this plan failed miserably. I was arrested and put on trial for treason. Not sure what treason means? Let's stop and take a look. [Boys and girls thumbs up if you have heard the word treason. Does anyone know what treason means? This word is not on our word wall. I need one volunteer who will go back to the dictionary and look it up for us. Give students time to look up the word treason and share the definition with the class. -Treason is an attempt to overthrow the government. So, Hitler was rightly accused right. What do you think happened to him. Think for a second and then pair and share with your neighbor. Alright class, ready to find out what happened?] So, I was on trial for treason. The judges had become very sympathetic to me and gave me a light sentence. In 1924 I was put in jail. [Put this date on the timeline] I was given a spacious room with a great view. I was also allowed gifts and visitors. While in jail my beloved Nazi group became unorganized, but I had grown in popularity. People knew who I was. While in jail I continued to express my ideas while my private secretary Rudolf Hess wrote down everything. This collection of ideas became a book that I entitled Mein Kampf. In this book I outlined my political and racial ideas in brutally intricate detail, serving both as a blueprint for future actions and as a warning to the world. In my book it divided people into categories based on appearance establishing higher and lower orders. At the top of this list was the Germanic people who were blond hair and blue eyed. This is what I referred to as Aryan. To me Aryan Race was the superior race. [Aryan Race. Hm, what do you think this means? Let's look at our definitions and decide what Aryan Race is. [Discuss definitions, when the students have thr right definition allow a student to go back and move the correct definition to the word. Who wants to move that to the right definition?- What seems weird about Hitler coining this


Holocaust Unit 35 group of people as the master race? People of Aryan Race usually had blond hair and blue eyes. Did Hitler have blond hair and blue eyes? Alright lets read on to see what happens.] One part of my book stated that other races were inferior, but it was the Jewish people who were worst of all. I decided that the Jewish people were worse than the other races because they were trying to keep the Aryan Race from assuming its rightful position as rulers of the world. [I want to point out something very important to you class. Hitler didn't know any of this for sure. He had all of these ideas in his head. He would convince others of it as well.] Anyways, the Jewish people were going to pay... Christmas of 1924 [Put date on timeline] I emerged from jail as a free man at last. In 1929 depression struck Germany. [Put date on timeline] The people of Germany were poor, hungry, tired, and ready for something to believe in. I knew this had to be my time. [This is so important boys and girls. I want you to close your eyes and think of a time when you were completely desperate or at a really hard place. What types of things did you wish for? Did you wish you had something good to believe in? Well that is what was happening with the Nazi's they were offering the German people hope in a dark place. They were saying WE ARE THE LIGHT IN THIS DARK TIME. What would you have done in this situation?] My Nazi party was growing slowly but surely. I decided that I had to think critically. Our group still needed to be bigger. In 1931 the Nazi party had become the second largest party in Germany. I had become a bestselling author with my book Mein Kampf. I knew the time had come, it was my time to strike. So, in 1932, I ran for president. [Put this on the timeline.] I ran and lost to Hindenburg not once, but twice. It is hard to explain, just know I lost. Hindenburg decided to elect me as chancellor of Germany. He did this to remain popular amongst the German people. At the same time the Nazi party had many people in office. We were gaining more and more power. This was thrilling. Some people were so excited but others were weary and scared of what was going to happen. In 1933 everything began to fall into place. Hindenburg died and I was decided upon as the dictator of Germany. [Put date on timeline] I, Adolf Hitler, was now the most powerful person in Germany. For the first time I could turn my attention to the driving force which had propelled my politics in the first place, my hatred of the Jewish people. I started with a simple boycott on April 1, 1933. [Put date one timeline]But that was just the beginning. [Okay boys and girls that is all for today. We will continue reading tomorrow.] II. Opportunity for practice: We know that Hitler did different things to come into power. One strategy Hitler used was propaganda. Who can raise their hand and tell me what propaganda is. [Give students time to answer the question.] Very good, similar to yesterday when I had you put yourself in Hitler's shoes, today I want you to pretend you are in the Nazi party. I want you to design a propaganda poster. Decide what effect you want the poster to have and illustrate it on your paper. There is


Holocaust Unit 36 paper that I will pass out. I am going to let one person from each table group to get up and get supplies for the table. Make sure you are working quietly and doing your own work. I want you to be as creative as possible. Remember the Nazi's in charge of propaganda would have had to be very creative. Are there any questions? Okay, good ahead and begin. III. Assessment: Boys and Girls I need you to put your propaganda posters away. We are going to be doing a quick write. I am going to walk around and pass out the quick write worksheets. I am going to give you 10 minutes to write down how Hitler came to power in 30 words. Make sure you hit on the high points! 30 words only. When you are finished quietly sit at your desk and when the ten minute buzzer goes off I will walk around and collect your papers. I will be assessing you with a rubric. So make sure you write only 30 words, stay on topic, and be creative! IV. Closure: For engagement I had you think about the ways you would come to power in your very own land. I want you to talk to you table and compare and contrast what you said to the actually ways that Hitler came into power. For homework I want you to write in your prediction journal. Write what you think Hitler is going to do with his power. You will turn them into me tomorrow. Thank you class you were very well behaved tomorrow and I can't wait for tomorrow's chapter about what Hitler does with his power.

Materials & Resources: PowerPoint Time line dates Word Wall Words and definitions Quick Write paper Poster paper Markers My Land Worksheet

Differentiation Strategies: Each student will receive a Holocaust Bingo Board. On the board I have included questions and activities that the students can work on. If the student completely finishes the bingo board they


Holocaust Unit 37 will receive a prize. For the students who understand the content, they will be given a chance to work on their bingo board. For the students who are having trouble understanding, we will go back through the story and I will point out and further explain how Hitler came to power. I will explicitly teach the material not in story terms.


Holocaust Unit 38 Name_______________________





Holocaust Unit 39 NAME_________________________________

In 30 words describe how Hitler came to power. Be sure to add in major events and people. '

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 40

NOTES--Day 3 [Hitler's rise to power]

The war ended with a _______________________ defeat. This left Hitler ________. He didn't blame the military, he blamed ________________ & ___________. After the war Hitler continued to work for the ______________________. His job was __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________. *The focus of Marxism is on the concept of the class struggle which, it is argued, exists under capitalism. the class struggle is essentially the idea that working men and women are being oppressed by the elite (i.e. those with money) The government often sent Hitler to meetings where he would have __________ blaming the Jewish people. If nothing else the German people were impressed with how good of a ____________ Hitler was. The government gave Hitler an assignment and told him to investigate the ________________________________.

What happened when Hitler attended the German Workers Party? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________.


Holocaust Unit 41

The German Workers Party was impressed by Hitler's ability to ___________ and invited him to _________________. In 1919 at the age of ____ Hitler joined the ______________________ and got involved with politics.

When Hitler first joined the German Workers Party they were ____________ & ______________. The needed more members. The sent out invitations. Slowly more people began to get interested in the party. They began to use another tactic called ___________________. The propaganda posters were designed to make the _____________ people look bad. More members were joining this party and Hitler became the ____________ of the group. He also selected a sign for the party. He decided upon the _____________. Around this same time we changed our name from the German Workers Party to the ___________________________________________________________. Nazi for short. When Hitler was out trying to make the Nazi party _______, there was a revolt within the group. The group thought that Hitler had ___________ power. They wanted him to step down. Hitler rushed back and said he would ____________. The Nazi's realized there would be no Nazi party without him. They asked him to come back and I said he would only if he was appointed the ___________________. The group voted and Hitler became the __________ of the Nazi party. In 1921 the Allies presented a bill to Germany for __________ dollars. This caused ___________. People were losing all their money. This caused chaos in Germany. The Nazi's decided since the government wasn't going to do anything they were. The Nazi's led by me stormed ______________________. The idea was _______________. Hitler was tried for _____________. He spent _________in jail where he was able to ________________ book called _____________. This book outlined __________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 42

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________. When Hitler as released from jail he reorganized his Nazi Party. In 1929 _______________ struck Germany leaving it's people __________________ for hope. I decided this was my time to strike. By 1931 the Nazi party had become the ______ largest party in Germany. I ran for __________________ in 1932. I _________ twice. However Hindenburg appointed me ______________ of Germany. In 1933 Hindenburg died, and through voting I became __________ of Germany. I was now the most powerful man in Germany.




Holocaust Unit 43

Design for Learning

Instructor: Sabbath McKiernan-Allen Lesson Title: What Did Hitler Do With His Power? Curriculum Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th grade Date: March 28,2013 Estimated Time:

Standards Connection: 8.) List key figures, significant events, and reasons for the involvement of the United States in World War II. Learning Objectives: When given a poem template, the students will identify and write the way Hitler used his power. Learning Objective(s) stated in "kid-friendly" language: Today, we are going to learn what Hitler did with his power. Evaluation of Learning Objective: The students will be observing what was left behind from the Holocaust. They will have a chance to put themselves in the shoes of the Jewish people. The students will "leave behind" letters and poems to alert the world to what the Nazi's are doing. The students will be proficient if they mention the major factors of what Hitler was doing with his power. examples: ghettos, concentration camps, extermination camps, experiments. The students will be assessed based on their ability to get their ideas across through drawings and poetry. Engagement: As the students walk into the classroom write a number on their arm. Do not explain the numbers until later. In the front of the room have a box full of ashes and a star. Don't begin the lesson until the students are seated. Boys and girls, I am going to give you a prediction worksheet. On your arm you have a number, in the front of the room there are ashes and a star. What do all of these things have in common. On your paper I want you to write what you think is going to happen in the rest of the story based on these three items. [Give the students time to write down their predictions on paper.] Would anyone like to share their prediction with the class? [Have students share their predictions and write the short version on the board.] Do you guys want to


Holocaust Unit 44 keep reading the story and find out what these three things have to do with the story? Okay good, because today we are going to learn about what Hitler did with his power. Learning Design: I. Teaching: So, now I am in power and I have complete control over Germany. Now I am able to put my ideas into practice. In my book I talked about a pure race called the Aryan Race. [Class let's look back to the wall to remind us what Aryan Race is.]Well I figured that the Aryan Race was the race that should have total control over Germany. To me all other races were subhuman, but we are only going to focus on what I thought about the Jewish race. In Mein Kampf, my book, I talked about how the Jewish people were to blame for everything that was happening to the German people. The Jewish people became our scapegoat. [Okay class we just heard the word scapegoat. What does that mean? If something is a scapegoat. Let's look at it in context. It said the Jewish people were to blame for everything. They became our scapegoat. What do you think it means? Who wants to go back and add it to our word wall?] Starting in 1933 I started making laws that took away the rights of the Jewish people. What, they deserved it. There were about 400 laws that restricted the Jews from doing things like performing operas and owning cats. These laws were called the Nuremberg Laws.[Put this date on the timeline] In this same year, we began building concentration camps and boycotting Jewish businesses. For the first 9 months of my leadership I was more focused on building up my army and figuring out what to do with the Jewish people. I could tell other countries were getting nervous because I was breaking the Treaty of Versailles. It worried other countries because they didn't know what I was planning on doing. In 1938 things started getting bad for the Jewish people again. My Nazi's would take random Jewish people and make them scrub the toilets with their precious scripture clothes. The Jewish people were being thrown in jail for no reason. My police officers would allow people to rob their houses and businesses. This is what the Jewish people deserved in my opinion. Thanks to the propaganda done by Goebbels everyone began to see the Jewish people like vermin. One of my close men Heinrich Himmler was with me in Vienna. He was the one who realized Jews would pay extraordinary amounts of money to get out of the country. So, Himmler extorted the Jewish people for their freedom. Jewish people were trying to flee the country. They were going to all sorts of places. I was glad to see them go. However, after awhile other countries said no more Jews. So what was I going to do with the rest of them?[Fun fact class. Raise your hand if you have heard of Albert Einstein. He ended up in the United States when Jewish people were leaving Germany.] Many of my Nazi's were all about getting all of the Jewish people out of Germany. After the first big move of the Jewish people from Germany a young Jewish boy named Herschel Grynszpan [Show picture of Herschel Grynszpan] got mad and shot a German official. This led to an event called The Night of Broken Glass. On November 9, 1938 [Put date on timeline. Show pictures to the students from the Night of Broken Glass] Germans went around breaking windows of


Holocaust Unit 45 Jewish synagogues[Synagogue may be a word you never heard before, it is a Jewish place of worship. It is like a church.] and businesses. Hundred of synagogues went up in flames and Torahs were unraveled and ruined. During the Night of Broken Glass 7,500 Jewish business were destroyed, 267 synagogues were burned, and 91 Jews were beaten to death. At this point I decided that the German people were not going to say anything about treating Jewish people poorly so I decided it was time to take action against the Jews. In 1939 Jewish people were beginning to be forced into the ghettos. [Put this date on timeline] The ghettos were an isolated part of the city where Jews were forced to live. [Show pictures of the ghettos] Sometimes there were big gates around the ghettos. We couldn't have the Jews mixing with the Aryan Race. In the ghettos life was unbearable for the Jewish people. They were forced to sew a yellow star on their jackets.[Show a picture of the star of David] This would allow everyone to know who the Jewish people were. Overcrowding was often a problem and there was never enough food to go around. What the Jewish people didn't know was that this was just one step in my grand plan to get rid of them for good. Tens of thousands of people died in my ghettos. In all there were 356 ghettos. The Jews were confined in the ghettos from 1939-1941. [How would you guys feel if you were taken out of your house and forced to move somewhere else. The Jewish people had about 10 minutes to pack and then they had to move to an unknown place. Think about this throughout the whole Holocaust unit. The Jewish people never really knew where they were going. They were moved from place to place and had no idea what was in store. How would that make you feel? I have a video of life in the ghetto. Show video. That looks pretty miserable. Ready to get back to the story?] At points we would take the Jews from the ghettos and stuff them into trains. Sometimes families would get separated, but we didn't care. We wouldn't tell the Jewish people where they were going. They would be on the train for long periods of time. People in the trains died of disease. The trains were going to an extermination camp. You may wonder what an extermination camp is. I'll tell you, an extermination camp is a place designed to kill many Jews at one time. At the extermination camps you were worked to the bone and made to be useful in any way possible. So, when the train got to the camps they would separate the men from the women. The children would usually go with the women. Once inside the camp you were first sorted into whether or not you were an able worker. If you were not an able worker you were sent to the gas chambers where you were killed instantly.[Show pictures of the gas chambers] If you proved to be an able bodied worker you stripped down, your hair was cut, and you were tattooed.[Put the pictures of tattooed and cut hair on the screen.--Why do you think the Jewish people were given tattoos? Give students time to answer. Yes, the Nazi's were trying to strip all of the dignity from the Jewish people, so they gave them tattoos and called them by their tattoo number and not their name. The Nazi's thought of the Jewish people as sub human which means they were not real people. Since the Nazi's considered the Jews as sub human, they were not afraid to treat them this way. Some Nazi's were brain washed.]


Holocaust Unit 46 The Jewish people were then divided into different jobs based on what we thought you could do. You were then forced to work long hours with very little food and very little sleep. The Jewish people died of many things, but starvation and disease were the big two. One of my most well known camp was Auschwitz. [Stop here.--Talk about everything you have heard so far. Show students pictures of Auschwitz. How does it make you feel hearing about the Jews being sent to these camps. Do you think they deserved it? Hitler hated them so much he was willing to see all of them die. Some say Hitler was the cruelest man to ever live, what do you guys think? What if you were a German and saw this was happening, would you have stood up for what was right? It is so easy to say you would have done the right thing, but Hitler and his men were so powerful no one wanted to step out of line. There were some people who stood up for what was right. Some people who Hitler deemed as "worthy" stood up for what they believed in. They hid Jewish people in their homes. Raise your hand if you have ever heard of Anne Frank. She was one of the most famous Jewish people in the Holocaust. She was hidden in the attic of a lady named Miep Gies.--Show picture of Anne Frank and Miep Gies. Miep Gies was not the only person who stood up for what was right. Others would sneak food into the ghettos for the Jewish people risking their lives. ] So Auschwitz was the most famous camp.[Show pictures of the concentration camps.] Auschwitz was in Poland and could house 10,000 people. The gas chambers could hold 2,000 people at once. The gas chambers were designed like a shower.[Go back to the picture of the gas chamber.] Most people going to be gassed believed they were taking a shower. They would strip of their clothes and head into a big room full of shower heads. Once in the room the Nazi's would put deadly gas into the nozzle heads and it would fill the room. The Jews would all be killed. With the bodies we would put them in a crematorium where their bodies would be burned and there would be nothing left but ashes. In one day at Auschwitz 12,000 people could be gassed and incinerated. All that was left was ashes. [So now we can see what the star was used for. The Jewish people were forced to sew them on their jackets while in the ghettos. We see what the tattoos were for. When the Jewish people were in the concentration camps the Nazi's tattooed them stripping them of their name and calling them only by their number. Lastly, we can see what the ashes are for. When the Jewish people were gassed their bodies were burned and all that was left is ashes. Raise your hand if you correctly guessed what all three objects were for. Very good, well this story is almost over so let's keep going.] If you can believe it there was even more bad stuff happening inside the camps. There was a man I put inside the camps by the name of Dr. Josef Mengele. For short we called Josef the Angel of Death. [Show a picture of Dr. Mengele.] He was a doctor and was interested in the genetics of twins and dwarfs and people with other colored eyes. He would operate on the Jewish people in the camps hoping to learn more about the genetic makeup of humans. Sometimes he would operate on them while they were awake. It must have been a lot of pain. [Show pictures of Dr. Mengele's operations.] The people in the camps were suffering each day. They were so disconnected from the world and each day they were losing hope. They were starving, overworked, mistreated, and diseased. The Jews future was looking pretty hopeless. What they didn't know is we were losing the war. We


Holocaust Unit 47 had gone against our alliance with the Soviet Union in 1941 and tried to invade them.[Put this date on the timeline.] Also America had been pulled into the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. [Put date on timeline] We were losing ground fast and we were losing it fast. We were getting desperate. We didn't want anyone to know what we had done to the Jews so we tried to cover it up. We were killing them as fast as we could. We also decided to make them do death marches. Between 1944 and 1945 we forced the Jewish people to march hundreds of miles toward inner Germany. [Put date on timeline]However we were not able to evacuate everyone fast enough. In 1945, the world found out... [Put date on timeline] Okay class that is all for today! II. Opportunity for practice: Hitler was doing all these horrific things to the Jewish people. The Jews wanted the world to know what was going on, so they left behind pictures and poetry. So what we are going to do is look at some of those documents. We are going to look at the documents and try to figure out what the author was trying to tell us. If it's a poem you may have to read it multiple times in order to figure out what is happening. If it is a poem you may have to look and analyze for awhile to figure out what is happening. As a table group try to figure out what the author wants us to know. Write it on the back of the document and we will share our predictions with the class. Make sure you are using your background knowledge of the Holocaust to make your predictions. [Give students time to look at their picture or poem. Walk around while they analyze the poetry and ask prompting questions getting them to think and make inferences.--When the students are done have them share with the class.] Starting with this table here I want you to show your picture or read your poem and explain what you think this author is trying to tell the world. [Give the students time to share] III. Assessment: So throughout this unit we have put ourselves in the shoes of Hitler. We have also put ourselves in the shoes of the Nazi propaganda specialist. Today we are going to put ourselves in the shoes of the Jewish people. We looked at documents left behind. You are going to do the same thing. You are going to" leave documents behind." What I want you to do is draw a picture or write a poem and tell the world what Hitler is doing with his power. If you draw a picture make sure you can explain it. Be creative and take your time! [Give the students time to draw their picture or write a poem.] When you are done with your work bring it up to me. If you finish with your poem or picture you may quietly work on your bingo boards. IV. Closure: Now that I have everyone's work I need you to take our your prediction journal. Today you are not going to make a prediction. You are going to do a summary. In your journal I want you to


Holocaust Unit 48 summarize the various places we saw injustice throughout the unit. Work quietly. When you are done raise your hand and I will come around and collect your work. Thanks again for being such great listeners and workers! I am very proud of you.

Materials & Resources: Markers Ashes Gold star PowerPoint Poetry from holocaust survivors Pictures from holocaust survivors.

Differentiation Strategies: Each student will receive a Holocaust Bingo Board. On the board I have included questions and activities that the students can work on. If the student completely finishes the bingo board they will receive a prize. For the students who understand the content, they will be given a chance to work on their bingo board. For the students who don't understand what happened in the Holocaust we will do role playing. If the students have a chance to act out different scenes from the Holocaust it may help them get a better understanding of events in the Holocaust.


Holocaust Unit 49

The heaviest wheel rolls across our foreheads To bury itself deep somewhere inside our memories. We've suffered here more than enough, Here in this clot of grief and shame, Wanting a badge of blindness To be a proof for their own children. A fourth year of waiting, like standing above a swamp From which any moment might gush forth a spring. Meanwhile, the rivers flow another way, Another way, Not letting you die, not letting you live. And the cannons don't scream and the guns don't bark And you don't see blood here. Nothing, only silent hunger. Children steal the bread here and ask and ask and ask And all would wish to sleep, keep silent, and just go to sleep again... The heaviest wheel rolls across our foreheads To bury itself deep somewhere inside our memories.


Holocaust Unit 50

The Butterfly
The last, the very last, So richly, brightly, dazzlingly yellow. Perhaps if the sun's tears would sing against a white stone. Such, such a yellow Is carried lightly way up high. It went away I'm sure because it wished to kiss the world good-bye. For seven weeks I've lived in here, Penned up inside this ghetto. But I have found what I love here. The dandelions call to me And the white chestnut branches in the court. Only I never saw another butterfly. That butterfly was the last one. Butterflies don't live here, in the ghetto.


Holocaust Unit 51 NAME__________________________________ What do you want the world to remember? Act as if you are a Jewish prisoner. Draw a picture or write a poem depicting what Hitler is doing with his power. BE CREATIVE!


Holocaust Unit 52

NOTES--DAY 4 [What did Hitler do with his power?]

Now that Hitler is the most ____________ person in Germany it was time to put his plans in action. In 1933 Hitler made __________________________. These _____ stripped the Jewish people of their ___________.

November 9, 1938 is known as ___________________________________. This night Nazi's _______________ Jewish ______________ & _______________. That night _______ businesses were destroyed, _______ synagogues were burned, and _____ Jews were beaten to death. In 1939 Jewish people were forced to move into ____________. The ghettos were an ____________ part of the city where Jewish people were ___________ to live. In the ghettos life was unbearable. Issues in the ghetto included: When the Jewish people were moved from the ghetto they would travel by train to the _______________________. At these camps the Jews were stripped of their dignity.


Holocaust Unit 53

Ways the Nazi's stripped the Jews of their dignity included: In the extermination camps the Jewish people were forced to ________. They worked long hours with not much _________ or _________. Jewish people often died of _____________, ______________, and __________________. For those who didn't die of those causes some were forced into the _________________. In the chambers the Jewish people were ______ to death. Once killed the Nazi's would put the Jews in a _____________ which burned them. In one day at an extermination camp they could kill ____________ Jewish people. One of the most famous camps was _________________. In 1941 Germany broke an alliance with ____________ which ultimately led to them losing the war. Scared the world was going to find out about the camps the Nazi's began to ________ the Jews as fast as they could. They also forced the Jews to walk many miles. These long walks were called ____________________. The Nazi's were not quick enough. In 1945 The camps were __________________ and the world ________________.



Holocaust Unit 54

Design for Learning

Instructor: Sabbath McKiernan-Allen Lesson Title: Wrap Up Lesson Curriculum Area: Social Studies Grade Level: 6th grade Date: March 28,2013 Estimated Time: 1hr 45 min.

Standards Connection: 8.) List key figures, significant events, and reasons for the involvement of the United States in World War II. Learning Objectives: When given a pretest the students will be able to recall and respond information about the Holocaust. Learning Objective(s) stated in "kid-friendly" language: Today we are going to be going back to our main concept of injustice and reflecting on how we saw it in the Holocaust. Evaluation of Learning Objective: Due to the amount of content covered in this lesson, I will give the students a pre test for the evaluation. The assessment will have 25 questions each worth two points. The students will work with a partner. The group will be consider proficient if they answer 20/25 questions correctly. Engagement: Before we move into the teaching I bet you are all wondering what happened to the people in the Holocaust. Well I am going to give you a general summary and the rest is going to be left up to you. As the Germans began to lose the war in 1945, Hitler committed suicide. He realized his reign was over and wanted to go out with dignity. The German officials were tried and sentenced according to their degree of cruelty. The Jewish people were rescued from the camps and nursed back to health. Some of the Jewish people never fully recovered. Some Jewish people went on to write books and speak out about the horrific events of the Holocaust. For example, there is a book called Night that is written by a Holocaust survivor. In the end six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. That is a brief overview of what happened to the people of the Holocaust. Today we are going to review the different events in the Holocaust and relate them back to our main theme of injustice.


Holocaust Unit 55 Learning Design: I. Teaching: The first day we discussed our overall concept. Raise your hand if you can remember the concept and remember how we defined it. [The first day we talked about injustice. We talked about how it is just unfairly treating people.] Good, the first day we talked about injustice and we set the scene for our story. Raise your hand if you think the story we heard is a form of injustice. So the second lesson, we talked about Hitler's early life. I want you guys in your table groups to talk about where you saw injustice in this chapter of the story. [Have students get into table groups to discuss where they saw injustice in the first story. There are many examples the students can use. The way Hitler's father treated him is just one example.] Starting with this table, I want you to tell me what your table discussed. [Have the students share their examples. Write the examples on the board and talk through each example. Make sure you are having the students explain their thinking behind their examples.] Good, so we see how in Hitler's early life there was injustice. Another question, On the first day we talked about ways that Hitler was impacted as a young child and how that affected what he did as an adult. Again with your table discuss those things that impacted Hitler and what decisions he made based on the things that impacted him.[Give students time to discuss] The third lesson we talked about Hitler's rise to power. Here there was one concept that was imperative for you to realize. The second lesson we saw that Hitler started to hate the Jews at a young age. However was unable to do anything with that hate until he had something. What was it that he needed before he could put his plans into action. [Hitler had to have power before he could act upon his hatred of the Jewish people. He couldn't treat the whole group unjustly until he had the power to do so. This concept is really important for the students to realize.] The fourth lesson we talked about what Hitler did once in power. This day is heavy on injustice. With your table discuss all the forms of injustice we saw on this day. [The students should recognize that starting with the Nuremberg Laws and ending with the death marches the Jewish people were treated unjustly. They were stripped of their freedom and dignity. They were unfairly treated based on what they believed and based upon what Hitler thought of them.] What types of things did you guys come up with? Would anyone like to share? When you share make sure you give your example and explain how that was a form of injustice. [Give students time to share make sure you are writing the examples on the board. Talk through the examples on the board.] So through this unit we see that injustice can start with just treating people unfairly. However once you are in a place with greater power, you are able to treat a large group of people unjustly and the degree of treatment can be much worse. So, when Hitler first began to hate the Jews he couldn't do much about it because [he didn't have power]. As he began to get more and


Holocaust Unit 56 more power he was able to [Treat larger groups with injustice.] One form of injustice Hitler used was [Inhumane Treatment] and that inhumane treatment included [Gas chambers, ghettos,
concentration camps, and over work.] We also see that the Nazi's were defeated and the Jewish people were liberated which shows us that injustice can be [overcome] Very good class you have a good grasp on what we are working on. So we have spent a lot of time talking about injustice and how it is seen in the Holocaust. I want to challenge you guys to now get with a partner and discuss other examples of injustice in the world. These examples can be things that have happened in the past OR they can be things that are happening right now. Discuss more examples of injustice and make sure you can explain how it is injustice. Explain who is being treated unjustly. Tell us what is happening or what happened to that group of people. Also discuss how the problem was solved or what is being done to solve the problem. Talk with your partner for about 10 minutes and then we will share with the class. Make sure you are writing down your examples. Give students time to talk amongst their partners. Walk around formatively assessing based on conversations. When students are finished have them share their forms of injustice. Write them up on the board so the whole class can see. Have the students explain how it is injustice. Who is being treated unjustly. What is happening to them? What were the results OR what is being done to solve the problem. Pick some of the forms and discuss them. Briefly explain the genocide in Darfur and what happened in Rwanda, Africa. Starting with this group what forms of injustice did you come up with? Those are all great examples! Injustice is seen all around us and it is up to people like us to stand against it!

II. Opportunity for practice: For practice I want each of you to take out your character card. At the beginning of the unit you made predictions about what you thought your persons role was in the Holocaust. You heard me mention your person through the story I told. Now, we are going to go more in-depth and research these people. You will have time in class to go to the computer lab and research your person. You will learn what their role was in the Holocaust. You will decide whether they aided in the injustice or if they were being treated unjustly. You will also find other interesting facts about your person. Once you have done all of this research we are going to host a talk show. I am going to be the host and am going to ask you questions about your person. I will give you the questions ahead of time. You should focus on dressing like your person and talking like your person. Try to watch YouTube videos and look at pictures. We will be presenting early next week, but we are going to start by doing research now. III. Assessment: Okay, with a buddy I want you guys to find an empty space in the room. If you are going to sit on the floor I need you to bring a clipboard or something hard to write on. I am going to hand out a pretest and I want you guys to work through it. I need you to keep the noise at a dull roar please.


Holocaust Unit 57 If it gets too loud everyone will go back to their seat and work on the test alone. Each question is worth 2 points. When you are finish you may bring up your test and work on your research. IV. Closure: Before you leave I am going to ask you to turn in your journals. Also if you have finished your bingo board you may bring it to me and get your prize. Differentiation of Strategies: Each student will receive a Holocaust Bingo Board. On the board I have included questions and activities that the students can work on. If the student completely finishes the bingo board they will receive a prize. For the students who understand the content, they will be given a chance to work on their bingo board. For the students who are having trouble wrapping the whole lesson together I will meet with them in a small group. We will go over all their notes and together we will wrap the lesson up. Materials & Resources: Character cards Computers Library books Pretest


Holocaust Unit 58

NAMES________________________________ List and describe three things that negatively impacted Hitler as a child. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Briefly explain why Hitler hated the Jewish race. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What was life like in the ghettos and concentration camps. Use specific details to support your answer. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What was one of the most important things Hitler needed in order to carry out his plan of exterminating the Jewish race? _________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 59

What happened to trigger the Night of Broken Glass? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What is the Nazi's sign? _________________________________________________________________

NOTES--DAY 5 [Wrap Up]

Day 2: Hitler's young life-- What forms of Injustice happened in Hitler's young life?

Day 3: Hitler's Rise to Power Hitler hated the Jews way before anything ever happened to him what was he missing? ______________________ Why does that matter?


Holocaust Unit 60

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Day 4: What Did Hitler Do With His Power? What types of Injustice were seen in this chapter?

Day 5: Wrap Up We see that : When Hitler started hating the Jews he had no ____________, so he was unable to do anything with his hatred. Once Hitler got ______________, he was able to carry out his plans. One way Hitler treated the Jews unjustly was through __________________. The forms of ______________ were: However the Nazi's were defeated showing us that injustice can be ____________.



Holocaust Unit 61

Each day I have provided a different assessment to ensure the understanding of the content. I will know if the students have learned the content based on their performance on the various assessments. During the unit I use a variety of ways to monitor progress. Each day during the teaching I have the student filling out a note taking guide. I will be walking around making sure the students have the correct spaces filled in. In the lessons the students are given the opportunity to discuss issues with their tables. I will walk around listening to conversations making sure the students understand the material. Also, the practice given each day is a great way of formatively assessing the understanding of the content. Each lesson has different assessment tools. I use a writing prompt, stories, quick writes, and pretests. The information gained from these tests helps me to evaluate what level the student is on. This is important because if the student is not on grade level they will be getting extra instruction from the teacher.


Holocaust Unit 62 Upon completion of the unit I will give the students a summative assessment. The information on this test will all have been covered by the unit. The assessment will contain different types of questions. The test will be comprised of multiple choice, true and false, matching, vocabulary, short answer, and essay. The test will be worth 100 points. There will be homework given to the students every night. The homework is not only assess the student's knowledge, but also acts as a tool to help students build more understanding. I have the students researching injustice around the world, studying characters from the Holocaust, and writing in journals. The students will also be encouraged to go home and study their note taking guides each day. These guides will help them better understand the Holocaust and perform well on the final assessment. For the most part the only thing I will be assessing during the unit is content. However when the students turn in their writing assignments I will be do a basic assessment. I will look to see if the student took time to read what they wrote. Did they correct grammar issues? Are they writing like a sixth grader should be writing? However, the assessing of the writing will not be as in depth as the assessing of the content.


Holocaust Unit 63

NAMES________________________________ List and describe three things that negatively impacted Hitler as a child. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Briefly explain why Hitler hated the Jewish race. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 64

What was life like in the ghettos and concentration camps. Use specific details to support your answer. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What was one of the most important things Hitler needed in order to carry out his plan of exterminating the Jewish race? _________________________________________________________________ What happened to trigger the Night of Broken Glass? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

What is the Nazi's sign? _________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 65

Read through the story of Darwin. As you read highlight all the examples of injustice. On a separate sheet of paper explain how each example you found is a form of injustice.

Name___________________________ It was a day like any other day. Darwin packed up his book bag and headed out the door, ready for the adventure of middle school. As he cruised through the morning class work, Darwins smile radiated from ear to ear. But, in the cafeteria during his lunch hour, the table he wanted to sit at would not let him sit with them because they knew Darwin did not own an iPad. The table laughed at him and continued to eat their meals as Darwin sulked off to a table of his own. The day took an even worse turn during PE, when Darwin was not allowed to play football because he had glasses. The teacher made him sit on the sidelines and watch the other kids run around and play on the crisp green grass. After PE, Darwin decided that today was just not his day. The teacher decided to give the students a pop-quiz in Geography and Darwin thought he


Holocaust Unit 66 did really well. Little did he know, Darwins teacher went to high school with his mother and did not like her so she gave Darwin and F on his quiz, even though he really got a B+. As the final bell rang, Darwin really thought that this was just the worst day ever! He did not think that anything else could possibly happen to him. But, as Darwin made his way on the bus he saw a sign that said If you have freckles you must proceed to the back of the bus. Darwin held back tears as he made his way back, double checking the numerous freckles on his arms. The bus ride was a long one, but Darwin walked home from the bus stop believing that tomorrow held new positive possibilities.

Lesson Objective Formative Assessment

When given a story dealing with social injustice the students will be able to identify and explain the components of injustice. The student will be considered proficient if they can correctly identify the form of injustice and explain how it is injustice. Questioning Group discussion Making predictions about injustice Identifying injustice within a story. Questioning Table discussion Whole group discussion Letter writing Writing prompt Questioning Table discussion Making propaganda posters Quick write

Summative Assessme
Vocabulary 2 Short answer 21 Essay 24,25

When given a writing prompt the students will answer the question reflecting on the things that impacted Hitler's life ultimately leading to his hatred of the Jewish race.

Vocabulary 7 Short answer 22 Essay 24,25

The students will identify that Hitler started out powerless, but using speeches, propaganda, and manipulation he was able to rise to the top. When given a Quick write using only 30 worlds, the students will be able to explain how Hitler rose to power.

Vocabulary 3, 7, 9 Matching 11, 13 T/F 15 Fill in the blank 19, 20 Essay 24


Holocaust Unit 67
Compare & contrast

The students will write a poem or letter identifying what Hitler is doing with his power. Questioning 3 object predictions Table discussion Analyzing primary documents Making primary documents Question Table discussion Pretest Exit slips

Vocabulary 1, 2, 5,6,7,8 Matching 10,12 T/F 14,16,17,18 Short Answer 23 Essay 25

When given a pretest the students will be able to recall and respond information about the Holocaust.

(New new content is covered this day)


Holocaust Unit 68





Holocaust Unit 69



NAME___________________________________ Read the prompt below. Answer the question fully on the lines provided. Be sure to answer both parts of the question. Hitler's hatred of the Jewish race began early in Hitler's life. List and describe the reasons for Hitler's hatred. Predict what you think Hitler is going to do with his hatred of the Jewish race.


Holocaust Unit 70

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ NAME_________________________________

In 30 words describe how Hitler came to power. Be sure to add in major events and people. '


Holocaust Unit 71

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

The teacher will accommodate for all types of learners. After each section there are strategies I will use to differentiate instruction. I will place students in the two different groups


Holocaust Unit 72 based on the work they turn in and by formative assessments. If the students are on grade level or above grade level they will be given a choice board. On this board the students are given different questions to research. They will have time to do this after assessments. When the student completes the whole choice board they will turn in the information to me and receive a prize. The students who are not on or above level will have an opportunity to complete the choice boards for homework. Based on formative assessment, the students who are not on level we will meet in small groups. In small groups the students will receive more explicit instruction. The students will role play and discuss parts of the lesson in order to get a firm understanding of the content. I will also provide more examples in an effort to get the students on grade level. The students will be asked to fill out a note taking guide during the teaching. For the students who are not on grade level, they will receive the same note taking guide with all the blanks filled in. This will allow these student to focus more on the lesson and less on filling out the note taking guide. The students sit in table groups. In these groups the students are engaged in numerous conversations and activities. The tables are set up so there are a variety of learners at a table. From the beginning of the unit I encourage students to be active participants in table discussion. I will walk around and assess the students participation. The students should be engaged and prepared for discussion. I grouped students this way so lower level students can work with students who understand the material. It is my hope that when discussing issues in a kid friendly way the students better understand the concepts. To motivate and access prior knowledge the I begin each lesson with an activity that makes the days topic personal to the student. This allows the student to make connections between the activity we started the class with and the content


Holocaust Unit 73 they will learn. With the way I present content I don't believe cultural differences will be an issue. However if culture differences appear and effect the student's learning, I will provide one on one instruction with the student in order to bridge the gap.

Verbal Linguistic


Existential -Class discussion, what if questions

-Oral presentations Logical/ Mathematic -pretest, quick write

Holocaust Unit 74

Interpersonal -Letter writing activity

MULTIPE INTELGENCES Intrapersonal -Poems and picture drawing

Visual/Spatial -Pictures, PowerPoint, videos, drawings, artwork.

Naturalist -Maps of Germany & Austria Musical Rhythmic - Listening to Wagner's opera Bodily/ Kinesthetic -Oral presentation with character cards


Lesson Lesson 1 Holocaust Unit 75

On Level

Below Level

The students will be given a The students will be given note taking guide. The the same note taking guide students are encouraged to with the blanks filled in. fill in the chart during the teaching. The students will be given a note taking guide. The students are encouraged to fill in the chart during the teaching. Students will write letters to the Nazi's they will also work on a writing prompt. The students will be given the same note taking guide with the blanks filled in. The students will work individually writing a letter to the Nazi's. The teacher will aid students. The students will work on the writing prompt with extra guidance from the teacher. Students will also meet with teacher after the opportunity for practice in order to go over that days content. The students will be given a The students will be given note taking guide. The the same note taking guide students are encouraged to with the blanks filled in. The fill in the chart during the students will be working on teaching. The students will propaganda posters with help make propaganda posters from the teacher as needed. and recall information The students will also recall using a quick write. information using a quick write. The students will be allowed extra time in order to finish the quick write. Prior to the assessment the students will meet with the teacher in order to go over that days content. The students will be given a The students will be given note taking guide. The the same note taking guide students are encouraged to with the blanks filled in. In fill in the chart during the groups, the students will look teaching. In groups, the and analyze poems and students will observe and pictures from Holocaust analyze poems and letters survivors. The students with from Holocaust survivors. aid from the teacher will They will also create their create their own pictures and own poems and pictures. poems displaying their This pictures should display knowledge of what Hitler their knowledge of what was doing with his power. Hitler was doing with his power.

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4


Holocaust Unit 76 Lesson 5 The students will be given a note taking guide. The students are encouraged to fill in the chart during the teaching. The students will research information about a specific person in the Holocaust. With a partner students will complete a pre test. The students will be given the same note taking guide with the blanks filled in. The students will research information about a specific person in the Holocaust. I will be there to assist students with their research. Students will also complete a pre test. The students will meet with me before the pretest so we can review key points and concepts together.


Holocaust Unit 77

Literacy Strategy Predictions Inferencing Visualizing Summarizing Questioning

Throughout the lessons I encourage students to make predictions about events in the Holocaust. Students also keep prediction journals. I ask the student to use information and make predictions about certain characters or situations in the unit.

I ask the students to visualize during the rise to power lesson. The students visualize a land and then right about it.

The students summarize the main events of the Holocaust. The students also use quick writes which is a form of summarizing.

I engage the students with questioning throughout the entire unit. This is how I activate higher level thinking.


Holocaust Unit 78

In my unit I am using a power point to reinforce my teaching. As previously stated, I am teaching my content by telling a story. My technology will have pictures and videos in order to help students put a picture to the events, characters, and places. I will also be using a classroom website throughout this unit. The students are encouraged to go home or the local library to get on the website each day. The website provides the students with additional resources to help build their knowledge of the Holocaust. The website also has homework elements that the students must complete before the unit is over. Each day the students are asked to log on to the website and write down one take away from that days lesson. I have included interesting websites and videos on the website. It is my hope that this motivates students to want to go deeper and learn more about the Holocaust. The website is also designed for parents. The site has a breakdown of what we, as a class, are going to do each day. The parents are encouraged to write questions and concerns on the website. I will get back to each parents as fast as possible. I also included websites for parental use just in case they want to deepen their knowledge of the Holocaust. This website allows students to post questions and thoughts when they are not with me. The website is a direct connection between me, the students, and the parents. Other activities do not allow such a direct connection to the teacher and a window into the classroom. The students will all get the website link. If they have internet at home they will utilize the technology at home. If the students have no internet accommodations will be made. Students will be encouraged to use the computers at the local library. If library computers are not accessible, I


Holocaust Unit 79 will give certain students time at school to post on the website. Questions: 1. I think the website is so beneficial to a classroom. What a website offers that other activities do not offer is a direct line of communication from you to the parents. It also gives you an easy way to formatively assess students. The way I set up my website parents are able to see what we are learning in class and able to make comments and ask questions. Other activities don't allow parents a window into the classroom. 2. I believe that parental involvement and student participation are extremely important in the classroom. The website is a direct line from me to the parents. If the website was not available I would keep the parents updated by sending home daily newsletters. The website is also a great way to assess the students participation. If the website were to be unavailable I would have the students write their "take-away" on a sheet of paper and turn it in. My lesson would not be altered much if my technology piece were to be unavailable, the technology makes everything easier for the students, the teacher, and the parents. 3. The website is going to be a place where students can write their ideas and questions. The nice thing about the way I have set up the website is all the questions and responses come to me first. If something is inappropriate I will not post it on the website, and I will speak to that student individually. Nothing will go on the website without coming through me first. After reading what the students thought and had questions about I will be posting them on the website. The students will need to be respectful of what other students think and post. If the students are rude about any postings I will no longer be able to post the students ideas and thoughts.


Holocaust Unit 80 4. At the beginning of the year I will walk through the website with each student. I will make sure each students knows how to use the website. After the first couple of weeks there should be no question about what I expect each child to post. Assessing The Website: I will assess the use of the website using the attached rubric. This rubric states that the students were able to get on the website and follow directions. It states that the students posted thought provoking and appropriate content on the website. The students will receive full credit if they complete every assignment on the website with high quality work. Each student will receive the rubric for the website prior to the start of the unit. There should be no surprises when it comes to the website. This is just a fun interactive way for all students to be heard in my classroom.


Holocaust Unit 81

Cross Curricular Activities

The Holocaust unit is a social studies unit, but should be reinforced with other subjects. For this unit I am going to add in three different subject areas. Those areas include: Technology, English, and Art. With technology the students will be asked to make a multimedia presentation. The presentation should be a 1 minute video explaining and demonstrating the most important events of the Holocaust. The teacher will provide time for the students to work on their videos. The teacher will also provide the cameras and computers. For the English activity the students are going to be reading the book Night by Elie Wiesel. The students will participate in literature circles using this book. For Art the students will be critiquing the two paintings by Adolf Hitler. They will be asked to look and document the strengths and weaknesses of each painting.


Holocaust Unit 82

Subject Technology

Publish digital products that communicate curriculum concepts.

The students will create a 1 minute video explaining and demonstrating the events of the Holocaust.

The teacher will give the students time to work in groups of 4. In groups the students will work on a video that explains the major events of the Holocaust. The video should be one minute. The students will be broken up into groups based on reading level. All the students will be reading the book Night. After finishing the book the students will complete a similarities and differences chart comparing the book and the content learned in the unit. The students will receive two pieces of art work painted by Adolf Hitler. Using a strengths and weaknesses chart the students will evaluate Hitler's art work.

The teacher will evaluate the students video based on the attached rubric.


Identify examples of literary selections that illustrate linguistic and cultural diversity.

The students will participate in literature circles using the book Night. At the end of the book the students will be able to identify similarities and differences from the book Night and from the content we learned in the unit.

I will assess the students similarity and difference chart. The student will be considered proficient if they are able to make thoughtful similarities and differences.


Discuss strengths and weaknesses of a personal portfolio or other work of art.

The students will look at two different pictures painted by Hitler. They will identify strengths and weaknesses of the paintings.

I will assess the students by their strengths and weaknesses chart. The students will be considered proficient if they evaluate the art using concepts we have worked on in class.


Holocaust Unit 83

Prepping Students: Before we attend the field trip the students will have been through a Holocaust Unit. The students will have background knowledge about injustice, Hitler, concentration camps, ghettos, and liberation. Refer to class website for Holocaust information. The students will be instructed on how to act during the program. There will be a discipline contract signed before the field trip. The contract will state that if the student can not behave themselves during this field trip they will not be allowed on any other fieldtrips the rest of the year. They must sign the contract before they get on the bus to leave. Safety Plan: A safety plan will be sent home with each student. This safety plan states that in case of an emergency the teacher will do what is needed to provide for the student. The parents must sign the safety plan. Also, on the permission slip the parents must fill out any special needs their child may have. Management Plan: If each student returns his/her permission slip there will be 22 students on the field trip. They will be asked to wear a Trace Crossings tee shirt or sweatshirt. The group will be split into four small groups. There will be two groups of 6 and two groups of 5. Each chaperone will set up a spot inside the University of Auburn in Montgomery athletic center to meet if a child gets lost. We will all stay together for the most part, but the chaperones are in charge of certain students. Rules during the trip and rules on the bus will be addressed in the contract attached. If any student is not able to go on the trip they will be left at school. While at school the students will watch Schindler's List. The movie will be followed by a worksheet for the students to fill out. Bussing: Due to the extra money from the last field trip, the students will not be asked to pay for the bussing of this field trip. The only money the students will need to bring is $5.00 for lunch. Lunch/Snack Plan: Snacks will not be provided on the trip. Students are welcome to bring snacks if desired. Lunch will be provided to each student. We will eat lunch during the high school essay readings. Depending on the weather the groups will take the lunches and find a spot outside. If inclement weather we will make changes. The lunch includes: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, apple, baked Lays potato chips, and a Capri sun. If your child has allergies he/she can bring a lunch


Holocaust Unit 84 from home. If your child brings lunch from home $5.00 is not necessary, but if desired you may provide $5.00 to help pay for another student. Communication: Prior to leaving for the trip the chaperones will all exchange numbers. Also on the letter home I will provide the parents with my phone number and the chaperone's phone number. I will have the bus drivers phone number just in case something happens. The administration at school will have my number and the number of the chaperones going on the field trip. If anything happens to the students back at school they will have a way to get in contact with me. Assessment: Prior to the field trip the students will participate in a Holocaust Unit. They will be learning different aspects of the Holocaust. During the lesson the students will often be asked to put themselves in the place of the Jewish people or in the place of the Nazis. After the program the students will be asked to fill out a Venn Diagram. On one side they are going to write about what they learned from the unit. On the other side the students will write what they learned from the program, and in the middle the students will write what the two had in common. After completing the Venn Diagram the students will write a short reflection on the similarities and differences of what they learned in the Unit and what they learned from the speaker and the video screening. Follow Up: For each chaperone we will make a class card with everyone's signature. We will also be writing to the Holocaust survivors. TSW: write a letter to the Holocaust survivor asking them any questions they might have and thanking them for speaking. The students will take these letters through the writing process before I send them. I will also be checking these letters to make sure the content is appropriate. Lastly I will make a special newsletter for all the students to their parents. The newsletter will give the parents a brief description of the program, pictures, and high's and low's of the field trip from the students perspective.


Holocaust Unit 85 Dear Guardians, This semester our class will be taking a field trip to the University of Auburn in Montgomery for a Holocaust program. The program is May 16, 2013 and will include a film screening, high school essay contest, talks from holocaust survivors, and a memorial service. The students will take a bus from Trace Crossing to the University of Auburn in Montgomery. The bus ride is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The program begins at 9:30, so we will leave Trace Crossings at 7:30 a.m. The students should be at Trace Crossings ready to go no later than 7:00 a.m. The program ends at 12:00 p.m. getting us back to Trace Crossings around 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided to the students while we are at The University of Auburn in Montgomery. The students have the option of bringing a snack, we will not provide one. The students are asked to leave all electronics at home. If students decide to bring electronics we will not be held responsible if lost or stolen. If you are not comfortable sending your student on this field trip or if he/she has had disciplinary problems they will stay at school. They will watch a movie and complete an assignment, which will replace their field trip grade. The movie the students are watching is Schindler's List. This movie is rated R due to explicit content. If your student is staying at school please sign the bottom of this letter to allow your student to watch the movie. We are asking for three chaperones to attend the trip. If you are interested please contact me by April 30. We are asking each student to provide $5.00 for the trip, this will cover lunch for the student. Any extra money from the trip will go back into the Trace Crossings field trip fund. If you are unable to provide the $5.00 send me an email and we will work something out. Attached to this note is a permission slip, a behavior contract, daily schedule, and an emergency plan. Please fill everything out and have the forms and the money to me no later than May 1,2013.

Thank You, Sabbath McKiernan-Allen


Holocaust Unit 86

Safety Plan
Prior to Departure: The staff member in charge shall ensure that all other staff members and chaperones have received a list of contact numbers for each of the adults on the trip. The staff member in charge shall ensure that all adults supervising students have received a copy of any information containing special needs as well as the emergency contact information for each student they will supervise.

In the case of an injury or illness requiring immediate medical care, 911 will be contacted. The staff member in charge will be notified of the emergency. The staff member in charge will ensure that emergency medical care of first aid care is applied. Contact will be made with the school district by phone or radio to report all emergencies. Contact will be made with the parent of any injured/ill student immediately by the staff member in charge. At least one staff member will remain with the injured/ill individual at all times. Cell

Primary Contact Name:_____________________________ Phone___________________ Secondary Contact Name:___________________________ Phone___________________


Throughout the emergency The safety of and accounting for every student will remain a priority The staff member in charge will issue directions for all students and chaperones to be gathered and accounted for. All adults will receive directions from the staff member in charge or designate person in charge regarding the management of the remaining students/chaperones on the trip.

Upon return to the school: All school staff members will document their recollection of the events upon return to the school site and submit them to the school site administrator.


Holocaust Unit 87

Field Trip Permission Form

Dear Parent or Guardian, Your child will be attending a field trip. Please read the information at the top of this form, then sign and return the permission slip at the bottom of this form by May 1, 2013

Field Trip Information: Date: May 16, 2013 Location: University of Auburn in Montgomery Purpose: To hear Holocaust survivors speak. Cost: $5.00 this will cover the students lunch. Cash or check payable to: Trace Crossing Elementary Means of Transportation: We will be traveling to Montgomery by bus. Leave school: 7:00am Arrive back at school: 2:30pm Special Instructions: If your child has any special medical needs please let me know before the field trip.

Save this part of the form for future reference.

Cut here------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut here

Sign this part of the form and return it to your child's teacher.


Holocaust Unit 88

_____________________________________________________ has permission to attend a field trip to

The University of Auburn in Montgomery on May 16, 2013.

Enclosed, please find cash/check in the amount of _____________________ to cover the cost of the trip.

I give my permission for ________________________________________ to receive emergency medical

treatment. In an emergency, please contact:

Name: _________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

Cell phone: (317)690-4423


Holocaust Unit 89 I _____________________________________allow my student____________________________ to watch the movie Schindler's List. Parent signature______________________________


Holocaust Unit 90

Schindler's List

Before watching the movie Schindler's List take a minute and look over the questions. Keep these questions in your head as you watch the move. After the movie take some time to reflect on the questions. When you are finished with this worksheet you may read independently OR work on homework. IF I hear from the substitute that you were not behaving there will be consequences. 1. In the film, the Nazi commandant Goeth describes Jewish people as vermin and rats. What purpose did language serve? Give other examples of language used in the film to describe Jewish people. How do you and your their friends describe a different ethnic group? In your environment, how does language reflect the feelings of a person towards a different group? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Compare and contrast the two quotations below. Put yourself in the position of a young person in the Krakow ghetto who is torn between a wish to flee, and a need to take care of his or her parents. What would you do?
My place is with my parents. They need me. They are old. They have no means of defending themselves. If I leave them, they will be alone. I will stay here with them. "They were free. Their last links with everyday life were broken, wrote Gusta Dawidsohn in her diary, describing the Jewish youth in Krakow after the deportations of their parents in June and October 1942.

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 91 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Why did Schindler risk his life to save the Jews? Did he do it to please himself or to please others? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Holocaust Unit 92


7:30 Depart from Trace Crossing 9:00 Arrive at University of Auburn in Montgomery 9:30 Welcome 9:35 Film Screening 10:15 Lunch 10:45 Holocaust Survivors Speak 11:30 Memorial Service 12:00 Load the busses 2:00 Arrive at Trace Crossings


Holocaust Unit 93

Rationale for Unit Design

For the Holocaust unit I decided to teach content using a story. As teachers we seem to have forgotten that history is ultimately one long story. Telling a story will hopefully make learning about the Holocaust more enjoyable for the students. I use various types of questioning throughout the unit. This is to encourage the students to think beyond the content. I ask "what if" questions to help students infer and make meaningful predictions. I use many different assessments throughout the unit. I design my assessments to be an accurate measure of understanding. I also design my assessments to be relatively enjoyable for students. It is my hope that they will give it their best effort if they enjoy doing it. These assessment include: poems, pictures, writing prompts, and a pretest. In my unit I use lots of pictures to enhance learning. While I am telling the stories pictures will be displayed in order to help students see what is happening. I use videos of Hitler's speeches, the ghettos, and concentration camps. I use my classroom website to encourage students to deepen their understanding of the holocaust. The lesson will be taught in late April or early May. SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 We will be looking at what injustice is. We will look at Hitler at a young age. We will look at Hitler's rise to power We will look at what Hitler did with his power. We will wrap up the Unit and review.


Holocaust Unit 94 Before this unit the students should have a good understanding of World War 1. The students will be able to read and understand nonfiction text. Students will be able to write, draw, and have discussions. Students will be able to respond to higher level thinking questions.


Holocaust Unit 95

Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that education is the most important weapon we can equip students with. The purpose of education is to provide a fuller access of knowledge in order to become a contributing member of society. As a future educator my role is to help students think critically about differing subjects and about the world around them. The role of the student is to be a participating member in the class striving to do the best in every aspect of the classroom. I believe that every child has the ability learn and that every child should be held to high expectations. All children are different, however each child has the ability achieve greatness when guided. I believe that lessons should be engaging and interactive for all students. Lessons should also meet the needs of each individual student. I believe that learning is achieved through discovery and exploration. Students will do hands on activities in the class. Students will be encouraged to explore and figuring things out on their own. I will be more of a facilitator encouraging students to take risks and strive for excellence in everything they do. I believe in learning from mistakes, so children are encouraged to try things and not worry about being wrong. I believe that all students should be treated fairly. However fairly does not always mean each child is treated the same. Instruction and discipline will be individualized for different students. It is imperative to remember that they are not teaching subjects they are teaching students which means having student centered lessons.


Holocaust Unit 96

Resources & Materials

Throughout the Unit I use a website which allows parents to have a window into what is happening in the classroom. I will update the website for parents and students. The students are also required to get on the website each day and complete certain tasks. This resource helps enhance learning by deepening the understanding of the holocaust for the students. I use a PowerPoint that has all my pictures and videos for the whole unit. This will enhance learning by helping students see what the Jewish people were going through. I will also be using note taking guides. This will encourage students to listen while I am teaching. For practice I use primary sources from the Holocaust to give the students an inside look from the Holocaust. Technology is used in my unit through the website and the research project at the end. Art is incorporated in my lesson when we look at Hitler's artwork. Additional Resources: WT.cg_n=g.en


Holocaust Unit 97

Lesson 1

PowerPoint Candy Story containing injustice Character cards Timeline dates Word Wall words and definitions PowerPoint Timeline worksheet Worksheet [Letter Format] Timeline dates Word wall words and definitions Pictures of propaganda Video of Hitler's speeches Timeline dates Word Wall Words and definitions Markers Ashes Gold star PowerPoint Poetry from holocaust survivors Pictures from holocaust survivors. Word wall words and definitions Art worksheet Timeline dates Character cards Computers Library books Pretest

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5


Holocaust Unit 98
References Holocaust Timeline: The Rise of the Nazi Party. (n.d.). Florida Center for Instructional Technology. Retrieved May 9, 2013, from Bauer, Y., & Keren, N. (1982). A history of the Holocaust. New York: F. Watts. Fest, J. C. (1974). Hitler ([1st ed.). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Heiden, K., Manheim, R., & Guterman, N. (1944). Der Fuehrer: Hitler's rise to power. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.. Rosenbaum, R. (1998). Explaining Hitler: the search for the origins of his evil. New York: Random House. himself, t. t. (n.d.). Adolf Hitler. History Learning Site. Retrieved May 9, 2013, from


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