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The introduction of online content curation to C21 case-based learning

Duncan Cole1 and Anne Marie Cunningham2


Institute of Molecular and Experimental Medicine, Cardiff University 2 Institute of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University

Cardiff University School of Medicine is currently undergoing a major curriculum change to case-based learning (CBL) in small groups.
A key principle of the course is that learning is active and collaborative. The internet is now a major source of healthcare information, and using this effectively is an increasingly important skill. Figure 2: Example of a CBL group web-page.

Our aims were therefore to: 1. support students with e-learning technologies that reflect the principles of the course 2. develop student digital literacies.

Initial engagement has been encouraging, with 25/30 groups making some use of curation to support their learning, and 8 groups posting more than 30 Scoops by the end of Case 3. Summary so far: Scoops
Total (all groups) Min (group) Max (group)

We have introduced the online digital curation tool into CBL. The process of online content curation is outlined in Figure 1. Students have the option of using the website during and between CBL sessions. The website is public, and its use is voluntary. An example is shown in figure 2.

Curators 87 0 9 3

Views 1990 7 294 66

526 0 70 18

Figure 1: The process of online content curation.

Online content is reviewed and selected by the student,(who here is the curator), and a commentary is added. This is shared on the website (where other users can follow the topic); students can also link to social media, and may review the material in CBL sessions. Online discussion may follow on the topic, and other users can suggest other websites, or re-scoop on to their own topic pages. FOAMed: Free Open Access Medical Education.

Mean (per group)

A number of posts have revealed good critical commentary on the curated resources.

We have introduced a new digital practice into our undergraduate medicine curriculum, which is in keeping with the collaborative and active learning principles of the course. We plan to explore the impact on student digital literacies in future work.

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