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Same Sex Marriage

By: Nicole Ignagni

11/29/2013 Durham College Sociology

Same Sex Marriage

The topic of discussion is extremely discussion worthy same sex marriage! "ot only is this issue personal and important to me it is also relati#e and important to many others as well! $ want to use the support of cele%rities to really portray the message of this essay and to show the proof that this is in fact a social issue! The &hoto that can really ta'e me %ac' to a time where this issue gained a lot of attention in the media is when (llen Degeneres came out to her cast mates her peers and her #iewers on )pril!30!199* on her hit show (llen! This episode is my inspiration and the still picture $ chose to extract from to inspire my writing! This episode was %oth re#olutionary and destructi#e! $ remem%er my mother telling me that this courageous act was the start of something new and would ma'e history! Someone whose #oice could %e heard was spea'ing #olumes and she wasn+t a%out to %e silenced! That episode opened up a lot of doors for the way society percei#ed same sex couples! ,nfortunately it is said this episode is the reason the show was cancelled! That wasn+t the end %ecause in 2003 she landed her own tal' show! -n )ugust!1.!200/ (llen went on to marry her long0time partner &ortia De1ossi! This topic is not only important for me %ecause $ %elie#e in e2uality %ut also %ecause $ ha#e people in my family and my life who are gay or les%ians and $ lo#e those people and want them to %e happy! $ %elie#e in happiness and freedom for e#eryone and especially those who fight for it! Same sex marriage should not %e a pri#ilege %ut a right! $ thin' this is still a social issue %ecause when people see same sex couples they either disli'e them or praise them! 3e will 'now it is no longer an issue when it+s considered a norm or a social norm if you will! ,nfortunately this is 4ust not the case yet! -n the positi#e side Canada as a whole legali5ed gay marriage 6e%ruary!1!2007! So we are off to a pretty good start! The picture on the left is a day $ want to %e here for 8There was a time when gay people couldn+t get married9:;! The day my children or grandchildren don+t 'now the difference %etween same sex marriage and a man and a woman marriage which will %e the day of marriage e2uality:

,nli'e the ,S $ feel Canada has had a more positi#e outloo' on gay marriage! )ccording to the Toronto Sun Canada has extended marital %enefits to coha%iting gay couples

in common0law partnerships e#en if they weren<t married since 1999! =eaning the go#ernment at least recogni5ed it! Sociological Perspective Feminist Perspective: 3hen $ thin' of gay marriage the first perspecti#e that comes to mind is the feminist perspecti#e! The feminist perspecti#e relates to gay marriage the most %ecause the feminist perspecti#e really touches on e2uality and rights for e#eryone! $t applies to stepping outside of the roles of genders and highlights creating and maintaining e2uality! The feminist perspecti#e would approach gay marriage as not the norm and gender roles intergrading into society! $t would e#aluate gay marriage %y stating that e#eryone has rights and that the 8normal; gender roles are not normal and that t is o'! $n an article $ read there was a statement that &ierre Trudeau made now this guy 'nows where its at>8Pierre Trudeau, as Justice Minister in 1967, said there is no place for the state in the
bedrooms of the nation. He said that hat is done in pri!ate bet een adults does not concern the criminal la , and in 1969 a set of e"tensi!e re!isions remo!ed the prohibition on homose"ualit# from the $riminal $ode. The article ent on to sa#%&n 'ebruar# 1, ())*, the $i!il Marria+e ,ct as introduced as -ill $./0 in the first session of the /0th Parliament of $anada. 1t passed in the House of $ommons on June (0, ())* and the 2enate on Jul# 19, ())*. The bill then became la hen it recei!ed 3o#al ,ssent on Jul# (), ())*. 4o , not onl# ould the e"pression of Mr. 5lippert6s se"ualit# be allo ed under $anadian la , he ould ha!e access to the most si+nificant institution a!ailable for t o people ishin+ to ma7e a life commitment to one another8 marria+e.

There is no remedy for this social issue %ecause people thin' the way they want to people who loo' at gay marriage negati#ely are 4ust plain ignorant! $ feel the %est way to deal with people who are close0minded is to %e the change you want to see! $ stand up for those people who don+t ha#e the courage to ta'e a stand $ #oice my opinion and stand up for what is right! (2uality and choices are a ci#il 1$?@T: The %est way to deal with this social issue is to not address it as a social issue %y ma'ing this a norm %y educating people and %y exposing people to the reality that is gay marriage: This will change and to %e honest $ can+t wait to see what the future hold %ecause $ thin' it+s going to %e %eautiful: 0"icole $gnagni

Interesting stories and videos to check out!

)ll from AouTu%e
The #ideo to go along with my first picture httpB//www!youtu%e!com/watch9#C%huiD$"p1ww $n the lin' %elow two young women decide to 'iss in front of a gay protest! $ 4ust lo#e this:::: CE httpB//ru''le!com/entertainment/two0women0'iss0in0front0of0french0anti0gay0protest/
Katie please take the time to watch these, youll find them amusing =)

The two following #ideos are well worth #iewing! They are pertaining to 8 6ine don+t let us marry the same sex we will then marry your %oyfriend/girlfriend; so entertaining! httpB//www!youtu%e!com/watch9#CF0ACdcnfG&/ httpB//www!youtu%e!com/watch9listC1DF0ACdcnfG&/H#Cr0Ie/Jnu?3, This lin' is a song pertaining to e2ual rights and gay marriage httpB//www!youtu%e!com/watch9 #ChlKIg*G0/n0

1!E 3eese Iryne! LJegali5ing ?ay =arriageB Canada and ,!S! Ta'e Kery Different &aths!L Toronto Sun! "!p! 2. Dune 2013! 3e%! 1/ "o#! 2013! MhttpB//www!torontosun!com/2013/0./2./legali5ing0gay0marriage0canada0and0us0ta'e0 #ery0different0pathsN! 2!E LSame Sex =arriage 0 Iac'grounder!L Legal Issues for Teachers and Students! "!p! n!d! 3e%! 10 "o#! 2013! MhttpB//www!lawconnection!ca/content/same0sex0marriage0 %ac'grounderN! 3!E )ll other material came from either ?oogle images or AouTu%e &lease contact me for any 2uestions or concerns! $ hope you en4oyed

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