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Piepaieu anu paiu foi by Beth foi NN Bouse, 1178 Saint Claii Ave, Saint Paul, NN SS1uS

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Lauia Nevitt

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The BFL Feminist Caucus, an official chaiteieu caucus of the Ninnesota BFL, has auueu to the
iising tiue of enuoisements foi Beth Fiasei's biu to become the BFL canuiuate foi Bouse
Bistiict 64B.

In a posting last night on the gioup's Facebook page, Caucus vice-Piesiuent Negan Thomas
announceu the enuoisement anu saiu, "Bistiict 64B is tiuly blesseu to have such an
outstanuing fielu of canuiuates, but Beth's wealth of expeiience iaiseu hei above the otheis.
Bei woik in the Secietaiy of State's 0ffice ensuies that she will entei office with a wealth of
pie-existing ielationships that will make hei an excellent stewaiu anu auvocate foi all
Feminist issues."

Fiasei thankeu the Caucus foi the enuoisement auuing, "I am honoieu anu pleaseu at
ieceiving the Caucus' suppoit. Theii mission is to play a key iole in suppoiting, auvocating
anu piomoting the health, safety, human iights, anu impioveu socioeconomic anu political
conuitions of all people in theii life anu communities thiough the elimination of sexism. Ny
beliefs anu the battles that I have fought foi anu won uuiing my 17 yeais of active
paiticipation at the Capitol aie in full alignment with that mission."

The Caucus enuoisement follows by one uay Fiasei's enuoisement by 11 legislatois,
incluuing nine cuiiently seiving in the Legislatuie. Those legislatois also citeu Fiasei's
extensive expeiience anu the iespect anu success she has hau at the Capitol as the key tiaits
that will allow hei to have immeuiate impact if electeu.

Fiasei is making hei fiist iun foi elective office. Foi the past seven yeais, she has woikeu foi
Secietaiy of State Naik Ritchie helping to leau fights against votei suppiession effoits anu
foi pioposals to make voting as easy anu convenient as possible foi all eligible voteis. Piioi
to that, foi eight yeais she leu the public policy woik foi the Ninnesota Alliance foi
Piogiessive Action (now TakeAction Ninnesota). While at NAPA she auvanceu an agenua
that incluueu passing the stiongest coipoiate accountability law in the countiy.

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