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Human thriving

material and psychological needs must be met

Material needs
Food and shelter

Psychological needs

Personal security Autonomy Material needs Health Relatedness Work

Health of the broader environment





Increasing social connection in cities 34 ideas to get started with

Changing the urban landscape Official pop-up parks Unofficial pop-up parks and gardens Pavements to parks Bring activity to under-used spaces Provide more games and activities in parks Public and community art Promote active street fronts Promote mixed-use streets Slow traffic in residential streets Walking audits Urban land conservancy Out-of-hours use of schools Sharing household resources Sharing Homes Personalised care networks Hyper-local websites and other online networks Big Lunches Neighbourhood clean up days Walking Groups Walking school bus Dog walking areas Community gardens Creating shared histories Moving people Greater priority for buses and trams Public transport greeters Re-orienting public transport schedules Mapping the mismatch of between public transport need and supply Spreading peak traffic Decentralising employment from the CBD to suburban public transport hubs

Learning more Measuring access to places that are good for social connection and filling the gaps Identifying and publicising the characteristics of successful shared spaces buildings Implementing and evaluating place-making training programs Evaluating public spaces using observational studies Developing new ways to measure social interaction


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