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BUKU 1. Rays, Robert Helping children mathematics. NY: ohn !iley and "ons #nc. 2. Hop$ins, %hristine.(1&&&). 'athematics in the primary school. ("): *a+id ,-llton. .. /ang, H.R. 0 E+ans, *.N.(2001). 'odels, "trategies and 'ethods 2or E22ecti+e 3eaching. ("): 4earson. 5. 6obis, . (2005 'athematics 2or children : %hallenging %hildren 3o 3hin$

'athematically. 2nd ed. )-stralia: person 7. !all, !. *. (1&87). %onstr-cti+e ed-cation 2or children. /ondon : 3he (nesco 4ress.

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