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Welcome to DMSP

Think. Learn. GROW.

On-Site Teacher Introduction

Introduction of Mrs. Watznauer PowerPoint (Example of introduction)

Quick Write

What are five things you are

anxious about in getting your year off to a good start?

Workshop Participant Introductions

Introduction of teachers in the room Activity name game (School and Courses) Name Plates

Discuss other ways to introduce students Yarn game Utensil pass

Effective Teachers
Positive Expectations
Extremely good classroom management

Lessons designed for Mastery

Read pg. 40 42 and top of page 44
Discuss the

POWER of expectations

Begin the year with LOTS of

structure. Keep expectations simple and positive. Remind students of your expectations constantly, ALL YEAR!!!!!

Procedures-Step or process to get things done
Routine-what happens automatically YOU need to be consistent and dont back off not fair to kids will make all present miserable Steps of teaching procedures Explain Rehearse Reinforce

Establish Procedures
Consider your style Consider your space CREATE! Teach Procedures: Explain (as needed) Rehearse (when it will used) Reinforce (each time procedure is used)

Discipline Plan

It is easier to MANAGE a classroom than to discipline it.

Discipline yourself so I dont need to!

What are your must follow rules?

What will you do with them?

Discipline Procedures
Say Please and Thank you
Give time limits Be kind and firm Be consistent Follow through

Create Rules
Rules are made to set limits.
Brainstorm Devise a Plan Locate a space to post Create! (start with clear but general rules)


Room Arrangement
Look at your space Think about your style Where will you teach from?

What is your expectation for students?

What type of work?

People to be extra kind to!

Office Manager Book Keeper Teacher Next door Librarian

SIL (School Improvement Leader)

Sub Arranger

Daily Teacher Routines

Post objectives and agenda
Breathe, have a sense of humor Have well thought out, engaging lesson plans Greet students at the door with a Start on time

Use the entire class period for instruction

Be flexible, practice yoga as necessary

Personal Resources
Lesson Plans
Attendance Grades Important contact information Sub Information/Emergency Plans

Make notes of what works well and what needs


Important People You Need to Know

Administration Team
Office Personnel Literacy Coach Math Coach Sped Teachers

ELL Teacher

Important Information

Building Schedule
Wednesday Schedule Classroom Schedule Class List Infinite Campus access info/building use procedures Building Map PD Calendar/type/location

Emergency Procedure information

Substitute Folder

Echalk-school website for posting calendar, assignments,

projects and lab (students can access all missing work from there)
Online websites Set up and enter grades frequently. Curriculum resources


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