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American University of Science & Technology Department of Computer and Communications Engineering

CCE406-Project 1 Due date: Friday March 14 !014

A) Consider the analog signal x a $t # = " cos !00t a) Sketch x a $t # using Matlab. b) Determine the minimum sam ling rate re!uired to avoid aliasing. c) Su ose that the signal is sam led at the rate Fs = 400 Hz . "hat is the discrete#time signal x& n% obtained after sam ling$ Com ute the sam le values in one eriod of x& n% . Sho% the values of x& n% on the same gra h %ith x a $t # . Discuss the results. d) &e eat art 'c) for Fs = 100 Hz . Discuss F e) "hat is the fre!uency 0 < F < s of a sinusoid that yields sam les ! identical to those obtained in art 'd). () )ffect of oversam ling and undersam ling in the fre!uency domain. Consider again x a $t # = " cos !00t . a) Determine and sketch the s ectrum of x a $t # 'function of w or F). b) Determine and sketch the s ectra of the sam led signals obtained by sam ling x a $t # at the t%o sam ling fre!uencies Fs = 400 Hz and Fs = 100 Hz . Determine in both cases if it is ossible to reconstruct x a $t # from the sam les. Discuss.

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