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Game Elements Poster Project Name:

Project Objective:
Design, create, and present a Game Elements Poster which represents a favorite video game. The poster will explain the key elements that define video games, including: mood, symbol and point of view. Have fun, be creative and make sure you look at your attached Rubric for guidance. We will work in small teams.



Directions for Poster:

Step 1 Game Selection: we will pick from a list of your favorite Video Games that you have recently played. Team/Partner Selection: teams members will be randomly assigned or chosen Step 2 Research: Through discussion and use of the internet, identify key game elements including: the theme, mood, symbol and point of view for their games. Learn interesting facts about your game; include: objectives/plot/main story, main characters, environment/graphics/game play/scoring, and other interesting or unique information. Step 3 Create: Arrange the game title, author, creation date, and other interesting/important facts about your game, along with the four elements examples on the poster. The poster should be neat, colorful and interesting. A picture or drawing should be included for each element on the poster. Compose: Write a brief summary of the game using Microsoft Word (1.5 spacing, size 12 Times New Roman font). The summary should include the interesting facts researched (list above). Step 4 Present: In a 4 to 6 minute presentation, explain your poster to the class and describe your game. You may show video clips or other on computer information to supplement your presentation.

Identifying Mood, Symbols and Point of View:

Mood is the way the view is affected or how he or she feels when playing the video game. The setting, theme, and tone can help create the mood. For example, there can be a mood of mystery, excitement, uncertainty, etc. A symbol is an object or thing that stands for something else and can have multiple meanings. For example, an eagle can symbolize freedom and power. Point of view is who or what character is telling the story. There are several types of point of view, such as first person where the narrator uses I; second person where the narrator uses you and third person where the narrator uses he, she or it.

Features of Serious Games:

Video game industry experts site that, Games for video game platforms and for online gaming must create believable, relatable characters; detailed environments with rich colors and depth; and a plot and challenges that are interesting and motivating, making the player want more., to be a successful, serious game.

Common Themes:
1. The Individual in Nature Nature is at war with each of us and proves our vulnerability. People are out of place in Nature and need technology to survive. People are destroying nature and themselves with uncontrolled technology. 2. The Individual in Society Society and a persons inner nature are always at war. Social influences determine a persons final destiny. Social influences can only complete inclinations formed by Nature. A persons identity is determined by place in society. In spite of the pressure to be among people, an individual is essentially alone and frightened. 3. An individuals Relation to the gods. The god(s) are benevolent and will reward human beings for overcoming evil and temptation. The gods mock the individual and torture him or her for presuming to be great. The gods are jealous of and constantly thwart human aspiration to power and knowledge. The gods are indifferent toward human beings and let them run their undetermined course. There are no gods in whom people can place their faith or yearning for meaning in the universe. 4. Human Relations Marriage is a perpetual comedy bound to fail. Marriage is a relationship in which each partner is supported and enabled to grow. An old man marrying a young woman is destined to be a cuckold. Parents should not sacrifice all for a better life for their children. There are few friends who will make extreme sacrifices. 5. Growth and Initiation A boy and a girl must go through a special trial or series of trials before maturing. Manhood or womanhood is often established by an abrupt, random crisis, sometimes at an unusually early age. Aspects of childhood are retained in all of us, sometimes hindering growth. A person grows only in so far as he or she must face a crisis of confidence or identity. 6. Time Enjoy life now, for the present moment, because we all die too soon. By the time we understand life, there is too little left to live. 7. Death Death is part of living, giving life its final meaning. Death is the ultimate absurd joke on life. There is no death, only a different plane or mode of life without physical decay. Without love, death often appears to be the only alternative to life. 8. Alienation An individual is isolated from fellow human beings and foolishly tries to bridge the gaps. Through alienation comes self-knowledge. Modern culture is defective because it doesnt provide group ties which in primitive cultures make alienation virtually impossible.

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