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English 2010 Notebook Entry 3 February 11, 2014 Notebook Prompt 8c

8c. Select a source you found while conducting research on your topic. What strategies does the writer use that you appreciate? What of those strategies can you model and incorporate in your own current project? Practice modeling one or more strategy.
My favorite source that I have found so far, is the writer and investigative reporter Radley Balko. What I have found as a useful technique that he uses to generate emotion in is writing, is that he uses a lot of actual events to display the problems he is trying to bring awareness to. What I like about the way he uses each situation to get across a point that he would like to make. I would like to incorporate this into my writing because I tend to tell a story and then tell my opinion, or tell my opinion and illustrate it with a story. rather incorporating it into, and letting the story speak for me.

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