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Dress—Clothing is appropriate to the climate, looks clean and fits the body, and is appropriate to the person’s culture and age group; for example, normally, Amish women wear clothing from the nineteenth century, Indian women may ‘wear saris. Culturally determined dress should not be labeled as bizarre by West- ern standards, Personal hygiene—The person appears clean and groomed appropriately for his or her age, occupation, and socioeconomic group. (Note that a wide vari tion of dress and hygiene is “normal.” Many cultures do not include use of de- odorant or women shaving legs.) Hair is groomed, brushed. Women’s make-up is appropriate for age and culture. Trousers too large and held up by b Suggest weight loss, as does the additc of new holes in belt. If the belt is move to a looser fit, it may indicate obesity ascites. Consistent wear of certain clothing mz Provide clues: long sleeves may conce Reedle marks of drug abuse; broa brimmed hats may reveal sun intole ance; Velcro fasteners instead of buttor may indicate chronic motor dysfunction In a previously carefully groomer Woman, unkempt hair and absent make up may indicate malaise or illness.

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