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Aceto Aceto balsamico bianco 500ml Aceto di pere 500ml 47166 Aceto di sherry 500ml 47165 Aceto fr tto della passione 500ml !lassa di aceto balsamico 500ml !lassadi aceto balsamico aronia 500ml !lassa di aceto balsamico peperoncino 500ml Aceto di lamponi 500ml Aceto di miele barri$ e 500ml Aceto di riso 500ml Aceto balsamico &ini Aceto balsamico Agga""otti Aceto balsamico Agga""otti 'ro Aceto balsamicoAgga""otti ()tra Aceto Balsamico 1* anni (sten"e Aceto Balsamico +e ,ecco Aceto bianco 1lt Aceto rosso 1lt Aceto traparente 1lt Aceto traparente sf so Aceto di /ele Aceto di Barolo Aceto di ,assis Aceto di va di ,hampagne Aceto di &ichi Aceto di 1eres Aceto di vino rosso con scalogno Aceto di vino rosso cabernet Spezie secche &ior di sale /editerraneo arancio Sale a fiocchi di ,ipro 12g Sale aff micato +anese Sale aff micato Salish 12g Sale alimentare fino 12g Sale gorsso 12g Sale cristalli bl di Persia Sale marino iodato Sale marino nero /olo2ai 12g Sale marino rosso hawai 12g Sale marino /aldon in cristalli 1*5gr Sale marino /aldon in cristalli *50gr Sale marino /aldon aff micato in cristalli 1*5gr Pepe nero ,inese S"ech an Pepe nero biologico /aldon gr*0)* Pepe nero del Bengala Pepe rosso S d America Pepe Arelecchino grani 430gr Pepe Arelecchino macinato 540gr Pepe bianco grani 755gr Pepe bianco macinato 540gr Pepe nero grani 650gr Pepe nero macinato 540gr Pepe per bistecche 540gr Pepe rosa grani 15gr 41511 Pepe rosa salamoia 60gr 45*13 Pepe verde liof7 115gr 41515 Pepe verde salamoia 60gr 45347 Peperoncino intero 150gr 45*57 Peperoncino macinato 400gr 44430 Peperoncino tritato 130gr 44756 #osmarino foglie 100gr 45303 Salvia foglie 100gr 45304 Semi di papavero 700gr 46401 Semi di sesamo 450gr 45**5 .imo foglie 150gr 45306 8afferano fiore 1gr ) 4 p" 4156* 8afferano macinato 1gr )4p" Aglio in polvere 550gr 45663 Aneto 70gr liof7 414*3 Anice semi *40gr 44043 Anice stellato 100gr 465*4 Bacche di ginepro 400gr41454 Basilico foglie 155gr liof7 455*4 ,annella intera 4*0gr 41453 ,annella macinato ,hiodi di garafano *50gr 45*50 ,omino intero 600gr 41444 ,omino macinato 600gr 41445 ,oriandolo 150gr 41443 +ragoncello 50gr liof 41455 (rba cipollina 55gr 41456 Semi di finocchio 530gr 4754* &oglie di alloro 60gr 41460 Vinegar Balsamic white vinegar 500ml Pear vinegar 500ml Sherry vinegar 500ml Passion fr it vinegra 500ml !la"e of balsamic vinegar 500mll wiberg !la"e of balsamic vinegar aronia 500ml !la"e of balsamic vinegar chili 500ml #aspberry vinegar500ml %oney vinegar barri$ e 500ml #ice vinegar 500ml Balsamic vinegar &ini Balsamic vinegar Agga""otti Balsami vinegar Agga""otti !old Balsamic vinegar Agga""otti ()tra Balsamic vinegar 1* years (sten"e Balsamic vinegar +e ,ecco -hite wine vinegar 1lt #ed wine vinegar 1lt .ransparant wine vinegar 1lt .ransparant wine vinegar loose Apple 0inegar Barolo 0inegar ,assis 0inegar ,hampagne grape vinegar &ig vinegar 1eres vinegar #ed wine vinegar with scharlot ,abernet vinegar Dry spices /editeranian orange fle r de sel ,ipr s salt fla2es 12g +anish smo2ed salt Salish smo2ed salt 12g &ine 2itchen salt 12g ,oarse salt 12g Persia bl e cristal salt /editeranian lemon salt /olo2ai blac2 sea salt %awaii red sea salt 12g Sea salt /aldon cristals 1*5gr Sea salt /aldon cristals *50gr Sea salt /aldon smo2ed cristals 1*5gr S"ech an blac2 cinese peper Blac2 bilogic pepper /aldon gr*0)*0 Bengala blac2 pepper So th America red pepper /i)ed colo r peppercorn 430gr /i)ed colo r pepper powder 540gr -hite peppercorn 755gr -hite pepper powder 540gr Blac2 peppercorn 650gr Blac2 pepper powder 540gr Stea2 pepper 540gr Pin2 peppercorn 15gr Pin2 peppercorn in brine 60gr !reen pepper liof7115gr !reen pepper in brine 60gr -hole chilli pepper 15gr ,hilli pepper powder 400gr ,r shed chilli 130gr #osmary leaves 100gr Sage leaves 100gr Poppy seeds 700gr Sesami seed 450gr .yme leaves 150gr Saffron flowers 1gr ) 4pcs Saffron powder 1gr ) 4 pcs garlic powder 550gr +ill liof7 70gr Anise seeds *40gr Star anise 100gr 9 niper berries 400gr Basil leaves 155gr -hole cinnamon 4*0gr ,innamon powder ,love *50gr -hole c min 600gr , min powder 600gr ,oriander 150gr .arragon liof750gr ,hives 55gr &ennel seeds 530gr Bay leaves 60gr UM bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt lt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 6r p2 6r p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 Quantity


/aggiorana 100gr 45307 /enta 55gr 47161 Doce moscata intera *70gr 41445 Doce moscata macinata *50gr 41446 'rigano 450gr 41435 Papri2a piccante *60gr 44305 Papri2a dolce 450gr 45*55 Pari2a forte 450gr 45*56 , rry Essenze Spray (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml Anice (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml Anice stellato (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml Bergamotto (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml ,annella (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml ,ardamomo (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml /andarino (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml /enta peperita (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml 0aniglia (ssen"a spray flacone 55ml 8en"ero ,onfe"ione 10 essen"e spray 10ml Acd O"i #egeta"i 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine ,hianti 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine bassa aciditF Sagra 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine Bertolli 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine #occa delle /acie 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine Sassicaia .en ta S7! ido 'lio dEoliva e)tra vergine ;a demio 'lio dEoliva 5 lt 'lio dEoliva ,arapelli 1lt 'lio di arachidi 1lt 'lio di arachidi 5lt 'lio girasole 1lt 'lio girasole 5lt 'lio di mais 1lt /aya 'lio per fritt re &riol 1lt /argarina *50gr 'lio al basilico 500ml 'lio al peperoncino 500ml 'lio di noci 500ml 'lio di sesamo 500ml 'lio spray 500ml 'lio al tart fo bianco *4cl 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml Doci 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml Docciole 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml /andorle 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml Sesamo 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml Pistacchi 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml Argan 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml 8 cca 'lio artigianale ;a .o rangelle *50ml di Semi dE<va %on&i +adi Gnorr carneHvegetaleHpolloHm shroom +ado /aggi +ado in polvere Gnorr &ondo br no pasta Gnorr 12g &ondo chiaro Gnorr 12g &ondo crostacei Gnorr 12g #o ) bianco Gnorr 12g Sa"se & Con&i(enti /aionese Graft 12g /aionese 2raft *50gr /aionese ,alvI t betto 150gr /aionese ,alvI *50gr /aionese ,alvI .op +own 550gr /aionese 52g /aionese %elmans %arissa sa ce 550gr Salsa coc2tail %P Sa ce %P BBJ Sa ce Salsa .abasco 60ml Salsa .abasco verde 60ml %ein" Getch p 54*gr %ein" Getch p s$ ee"e 570gr Salsa -orchester Gi22omani Salsa di soia 150ml Gi22omani Salsa di soia *50ml -asabi paste 45gr /ostarda ;o it &reres /ostarda/aille +6on /ostarda /aille con semi Ancenne /ostarda Savora Salsa .artara Ang st ra Pesto alla !enovese Pasta di acci ghe 65gr ,rema ai 4 formaggi 550gr ,rema agli asparagi 550gr ,rema al tart fo nero 500gr Salsa Bernese 360gr Salsa alle noci 550gr Salsa /e)icana 550gr Salsa tonnata 360gr Salsa verde 1040gr Salsa ,ren

/a6oran 100gr /int 55gr -hole n t meg *70gr D t meg powder *50gr 'regano 450gr %ot Papri2a *60gr Sweet papri2a 450gr Strong papri2a 450gr Spray Essences Spray essence bottle 55ml Anise Spray essence bottle 55ml Star anise Spray essence bottle 55ml Bergamot Spray essence bottle 55ml ,innamon Spray essence bottle 55ml ,ardamom Spray essence bottle 55ml /andarin Spray essence bottle 55ml Peppermint Spray essence bottle 55ml 0anilla Spray essence bottle 55ml !inger Pac2 of 10 spray essence 10mlAcd Vegeta$"e Oi"s ,hainti e)tra vergine olive oil Sagra low acidity e)tra vergin olive oil Bertolli e)tra vergin olive oil #occa delle /acie e)tra vergin olive oil Sassicaia .en ta S7! ido e)tra vergin olive oil ;a demio e)tra vergin olive oil 'live oil 5lt ,arapelli olive oil 1lt Pean t oil 1lt Pean t oil 5lt S nflower oil 1lt S nflower oil 5lt ,orn oil /aya 1lt &rying oil &riol 1lt /argarine *50gr Basil oil500ml ,hilli oil 500ml -aln t oil 500ml Sesami oil 500ml Spray oil 500ml -hite tr ffle oil *4cl Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml -aln ts Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml %a"len ts Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml Almonds Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml Sesami Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml Pistachio Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml Argan Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml P mp2in Artisan oil ;a .o rangelle *50ml !rape seed Stoc's Broth c be Gnorr meatHvegHchic2enHf nghi Broth c be /aggi Powdered broth Gnorr Brown stoc2 Gnorr 12g ;ight stoc2 Gnorr 12g Shellfish stoc2 Gnorr 12g -hite #o ) 12g Sauces & Con&i(ents Graft mayonnaise 6ar 12g Graft mayonnaise 6ar *50gr ,alvI mayonnaise t be 150gr ,alvI mayonnaise 6ar *50gr ,alvI mayonnaise .op +own 550gr /ayonnaise 52g %elmans mayonnaise %arissa sa ce 550gr ,oc2tail sa ce %P Sa ce %P BBJ Sa ce .abasco sa ce 60ml .abasco green sa ce 60ml %ein" Getch p 54*gr %ein" Getch p s$ ee"e 570gr -orchester sa ce Gi22omani soia sa ce 150ml Gi22omani soia sa ce *50ml -asabi paste 45gr ;o it &reres m stard /aille +6on m stard /aille whole grain m stard Ancenne Savora m stard .artara sa ce Ang st ra Pesto sa ce Anchovie paste 65gr 4 cheeses cream 550gr Asparag s cream 550gr Blac2 tr ffle cream 500gr BKarnaise sa ce 360gr -aln t sa ce 550gr /e)ican sa ce 550gr . na mayo sa ce 360gr !reen sa ce 1040gr %orseradish s ace

p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 UM bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt UM bt bt bt bt bt bt tn bt bt tn bt tn bt bt p2 bt bt bt bt tn bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 UM 6r 6r tb 6r 6r tn 6r 6r 6r bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt bt tb 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r bt 6r tb 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r Quantity





Pesce *resco #ombo interoHfiletti Bran"ino interoHfiletti 'rata interoHfiletti ,ernia interoHfiletti Aragosta Astice .otani San Pietro interoHfiletti #ana Pescatrice interaHfiletti Scampi !amberoni +entice #osso interoHfiletti Sarago interoHfiletti .rigle varie mis re Polpo !allinella interoHfiletti Seppia Sogliole intereHfiletti Salmon interoHfiletti Pesce Spada filettiHfette .onno filettiHfette 'strice ,apesante / scoliH/itili 0ongole /erl ""o filetto Sgombro #icciola interoHfiletti .onno #osso .racina 'mbrina Platessa !amberetti Palombo Sardine Acci ghe Pesce +e"o Aragoste .ropicali ,r de bo) 52g Aragoste .ropicali ,otte bo) 102g Astici Americani ,r de bo) 72g !amberi Argentini 10H*0 B *2g !amberi Argentini *0H50 B *2g /a""ancolle .igrato . nisia 15H15 B 12g /a""ancolle .igrato . nisia 16H*0 B12g Scampo +animarca *1H50 B 12g Scampo 51H40 B 12g Scampo 4H7 B 12g Polpa +i !ranchio !iapponese 450gr Polpa +i !ranchio :ndopacific 500gr ,alamari Patagonici p liti anelli 12g ,alamari Patagonici p liti aperti *2g Polpo /arocco 400H1*00gr bo) 1*2g ,apasante del Pacifico 12g Baccala pronto filetto bo) 112g Pesce Con*ezionato &iletti dEAcci ga in sale 40gr Pasta dEAcci ga t bo Salmone rosa al nat rale *40gr Sardine in olio 1*0gr Sgombro filetti al nat rale 1*5gr Stoccafisso ;ofoten .onno in olio dEoliva /ar ""ella *50gr .onno in olio dEoliva /ar ""ella 160gr .onno ,onsorcio in olio dEoliva .onno ,onsorcio in olio dEoliva *00gr .onno ,onsorcio in olio dEoliva 111gr .onno Palmera in olio dEoliva 160gr .onno Dostromo in olio dEoliva 160gr 0entresca in olio dEoliva 5*0gr 0entresca in olio dEoliva 115gr Antipasto di mare agrodolce 52g !amberi in ac$ a 300gr !ranchio polpa #egal 150gr Dero di Seppia b ste 4gr #icci di /are in latta 154gr S rimi in ac$ a 300gr . rbot wholeHfilets Sea Bass wholeHfilets !ilhead Seabream wholeHfilets !ro per wholeHfilets ;obster /ain ;obster S$ ids 9ohn +ory wholeHfilets /on2fish wholeHfilets ;ango stineHDorway ;obster !iant Prawns #ed Snapper wholeHfilets -hite Seabream wholeHfilets #ed / llet vario s si"es 'ctop s Sea #obin wholeHfilets , ttle fish Sole fish wholeHfilets Salmone wholeHfilets Sword &ish filetsHsliced . na &ish filetsHsliced 'ysters Scallops / ssels ,lams ,od filets /a2erel Amber6ac2 wholeHfilets Bl efin . na -eever Shi +r m B ,roa2er B Plaice Shrimps Smooth +og &ish Sardines Anchovies %rozen %ish .ropical raw ;obsters 52g bo) .ropical coo2ed ;obsters 102g bo) American /aine ;obster raw 72g bo) Prawns Argentina 10H*0 B*2g Prawns Argentina *0H50 B*2g . nisia .iger Prawns 15H15 B 12g . nisia .iger Prawnsn &ish 16H*0 B12g ;ango stine +anmar2 *1H50 B 12g ;ango stine 51H40 B 12g ;ango stine 4H7 B 12g 9apanese crab meat 450gr ,rab meat :ndopacific 500gr Patagonian clean S$ ids rings 12g Patagonian clean open S$ ids *2g /aroccan 'ctop s 400H1*00gr bo) 1*2g Pacific Scallops 12g Salted ,od LreadyM bo) 112g Pac'e& %ish Pro&ucts Anchovies filets in salt 40gr Anchovy paste t be Pin2 Salmon nat re *40gr Sardinas in oil 1*0gr /ac2erel filets nat re 1*5gr Stoc2 fish +ry ;ofoten . na in olive oil /ar ""ella *50gr . na in olive oil /ar ""ella 160gr . na in olive oil ,onsorcio . na in olive oil ,onsorcio *00gr . na in olive oil ,onsorcio 111gr . na in olive oil Palmera 160gr . na in olive oil Dostromo 160gr . na nderc t 5*0gr . na nderc t 115gr Sweet so r Sea appeti"er 52g Shrimps in brine 300gr ,rab meat #egal 150gr , ttle fish blac2 in2 bags 4gr sea <rcin canned 154gr S rimi in brine 300gr %resh %ish UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g UM b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) tn tn p2 p2 2g p2 2g UM tn pc tn tn tn 2g tn tn tn tn tn tn tn tn tn 6r 6r tn pc tn 6r Quantity



-U.U/0 %OOD
Ca#ia"e Asetra ,lassic *4H50H100H*00gr Asetra #oyal Blac2 Asetra :mperial !old Bel ga *4H50H100H*00gr Servr ga Garb r n Petrossian Am r 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr Gal ga Am r 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr Bai2al 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr Sa"(one A**u(icato ,a"i' Salmone Aff micato Baltic2 ,lassic 1?*2g Salmone Aff micato Baltic2 Small ,lassic 600gr Salmone Aff micato S6omga 8arina 500gr Sa"(one A**u(icato -och %yne Ca#iar Asetra ,lassic *4H50H100H*00gr Asetra #oyal Blac2 Asetra :mperial !old Bel ga *4H50H100H*00gr Servr ga Garb r n Petrossian Am r 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr Gal ga Am r 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr Bai2al 10H50H50H100H*00H500gr S(o'e& Sa"(on ,a"i' Smo2ed Salmon Balti2 ,lassic 1?*2g Smo2ed Salmon Balti2 Small ,lassic 1?*2g Smo2ed Salmon S6omga 8arina 500gr S(o'e& Sa"(on -och %yne UM tn tn tn tn tn tn tn tn tn tn UM pc pc p2 UM Quantity



&iletto di Salmone Sco""ese aff micato Ginglas 500gr Smo2ed Scotish Salmon &ilet Ginglas 500gr ;ingotto di Salmone Sco""ese aff micato 2inglas *50gr :ngot of Smo2ed Scotish Salmon *50gr ;ingotto di Salmone Sco""ese !ravadla) *50gr :ngot of Scotish Salmon !ravadla) *50gr Salmone Sco"ia aff micato preaffettato marinato agr miHginHpepe nero 1?*2g ,itr s fr itHginHblac2 pepper marinated Smo2ed Scotish Salmon 1?*2g Salmone Sco"ia aff micato preaffettato marinato al whis2ey 1?52g -his2ey marinated Smo2ed Scotish Salmon ready sliced 1?52g Salmone aff micato Sco"ia intero 1?52g -hole Smo2ed Scotish Salmon 1?52g Salmone aff micato Sco"ia preaffettato 1?42g #eady sliced Smo2ed Scotish Salmon Sa"(one Nor#egese Nor1egian Sa"(on Salmone Dorvegese aff micato intero 600H400gr scatola regalo Dorwegian Smo2ed Salmon 600H400gr gift bo) Salmone aff micato Dorvegese intero *H*?52g scatolato Dorwegian whole Smo2ed Salmon *H*?52g bo)ed Salmone aff micato Dorvegese preaffettato 1?5H1?62g Dorwegian ready sliced Smo2ed Salmon 1?5H1?62g Uo#a &i Sa"(one Sa"(on eggs <ova di salmone pastori""ate 50grH100gr Pastori"ed salmon eggs 50grH100gr <ova di salmone fresche *00gr N$ alitF s shi &resch salmon eggs Ns shi gradeN <ova di slamone Bali2 100gr Bali2 salmon eggs 100gr Uo#a DI Pesce %ish Eggs /asago wasabiB ova si sperlano 100gr /asago wasabiB smelt eggs 100gr /asago soiaB ova di sperlano 100gr /asago soiaB smelt eggs 100gr <ova di corregone 100gr -hite fish eggs <ova di l ccio 100gr Pi2e eggs 100gr <ova di lompo nere ; mpfish eggs blac2 <ova di lompo rosse ; mpfish eggs rosse A"tri Others Salmone aff micato ,anadese #ed Ging intero *H52g ,anadian #ed Ging whole Smo2ed Salmon *H52g Pesce Spada al nat rale 1H1?52g Sword &ish nat re 1H1?52g Pesce spada marinato alle erbi 1H1?52g Sword &ish marinated with herbs 1H1?52g Pesce spada al pepe nero 1H1?52g Sword &ish in blac2 pepper 1H1?52g .onno al nt rale 1H1?52g . na nat re 1H1?52g .onno marinato alle erbi 1H1?52g . na marinated with herbs 1H1?52g .onno al pepe nero 1H1?52g . na in blac2 pepper 1H1?52g /osciame di tonno 1H1?52g . na mosciame 1H1?52g &iletto di ang illa aff micato 100gr Smo2ed eel filets 100gr &iletto di ang illa aff micato 550gr Smo2ed eel filets 550gr Bottarga di / ggine 40H40 B 1*0H170 B *00H500gr / llet bottarga Ldried eggsM 40H40 B 1*0H170 B *00H500gr Bottarga di .onno *00H500 B 500H400gr . na bottarga *00H500 B 500H400gr Bottarga di tonno rosso 400H*000 B *000Agr #ed t na bottarga 400H*000 B *000Agr Acci ghe del ,antabrico *00gr ,antabrico Anchovies ,hat2a 100O patas B **0g ,hat2a 100O patas B **0g ,hat2a 60O patas B **0g ,hat2a 60O patas B **0g Salmone Aff micato preaffettato 12g Smo2ed salmon ready c t 12g Salmone Aff micato *00gr Smo2ed Salmon *00gr Salmone Aff micato ritagli Smo2ed Slamon scraps /arlin Pacifico .rancio Smo2ed /arlin wedge Pacific Sea #icci di /are in latta 154gr sea <rcin canned 154gr Oca +oose &egato grasso dE'ca $ alitF e)tra 300gr !oose &oie gras $ ality e)tra 300gr &egato grasso dE'ca 1P $ alitF 600gr !oose &oie gras 1st $ ality e)tra 600gr !rasso f so dE'ca raffinato latta 5?62g /elted refined !oose fat can 5?62g Scaloppa di fegato grasso dE'ca 1?42g Scaloppa of !oose foie gras 1?42g &egato grasso dE'ca intero al torchon terrine 450gr -hole !oose foie gras in torchon 450gr &egato grasso dE'ca intero al Sa ternes 140gr -hole !oose foie gras in Sa ternes terrine140gr Bloc di fegato grasso dE'ca terrine 4*0gr !oose foie gras Bloc terrine 4*0gr &ois !ras di Strasbo g &ois !ras Strasbo g &egato grasso !eorge Br c2 c it a torcion 500H1*00gr &ois !ras Strasbo g !eorge Br c2 c it a torcion 500H1*00gr &egato grasso !eorge Br c2 intero in vasetto 50H1*0gr &ois !ras !eorge Br c2 whole in 6ar 50H1*0gr Bloc2 di fegato grasso !eorge Br c2 al !ew r"traminer 1050gr Bloc2 of fois gras !eorge Br c2 !ew r"traminer 1050gr Anatra Duc' &egato grasso dEAnatra 600H400gr sele"ione ;afitte + c2 &oie !ras 600H400 ;afitte selection &egato grasso dEAnatra 600H400gr sele"ione speciale ;afitte + c2 &oie !ras 600H400 ;afitte special selection /ini Scaloppa di &egato !rasso dEAnatra 1?42g /ini Scaloppa of + c2 &oie !ras 1?42g Scaloppa di fegato grasso dEAnatra 1?32g Scaloppa of + c2 foie gras 1?32g &egato grasso dEAnatra intero al torchon terrine 450gr -hole + c2 foie gras in torchon terrine 450gr &egato grasso dEAnatra intero ai fichi terrine 140gr -hole + c2 foie gras with figs terrine140gr <ova di J aglia &resche &resh J ail eggs <ova di J aglia in Salamoia J ail eggs cleaned in brine Bloc2 di fegato dEanatra !eorge Br c2 500gr Bloc2 of fois gras !eorge Br c2 500gr Bloc2 di fegato dEanatra !eorge Br c2 al Sa tern 1600gr Bloc2 of fois gras !eorge Br c2 with Sa tern 1600gr Ostriche Oysters 'striche .sars2aya gigantiHgrandiHmedie ;es Parc Saint Geber !iantHlargeHmedi m .sars2aya oysters ;es Parc Saint Geber 'striche Belon 0000H000H00H0 ;e Parc Saint Gerber 'ysters Belon 0000H000H00H0 ;e Parc Saint Gerber 'striche Belon 1H* ;e Parc saint Gerber 'ysters Belon 1H* ;e Parc saint Gerber 'striche fin de claire gigantiHe)tra grosse ;e Parc Saint Gerber 'ysters fin de claire giantHe)tra large ;e Parc Saint Gerber 'striche Papillon 'yster Papillon 'striche selvatiche %ermelles ct 52g -ild oysters %ermelles ct 52g artu*i ru**"es B rro al .arf fo Bianchetto *50gr -hite .r ffle b tter *50gr &ond ta con .art fo Bianchetto 140gr -hite .r ffle &ond e 140gr .art fo bianchetto a fette 30gr Sliced -hite .r ffle 30gr .art fo bianchetto in pasta 30gr -hite .r ffle paste 30gr .art fo Dero estivo a fette 30gr Blac2 s mmer .r ffle sliced 30gr .art fo Dero estivo a macinato 30gr Blac2 s mmer .r ffle minced 30gr .art fo Dero estivo a intero in salamoia *00gr Blac2 s mmer .r ffle whole in brine *00gr A"tri Others !elatina al / scat dEAlsace !eorge Br c2 *00gr / scat dEAlsace gelatine !eorge Br c2 *00gr Sale spe"iato !eorges Br c2s *00gLideale per foie grasM Spiced salt !eorges Br c2s *00gLideal per foie grasM ,onfit di !ew r"traminer al /arc dEAlsa"ia 45gr ,onfit of !ew r"traminer al /arc dEAlsa"ia 45gr ; mache %eli) %enri /aire varie mis re (scargots %eli) %enri /aire vario s si"es ! sci v oti per l mache (mpty shells for escorgotes Pat2s Pat2s PatI al #o$ efort /aria !rimal #oger 0idal PatI #o$ efort /aria !rimal #oger 0idal PatI dEanatra #oger 0idal PatI d c2 #oger 0idal PatI di cinghiale #oger 0idal PatI di wild boar #oger 0idal PatI di fagiano #oger 0idal PatI pheasant #oger 0idal PatI dEoca #oger 0idal PatI goose #oger 0idal PatI di coniglio al .imo #oger 0idal PatI rabbit and tyme #oger 0idal

pc pc pc p2 p2 pc pc UM pc pc pc UM tn tn tn UM pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc tn tn tn 2g p2 2g 2g tn UM 2g 2g 2g p2 pc pc pc 2g pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc 6r pc pc UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc UM 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r UM tn 6r 6r tn p2 UM tn tn tn tn tn tn












/iso /ice UM Quantity

#iso Scotti Arborio 12g #iso Scotti ,arnaroli 12g #iso Scotti #ibe 12g #iso Scotti 0aialone Dano 12g #iso Scotti #oma 12g #iso Scotti Basmati 0?52g #iso Scotti :ntegrale 12g #iso Scotti 'roLparboiledM12g #iso <ncle Ben #iso !allo Blond #iso ,anadese #iso Scotti .hai 500gr #iso nero .hailandia *?52g #iso nero selvatico *?52g #iso per S shi 12g #iso Ac$ erello *?52g Cerea"i e *arine DestlI &itness 575gr All bran GelloggEs 575gr All bran fla2es GelloggEs 575gr ,orn &la2e GelloggEs 575gr Dice /orning GelloggEs 575gr #ice Grispies GelloggEs 575gr Special NGN GelloggEs 575gr -eetabi) *50gr / esli Alpen 500gr &arina 00 12g &arina lievitante 12g &arina integrale 12g &arina 0 /anitoba 12g &arina di castagne 500gr &arina di ceci 12g &arina di grano saraceno &arina +e ,ecco &arina di riso &arina gialla 12g /ai"ena &arro 'r"o perlato ,o s co s Semolino *50gr Pasta Secca +e ,ecco &arfalle 35 500!# +e ,ecco & silli 54 500!# +e ,ecco ;ing ine 7 500!# +e ,ecco #igatoni *4 500!# +e ,ecco Spaghetti 1* 500!# +e ,ecco .ortiglioni *5 500!# +e ,ecco ,onchiglie 50 500!# +e ,ecco Penne 41 500!# +e ,ecco .agliatelle 500!# +e ,eccoPennoni 53 500!# +e ,ecco Pappardelle *01 500!# +e ,ecco Penne piccole 177 500!# +e ,ecco Paccheri 1*5 500!# +e ,ecco Spaghettini 11 500!# +e ,ecco ;asagne 500!# Pasta ,occo /e""emaniche 500gr Pasta ,occo Spaghetti 500gr Pasta ,occo Paccheri 500gr Pasta ,occo Penne 500gr Pasta &elicetti &arro Spaghetti 500gr Pasta &elicetti &arro & silli 500gr Pasta &elicetti Penne 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt ;ing ine 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt ;ing ine 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t Spaghetti 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t & silli 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t Penne 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e Spagehttoni 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e &arfalle 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e & silloni 500gr A$$ia(o &isponi$i"it3 &i tutte "e (arche note sia secche!*resche e anche ripiene6 Pasta *resca &isponi$i"e su or&inazione6 PAS E +E-O DA %O/NO Pasta fillo 12g Pasta frolla 500 gr Pasta 2ataifi 12g Pastra sfoglia 500gr Pastra sfoglia 12g

Scotti rice Arborio 12g Scotti rice ,arnaroli 12g Scotti rice #ibe 12g Scotti rice 0aialone Dano 12g Scotti rice #oma 12g Scotti rice Basmati 0?52g Scotti rice :ntegrale 12g Scotti rice 'roLparboiledM12g <ncle Ben rice !allo Blond rice ,anadian #ice .hai rice 500gr Blac2 .hai *?52g -ild blac2 rice *?52g S shi rice 12g Ac$ erello #ice *?52g Cera"s an& %"ours DestlI &itness 575gr All bran GelloggEs 575gr All bran fla2es GelloggEs 575gr ,orn &la2e GelloggEs 575gr Dice /orning GelloggEs 575gr #ice Grispies GelloggEs 575gr Special NGN GelloggEs 575gr -eetabi) *50gr / esli Alpen 500gr -hite flo r 00 12g Self raising flo r 12g -holemeal flo r 12g /anitoba flo r 0 12g ,hestn t flo r 12g ,ic2pea flo r 12g B c2weat flo r +e ,ecco &lo r #ice flo r ,ornmeal flo r 12g ,ornflo r Spelt Pearl Barley ,o s co s Semolina *50gr Drie& Pasta +e ,ecco &arfalle 35 500!# +e ,ecco & silli 54 500!# +e ,ecco ;ing ine 7 500!# +e ,ecco #igatoni *4 500!# +e ,ecco Spaghetti 1* 500!# +e ,ecco .ortiglioni *5 500!# +e ,ecco ,onchiglie 50 500!# +e ,ecco Penne 41 500!# +e ,ecco .agliatelle 500!# +e ,eccoPennoni 53 500!# +e ,ecco Pappardelle *01 500!# +e ,ecco Penne piccole 177 500!# +e ,ecco Paccheri 1*5 500!# +e ,ecco Spaghettini 11 500!# +e ,ecco ;asagne 500!# Pasta ,occo /e""emaniche 500gr Pasta ,occo Spaghetti 500gr Pasta ,occo Paccheri 500gr Pasta ,occo Penne 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt Spaghetti 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt & silli 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt Penne 500gr Pasta &elicetti Spelt ;ing ine 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t Spaghetti 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t & silli 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t Penne 500gr Pasta &elicetti Gam t ;ing ine 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e Spagehttoni 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e &arfalle 500gr Pasta Po""o del #e & silloni 500gr 4e ha#e a#ai"a$"e a"" (a5or $ran&s $oth &ry!*resch an& *i""e& pasta6 %resh pasta a#ai"a$"e on re7uest6 %/OZEN PAS /IES Phyllo do gh 12g Short pastry 500 gr Gataifi pastry 12g P ff pastry 500gr P ff pastry 12g

p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 2g p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g p2 UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2



UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g


Pane ge"o Panini /ignon %eritage biancoHsesamoHpapavero 40gr ) 110p" Panini /ignon ,ereali 40gr ) 110p" Panini /ignon Poolish 40gr )110gr /i) Petite Pain %eritage 40gr ) 105p" ,hicco di Pane biancoHsesamoHpapaveroHnociHcerali 55gr ) 40p" /ini &r stino 40gr ) 100p" /ini &r stino cereali 40gr ) 160p" /i) Panini /ini Gaiser 50gr ) *00p" Panino Bocconcino 'live 40gr )1*0p" ,iabatta di !rano .enero 100gr )56p" Bag ette al Sesamo 1*0gr )65p" Bag ette 1*0gr ) 50p" Bag ette # stico 150gr ) 50p" Bag ette / lticereali 1*0gr ) 55p" Bag ette ;ionese *3cm 1*5gr ) 56p"

%rozen ,rea& /ini Bread %eritage palinHsesamiHpoppy 40gr ) 110pcs /ini Bread mi)ed !rain 40gr ) 110pcs /ini Bread Poolish 40gr ) 110pcs /i) Petite Pain %eritage 40gr ) 105pcs /ini Bread ,hicco plainHsesamiHpoppyHwaln tHcereal 55gr ) 40pcs /ini &r stino 40gr ) 100p" /ini &r stino mi) cereal 40gr ) 160p" /i) /ini Bread Gaiser 50gr ) *00pcs /ini 'live Bread 40gr )1*0pcs Soft -heat ,ibatta Bread 100gr ) 56pcs Sesami Bag ette 1*0gr ) 65pcs Bag ette 1*0gr )50pcs # stico Bag ette 150gr ) 50pcs / ltigrain Bag ette 1*0gr ) 55pcs ;ionese Bag ette *3cm 1*5gr ) 56pcs

UM b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b)


Pane *resco e Con*ezionato Pane .oscano al 2g Pane Br tto al 2g Panini Sf si al 2g &ocaccia al 2g ,iabatta al 2g Pane :ntegrale al 2g Pane ai ,erali al 2g Pane Ba letto / lino Bianco fette 400gr Pane Ba letto / lino Bianco fette !rano + ro 400gr Pane Ba letto / lino :ntegrale fette 400gr Pane Ba letto / lino 5 ,ereali e Soia fette 400gr Pane Americaneper Sandwich /orato 4*5gr Pane !ratt giato 500gr Panini per %ot +og Panini per %anb rger Pane ,arasa +rissini e Crac'ers !rissini Bianesi 500gr !rissini &ragolosi ,lassici *50gr !rissini &ragolosi al #osmarino !rissini allE'live !rissini .orinesi / lino Bianco *40gr !rissini al Sesamo ,rac2er / lino Bianco ,rac2er / lino Bianco !rancereali ,rac2er / lino Bianco :ntegrali &ette Biscottate / lino Bianco &ette Biscottate :ntegrali / lino Bianco

%resh an& Pac'e& ,rea& . scany Bread per 2g Br tto Bread per 2g ;oose bread #olls per 2g &ocaccia Bread per Gg ,iabatta Bread per 2g -holemeal Bread per 2g / ltigrain Bread per 2g / lino Bianco -hite sliced loaf 400gr / lino Bianco + r m -heat sliced loaf 400gr / lino Bianco -holemeal sliced loaf 400gr / lino Bianco / lticereal sliced loaf 400gr American sliced bread for sandwiches /orato 4*5gr !ratted Bread 500gr %ot +og #olls %amb rger #olls Pane ,arasa Lfrom SardiniaM Crac'er an& ,rea&stic's Bibanesi Breadstic2s &ragolosi Breadstic2s ,lassic *50gr &ragolosi Breadstic2s #osmary *50gr 'live Breadstic2s Breadstic2 .orinesi / lino Bianco *40gr Sesami Breadstic2s Salted ,rac2ers / lino Bianco / ltigrain ,rac2er / lino Bianco -holegrain ,rac2ers / lino Bianco +ry .oast / lino Bianco -holemeal +ry .oast / lino Bianco

UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 b) UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2



-atticini Bel Paese spicchi Bel paese forma intera &ormaggio Brie B rro :rlandese Salato **7gr B rro :signy !o ment nat rale *50gr B rro :signy !o ment salato *50gr B rro :signy salto monopor"ione B rrino monopor"ione 10gr B rro saltata ; rpa2 *50gr B rro non salato ; rpa2 *50gr B rro na"ionale *50gr ,amambert 50gr ) 4 &ormaggio ,heddar +ana bl 1*5gr L#o$ e fortM (dam !albani (mmenthal ;endammer &ormaggio &eta *00gr !albanino *70gr !orgon"ola !rana Padano Parmigiano #eggiano 1P $ alitF &ormaggio mi) gratt giato &ormaggio pecorino Pecorino di Pien"a Pecrino Sardo &ormaggio ,astelmagno Provolone Philadelphia Graft *50gr #icotta fresca 1?52g #icotta fresca *50gr /ascarpone 500gr /o""arella 12g 0allelata mo""arella ciliegia B fala *70gr 0allelata mo""arella B fala *00gr /o""arella 1*5gr Stracchino &ormaggio .aleggio =ogh rt 0itasnella nat rale =ogh rt 0itasnella fr tta Panna da c cina *00gr Panna da montare <%. 1lt Panna vegetale da montare <%. %opla 1lt ;atte fresco intero 1lt ;atte fresco par"ialmente scremato 1lt ;atte <%. intero 1lt ;atte <%. par"ialmente scremato 1lt ;atte <%. no fat 0?5lt ;atte di mandorle 1lt ;atte di soya 0?5lt ;atte condensato 500gr ;atte evaporato 14o" Panna acida *50gr ,abri Aregeois 500gr ,abrio let 2g4 ,omte +'P /illesimato 2g* ,o lommiers 400gr /imolette 52g Pont ;eve$ e **0gr #o$ efort +'P 97,arles 1?52g Bl e Stilton Baby *?*2g /ini Bl e Shropshire *?52g /anchego +'P stagionato 1?*2g .etila 450gr Bitto +op 1?52g Dairy Bel Paese wedge Bel Paese whole Brie cheese Salted :rish b tter **7gr B tter :signy !o ment nat r *50gr B tter :signy !o ment salted *50gr B tter :signy !o ment salted hotel si"e %otel b tter 10gr ; rpa2 salted b tter ; rpa2 n salted b tter :talian b tter *50gr ,amambert 50gr ) 4 ,heddar cheese +ana bl 1*5gr L#o$ e fortM (dam !albani (mmenthal ;endammer &eta cheese *00gr !albanino *70gr !orgon"ola !rana Padano Parmigiano #eggiano 1P $ ality !ratted cheese mi) Pecorino cheese Pien"a pecorino cheese Sardinian pecorino cheese ,astelmagno cheese Provolone Philadelphia Graft *50gr #icotta cheese 1?52g #icotta cheese *50gr /ascarpone cheese 500gr /o""arella cheese 12g 0allelata B fala mo""arella cherries *70gr 0allelata B fala mo""arella *00gr /o""arella cheese 1*5gr Stracchino cheese .aleggio cheese =ogh rt 0itasnella plain =ogh rt 0itasnella fr it ,oo2ing cream *00gr -hipping cream <%. 1lt 0egatable wipping cream %opla 1lt &resh mil2 f ll fat 1lt &resh mil2 f ll semi s2immed 1lt <%. f ll fat mil2 <%. semi s2immed mil2 1lt <%. no fat mil2 0?5lt Almond mil2 1lt Soya mil2 0?5lt ,ondensed mil2 500gr (vaporated mil2 14o" So r cream *50gr ,abri Aregeois 500gr ,abrio let 2g4 ,omte +'P /illesimato 2g* ,o lommiers 400gr /imolette 52g Pont ;eve$ e **0gr #o$ efort +'P 97,arles 1?52g Bl e Stilton Baby *?*2g /ini Bl e Shropshire *?52g /anchego +'P stagionato 1?*2g .etila 450gr Bitto +op 1?52g UM pc pc 2g pc pc pc b) b) p2 p2 p2 pc 2g p2 2g p2 p2 pc 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc p2 p2 p2 p2 pc p2 pc pc 2g 2g vs vs b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 tn tn vs pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc Quantity

,aciocavallo 1?52g #icotta aff micata 500H300gr .aleggio +'P *2g ,astelmagno +'P 1?52g

,aciocavallo 1?52g #icotta aff micata 500H300gr .aleggio +'P *2g ,astelmagno +'P 1?52g

pc pc pc pc pc


Croissanterie ! Pasticceria ge"o /ini ,roissant ,ereali 50gr ) 100p" /ini ,roissant al b rro *5gr ) 16p" Assortimento mini 0iennoiserie ) 1*0p" /ini !irella vetta 50gr )150p" /ini Pan a ,hocolate *5gr ) 16p" /ini ,roissant farcito 40gr )1*0" vari g sti ,roissant &arciti 70H30gr vari g sti ,roissant , rvi 100gr vari g sti ,roissant al b rro 60gr ,roissant fr tti di bosco 40gr ) 44p" !irella vetta 36gr ) 60p" Pan a ,hocolate 70gr ) 70p" .reccine semplieHcioccolatoHcrema /ini / ffin *0gr ) 44p" / ffin 65gr )*0p" classicoHcioccolato / ffin 65gr )*0p" albicoccaHmirtillo /ini .arts vari g sti 1*0gr )7*p" Sfoglie 30gr )65p" vari g sti e formati .reccia di sfoglia vari g sti 30gr )60p" Sfoglie 30gr vari g sti scatola mista 5*p" /ini Grapfen 0 otoHAlbicocca *5gr )140p" /ini Grapfen ,rema *5gr ) 140p" Grapfen Dat re 65gr ) 40p" Grapfen Albicocca H,ioccolato 75gr ) 44p" &ondente al ,ioccolato 30gr ) *0p" /ini +on ts varie g sti ) 51gr ) 5*pcs +on ts varie g sti ) 70gr ) 40 p" Snac' Sa"ati ge"o Pi""ette 4 b ste ) 500gr Pi""a /argherita tonda 100gr )56p" &ocaccia !enovese tonda 140gr )5p" Salatini Aperitivo misto * b ste )500gr 6 g sti .rancio Pi""a *00gr ) 14p" &ocaccia pretagliata 30gr )56p" !irella #icotta e Spinaci 60gr ) 66p" !irella Pomodoro e /o""arella 60gr ) 66p" J iche vari g sti 110gr )5*p" # stico con Spinaci 1*0gr ) 7* p" &agottino Prosci tto e (mmenthalHBroccoli 110gr )40p" ,iscotti Pavesini Amaretti di Saronno Biscotto 'reo /c 0ities +igestives +anish Bisc its Biscotti da thI 're ;iete Biscotti / lino Bianco 0ari tipi Savoiardi /erendine Barilla 0ari tipi Pandoro Panettone Mar(e"ate -il2ins Q Sons marmellate varie gi sti *4gr -il2ins Q Sons miele *4gr -il2ins Q Sons marmellate varie gi sti *50gr /iele Ambrosoli *50gr /iele 9odler /illefiori *50gr /iele 9odler Acero *50gr D tella 400gr Sciroppo dHacero 'E,anada Capsu"e Nespresso Despresso caps le Arpeggio 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le #istretto 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le #oma 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le ;ivanto 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le ,apriccio 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le 0oll to 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le ,osi 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le + lsao 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le #osabaya 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le :ndriya 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le &ine""o ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le 0ivalto ; ngo10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le &ortissimo ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le +ecaffeinato ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le +ecaffeinato 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps le +ecaffeinato :ntenso 10pcsL*00)bo)M Capsu"e -a#azza Point ,rema aroma espresso 100)bo) Bevanda caffI Q ginseng espresso 50)bo) +ecaffeinato espresso 50)bo) 'r"o espresso 50)bo) .hI al limone 50)bo) Bevanda bianca 50)bo) ,amomilla 50)bo) .hI ai fr tti di bosco 50)bo) .hI alla menta 50)bo) .isana mela e cannella 50)bo) Atri Ca**2 ;ava""a #osso %rozen Croissanterie!Pastries /ini ,roissant mi)ed !rain 50gr ) 100pcs /ini B tter ,roissant *5gr ) 16pcs Assortment of mini 0iennoiserie ) 1*0pcs /ini S ltana +anish Pastry 50gr ) 150pcs /ini Pan a ,hocolate *5gr ) 16pcs /ini filled ,roissant 40gr )1*0pcs vari g sti &illed ,roissant 70H30gr vario s flavo rs , rved ,roissant 100gr vario s flavo rs B tter ,roissant 60gr -ild Berry ,roissant 40gr ) 44pcs S ltana +anish Pastry 36gr ) 60pcs Pan a ,hocolate 70gr ) 70pcs Braid Pastry classicHchocolateHcream /ini / ffin *0gr ) 44pcs / ffin 65gr )*0pcsclassicHchocolate / ffin 65gr )*0pcs apricotHbl eberry /ini .arts vari g sti 1*0gr )7*pcs P ff pastry ca2es 30gr ) 65 pcs P ff Pastry Braid 30gr ) 60pcs vario s flavo rs /i)ed P ff Pastry selection vario s flavo rs 30gr ) 5*pcs /ini Grapfen PlainHApricot *5gr )140pcs /ini Grapfen ,ream *5gr ) 140pcs Grapfen Plain 65gr ) 40pcs Grapfen ApricoteH,hocolate 75gr ) 44pcs ,iocolate ,a2e soft center 30gr ) *0pcs /ini +on ts vario s flavo rs ) 51gr ) 5*pcs +on ts 70gr ) 4*pcs vario s flavo rs %rozen Sa#ory %rozen Snac's /ini Pi""a 4 bags ) 500gr #o nd Pi""a /argherita 100gr ) 56pcs #o nd &ocaccia Bread 140gr ) 5pcs /i) filled mini Savory * bags ) 500gr 6 flavo rs Pi""a Slice *00gr ) 14pcs #eady open c t &ocaccia Slice 30gr ) 56pcs Spinach and #icotta cheese Savory 60gr ) 66pcs .omato and /o""arella Savory 60gr ) 66pc /i) flavo r J iche 110gr ) 7*pcs # stico Savory with Spinach 1*0gr ) 7*pcs Savory fold over %am and ,heeseHBroccoli 110gr ) 40 p" ,iscuits Pavesini bisc its Amaretti di Saronno Biscotto 'reo /c 0ities +igestives +anish Bisc its Biscotti da thI 're ;iete Biscotti / lino Bianco 0ari tipi Savoiardi /erendine Barilla 0ari tipi Pandoro Panettone 8a(s -il2ins Q Sons vario s flavo rs *4gr -il2ins Q Sons honey *4gr -il2ins Q Sons vari os flavo rs *50gr Ambrosoli honey *50gr 9odler tho sand flower honey *50gr 9odler maple honey *50gr D tella 400gr /aple syr p 'E,anada Nespresso Capsu"es Despresso caps les Arpeggio 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les #istretto 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les #oma 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les ;ivanto 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les ,apriccio 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les 0oll to 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les ,osi 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les + lsao 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les #osabaya 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les :ndriya 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les &ine""o ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les 0ivalto ; ngo10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les &ortissimo ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les +ecaffeinato ; ngo 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les +ecaffeinato 10pcsL*00)bo)M Despresso caps les +ecaffeinato :ntenso 10pcsL*00)bo)M Capsu"e -a#azza Point ,rema aroma espresso 100)bo) Bevanda caffI Q ginseng espresso 50)bo) +ecaffeinato espresso 50)bo) 'r"o espresso 50)bo) .hI al limone 50)bo) Bevanda bianca 50)bo) ,amomilla 50)bo) .hI ai fr tti di bosco 50)bo) .hI alla menta 50)bo) .isana mela e cannella 50)bo) Other Co**ees ;ava""a #osso UM b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) UM p2 b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 pc UM 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) UM p Quantity







;ava""a 'ro ;ava""a +e2 ,affI Americano macinato *50gr ,affI %ag bar :lly ,affe grani espresso *50gr :lly ,affe Arabico macinato espresso *50gr :lly +eca Arabico macinato *50gr Descafe #ed , p Descafe ,lassic Descafe !ran Aroma Descafe !ran Aroma Doir Descafe ,app ccino ,ioccolata ,alda ,iR Bar Des$ i2 ,ioccolato 500gr Accessori Git ;ava""a point " ccheroHpalettaHbicchiere ,andarel dolcificante pastiglia ,andarel dolcificante b stine +olcificante &r ctilLfr ttosioM +ietor dolcificante b stine SweetEn ;ow dolcificante 500 b stine /elita filtri per caffe Americano 1)4 40 p" h2 & In*usi .wining ,eloyn 'range Pe2oe .wining &r it selection .wining (arl Brea2fast .wining +ar6eeling .wining (arl !rey .wining 9ava !reen .wining ;emon .wining Blac2 Prince of -hales .winings Arancia e ,annella ,amomilla :nf so ai &r tti di Bosco :nf so alla menta :nf so al .iglio

;ava""a 'ro ;ava""a +e2 !ro nd filter coffee ,affI %ag bar :lly espresso coffee beans *50gr :lly gro nd Arabic coffee for espresso *50gr :lly +eca Arabic gro nd coffee Descafe #ed , p Descafe ,lassic Descafe !ran Aroma Descafe !ran Aroma Doir Descafe ,app ccino %ot ,hocolate ,iR Bar Des$ i2 ,hocolate drin2 powder 500gr Accessories ;ava""a point 2it s garHswi""leHc p candarel sweetner tablet ,andarel sweetner sachet &r ctose sweetener +ietor sweetner sachet SweetEn ;ow sweetner 500 sachets /elita filter coffee filters 1)4 40pcs ea & )er$a" ea .wining ,eloyn 'range Pe2oe .wining &r it selection .wining (arl Brea2fast .wining +ar6eeling .wining (arl !rey .wining 9ava !reen .wining ;emon .wining Blac2 Prince of -hales .wining 'range and ,innamon ,amomile tea -ild berry inf se /int inf se ;iden tree inf se

p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 tn tn tn 6r 6r 6r 6r p2 p2 UM b) pc p2 p2 p2 p2 b) UM b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b)



Uo#a <ova di J aglia )14 <ova fresche Po""a(e *resco Pollo nostrano Petto di Pollo me""o Petto di Pollo intero Ali di Pollo Anche di Pollo ,osci di Pollo Salsiccia di Pollo !alletto !alletto 0allespl ga &egatini di Pollo ,osce di .acchino &esa di .acchino intero &eas di .acchino me""o J aglia !iagnte **0gr J aglia !iante disossata 150gr Petto di J aglia no pelle 50H60gr ,oscette J aglia 16gr Piccone spi mato 500gr Piccione +isossata *50gr Piccione Petto 100H1*5gr &araona :ntera 1500gr &araona +isossata 700gr &arona Petto 500gr &araona ,oscia 170H130gr 'ca Bianca da Arrosto 42g Petto dE'ca 500gr ,oscia dE'ca 550gr Anatra &emmina *?*2g Anatra &emmenina disossata 1?52g Anatra maschio 5?5H42g Petto dEAnatra maschio 450gr Petto dEAnatra femmina *50gr ,oscia dEAnatra maschio 550gr Str ""o & n &illet Conig"io e Caccigione ,oniglio intero 1?52g ,oniglio disossato 300gr ,oniglio lombata 500gr ,oniglio lombo disossato 500gr ,oniglio &iletto 40gr ,oniglio coscio *50gr ,oniglio selvatico 700gr ;epre intera *2g ;epre coscia 500gr ;epre sella 600gr &olaga 400gr Al"avola **0gr Beccaccia *50H500gr ,olombaccio *50H500gr !ermano 12g !ro se ad lta 500gr !ro se giovane *40H400gr &agiano spi mato 1?*2g &agiano petto 500gr Pernice rossa 500H400gr J al eggs )14 &resh eggs %resh Pou"try %ome bred ,hic2en ,hic2en breast half ,hic2en breast whole ,hic2en wings ,hic2en thighs ,hic2en dr mstic2s ,hic2en sa sage ,oc2arel 0allespl ga ,oc2arel ,hic2en livers . r2ey legs . r2ey breast whole . r2ey breast half !iant J ail **0gr !iant J ail deboned 150gr J ail breast no s2in 50H60gr J ail legs 16gr Pigeon hand pl c2ed 500gr Pigeon deboned *50gr Pigeon breast 100H1*5gr -hole ! inea fowl 1500gr +eboned ! inea fowl 700gr ! inea fowl breast 500gr ! inea fowl leg 170H130r -hole !oose 42g !oose breast 500gr !oose leg 550gr -hole &emale + c2 *?*2g +eboned &emale + c2 1?52g -hole /ale + c2 5?5H42g /ale + c2 breast 450gr &emale + c2 *50gr /ale + c2 leg 550gr 'strich & n &illet /a$$it an& %o1" -hole #abbit 1?52g +eboned #abit 300gr #abbit loin 50gr #abbit loin deboned 500gr #abbit fillet 40gr #abbit leg s*50gr -ild #abbit 700gr -hole %are *2g %are leg 500gr %are saddle 600gr -hole -ater ,row 400gr -hole .eal **0gr -oodcoc2 *50H500gr -oodpigeon *50H500gr -ild + c2 12g Ad lt !ro se 500gr =o ng !ro se *40H400gr Pheasant hand pl c2ed 1?*2g Pheasant breast 500gr #ed Partridge 500H400gr Eggs UM p2 pc UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc Quantity



!ermano #eale 12g Se"#aggina ,apriolo Sella *2g ,apriolo ,ontrofiletto 600gr ,apriolo coscia *?*2g ,ervo Sella 5H72g ,ervo ,ostolette 1?52g ,ervo controfiletto 12g ,ervo polpa 5H62g ,ervo costine 1H1?52g ,inghiale sella 4H42g ,inghiale costine 1H1?52g ,inghiale coscia disossata 5H62g O#ini ,apretto di latte &rancia 52g ,apretto Da"ionale intero 5H72g Agnello latte intero Agnello b sto 4H112g Agnello 4 coste scal"ato 400H500gr Dew 8eland Agnello &renced rac2 550H450gr Dew 8eland Agnello controfiletto 140gr Dew 8eland Agnello carre lombata gelo Agnello coscia gelo Vite""a ;ombo con filetto 32g ;ombo 7 coste scal"ato 52g ;ombo &renched rac2ed *2g &iletto intero ,ontrofiletto Doce &esa Sottofesa !irello 'ssob co *00gr Bistecca osso Bistecca con filetto Stinco posteriore *2g ,ontrofiletto Argentina 52g ,ontrofiletto A stralia 52g /agro per arrosto /agro per hamb rger #ognoni Spe""atino di 0itella Manzo Naziona"e Bistecca filetto Bistecca costola ;ombata Da"ionale &iletto Da"ionale ,ontrofiletto 62g &egato &esa c ore !irello ;ing a ;ombata con filetto al 2g /agro per macinato scelto al 2g /agro per #oastbeef legato / scolo Doce c ore Stinco .rippa Argentina ,ontrofiletto Argentina 5H42g #ib (ye Argentina *?52g &iletto Aregntina *2g , ore di Scamone Argentina *?52g Ir"an&a ,ontrofiletto :rlanda 72g ,ostata 5 coste :ralnada 52g #ib eye :ralanda 52g &iletto :rlanda 52g !irello :rlanda 52g , ore di Scamone :rland a5?52g ;ombata 5 coste con filetto :rlanda 152g Scozia ;ombata sen"Eosso con filetto Sco"ia 152g &iletto *?5H52g Sco"ia ,ontrofiletto Sco"ia 6H72g ;ombo 5 coste con filetto Sco"ia 152g , ore di costata Lrib eyeM Sco"ia 52g ,o#ino sti"e 9o$e Ala 52g Bavetta 1?42g ,appello di Prete *?52g ,odone 1?52g (ntrecote 62g Scamone 5?4 2g ,isonte ,ontrofiletto Bisonte *2g (ntrecote Bisonte 1?62g &iorentina Bisonte 3?42g Suino Arista con osso al 2g &ilone Llon"aM Bistecche di maiale ,oscio Lprosci ttoM /agro per macinato Polpa coscia #osticciana Salsiccia fresca

/allard 12g +a(e #oe +eer saddle *2g #oe +eer loin 600gr #oe +eer leg *?*2g +eer saddle 5H72g +eer rac2 1?522 +eer loin 12g +eer lean meet 5H62g +eer rib rac2 5H62g -ild boar saddle 4H42g -ild Boar ribs 1H1?52g -ild boar deboned leg 5H62g O#ine Small !oat &rance 52g Small !oat :talia 52g -hole ;amb lamb tr n2 4H112g 4 bone rac2 of lamb Dew 8eland 400H500gr &rench rac2 Dew 8eland 550H450gr ;amb loin 140gr Dew 8eland &ro"en lamb rac2 &ro"en leg of lamb Vea" #ibbed Sirloin with filet 32g 7 boned c tlets 52g Sirloin rac2 &renced *2g -hole fillet Sirloin .op side .op side .ail Silverside 16H*?*2g /arrowbone *00gr Stea2 with bone Stea2 with fillet Bac2 shine *2g Sirloin Argentina 52g Sirloin A stralia 52g ;ean 0eal for roast ;ean 0eal for hamb rger Gidney 0eal for stew for Ita"ian ,ee* . bone stea2 Stea2 with bone #ibbed Sirloin with fillet &illet Sirloin 62g ;iver %eart of top side SilversideH#o nd .ong e Sirloin with fillet 2g ;ean Beef for mince 2g ;ean Beef for #oastbeef Beef for boiling .op # mp Shan2 .ripe Argentina ;oin Argentina 5H42g #ib (ye Argentina *?52g &illet Aregntina *2g &lan2 heart Argentina*?52g Ire"an& Sirloin :reland 72g 5 ribed loin #ib eye :ralanda 52g &illet :reland 52g SilversideH#o nd 52g &lan2 heart :reland 5?52g 5 ribed sirloin :reland 152g Scot"an& +eboned loin with fillet Scotland 152g -hole &illet *?5H52g Sirloin Scotland 6H72g 5 rib loin with fillet 152g #ib eye Scotland 52g 9o$e ,ee* Sho lder 52g S2irt Stea2 1?42g Bris2et *?52g .ail 1?52g (ntrecote 62g # mp 5?42g ,ison B ffalo Sirloin *2g B ffalo entrecote B ffalo &iorentina . bone stea2 3?42g Por' ;oin with bone (ye of ;oin 2g Por2 chops ;eg B%am trim ;ean por2 for mince ;ean deboned por2 leg Por2 ribs &resh sa sage

pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc 2g pc pc pc pc 2g 2g UM pc pc pc 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc pc pc pc 2g 2g 2g UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g UM pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc UM 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g











Salsiccia ; ganega Spalla per spe""atino Stinco /aialino da latte /aialino da latte disossato .agliata di cinta Senese Arista di ,inta Senese conHsen"a osso Bistecca di ,inta Senese Sa"u(i Prosci tto cr do San +aniele sen"a osso Prosci tto cr do Pio .osini sen"a osso Prosci tto cr do fette Prosci tto cotto !ranbiscotto Prosci tto cotto a fette Prosci tto di Praga Prosci tto cotto !ran #iserva !albani , latello di 8ibello Spalla cotta per toast Bresaola p nta dEanca Bresaola a fette ,oppa Pancetta arrotolata Pancetta tesa aff micata Pancetta st fata Bacon a fette. lip Pancetta a c betti aff micata e non ;ardo di ,olonnata Spec2 del .irolo /ortadella di Bologna 52g /ortadella di Bologna 450gr /ortadella a fette Salame /ilano Salame /ilano a fette 40gr Salame &elino Salame .oscano Salame <ngherese Salame Dapoli Salame ,alabrese 600gr Salame Piccante pi""a 300gr &inocchiona 1?52g Salame ,acciatorino Salsiccia fresca .oscana &esa di .acchino - rstel 4)100gr - rstel s ino grill 5 pe""i *50gr - rstel pollo e tacchino 5 pe""i *50gr

; ganega sa sage Sho lder for stew PigEs 2n c2le S c2ling pig +eboned s c2ling pig .agliata di cinta Senese Siena ,inta por2 loin withHwitho t bone Siena ,inta por2 chop Co"& Cuts San +aniele c red ham witho t bone Pio .osini Parma c red ham wito t bone Sliced Parma ham ,oo2 ham !ranbiscotto Sliced coo2ed ham Pra ge smo2ed ham ,oo2ed ham !ran #iserva !albani %eart of Parma ham Lc latelloM Sho lder ham Bresaola ham Sliced bresaola ham ,oppa cold c t meat :talian c red bacon &lat italian smo2ed bacon :talian stewed bacon . lip sliced Bacon , bed smo2ed and normal :talian bacon , red lard from ,olonnatat :talian Spec2 ham /ortadella from Bologna 52g /ortadella from Bologna 450gr Sliced /ortadella Salame /ilan style Sliced /ilan salame Salame &elino style Salame . scany style Salame % ngarian style Salame Daples style Salame ,alabrian styleLchilliM %ot salami Lfor pi""aM &inocchiona salami Baby ,acciatorino salami &resh . scany sa sage #oast . r2ey breast &ran2f rter por2 sa sage 4)100gr &ran2f rter por2 sa sage 4)100gr &ran2f rter chic2enQ t r2ey sa sage

2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g UM 2g 2g p2 2g p2 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g p2 2g 2g 2g 2g p2 p2 2g 2g pc pc p2 p2 p2 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc 2g 2g p2 p2 p2



Scato"a(e ,arciofi sottEolio *30gr ,apperi salati 12g ,apperi aceto 100gr ,etrioli sottEaceto 500gr ,hampignon al nat rale & nghi in olio dEoliva ,ipolline sottEaceto ,oncentrato di pomodoro 500gr ,oncentrato di pomodoro in t betto , ore di palma 500gr Bond elle fagiolini al nat rale Aglietti sottEaceto 100gr &r tto di ,appero vasetto /ais al nat rale 'live nere .aggiasche 'live nere .aggiasche 700gr 'live nere denocciolate 'live nere .aggiasche denoccialate 640gr 'live nere 2alamata 'live nere .aggiasche denoccialate 140gr 'live verdi in salamoia 'live verdi denocciolate Passata di pomodoro +e #ica bottiglia Pomodori ,iliegini in latta +e ,ecco Pelati ,irio Pelati ,irio 500gr Pomodoro Polpa Pronta Pomodoro pelato 1 2g Peperoni rossi SaclF Piselli al nat rale Bond elle Passata di pomodoro PomS Pomodori secchi in olio 500gr %ein" Ba2ed Beans ,eci in scatola &agioli rossi &agioli ,annellini in scatola &agioli Borlotti in scatola ;enticchie in scatola Canne&!8ar Ite(s Articho2es in oil *30gr Salted capers 12g ,apers in vinegar 100gr !er2ins in vinegar 500gr ,hampignon m shrooms nat re / shrooms in olive oil Baby onions in vinegar .omato paste 500gr .omato paste t be Palm harts 500gr %aricot vert nat re Bond elle Baby garlic in vinegar 100gr ,aper fr it in 6ar Sweet corn can .aggiasca blac2 olive .aggiasca blac2 olive 700gr Pitted blac2 olive Pitted .aggiasca blac2 olive 640gr Blac2 olive Galamata Pitted .aggiasca blac2 olive 140gr !reen olive in brine Pitted green olives .omato p ree +e #ica bottle ,herry pl med tomato +e ,ecco Pl med .omatoes ,irio Pl med .omatoes ,irio 500gr , bed pl med .omatoes Polpa Pronta Pl med .omatoes 12g #ed pepper SaclF Peas nat re Bond elle .omato p ree PomS S n dried tomatoes in oil 500gr %ein" Ba2ed Beans ,hic peas canned #ed beans -hite beans canned Borlotti beans canned ;entils canned UM 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r tn 6r 6r tn 6r 6r tn 6r 6r tn 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r 6r tn tn tn tn tn tn 6r tn tn 6r tn tn tn tn tn Quantity


Pasticceria Pasta &illo 12g Pasta &rolla 500gr Pasta Gataifi 12g Pasta Sfoglia 12g Pasta BrisI 500gr &illo Pastry 12g Short pastry 500gr Gataifi Pastry 12g P ff pastry 12g BrisI Pastry 500gr Pastry (a'ing UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 Quantity

8 cchero a velo 500gr 8 cchero a velo vanigliato 12g 8 cchero ,astor 8effiro 8 cchero semolato 12g 8 cchero di c bi 8 cchero di canna c bi 8 cchero di canna +emarera Stacca facile spray 400ml .opping Amarena .opping ,acao .opping ,aramello .opping &ragola 0aniglia baccelli 0aniglia Bo rbon polvere 30gr Aromi dolci anici 10ml ) * flaconi Aromi dolci arancia 10ml ) * flaconi Aromi dolci limone 10ml ) * flaconi Aromi dolci rh m 10ml ) * flaconi Aromi dolci vaniglia 10ml ) * flaconi BignI 100gr ,acao amaro 40gr ,acao dolce 40gr (stratto di vaniglia 500cc (stratto di caffI 500cc ;i$ iri"ia in polvere 12g ;avanda in fiori secchi *50gr ,assisLaroma di ribes neroM100cc ,rema di mandorle sg sciate 12g ,rema di nocciole tostate 12g !ranella di pistacchi di Bronte 12g &arina di pistacchi di Bronte 12g ,rema di pisatacchi diBronte 12g !elatina a petali di rosa 570gr !elatina di rosa di bosco 570gr Pectina )54 12g Pectina gialla 12g Stabili""anti per sorbetti e gelati 12g ;ievito Bertolini per dolci gr 16 ;ievito fresco *5gr ;ievito fresco 500gr Bicarbonato di soda *50gr ,ioccolata fondente 12g ,ioccolata bianca 1?*52g Va"rhona Ciocco"ato Alpaco 66O Alpaco fondente (c ador 52g Arag ani 7*O fondente 0ene" ela 52g /acaI 6*O 52g fondente Brasile Abinao 45O fondente ,araibe 66?5O fondente 52g ! ana6a 70Ofondente ,afI noir capert ra fondente al caffe 52g ,aramelia 52g , ore di ! anaya 40O :voire capert ra bianca 55O di cacao 'range bianco colorato allEarancia 5)12g B rro di ,acao 52g B rro li$ ido concentrato chiarificato 33O ,acao in polvere 52g +ecoro (clat dE'r 12g Purea &i *rutta /a#i*ruit pastorize& Albicocca 12g Amarene 12g Ananas 12g Banana 12g &ragola 12g &r tto della Passinone 12g ;ampone 12g ;imone 12g /andarino 12g /ango 12g /ela 12g /irtillo 12g Pera 12g Pesca bianca 12g #ibes nero 12g +e"ati /antecato artigianale in vaschetta vari g sti fr tta 52g /antecato artigianale in vaschetta vari g sti *742g Sorbetti fr tta in vaschetta *2g vari g sti !elato pi barattoli trasparenti 400gr vari g sti &r tti ripieni di gelati 1)1*p" vari g sti 100gr +ai +ai ,assatina vari g sti *0p")*5gr +ai +ai .art fino 54p" ) 3gr %aagenB+a"s

:cing S gar 500gr :cing S gar 0anilla aroma 12g ,astor S gar 8effiro 12g !ran lated S gar 12g -hite S gar , bes +emarera Brown S gar , bes +emarera Brown S gar Don stic2 coo2ing spray 400ml Blac2 ,herry topping ,hocalate topping ,aramel topping Strawberry topping 0anilla beans Bo rbon 0anilla powder 30gr Anise aroma 10ml ) * phial 'range aroma 10ml ) * phial ;emon aroma 10ml ) * phial #h m aroma 10ml ) * phial 0anilla aroma 10ml ) * phial (clairs 100gr Bitter ,ocao 40gr Sweet ,ocoa 40gr 0anilla e)tract 500cc ,offee e)tract 500cc ;i$ orice power 12g +ry ;avender flowers *50gr ,assisLblac2c rrant aromaM100cc Almonde paste 12g .oasted %a"len t paste 12g Bronte Pistachio grain 12g Bronte Pistachio flo r 12g Bronte Pistachio cream 12g #ose petal 6elly 570gr -ood rose 6elly 570gr Pectina )54 12g =ellow Pectin 12g Stabili"er for sorbets and ice creams 12g Bertolini =east for ca2es 16gr &resh yeast *5gr &resh yeast 500gr Bicarbonate of sodaLba2ing sodaM *50gr Bittersweet ,hocolate 12g -hite ,hocolate 1?*52g Va"rhona Choco"ate Alpaco 66O Alpaco bittersweet (c ador 52g Arag ani 7*O bittersweet 0ene" ela 52g /acaI 6*O 52g bittersweet Brasile Abinao 45O bittersweet ,araibe 66?5O 52g ! ana6a 70O bittersweet ,afI noir bittersweet covering al caffe 52g ,aramelia 52g ,oe re di ! anaya 40O :voire white chocolate covering 55O di cocao 'rangeB white chocolate colo red 5)12g ,ocao B tter 52g ;i$ id clarified b tter concentrated33O ,ocoa powder 52g +ecoro (clat dE'r 12g %ruit Puree /a#i*ruit pasteurize& Apricot 12g Blac2 ,herry Pineapple 12g Banana 12g Strawberry 12g Passion fr it 12g #aspberry 12g ;emon 12g /andarin 'range 12g /ango 12g Apple 12g Bl eberry 12g Pear 12g -hite Peache 12g Blac2c rrant 12g Ice Crea( Artisanal mantecato ice cream vario s fr its in t b 52g Artisanal mantecato ice cream vario s in t b *742g &r it sorbets in t b *2g vario s flavo rs !elato pi in plastic clear 6ar 400gr vario s flavo rs :ce cream filled fr its 1)1*pc vario s flavo rs 100gr +ai +ai ,assatina vario s flavo rs *0p" ) *5gr +ai +ai .art fino 54p" ) 3gr %aagenB+a"s

p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 tn bt bt bt bt pc pc bt bt bt bt bt p2 p2 p2 bt bt p2 p2 bt tn tn p2 p2 tn tn tn tn tn tn pc pc pc b) pc pc UM p2 b) p2 p2 b) b) p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 tn tn b) p2 UM b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 b2 UM tb tb tb tb tb b) b) tb




AM,IEN Ambrosia +evon ,rema B dino di riso 150g Ambrosia +evon , stard 150g Atora %erby 140g /i) Polpetta Ambrosia +evon ,reamed #ice P dding 150g Ambrosia +evon , stard 150g Atora %erby + mpling /i) 140g UM pc pc pc Quantity

Bart T coriandolo in olio di semi di girasole 30 g BartT ,oriander in S nflower 'il 30g pc Bart T !reen .hai , rry Paste 30g BartT !reen .hai , rry Paste 30g pc Bart T #ed .hai , rry Paste 30g BartT #ed .hai , rry Paste 30g pc Batchelors , p na varietF 8 ppa originale 6 B stine 1*4g Batchelors , p a So p 'riginal 0ariety 6 Sachets 1*4g pc Batchelors , p n Broccoli So p #ich Q ,reamy Q cavolfiore 4 B stine 106gBatchelors , p a So p #ich Q ,reamy Broccoli Q ,a liflower 4 Sachets 106gpc

Batchelors , p n #ich Q #ich cremosa " ppa di f nghi -oodland 4 B stine Batchelors 106g , p a So p #ich Q ,reamy #ich -oodland / shroom 4 Sachets 106g pc Betty ,roc2er NSha2e per rendereN Panca2es 155g American Style Betty ,roc2er NSha2e to /a2eN Panca2es American Style 155g pc , cina Betty ,roc2er diavolo ,a2e /i) 500g Betty ,roc2er +evilEs &ood ,a2e /i) 500g pc Betty ,roc2er pronti a diffondere !lassa ,hocolate & dge #ich Q ,reamy 450g Betty ,roc2er #eady to Spread :cing #ich Q ,reamy ,hocolate & dge 450g pc Betty ,roc2er pronti a diffondere a velo 450g 0anilla #ich Q ,reamy Betty ,roc2er #eady to Spread :cing #ich Q ,reamy 0anilla 450g pc Betty ,roc2er T ,hocolate & dge Brownie /i) 415g Betty ,roc2erT ,hocolate & dge Brownie /i) 415g pc , stard Bird Polvere 500g BirdEs , stard Powder 500g pc Bishops &inger in bottiglia 4 ) 500 ml Bishops &inger Bottled 4 ) 500ml pc Bisto salsa di formaggio *00g Bisto ,heese Sa ce *00g pc Bisto ,hip Salsa , rry Shop *00g Bisto ,hip Shop , rry Sa ce *00g pc !ran li !ravy Bisto preferiti 170g Bisto &avo rite !ravy !ran les 170g pc Bisto Per !ran li s go di pollo 170g Bisto &or ,hic2en !ravy !ran les 170g pc Bisto Pre""emolo Salsa *00g Bisto Parsley Sa ce *00g pc !ran li vegetali Bisto !ravy 170g Bisto 0egetable !ravy !ran les 170g pc Bisto Bianco Salsa *00g Bisto -hite Sa ce *00g pc Bombadier /asteri""a"ione !old 4 ) 500ml Bombadier B rning !old 4 ) 500ml pc Bovril (stratto di carne *50g Bovril Beef ()tract *50g pc Branston Pic2le 560g ) 6 -as 6?43 SA0( 0 777 Branston Pic2le 560g ) 6 -as 6743 SA0( 0777 pc Branston #elish %ot ,hilli Q 540g 9alapeno Branston #elish %ot ,hilli Q 9alapeno 540g pc B rtons 9ammie +odgers ) 150g 1* B rtons 9ammie +odgers 150g ) 1* pc -agon -heels B rtons originali B 6 A5 B 55*g B rtons -agon -heels 'riginal B 6A5 B 55*g pc ,adb ry ,reme (gg 40g ,adb ry ,r nchie 40g ,adb ry +airy /il2 *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 ,aramel 170g ,adb ry +airy /il2 *50g ,aramel ,adb ry +airy /il2 &r it Q D t *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 t rco *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 +ado intero *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 con p nte ,r nchie *50g ,adb ry &la2e :mmerso 40g ,adb ry istantanea %ot ,hocolate ,ioccolato al latte ,adb ry Stendere 400g ,adb ry #ich .ea 500g ,affreys 440ml ) *4 ,arnation 537g latte condensato ,arnation 410g di latte evaporato ,arr Biscotti salati formaggio originale /elts 150! ,arr Biscotti salati -ater .able Biscotti 1*5! ,heddars 150g ,lar2s 'riginal /aple Syr p 140ml ,olmans /ela Salsa 6 ) *50 ml ,olmans salsa B stina pane 1* ) ,olmans formaggio ,heddar B stina Salsa 1* ) ,olman doppia S perfine senape in polvere 115! ,olmans rafano 6 ) *50ml ,olmans menta Salsa 6 ) *50 ml ,olman di 150ml Dorwich Senape media resisten"a integrali ,olmans Pepper Sa ce B stina 1* ,olmans pesce Salsa 6 ) *50 ml ,olmans .artare Salsa 6 ) *50 ml ,rosse Q Blac2well T Browning 150ml + e ! birra 'ld !inger giamaicano *4 ) 55ml +eli ,ontinental l nga vita a fette 400g pane +iscovery Dew =or2 B ffalo -ings salsa *35g +oritos T fantastici originali ,orn ,hips ! sto *00g +oritos T .angy &ormaggi ,orn ,hips ! sto *00g +orset ,ereali &r ttato Porridge Apple Q #aisin 610g ,ereali +orset Semplicemente &r ttato / esli 4*0g ,ereali +orset T +avvero D tty / esli 750g ,ereali +orset T Simply +elicio s / esli 450g +r7 'et2er terra Arrowroot 1*5g +r7 'et2er 75 casi cott ra & n +r7 'et2er 170g ;ievito +r7 'et2er bicarbonato di soda *00 g +r7 'et2er cioccolato Strands &lavo r 100g +r7 'et2er ,hocolate %earts 45g +r7 'et2er ,rema di tartaro 140 g +r7 'et2er +esigner glassa bl 140g +r7 'et2er +esigner glassa rosa 140g +r7 'et2er #egalBghiaccio pronto a rotolare :cing 454g Bianco +r7 'et2er Argento Balls 50g +r7 'et2er Strands " cchero 115g +r7 'et2er /argherite -afer ) 1* +r7 Pepper *4 ) 550ml (ncona .hai Sweet ,hilli +ip 14*ml & H &(S.A ,#ADB(##:(S -%';(SDG 75! Stea2 EBoo"yE &ray Bentos Q Ale Pie 475 g E,lassicE &ray Bentos Stea2 Q Gidney Pie 475 g !entle Etritata &ray Bentos Beef Q Pie 4*5g ,ipolla &ray Bentos Pies /inced Beef Q 0eg 4*5g &ray Bentos ESmoothE ,hic2en Q / shroom Pie 475g & llers ;ondon Pride Bottled 4 ) 500ml !oldenfry ,hip Shop Batter /i) 6 ) 170g 777 !oldenfry !olden &ry =or2shire P dding /i) 14*! %aribo 9elly Beans 160g %artley Assorted 9elly 1* ) 155g %artleyEs Best #aspberry 9am 540g %artleyEs Best Strawberry 9am 540g %artleyEs #h barb in ;ight Syr p 540g %aywards ,rin2le , t Beetroot in 0inegar 710g %aywards Sweet 'nions 454g %aywards .raditional 'nions 454g ,adb ry ,reme (gg 40g ,adb ry ,r nchie 40g ,adb ry +airy /il2 *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 ,aramel 170g ,adb ry +airy /il2 ,aramel *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 &r it Q D t *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 . r2ish *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 -hole D t *50g ,adb ry +airy /il2 with ,r nchie Bits *50g ,adb ry &la2e +ipped 40g ,adb ry %ot ,hocolate :nstant ,adb ry /il2 ,hocolate Spread 400g ,adb ry #ich .ea 500g ,affreys 440ml ) *4 ,arnation ,ondensed /il2 537g ,arnation (vaporated /il2 410g ,arrEs Savo ry Bisc its 'riginal ,heese /elts 150! ,arrEs Savo ry Bisc its .able -ater Bisc its 1*5! ,heddars 150g ,lar2s 'riginal /aple Syr p 140ml ,olmans Apple Sa ce 6 ) *50ml ,olmans Bread Sa ce Sachet 1* ) ,olmans ,heddar ,heese Sa ce Sachet 1* ) ,olmanEs +o ble S perfine / stard Powder 115! ,olmans %orseradish 6 ) *50ml ,olmans /int Sa ce 6 ) *50ml ,olmanEs of Dorwich -holegrain / stard /edi m Strength 150ml ,olmans Pepper Sa ce Sachet 1* ,olmans Seafood Sa ce 6 ) *50ml ,olmans .artare Sa ce 6 ) *50ml ,rosse Q Blac2wellT Browning 150ml + and ! 'ld 9amaican !inger Beer *4 ) 55ml +eli ,ontinental ;ong ;ife Sliced Bread 400g +iscovery Dew =or2 B ffalo -ings Sa ce *35g +oritosT ,ool 'riginal &lavo r ,orn ,hips *00g +oritosT .angy ,heese &lavo r ,orn ,hips *00g +orset ,ereals &r ity Porridge Apple Q #aisin 610g +orset ,ereals Simply &r ity / esli 4*0g +orset ,erealsT #eally D tty / esli 750g +orset ,erealsT Simply +elicio s / esli 450g +r 'et2er !ro nd Arrowroot 1*5g +r7 'et2er 75 & n Ba2ing ,ases +r7 'et2er Ba2ing Powder 170g +r7 'et2er Bicarbonate of Soda *00g +r7 'et2er ,hocolate &lavo r Strands 100g +r7 'et2er ,hocolate %earts 45g +r7 'et2er ,ream of .artar 140g +r7 'et2er +esigner :cing Bl e 140g +r7 'et2er +esigner :cing Pin2 140g +r7 'et2er #egalB:ce #eady to #oll :cing -hite 454g +r7 'et2er Silver Balls 50g +r7 'et2er S gar Strands 115g +r7 'et2er -afer +aisies ) 1* +r7 Pepper *4 ) 550ml (ncona .hai Sweet ,hilli +ip 14*ml &H&(AS. -%';(SDG ,#ADB(##:(S 75! &ray Bentos EBoo"yE Stea2 Q Ale Pie 475g &ray Bentos E,lassicE Stea2 Q Gidney Pie 475g &ray Bentos E!entleE /inced Beef Q 'nion Pie 4*5g &ray Bentos Pies /inced Beef Q 0eg 4*5g &ray Bentos ESmoothE ,hic2en Q / shroom Pie 475g & llers ;ondon Pride Bottled 4 ) 500ml !oldenfry ,hip Shop Batter /i) 6 ) 170g 777 !oldenfry !olden &ry =or2shire P dding /i) 14*! %aribo 9elly Beans 160g %artley Assorted 9elly 1* ) 155g %artleyEs Best #aspberry 9am 540g %artleyEs Best Strawberry 9am 540g %artleyEs #h barb in ;ight Syr p 540g %aywards ,rin2le , t Beetroot in 0inegar 710g %aywards Sweet 'nions 454g %aywards .raditional 'nions 454g pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc

%aywards -hole +ill !her2ins 660 ) 6 %ein" Bean" *00g %ein" Bean" 415g %ein" Bean" with Por2 Sa sages 415g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of ,hic2en So p 400g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of / shroom So p *30g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of .omato So p 400g %ein" ,lassic / lligatawny So p 400g %ein" ,lassic ')tail So p 400g %ein" ,lassic Scotch Broth So p 400g %ein" 'riginal Sandwich Spread *70g %ein" Piccalilli Pic2le *75g %ein" Plo ghmanEs Pic2le *40g %ein" Salad ,ream *45g !lass %ein" .aste of %ome ,anned ,hocolate Sponge P dding %ein" .aste of %ome +elightf l Spotted +ic2 P dding *45g %ein" .aste of %ome :rresistible Stic2y .offee P dding 500g %ein" .aste of %ome S per Stic2y .reacle Sponge P dding 500g %(;;/ADDES ,A(SA# +#(SS:D! *55/; %(;;/ADDES &#(D,% +#(SS:D! *55ml %ellmannEs #eal /ayonnaise *00g %ellmannEs #eal /ayonnaise 400g %ellmannEs .ho sand :sland +ressing *55ml %eritage !ree2 Style Pitta 6pac2 %eritage -holemeal Pitta Bread 6pac2 %P Sa ce *55g :ron Br cans *4 ) 550ml 9ac2sonEs of Piccadilly Sench !reen .ea wH ;emon *0s 9ac2sonEs of Piccadilly Sench !reen .ea *0s 9acobEs ,ream ,rac2ers 500g Gettle &oods 0egetable ,hips 40! G(..;(T ,hips 9alapeUo ,hilli 150g Gitchen Ging Pic2led (ggs *7*52g GP +ry #oasted Pean ts 500g GP 'riginal Salted Pean ts 500g ;yleEs Blac2 .reacle 454g .in ;yleEs !olden Syr p 454g ;yons Battenberg *50g /acher &arm Bread 400g /acher -hole #ye Bread *50g /agners :rish ,ider Bottle 1* ) 564ml /A;.(S(#ST 1*0g /armite =east ()tract 1* ) *50g /arstons Pedigree 1* ) 500ml /a)well %o se !ran les *00g /c0itieEs ,lassic #ich .ea *00g /c0itieEs +igestives /il2 ,hocolate 400g /c0ities !inger D ts *00g ) *4 /c0itieEs 9amaica !inger ,a2e /c0itieEsT 4 .oasting -affles /c0itieEsT %obDobs 500g /elitta 'riginal ,offee &ilter Papers 40 /onster / nch /ega 0ariety &lavo r 14 Pac2

%aywards -hole +ill !her2ins 660 ) 6 %ein" Bean" *00g %ein" Bean" 415g %ein" Bean" with Por2 Sa sages 415g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of ,hic2en So p 400g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of / shroom So p *30g %ein" ,lassic ,ream of .omato So p 400g %ein" ,lassic / lligatawny So p 400g %ein" ,lassic ')tail So p 400g %ein" ,lassic Scotch Broth So p 400g %ein" 'riginal Sandwich Spread *70g %ein" Piccalilli Pic2le *75g %ein" Plo ghmanEs Pic2le *40g %ein" Salad ,ream *45g !lass %ein" .aste of %ome ,anned ,hocolate Sponge P dding %ein" .aste of %ome +elightf l Spotted +ic2 P dding *45g %ein" .aste of %ome :rresistible Stic2y .offee P dding 500g %ein" .aste of %ome S per Stic2y .reacle Sponge P dding 500g %(;;/ADDES ,A(SA# +#(SS:D! *55/; %(;;/ADDES &#(D,% +#(SS:D! *55ml %ellmannEs #eal /ayonnaise *00g %ellmannEs #eal /ayonnaise 400g %ellmannEs .ho sand :sland +ressing *55ml %eritage !ree2 Style Pitta 6pac2 %eritage -holemeal Pitta Bread 6pac2 %P Sa ce *55g :ron Br cans *4 ) 550ml 9ac2sonEs of Piccadilly Sench !reen .ea wH ;emon *0s 9ac2sonEs of Piccadilly Sench !reen .ea *0s 9acobEs ,ream ,rac2ers 500g Gettle &oods 0egetable ,hips 40! G(..;(T ,hips 9alapeUo ,hilli 150g Gitchen Ging Pic2led (ggs *7*52g GP +ry #oasted Pean ts 500g GP 'riginal Salted Pean ts 500g ;yleEs Blac2 .reacle 454g .in ;yleEs !olden Syr p 454g ;yons Battenberg *50g /acher &arm Bread 400g /acher -hole #ye Bread *50g /agners :rish ,ider Bottle 1* ) 564ml /A;.(S(#ST 1*0g /armite =east ()tract 1* ) *50g /arstons Pedigree 1* ) 500ml /a)well %o se !ran les *00g /c0itieEs ,lassic #ich .ea *00g /c0itieEs +igestives /il2 ,hocolate 400g /c0ities !inger D ts *00g ) *4 /c0itieEs 9amaica !inger ,a2e /c0itieEsT 4 .oasting -affles /c0itieEsT %obDobs 500g /elitta 'riginal ,offee &ilter Papers 40 /onster / nch /ega 0ariety &lavo r 14 Pac2

pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc

pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc DairnEs &ine 'atca2e *50! DairnEs &ine 'atca2e *50! pc Dandos ()tra %ot Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155777 Dandos ()tra %ot Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155777 pc Dandos %ot Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155g Dandos %ot Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155g pc Dandos /edi m Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155g Dandos /edi m Peri Peri Sa ce 6 ) 155g pc DestlK Des$ i2 Strawberry &lavo r 500g DestlK Des$ i2 Strawberry &lavo r 500g pc DestlK Pic a Pac 4 AllB&amily &avo rites DestlK Pic a Pac 4 AllB&amily &avo rites pc DestlK Shredded -heat Bite si"e 500g DestlK Shredded -heat Bite si"e 500g pc DestlKT ,arnationT ,aramel 537g DestlKT ,arnationT ,aramel 537g pc DestlKT ,arnationT ()tra .hic2 ,ream 170g DestlKT ,arnationT ()tra .hic2 ,ream 170g pc pc 'cean Spray ,ranberry ,lassic 9 ice +rin2 1 ;itre 'cean Spray ,ranberry ,lassic 9 ice +rin2 1 ;itre pc 'cean Spray ,ranberry Sa ce Smooth 130g 'cean Spray ,ranberry Sa ce Smooth 130g pc 'cean Spray ,ranberry Sa ce -holeberry 130g 'cean Spray ,ranberry Sa ce -holeberry 130g pc ')o 1* Beef Stoc2 , bes 71g ')o 1* Beef Stoc2 , bes 71g pc ')o 1* ,hic2en Stoc2 , bes 71g ')o 1* ,hic2en Stoc2 , bes 71g pc ')o 1* 0egetable Stoc2 , bes 71g ')o 1* 0egetable Stoc2 , bes 71g pc '1' ;amb 1* Stoc2 , bes 71g '1' ;amb 1* Stoc2 , bes 71g pc pc Pata2Es Balti , rry Paste L6arM *45! Pata2Es Balti , rry Paste L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es , rry Paste /ild L6arM *45! Pata2Es , rry Paste /ild L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es Gorma , rry Paste L6arM *30! Pata2Es Gorma , rry Paste L6arM *30! pc Pata2Es ;ime Pic2le /edi m L6arM *45! Pata2Es ;ime Pic2le /edi m L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es /adras , rry Paste L6arM *45! Pata2Es /adras , rry Paste L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es /ango Pic2le ()tra %ot L6arM *45! Pata2Es /ango Pic2le ()tra %ot L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es /ango Pic2le /edi m L6arM *45! Pata2Es /ango Pic2le /edi m L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es /i)ed Pic2le L6arM *45! Pata2Es /i)ed Pic2le L6arM *45! pc Pata2Es Daan Bread? !arlic Q ,oriander L31 days shelfBlife from prod ctionM Pata2Es *S Daan Bread? !arlic Q ,oriander L31 days shelfBlife from prod ctionM *S pc Pata2Es Daan Bread? Plain L31 days shelfBlife from prod ctionM *S Pata2Es Daan Bread? Plain L31 days shelfBlife from prod ctionM *S pc Pata2Es 'riginal 4 !arlic Q ,oriander Pappad ms #eady to (at Pata2Es 'riginal 4 !arlic Q ,oriander Pappad ms #eady to (at pc Pata2Es 'riginal 4 Plain Pappad ms #eady to (at Pata2Es 'riginal 4 Plain Pappad ms #eady to (at pc Pata2Es 'riginal 4 Spicy Pappad ms #eady to (at Pata2Es 'riginal 4 Spicy Pappad ms #eady to (at pc Pata2Es .andoori Paste L6arM 51*! Pata2Es .andoori Paste L6arM 51*! pc Pata2Es .i22a /asala Paste L6arM *35! Pata2Es .i22a /asala Paste L6arM *35! pc Pa)o Sage and 'nion St ffing 170g Pa)o Sage and 'nion St ffing 170g pc P! .ips *40 Pyramid Bags P! .ips *40 Pyramid Bags pc P! .ips 40 Pyramid Bags P! .ips 40 Pyramid Bags pc Pimms 6 ) 70cl Pimms 6 ) 70cl pc Pomegreat .he 'riginal Pomegranate 9 ice +rin2 1 ;itre Pomegreat .he 'riginal Pomegranate 9 ice +rin2 1 ;itre pc Pot Doodle ,hic2en and / shroom 30g Pot Doodle ,hic2en and / shroom 30g pc Pot Doodle ,hinese Sweet Q So r 30g Pot Doodle ,hinese Sweet Q So r 30g pc

Pot Doodle 'riginal , rry 30g #ibena 6 ) 1ltr ,ordial V #ibena 6 ) 1ltr #.+ #ibena Blac2c rrant 1* ) 500ml #ibena #aspberry 1* ) 500ml #ingwood 'ld .h mper 4 ) 500ml #oseEs ;emon Q ;ime &ine , t /armalade 454g #oseEs ;ime &ine , t /armalade 454g #oses ;ime 9 ice ,ordial 1 ;itre Bottle #oseEs 'range &ine , t /armalade 454g #owse A stralian ,lear %oney *50! #owse ; ) ry ;emon , rd 5*5g #owse P re ,anadian /aple Syr p ,lear *50! #yvita ,rac2erbread 'riginal *00g SarsonEs /alt 0inegar *50ml Schweppes ,anada +ry !inger Ale Slim ;ine 1; ScottEs Porage 'ats SharwoodEs /ango ,h tney 560g Soreen .he &r ity /alt ;oaf Spitfire Ale 4 ) 500ml 5 Sprite 8ero *4 ) 550ml Strongbow ,ider 500ml ) *4 ,ans S nBPatT ,r nchy Pean t B tter 540g S nBPatT Smooth Pean t B tter 540g Swi""els /atlow +o ble ;ollies 10p .ate A ;yle &airtrade +ar2 Brown Soft S gar 12g .aylors of %arrogate =or2shire .ea 160 .ea Bags 500g .aylors of %arrogate =or2shire .ea ;oaf .he 'riginal Atora Shredded Beef S et *00g .hea2stons 'ld Pec lier 4 ) 500ml .horntons B nny /i)ed ;ollies Boys and !777 .winings ,amomile? %oney Q 0anilla? teabags *0S .winings 9asmine !reen .ea? teabags *0S .winings ;emon Q !inger *0S .winings #ooibos? Strawberry Q 0anilla? teabags *0S .winings Speciality .ea Selection Pac2? envelopes *5S .yphoo 40 .ea Bags *50g ) 6 04 0egetable 9 ice 550ml 0egemite =east ()tract **0g -al2ers Assorted Shortbread 1* ) *50g -al2ers ,heese Q 'nion ,risps 100g -al2ers ,r nch ,heddar 100g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy ,heddar Q So r ,ream &lavo r Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy Salt Q /alt 0inegar &lavo r Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy Simply Salted Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers Shortbread &ingers? ,arton 150! -eetabi) ,hocolate *4 Bisc its -ham Strawberry ;aces 75g C)I--ED ,athedral ,ity ancora mat ri /ellow ,heddar 400g ,athedral ,ity 0intage *0 *00g +elphi fresco A bergine +ip 170g +elphi +ip ,arota fresca ho mo s con 170g 'lio di 'liva +elphi +ip ,arota fresca ho mo s con *45g 'lio di 'liva +elphi +ip ho mo s fresca con 170 g 'lio di 'liva +elphi &resh taramosalata +ip 170g +evon coag lato ,rema 170g 9ar %eritage ,heddar ()tra mat ra Bianco W *00g %eritage ,heddar mat ro Bianco W *00g %eritage ,heddar ;ieve Bianco W *00g %eritage .orna ()trim sen"a cotenna aff micata W 144g %eritage .orna ()trim sen"a cotenna <nsmo2ed W 144g %eritage #ed ;eicester &ormaggio * Per X *?50 *00g %eritage aff micata Pancetta *50g :ndietro %eritage <ht *00ml panna %eritage <ht *00ml ,ream ; H 8iatis %allo mi *40g ;:0-(;; %ot ,ross B ns 4PG /c;elland Seriamente &orte ,heddar *00g P H +rive Blac2 P dding W 170g Por2 &arms originali individ ali di maiale 155g Pie Lsolo ordiniM -ensleydale ,reamery reale =or2shire -ensleydale *50g %/OZEN &reshpa2 *0 Gingsi"e Sa sage #olls 440g &reshpa2 ,oc2tail Salsiccia #otolo E50 %olland 4 ,arne Pies %olland 4 patate e pasticci di carne %olland 4 Stea2 Q B dini renali ( ro &oto Agnello tritato 454g &resco ;in2 4 454g salsiccia di maiale Pl mtree &arms di maiale 454g insaccati #ichmond 16 Salsicce congelati spessa 7*5g -alls 16 Salsicce di maiale ,lassic 7*5g

Pot Doodle 'riginal , rry 30g #ibena 6 ) 1ltr ,ordial V #ibena 6 ) 1ltr #.+ #ibena Blac2c rrant 1* ) 500ml #ibena #aspberry 1* ) 500ml #ingwood 'ld .h mper 4 ) 500ml #oseEs ;emon Q ;ime &ine , t /armalade 454g #oseEs ;ime &ine , t /armalade 454g #oses ;ime 9 ice ,ordial 1 ;itre Bottle #oseEs 'range &ine , t /armalade 454g #owse A stralian ,lear %oney *50! #owse ; ) ry ;emon , rd 5*5g #owse P re ,anadian /aple Syr p ,lear *50! #yvita ,rac2erbread 'riginal *00g SarsonEs /alt 0inegar *50ml Schweppes ,anada +ry !inger Ale Slim ;ine 1; ScottEs Porage 'ats SharwoodEs /ango ,h tney 560g Soreen .he &r ity /alt ;oaf Spitfire Ale 4 ) 500ml 5 Sprite 8ero *4 ) 550ml Strongbow ,ider 500ml ) *4 ,ans S nBPatT ,r nchy Pean t B tter 540g S nBPatT Smooth Pean t B tter 540g Swi""els /atlow +o ble ;ollies 10p .ate A ;yle &airtrade +ar2 Brown Soft S gar 12g .aylors of %arrogate =or2shire .ea 160 .ea Bags 500g .aylors of %arrogate =or2shire .ea ;oaf .he 'riginal Atora Shredded Beef S et *00g .hea2stons 'ld Pec lier 4 ) 500ml .horntons B nny /i)ed ;ollies Boys and !777 .winings ,amomile? %oney Q 0anilla? teabags *0S .winings 9asmine !reen .ea? teabags *0S .winings ;emon Q !inger *0S .winings #ooibos? Strawberry Q 0anilla? teabags *0S .winings Speciality .ea Selection Pac2? envelopes *5S .yphoo 40 .ea Bags *50g ) 6 04 0egetable 9 ice 550ml 0egemite =east ()tract **0g -al2ers Assorted Shortbread 1* ) *50g -al2ers ,heese Q 'nion ,risps 100g -al2ers ,r nch ,heddar 100g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy ,heddar Q So r ,ream &lavo r Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy Salt Q /alt 0inegar &lavo r Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers ()tra ,r nchy Simply Salted Potato ,risps 150g -al2ers Shortbread &ingers? ,arton 150! -eetabi) ,hocolate *4 Bisc its -ham Strawberry ;aces 75g

pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc UM pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc pc Quantity Quantity

,athedral ,ity /at re =et /ellow ,heddar 400g ,athedral ,ity 0intage *0 *00g +elphi &resh A bergine +ip 170g +elphi &resh ,arrot %o mo s +ip with 'live 'il 170g +elphi &resh ,arrot %o mo s +ip with 'live 'il *45g +elphi &resh %o mo s +ip with 'live 'il 170g +elphi &resh .aramosalata +ip 170g +evon ,lotted ,ream 9ar 170g %eritage ,heddar ()tra /at re -hiteW *00g %eritage ,heddar /at re -hiteW *00g %eritage ,heddar /ild -hiteW *00g %eritage ()trim #ind;ess Bac2 Smo2edW 144g %eritage ()trim #ind;ess Bac2 <nSmo2edW 144g %eritage #ed ;eicester ,heese * &or X*750 *00g %eritage Smo2ed Bac2 Bacon *50g %eritage <ht +o ble ,ream *00ml %eritage <ht Single ,ream *00ml ;H8iatis %allo mi *40g ;:0-(;; %'. ,#'SS B<DS 4PG /c;elland Serio sly Strong ,heddar *00g PH+rive Blac2 P dding W 170g Por2 &arms 'riginal :ndivid al Por2 Pie 155g Lorders onlyM -ensleydale ,reamery #eal =or2shire -ensleydale *50g

&reshpa2 *0 Gingsi"e Sa sage #olls 440g &reshpa2 ,oc2tail Sa sage #oll 50Es %ollandEs 4 /eat Pies %ollandEs 4 Potato Q /eat Pies %ollandEs 4 Stea2 Q Gidney P ddings ( ro Stoc2 /inced ;amb 454g &resh ;in2 4 Por2 Sa sage 454g Pl mtree &arms Por2 Sa sagemeat 454g #ichmond 16 &ro"en .hic2 Sa sages 7*5g -alls 16 ,lassic Por2 Sa sages 7*5g


%/U A %/ESCA Ananas %/ES) %/UI Pineapple UM pc Quantity

Ang ria Albicocche Arance .arocco Avocado Banane ,iliegie ,lementini ,arambola &ragole vaschetta &ragoline di bosco vaschetta &r tto della Passione Giwi Giwi !old ;amponi vaschetta ;imes ;imoni /ango /andarini /elograni /ele & 6i /ele !olden /ele /elinda /ele !rany Smith /ele +elicio s /ele Star2 /eloni !ialli /eloni /ore vaschetta Papaya Pesca Pesca noce Pere Abate Pere +ecana Pere Gaiser Pere -illiams Pompelmi Pompelmi #osa <va bianca <va del deserto <va fragola <va nera VE/DU/A %/ESCA Aglio Asparagi Barbabietola Bietola Broccoli ,arciofi ,arote ,avolofiore ,avolini di Br )elles ,avolo ,app ccio ,avolo Dero ,avolo 0er"a ,avolo ,inese ,etrioli ,hampignons ,ipolle bianche ,ipolle gialle secche ,ipolla rossa ,ipolle Borettane ,ipolline &resche ma""i &inocchi &iori di 8 cca !inger :nsalata ,anasta :nsalata !entile :nsalata :ceberg :nsalata #iccia :nsalata #omana :nsalata Scarola :nsalata di campo mistiscan"a :nsalata ;att ga /elan"ane Patate Bianche Patate #osse Patate !ialle Peperoncini piccanti Peperoni misti Pomodori da :nsalata Pomodori datterini Pomodori mat ri tondi Pomodori ,iliegia Pomodori Piccadilly Porri #abarbaro rosso #adicchio Belga (ndivia #adicchi #osso #adicchio .reviso #afano #avanelli ma""o # cola ma""i # cola selvatico ma""i Scaglogno Sedano Spinaci &reschi .opinab r

-atermelon Apricots 'ranges Avocados Bananas ,herry ,lementines Star fr it Strawbeery p nnet -ild Strawberry p nnet Passion fr it Giwi Giwi !old #aspberry p nnet ;imes ;emons /ango /andarin 'range Pomogranate & 6i Apple !olden Apple /elinda Apple !rany Smith Apple +elicio s Apple Star2 Apple =ellow /ellon %oney /elon Blac2berry p nnet Papaya Peache Dectarine Abate Pear +ecana Pear Gaiser Pear -illams Pear !rapefr it Pin2 !rapfr it -hite !rape ;ychees -ild Strawberry !rapes Blac2 !rapes %/ES) VE+E A,-E !arlic Aparag s Beetroot ,hard Broccoli Articho2es ,arots ,a liflower Br ssels spro ts ,abbage Blac2 cabbage Savoy ,abbage Bo2 ,hoy , c mber ,hampignons -hite 'nions !olden 'nions #ed 'nions Borettane 'nions Spring 'nions &ennel ,o gette flower !inger ,anasta Salad !entile Salad :ceberg salad #iccia Salad #omana Salad Scarola Salad /escl n Salad !reen ;ett ce A bergine -hite Potato #ed S2in Potato =ellow Potato &resh ,hilli /i) ,olo red Peppers Salad .omatoeLnot f ll ripeM !rape .omato #o nd #ed #ip .omato ,herry .omato Piccadilly .omato ;ee2 # barb (ndive #ed ,hicory Salad #ed .revisan ,hicory %orse radish #adish #oc2et -ild #oc2et Sharlot ,elery &resh Spinach .opinab r

pc 2g 2g pc 2g 2g 2g pc p2 p2 pc 2g 2g p2 2g 2g pc 2g pc 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g pc pc p2 pc 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g UM 2g m" 2g m" 2g pc 2g pc 2g pc pc pc pc 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g m" 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g m" 2g 2g 2g 2g m" 2g 2g 2g pc 2g 2g Quantity

8 cca gialla 8 cchine E/,E A/OMA IC)E :;;gr in #aschetta

P mp2in ,o gettes %/ES) )E/,S :;;gr in tray

2g 2g UM Quantity

Basilico ) 6 pc Basil ) 6 pc Santoreggia ) pc Savory ) pc Aneto ) pc +ill ) pc Borraggine )1* Borage ) 1* pc +ragoncello ) pc .arragon ) pc ,erfoglio ) pc ,hervil ) pc ,oriandolo ) pc ,oriander ) pc /aggiorana ) pc /ar6oram ) pc /enta ) pc /int ) pc 'rigano ) pc 'regano ) pc Pre""emolo riccio ) 6 pc &rench parsely ) 6 pc Salvia ) 6 pc Sage ) 6 pc Acetosella ) pc Shamroc2 ) pc (rba cipollina ) pc ,hives ) pc .imo ) pc .yme ) pc #osmarino ) pc #osmary ) pc ,itronella ) pc ;emon grass ) pc /elissa al limone ) 6 pc ;emon melissa ) 6pc WWarticoli potranno differire dalla confe"ioneH$ antitF proposta? o vend ta WWitems a ma""imay differ from the pa2ageH$ antity shown?or sold in b nches C/ESCIONE & +E/MO+-I <;gr C/ESS & SP/OU S <;gr ,rescione chili ) 16 pc ,hili cress ) 16 pc ,rescione honey ) 16 pc %oney cress ) 16 pc ,rescione di r scello ) 1* pc Stream cress ) 1* pc ,rescione dEorto ) 10 pc !arden cress ) 16 pc ,rescione afilia ) 16 pc Afila cress ) 10 pc ,rescione basil ) 16 pc Basil cress ) 16 pc ,rescione borage ) 16 pc Borage cress ) 16 pc ,rescione broccoli ) 4 pc Broccoli cress ) 4 pc ,rescione dai2on ) 16 pc +ai2on cress ) 16 pc ,rescione limon basil ) 16 pc ;imon basil cress ) 16 pc ,rescione tahoon ) 16 pc .ahoon cress ) 16 pc ,rescione senape ) 16 pc / stard cress ) 16 pc ,rescione roc2 chives ) 16 pc #oc2 chive cress ) 16 pc ,rescione r cola ) 10 pc #oc2et cress ) 10 pc ,rescione sa2 ra misto ) 14 pc Sa2 ro mi)ed cress ) 14 pc ,rescione sech an ) 16 pc Secha n cress ) 16 pc ,rescione wheat grass ) 16 pc -heat grass cress ) 16 pc Shiso misto ) 16 pc /i) Shiso ) 16 pc Shiso popora ) 16 pc P rple Shiso ) 16 pc Shiso verde ) 16 pc !reen Shiso ) 16 pc !ermogli di soia ) 4 pc Soia bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di alfalfa ) 4 pc Alfaifa bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di ravanello ) 4 pc #adish bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di cipolla ) 4 pc 'nion bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di rettich ) 4 pc #ettich bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di corriandolo ) 16 pc ,orriander bean spro ts ) 16 pc !ermogli di finocchio ) 4 pc &ennel bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di piselli !reenpee" ) 4 pc !reenpee" bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di lenticchie ) 4 pc ;entil bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di fr mento ) 4 pc -heat bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli ad" 2i ) 4 pc Ad" 2i bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di piselli ) 4 pc Pea bean spro ts ) 4 pc !emogli di aglio ) 4 pc !arlic bean spro ts ) 4 pc /isto di germogli ) 4 pc /i)es bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di cavolo rosso ) 4 pc #ed cabbage bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di barbabietole ) 4 pc #ed beet bean spro ts ) 16 pc !ermogli di sango ) 4 pc Sango bean spro ts ) 4 pc !ermogli di rosabi ) 4 pc #osabi bean spro t ) 4 pc %IO/I COMMES I,I-I + shi b tton 'richidea viola &iorni 9asmin blossom Sec an bottons &iori rose &iori misti 0iole fiori &iori capp ccini &iori di lavanda Bocca di leone Begonia Boraggine &iamma stellata &iore di cipolla &iore di coriandolo &iore di melo !arofano dE:ndia !arofano dei poeti 'rchidea 2arma #ose di vence 0iola del pensiero ==QUAN I A>!DISPONI,I-I A> DA ESSE/E CON%E/MA E A--O/DINE MINI VE/DU/E Assortimento di mini verd re L5H6 verd re misteM /ini asparagi bianchi /ini green asparagi .hailand /ini melan"ane viola /ini peperoni mi) /ini " cchine /ini parnocchie /ini finocchi /ini porro /ini rapa bianca EDI,-E %-O4E/S + shi b tton P rple orchid &iorni 9asmin blossom Sec an bottons #ose flowers /i)ed flowers 0iolet flowers ,app cini flowers ;avanda flowers Snapdragon Begonia Borage Starry flame 'nion flower ,orriander flower Apple flower :ndian carnation Poets carnation Garma orchid 0ence rose 0iolet of tho ght ==QUAN A IES!AVAI-A,I-I 0 O ,E CON%E/MED UPON O/DE/ MINI VE+E A,-ES /i)ed assorted mini vegL5H6 typesM /ini white asparag s /ini green asparag s .hailand /ini violet a bergines /ini mi)ed peppers /ini co gettes /ini corn cobs /ini fennels /ini lee2s /ini white t rnip



UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 UM p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2



/ini spinaci della proven"a /ini cavolfiore /ini peperoni rossi /ini peperoni gialli /ini carote sen"a verde /ini " cchine rotonde /ini patisson verdeHbiancoHmisto /ini ver"a /ini cavolo verde /ini carciofo romanesco /ini cavolo cinese pa2Bchoi ct 2g 1 /ini cavolo Pa2Bsoy .hailandia ==QUAN I A>!DISPONI,I-I A> DA ESSE/E CON%E/MA E A--O/DINE VE/DU/E +E-O Aglio spicchi pelato 12g Aspargi 12g Bieta c betti *752g Bieta foglie *?52g Broccoli *?52g ,arciofi spicchi *?52g ,arciofi spicchi 12g ,arote baby *?52g ,arote disco *?52g ,arote disco 12g ,avolofiore *?52g ,avolini di br )elles *?52g ,ime di rapa 12g ,ipolla borettana *?52g &agioli borlotti *?52g &agioli cannellin *?52g &agioli verdi *?52g &agiolini finissimi *?52g &inocchi a $ arto *?52g & nghi champignons 12g & nghi misti gelo 12g & nghi porcini c betti 12g & nghi porcini interi 12g :nsalata r ssa *?52g /inestrone *?52g Patate fritte /c ,ain *?52g Patate parisienne *?52g ,rocchette di patate *?52g Patate a rondelle *?52g Patate a spicchi *?52g Patat stea2 ho se *?52g Piselli e)tra fini *?52g Spinaci foglie *?5 2g Spinaci c bo *?52g %/U I +E-O &ragole 12g /irtilli 12g ;amponi 12g /ore 12g /isto bosco 12g %IN+E/ %OOD +E-O ?pro&otti &a *orno@ Arancino e)tra al s go ) 52g Bocconcini melan"ane *5gr ) 12g ,oc2tail micro 1*gr ) 12g ,rocchI *5 gr ) 12g &rittatine spaghetti 65gr ) *?52g &ritto napoli *5gr ) 12g /o""arella in caro""a 45gr ) *2g Panserotto 55gr ) *?52g Pi""ette sfoglia *0gr ) 12g # stici mignon assortite ) 52g Spi""ichelle alge 500gr Spi""ichelle ai crostacei ) 500gr Spi""ichelle patate e rosmarino ) 500g Spi""ichelle pi""aiola ) 500g Spi""ichelle spec2 ) 500g %IN+E/ PAS E--A I %OOD +E-O ?pro&otti &a *riggere@ Aranci pi g sti ) *?52g Bocconcini crostacei 12g Bocconcini pollo ) 52g ,ipolla anelli ) 1 2g ,rochette di pollo ) 12g ,rocchette di prosci tto ) 12g &agottini al tonno ) 52g &ritelle di " cchine ) 12g :nvoltini primavera crostacei ) * 2g :nvoltini primavera vegetali ) * 2g 9alapenos red hot chili ) 12g /a""ancolle con pasta fillo ) 1 2g /a""ancolle panate ) 12g /o""arella panata ) 12g 'live ascolane ) 500gr Pin"a di granchio panate ) 500gr Salvia pastellata ) 1 2g

/ini spinach from provence /ini ca liflower /ini red peppers /ini yellow peppers /ini carrots wito t green /ini ro nd co gettes /ini patisson greenHwhiteHmi)ed /ini savoy cabbage /ini green cabbage /ini roman articho2e /ini cinese cabbage pa2Bchoi ct 2g 1 /ini cabbage Pa2Bsoy .hailand ==QUAN A IES!AVAI-A,I-I 0 O ,E CON%E/MED UPON O/DE/ %/OZEN VE+E A,-E ,lean garlic clove 12g Asparag s 12g , bed chard *?52g ,hard leaves *?52g Broccoli *?52g Articho2e $ aters *?52g Articho2e $ aters 12g Baby carrots *?52g ,arrot dis2s *?52g ,arrot dis2s 12g ,a liflower *?52g Br ssel spro ts *?52 &ro"en . rnip greens 12g Pearl onions *?52g Borlotti beans *?52g -hite beans *?52g !reen beans *?52g %aricote vert *?52g &ennel $ aters *?52g ,hampignon m shrooms 12g /i)ed fro"en m shrooms , bed porcini m shrooms 12g -hole porcini m shrooms 12g # ssian salad *?52g /inestrone *?52g /c ,ain chips *?52g Pomme parisienne *?52g Potato cro$ ettes *?52g Potato dis2s *?52g Potato wedge *?52g Stea2 ho se potato *?52g Peas e)tra fine *?52g Spinach leaves *?52g Spinachi c be *?52g %/OZEN %/UI S Strawberries 12g Bl eberries 12g #aspberries 12g Blac2berries 12g /i)ed berries 12g %/OZEN %IN+E/ %OOD ?ite(s *or o#en@ #ice arancini with sa ce ) 522 A bergine bocconcini *5gr ) 12g ,oc2tail micro 1*gr ) 1 2g ,rocchI *5 gr ) 12g Spaghetti panca2e 65gr ) *?52g Dapoli fry *5gr ) 12g /o""arella in caro""a 45gr ) *2g Panserotto 55gr ) *?52g P ff pastry pi""a *0gr ) 1 2g Baby r stici LpastryM assorted ) 52g -eed spi""ichelle alge 500gr Shellfish spi""ichelle ) 500 gr Potato Q rosmary spi""ichelle ) 500 gr Pi""aiola spi""ichelle ) 500 gr Spec2 spi""ichelle ) 500 gr %/OZEN ,A E/ED %IN+E/ %OOD ?ite(s *or *rying@ #ici arancini mi) flavo rs *?52g Shellfish n gets ) 12g ,hic2en n gets ) 52g 'nion rings ) 12g ,hic2en cro$ ettes 12g %am cro$ ettes ) 1 2g . na fagottini ) 52g ,o gette panca2es ) 1 2g Shellfish spring rolls ) * 2g 0egetable spring rolls ) * 2g 9alapenos red hot chili ) 12g Shrimps in pyllo do gh ) 1 2g Shrimps in bread cr mbs ) 12g /o""arella in bread cr mbs ) 1 2g Ascolana olives ) 500gr ,rab claw inn bread cr mbs ) 500gr Sage leaves in batter ) 1 2g

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