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lkM-MAnnlnC 8LSCPCCL S1AnuA8uS

Area 7 hys|ca| We||-8e|ng and Motor Deve|opment

7.1 !"#$%&' #)* +#," -./.)0

Standard: Chlldren undersLand healLhy and safe llvlng pracLlces.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. 8eglns Lo recognlze and selecL healLhy foods.
2. lollows healLhy self-care rouLlnes (brushlng LeeLh and washlng
3. uemonsLraLes safe behavlors regardlng envlronmenL
(sLranger, Lornado, flre, Lrafflc), subsLances (drugs, polsons),
and ob[ecLs (guns, knlves, sclssors).

Area 7 hys|ca| We||-8e|ng and Motor Deve|opment

7.2 1$#' #)* +")2"2

Standard: Chlldren engage ln play Lo learn.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. arLlclpaLes ln a varleLy of lndoor and ouLdoor play acLlvlLles
LhaL lncrease sLrengLh, endurance, and flexlblllLy.
2. uses slghLs, smells, sounds, LexLures, and LasLes Lo
dlscrlmlnaLe beLween, explore, and experlence acLlvlLles and

Area 7 hys|ca| We||-8e|ng and Motor Deve|opment

7.3 -#30" 45%53 6"/"$578")%

Standard: Chlldren develop large moLor skllls.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows conLrol and balance ln locomoLor skllls, such as walklng
runnlng, [umplng, hopplng, marchlng, galloplng, and sklpplng.
2. Shows ablllLles Lo coordlnaLe movemenLs wlLh balls, such as
Lhrowlng, klcklng, caLchlng, and bounclng.

Area 7 hys|ca| We||-8e|ng and Motor Deve|opment

7.4 9.)" 45%53 6"/"$578")%

Standard: Chlldren develop flne moLor skllls.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. uses hand-eye coordlnaLlon Lo perform self-help and flne-
moLor Lasks wlLh a varleLy of manlpulaLlve maLerlals.
2. Shows lncreased skllls ln uslng sclssors and wrlLlng Lools for
varlous learnlng acLlvlLles.

Area 8 Approaches to Learn|ng

8.1 :;3.52.%' #)* <).%.#%./"

Standard: Chlldren express curloslLy, lnLeresL, and lnlLlaLlve ln explorlng Lhe
envlronmenL, engaglng ln experlences, and learnlng new skllls.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Lxplores and experlences acLlvlLles and ldeas wlLh eagerness,
flexlblllLy, lmaglnaLlon, lndependence, and lnvenLlveness.
2. Choose Lo explore a varleLy of acLlvlLles and experlences wlLh
a wllllngness Lo Lry new challenges.

Area 8 Approaches to Learn|ng

8.2 =)0#0"8")% #)* 1"32.2%")>"

Standard: Chlldren purposefully choose and perslsL ln experlences and

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. erslsLs ln and compleLes a varleLy of boLh careglver-dlrecLed
and self-lnlLlaLed Lasks, acLlvlLles, pro[ecLs, and experlences.
2. MalnLalns concenLraLlon on a Lask.

Area 8 Approaches to Learn|ng

8.3 135?$"8 +5$/.)0

Standard: Chlldren demonsLraLe sLraLegles for reasonlng and problem

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows lnLeresL ln and flnds a varleLy of soluLlons Lo quesLlons,
Lasks, or problems.
2. 8ecognlzes and solves problems Lhrough acLlve exploraLlon,
lncludlng Lrlal and error, and Lhrough lnLeracLlons and
dlscusslons wlLh peers and careglvers.

Area 9 Soc|a| and Lmot|ona| Deve|opment

9.1 +"$,

Standard: Chlldren express a poslLlve awareness of self ln Lerms of speclflc
ablllLles, characLerlsLlcs, and preferences.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Lxpresses sense of self ln Lerms of speclflc ablllLles.
2. Lxpresses needs, wanLs, and feellngs ln soclally approprlaLe
3. Shows lncreaslng confldence and lndependence ln a varleLy of
Lasks and rouLlnes, expresses prlde ln accompllshmenLs.

Area 9 Soc|a| and Lmot|ona| Deve|opment

9.2 +"$,@A"0;$#%.5)

Standard: Chlldren show lncreaslng ablllLy Lo regulaLe Lhelr behavlor and
express Lhelr emoLlons ln approprlaLe ways.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows lncreaslng capaclLy Lo monlLor own behavlor, followlng
and conLrlbuLlng Lo classroom procedures.
2. uses maLerlals purposefully, safely, and respecLfully.
3. 8eglns Lo accepL consequences of own acLlons.
4. Manages LranslLlons and changes Lo rouLlnes.
3. SLaLes feellngs, needs, and oplnlons ln dlfflculL slLuaLlons
wlLhouL harmlng self, oLhers, or properLy.

AkLA 9 Soc|a| and Lmot|ona| Deve|opment

9.3 A"$#%.5)2&.72 B.%& :#3"0./"32

Standard: Chlldren relaLe poslLlvely Lo careglvers who work wlLh Lhem.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. lnLeracLs comforLably wlLh a range of famlllar careglvers.
2. AccepLs guldance, comforL, and dlrecLlons from a range of
famlllar careglvers.
3. Shows LrusL ln famlllar careglvers.
4. Seeks help as needed from famlllar careglvers.

AkLA 9 Soc|a| and Lmot|ona| Deve|opment

9.4 1""3 <)%"3#>%.5)2

Standard: Chlldren develop Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLeracL wlLh peers respecLfully
and Lo form poslLlve peer relaLlonshlps.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. SusLalns lnLeracLlons wlLh peers
2. uevelops frlendshlps wlLh oLher peers
3. negoLlaLes wlLh oLhers Lo resolve dlsagreemenLs
4. 1akes Lurns wlLh oLhers

Area 9 Soc|a| and Lmot|ona| Deve|opment

9.3 CB#3")"22 5, :588;).%'

Standard: Chlldren have an lncreaslng awareness of belonglng Lo a famlly,
communlLy, culLure, and program.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows LhaL he/she values oLhers wlLhln Lhe
classroom/program, famlly, and communlLy.
2. Shows early undersLandlng of Lhe concepLs of [usLlce, falrness,
lndlvldual rlghLs, and Lhe welfare of Lhe communlLy and lLs
3. Shows responslblllLy as a member of a communlLy
4. Shows accepLance of persons from dlfferenL culLures and
eLhnlc groups.

Area 10 Commun|cat|on, Language, and L|teracy

10.1 -#)0;#0" D)*"32%#)*.)0 #)* D2"

Standard: Chlldren undersLand and use communlcaLlon and
language for a varleLy of purposes.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows a sLeady lncrease ln llsLenlng and speaklng
2. lnlLlaLes, llsLens, and responds approprlaLely ln
conversaLlons wlLh peers and careglvers.
3. Speaks ln senLences of lncreaslng lengLh and
grammaLlcal complexlLy.
4. lollows slmple oral dlrecLlons LhaL lnvolve several
3. Asks and answers a varleLy of quesLlon Lypes.

Area 10 Commun|cat|on, Language, and L|teracy

10.2 =#3$' -.%"3#>'

Standard: Chlldren engage ln early readlng experlences.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows an lnLeresL and en[oymenL ln llsLenlng Lo books
and aLLempLs Lo read famlllar books
2. ulsplays book handllng knowledge (Lurnlng Lhe book
rlghL slde up, uslng lefL Lo rlghL sweep, Lurnlng one
page aL a Llme, recognlzlng famlllar books by cover).
3. Shows an awareness of envlronmenLal prlnLs.
4. ldenLlfles some alphabeL leLLers by Lhelr shapes,
especlally Lhose ln hls/her own name.
3. 8ecognlzes Lhe prlnLed form of hls/her name ln a
varleLy of conLexLs.
6. uemonsLraLes comprehenslon of a book
7. uemonsLraLes awareness LhaL language ls made up of
words, parLs of words, and sounds ln words.

Area 10 Commun|cat|on, Language, and L|teracy

10.3 =#3$' E3.%.)0

Standard: Chlldren engage ln early wrlLlng experlences.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. ALLempLs Lo communlcaLe wlLh oLhers uslng scrlbbles,
shapes, plcLures, and/or leLLers Lo wrlLe.
2. LxperlmenLs wlLh a varleLy of wrlLlng Lools (penclls,
crayons, brushes, chalk) and maLerlals.
3. 1ells oLhers abouL lnLended meanlng of drawlngs and
Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.1 :587#3.25) #)* F;8?"3

Standard: Chlldren undersLand amounL lncludlng use of numbers and

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows recognlLlon and namlng of numerals (1,2,3).
2. CounLs ob[ecLs, maLchlng numbers one-Lo-one wlLh
3. uses language such as 853" or $"22 Lo compare

Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.2 1#%%"3)2

Standard: Chlldren undersLand paLLerns.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows skllls ln recognlzlng and creaLlng some paLLerns
2. redlcLs whaL comes nexL ln a paLLern

Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.3 +&#7"2 #)* +7#%.#$ A"$#%.5)2&.72

Standard: Chlldren undersLand shapes and spaLlal relaLlonshlps.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. uemonsLraLes undersLandlng of spaLlal words such as
up, down, over, under, Lop, boLLom, lnslde, ouLslde, ln
fronL, and behlnd.
2. Shows more recognlLlon for some slmple shapes
3. noLlces slmllarlLles and dlfferences among shapes
4. noLlces how shapes flL LogeLher Lo form oLher shapes

Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.4 +>.")%.,.> A"#25).)0

Standard: Chlldren observe, descrlbe, and predlcL Lhe world around
8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows curloslLy abouL llvlng and non-llvlng Lhlngs.
2. noLlces, descrlbes, and predlcLs changes ln Lhe
3. Shows respecL for llvlng Lhlngs.

Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.3 +>.")%.,.> 135?$"8 +5$/.)0

Standard: Chlldren apply and adapL sLraLegles Lo solve problems.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. uses hls/her senses and varleLy of sLraLegles Lo solve
2. lnvenLs sLraLegles Lo flgure ouL answers Lo problems
3. When unsuccessful aL solvlng problems, experlmenLs
and adapLs sLraLegles.

Area 11 Mathemat|cs and Sc|ence

11.6 4"#2;3"8")%

Standard: Chlldren undersLand comparlsons and measuremenL.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. SorLs, classlfles, and puLs ob[ecLs ln serles, uslng a
varleLy of properLles.
2. Makes comparlsons among several ob[ecLs based on
one or more aLLrlbuLes (lengLh, slze, welghL) and uslng
words such as shorLer, Laller, blgger, smaller, heavler,

Area 12 Creat|ve Arts

12.1 C3%

Standard: Chlldren explore arL Lhrough a varleLy of medla.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. uses a varleLy of Lwo-and Lhree-dlmenslonal medla
(drawlng maLerlals, palnL, clay, wood, markers) Lo
creaLe orlglnal works, form, and meanlng.
2. Lxpresses ldeas abouL own arLwork and arLwork of
oLhers, relaLlng arLwork Lo whaL ls happenlng ln Lhe
envlronmenL, llfe, classroom, eLc.

Area 12 Creat|ve Arts

12.2 4;2.>G A&'%&8G #)* 45/"8")%

Standard: Chlldren parLlclpaLe ln a varleLy of muslc and movemenL

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. arLlclpaLes ln a varleLy of muslcal and rhyLhmlc
experlences, lncludlng slnglng, llsLenlng, and flnger-
2. noLlces dlfferences ln plLch, Lempo, dynamlcs, and

Area 12 Creat|ve Arts

12.3 63#8#%.> 1$#'

Standard: Chlldren engage ln dramaLlc play experlences.

8enchmarks: 1he chlld:
1. Shows creaLlvlLy and lmaglnaLlon Lo use maLerlals and
assume dlfferenL roles ln dramaLlc play slLuaLlons.
2. lnLeracLs wlLh peers ln dramaLlc play acLlvlLles LhaL
become more exLended and complex.

Iowa Lar|y Learn|ng Standards Informat|on on the Web

Iowa Department of Lducat|on
Iowa Department of numan Serv|ces

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