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University of Puerto Rico Ro Piedras Campus College of General Studies English Department Academic Year !"#$ !

"%& nd Semester Prof. Don E. Walicek INGL 3104: Intermediate +eeting Place: E$! %14, 10% Email: ffice: !"#$ %1& E't. ((()* ffice -o.r/: + 11:3001%:301 10%:%02 W 1:%:%01 4:000&:002 3 411:3001%:305 4a66ointment recommended5

I. 7o.r/e De/cri6tion: 89i/ i/ an interdi/ci6linar: co.r/e t9at f.lfill/ t9e Engli/9 re;.irement for t9e General Ed.cation com6onent of t9e <ac9elor=/ degree. It aim/ to f.rt9er de>elo6 6roficienc: in t9e critical anal:/i/ of >ario./ literar: genre/. ?6ecificall:1 t9e co.r/e foc./e/ on anal:@ing /9ort /torie/ in term/ of t9eir content and form. #.ilding on INGL 31031 it em69a/i@e/ t9e de>elo6ment of e//a: writing /kill/ t9ro.g9 re/6on/e/ demon/trating critical t9inking /o t9at /t.dent/ increa/e t9eir .nder/tanding of $e/earc9 /kill/ are an e//ential com6onent of t9i/ co.r/e wit9 t9e 6.r6o/e of 6rod.cing alert and critical t9inker/ and effecti>e writer/ w9o are 6re6ared to do re/earc9 in a >ariet: of conte't/. Di/c.//ion/ among /t.dent/ and t9e 6rofe//or are at t9e core of t9e co.r/e. 89e co.r/e aim/ to /en/iti@e /t.dent/ to t9e im6act of and idea/ a<o.t in t9eir li>e/. II. General <Aecti>e/: 7on/i/tent wit9 t9e Engli/9 De6artment=/ general o<Aecti>e/1 <: t9e end of t9e Engli/9 3104 co.r/e1 t9o/e in t9e co.r/e will 9a>e: !. 3.rt9er de>elo6ed 6roficienc: in t9e ./e of Engli/9 for !cademic P.r6o/e/. #. EnAo:ed <: relating it to 6er/onal e'6erience. 7. $elated 4e/6eciall: t9e /9ort /tor:5 to /ocial e'6erience at t9e le>el/ of t9e <eing1 /t.dent1 P.erto $ican1 and citi@en of t9e world. D. 3.rt9er de>elo6ed inter6reti>e0anal:tical /kill/ in t9e com6re9en/ion of fiction. E. !c;.ired /6ecific writing /kill/ t9at will <e ./ef.l in ot9er co.r/e/ and 6rofe//ional life. 3. $ecogni@ed writing a/ a tool of comm.nication and a/ a wa: of t9o.g9tf.ll: e'6re//ing and re>ealing one=/ inner world. G. 7olla<orated in t9e incl./ion of /t.dent/ wit9 di/a<ilitie/ into all cla// acti>itie/. -. !c;.ired re/earc9 /kill/ t9at de6end on t9e ./e of 6rimar: and /econdar: /o.rce/. ?6ecific <Aecti>e/ , 89e E//a:: #: t9e end of t9e /eme/ter1 /t.dent/ /9o.ld <e a<le to: !nal:/i/: 89ro.g9 t9e integration of t9e writing 6roce// wit9 t9e anal:/i/ of e//a:/ 4<ot9 informati>e and literar:51 /t.dent/ will de>elo6 t9eir 6roficienc: in Engli/9 and will: !. $ead criticall: to gra/6 <ot9 t9e literal and fig.rati>e meaning of reading/ <:: 1. Gra/6ing t9e central idea or t9e/i/ of a /election %. Identif:ing main idea/ 3. Di/ting.i/9ing among and e>al.ating t9e different t:6e/ of e>idence t9at de>elo6 idea/ <:: /e6arating t9e general from t9e /6ecific1 t9e a</tract from t9e concrete1 and fact/ from o6inion/ and making inference/ from e>idence #. !nal:@e t9e / of written work/ <:: 1. $ecogni@ing t9e writer=/ 6attern a/ e'6o/ition1 narration1 de/cri6tion1 arg.mentation or an: com<ination of t9e/e2 %. $ecogni@ing t9e order of a /election: c9ronological1 /6atial1 logical1 and climactic2 3. $ecogni@ing t9e di>i/ion/ of a /election2



D. E. 3.

4. $ecogni@ing t9e 6attern/ ./ed in t9e de>elo6ment of 6aragra69/2 &. Determining 9ow tran/itional de>ice/ and connecti>e/ e/ta<li/9 relation/9i6/ <etween /entence/ and <etween 6aragra69/. De/cri<e t9e a.t9or=/ /t:le <:: 1. Percei>ing t9e a.t9or=/ ./e of denotation and connotation2 %. $ecogni@ing and .nder/tanding t9e writer=/ ./e of /en/or: imager:1 fig.rati>e lang.age and ot9er literar: de>ice/2 3. $ecogni@ing different t:6e/ of /o.nd 6attern/ and 9ow t9e: add meaning1 r9:t9m1 and m./ic to t9e lang.age2 4. $ecogni@ing a >ariet: of /entence 6attern/ /.c9 a/ in>er/ion1 6arent9etical e'6re//ion/1 6aralleli/m and <alance. $ecogni@e t9e writer=/ tone t9ro.g9 t9e anal:/i/ of idea/1 lang.age1 and 6oetic de>ice/. Determine 9ow a /9ort /tor: i/ .nified <: anal:@ing t9e main idea/1 organi@ation1 tran/itional de>ice/1 ke: word/ and 69ra/e/1 imager:1 and tone. E>al.ate /9ort /torie/ in term/ of content and /t:le.

Writing: !. Write e//a:/ <a/ed on t9e to6ic/ read and di/c.//ed in cla//1 in 6artic.lar: 1. B/e 6er/onal e'6erience and ac;.ired knowledge in t9e form.lation of original idea/2 %. B/e a/ a <a/i/ for writing2 3. De>elo6 a >oice a/ a writer <: e'6re//ing and re>ealing o6inion/ and contem6lati>e data0dri>en arg.ment/. #. rgani@e and e'6re// idea/ in written form wit9 increa/ing degree/ of clarit:1 6reci/ion1 co9erence1 and logic <:: 1. B/ing t9e >ario./ tec9ni;.e/ of 6re0writing: free0writing1 <rain/torming1 cl./tering1 and o.tlining2 %. Pre/enting1 organi@ing and de>elo6ing idea/ t9ro.g9 logical relation/9i6/ <:: a. Writing introd.ctor: 6aragra69/ t9at 6re/ent a t9e/i/ /tatement/1 /etting o.t ke: term/ and awaken t9e reader=/ intere/t/2 <. 7on/tr.cting t9e <od: of an e//a: <: making effecti>e ./e of: 4i.5 8o6ic /entence/2 4ii.5 Cario./ t:6e/ of de>elo6mental 6aragra69/ 4definition1 rea/on/1 e'am6le/ and ill./tration1 fact/ and detail/1 com6ari/on and contra/t1 ca./e and effect1 anal:/i/1 and analog:2 4iii.5 8ran/itional de>ice/ 4connecti>e/1 re6etition of ke: word/1 and tran/itional 6aragra69/52 4i>.5 3ollowing a /e;.ential order 4c9ronological1 /6atial1 climatic1 etc.52 4>.5 Ending t9e e//a: effecti>el: ./ing concl.ding /entence/ and 6aragra69/. 3. $ecogni@e and write e//a:/ ./ing narration and e'6o/ition. 4. Im6ro>e writing <: re>i/ing1 editing1 and incor6orating comment/ and /.gge/tion/ and <:: a. Writing well0con/tr.cted /entence/ ./ing a >ariet: of /entence/ t:6e/ 4/im6le1 com6le'1 com6o.nd1 com6o.nd0com6le'52 <. +aking a66ro6riate ./e of coordination1 /.<ordination1 and 6arallel con/tr.ction2 c. +aking a66ro6riate ./e of 6.nct.ation mark/ and eliminating comma /6lice/1 r.n0on /entence/1 and fragment/. 7ritical t9inking:

1. W9at i/ >al.e for /ociet:1 it/ connection/ to a c9o/en academic di/ci6line D interdi/ci6linar: knowledgeE %. -ow are an a.t9orF/ <elief/ and e'6erience/ <e/t related to t9o/e of a 6rotagoni/t and1 more generall:1 t9e genre/ of fictionE 3. W9at i/ a literar: canonE W9at are /ome <a/ic tool/ and framework/ of contem6orar: literar: t9eor:E IC' .tline and time di/tri<.tion 4Nece//ar: adA./tment/ D /9ift/ will <e made according to c9ange/ in t9e calendar D /t.dent/F need/. Note t9at t9i/ /c9ed.le onl: maAor a//ignment/ and fiction reading/2 additional reading/ on writing fo.nd in t9e te't will <e a//igned5 4li/t attac9ed5

C. In/tr.ctional /trategie/: 89i/ i/ not a co.r/e. It i/ <a/ed .6on colla<orati>e di/c.//ion among /t.dent/ and teac9er2 t9erefore1 oral 6artici6ation i/ re;.ired. ! >ariet: of learning and a//e//ment e'6erience/ will <e ./ed to create an interacti>e en>ironment to enco.rage reflection1 critical t9inking1 and colla<oration. ?ome of t9e /trategie/ t9at ma: <e em6lo:ed are: de<ate1 oral re/6on/e/1 writing e//a:/1 critical anal:/i/1 creati>e writing1 and /mall gro.6 work. !ttendance at academic acti>itie/ on cam6./ and ./e of .ni>er/it: re/o.rce/ will al/o <e incl.ded. CI. 7o.r/e re;.i/ite/: In order to com6lete t9e co.r/e /.cce//f.ll:1 /t.dent/ are re;.ired to read t9e a//igned /election/1 9and in written work/ and a//ignment/1 and acti>el: 6artici6ate in cla// di/c.//ion/. !ttendance i/ o<ligator:. CII. E>al.ation ?trategie/ !. 7la// 6artici6ation 4attendance1 >ol.ntar: di/c.//ion5 and oral 6re/entation 1&G #. H.i@@e/ 4a66ro'imatel: )5 D 9omework 1&G 7. riginal interdi/ci6linar: e//a:/ 43 D re/earc9 6a6er5 3&G 4%nd e//a: i/ an in0cla// writing a//ignment2 re/earc9 6a6er i/ re>i/ed >er/ion of an e//a:5 D. +id0term D final 3&G 8otal 100G 4Differential e>al.ation for /t.dent/ wit9 /6ecial need/ will <e 6ro>ided w9en nece//ar:.5 CIII. Grading ?:/tem ! 1000*0 # (*0(0 7 I*0I0 D )*0)0 3 &*00

IJ. Law &1 and Law %3(: In accordance wit9 t9e recommendation of t9e Dean of ?t.dent/ ffice 4Di>i/ion for Per/on/ wit9 Di/a<ilitie/5 /t.dent/ w9o are client/ of t9e ffice of Cocational $e9a<ilitation m./t contact t9e 6rofe//or at t9e <eginning of t9e /eme/ter in order to make arrangement/ for rea/ona<le accommodation/ and for an: nece//ar: a.'iliar: e;.i6ment. t9er /t.dent/ wit9 /6ecial need/ w9o re;.ire an: a//i/tance or rea/ona<le accommodation/ /9o.ld al/o contact t9e 6rofe//or. !lternati>e e>al.ation met9od/ will <e 6ro>ided to /t.dent/ wit9 identified and certified /6ecial need/. J. Plagiari/m /tatement: ?t.dent/ will recei>e a @ero for 6lagiari/m. Plea/e reali@e t9at 6lagiari/m i/ a /erio./ offen/e. In t9i/ co.r/e 6lagiari/m i/ defined a/ ./ing /omeone el/eF/ idea/ and,or word/ a/ if it were oneF/ own. ?t.dent/ are re/6on/i<le for ./ing 6ro6er citation w9en con/.lting and incor6orating /o.rce/ into an: a//ignment or e//a:. 89e intentional ./e of material not generated <: t9e /t.dent i/ con/idered an e'tremel: /erio./ offen/e. Plagiari/m offen/e/ ./ing material downloaded from t9e Internet 4e.g.1 Wiki6edia=/ re/o.rce/52 co6:ing from 6rinted work1 <orrowing an idea or /entence wit9o.t citing t9e name of t9e 6er/on w9o originated it2 and ./ing writing1 conce6t/1 or idea/ form.lated <: an:one ot9er t9an t9e writer 4in t9i/ ca/e t9e /t.dent5 a/ one=/

own. ?t.dent/ w9o 6lagiari@e onl: c9eat t9em/el>e/ o.t of growt9 and /elf0e/teem nece//ar: to <e <etter learner/ and efficient and effecti>e writer/. In /ome ca/e/ it mean/ t9at a w9ole /eme/ter=/ work i/ lo/t. !>oiding 6lagiari/m 9el6/ /t.dent/ <ecome 9one/t and re/6on/i<le learner/ 4and re/earc9er/1 in>e/tigator/1 writer/5. ! fir/t offen/e will co.nt a/ a K0K L@eroM for t9e a//ignment2 a /econd offen/e will re/.lt in an K3K for t9e co.r/e. 7ontin.ed re6ort/ of 6lagiari/m <: a /t.dent ma: re/.lt in t9e /t.dent <eing re6orted to t9e Dean of !cademic !ffair/ and /./6en/ion or di/mi//al from t9e Bni>er/it: of P.erto $ico. ?t.dent/ /9o.ld con/.lt t9e Bndergrad.ate ?t.dent to <e aware of all 6o//i<le ramification/ of a re6ort of 6lagiari/m: Reglamento General de Estudiantes -- Conducta Sujeta a Sanciones Disciplinarias 4!rtNc.lo 145 La obtencin de notas o grados acadmicos valindose de falsas y fraudulentes simulaciones o !a cindose pasar por otra persona o mediante treta o enga"o o copiando total o parcialmente la labor acadmica de otro estudiante o copiando total o parcialmente las respuestas de otroestudiante a las pregunts de un e#amen o !aciendo o consiguiendo $ue otro tom e en su nombre cual$uier prueba o e#amen oral o escrito. %enalidades 4&rt'culo 1&5: ( &monestacin ( %robatoria por tiempo definido durante el cual otra violacin de cual$uier norma tendr) consecuencia de suspensin o separacin* ( Suspensin de la +niversidad por un tiempo definido* ( Separacin definitiva de la +niversidad* JI. $e;.ired 8e't and $e/o.rce/ !. 8e't<ook: ?. #arnet1 et al. 4ed/5. Literature for Composition 410t9 edition5. NO: Longman1 %014. #. ?.66lementar: reading/ for /econd 9alf of co.r/e: 6acket for 6.rc9a/e at local co6: /9o6 JII. $e;.irement/ and Norm/ !. ?t.dent/ /9o.ld <ring co6ie/ of reading to cla//. #. ?t.dent/ are re/6on/i<le for all t9e material co>ered in cla// and a//igned1 e>en if a</ent or late. 7. ?t.dent/ are re;.ired to attend cla// reg.larl:. De6artment !ttendance Polic:0 3 a</ence/1 ) contact 9o.r/1 ma: lower a>erage one w9ole letter grade. ?t.dent/ w9o mi// 4 week/ or more will not 6a// cla//. D. 89ree late arri>al/ or earl: are e;.i>alent to one a</ence. ?t.dent/ w9o arri>e late /9o.ld inform t9e 6rofe//or of t9eir 6re/ence at t9e end of t9e cla// 6eriod. E. ?t.dent/ will <e con/idered a</ent if t9e: lea>e t9e cla//room <efore cla// i/ di/mi//ed. 3. Work not t.rned in on t9e gi>en date will re/.lt in a fi>e 6oint 6er calendar da: red.ction in t9e grade recei>ed once 9anded in2 assignments must be turned in during class1 email /.<mi//ion i/ not acce6ted .nle// it i/ de/ignated <: t9e 6rofe//or. G. Interr.6tion/0 7ell.lar 69one/ m./t <e t.rned off or 6.t on >i<rating mode. 89e/e de>ice/ /9o.ld <e 6laced o.t of /ig9t. -. ?t.dent/ are e'6ected to caref.ll: read t9e a//igned /election/1 acti>el: 6artici6ate1 and re/6ectf.ll: li/ten to t9eir cla//mate=/ o6inion/. I. H.i@@e/ will <e anno.nced and .nanno.nced. ". +ake0.6/ are not gi>en for mi//ed ;.i@@e/2 lowe/t ;.i@ grade i/ dro66ed. P. 3or t:6ed a//ignment/ /t.dent/ /9o.ld ./e 8ime/ New $oman1 font /i@e 1%1 and one0inc9 margin/. ?ta6le 6a6er/ % or more 6age/ long.

L. to take t9e de6artmental final on t9e /c9ed.led date and 9o.r ma: re/.lt in a grade of @ero for t9e final e'am. JII. #i<liogra69: 79arter/1 !nn 4ed.5. ,!e S!ort Story and -ts .riter It9 edition. New Oork: ?t +artin/1 %00). Danticat1 Edwidge 4ed.5. ,!e /utterfly0s .ay. New Oork: ?o9o1 %001. Di'/on1 $o<ert ". Grammar Essentials. New Oork: Longman1 %004. 3erre1 $o/ario. ,!e 1oungest Doll. Lincoln: B of Ne<ra/ka Pre//1 1*I). Gla>e1 89oma/. 2ur Caribbean & Gat!ering of Gay and Lesbian .riting from t!e &ntilles. D.r9am: D.ke1 %00(. -older1 Cictoria. -nside 2ut 2utside -n. New Oork: -o.g9ton +ifflin1 %001. -old/tein1 D.-. C!allenging %erspectives3 Reading Critically about Et!ics and 4alues . New Oork: -o.g9ton +ifflin1 %00&. Pnig9t1 Damon. Creating S!ort 5iction. New Oork ?t. +artin/1 1**I. +ace:1 Da>id. Dictionary of Critical ,!eory. New Oork: $eference1 %001. 6ore Grammar %ractice 7. -einle and -einle P.<li/9er/1 #o/ton1 %004. $.etten1 +ar: P. Developing Composition S8ills. ?econd Edition. -einle and -einle P.<li/9er/1 #o/ton1 %004. Weller1 ?am. K$a: #rad<.r:1 89e !rt of 3iction1 No. %03K %aris Revie9 41*%5 %010. JIII. Internet $e/o.rce/ !< Learning Engli/9 a/ a ?econd Lang.age: 9tt6:,,e/l.a<, !>oid Plagiari/m: 9tt6:,,www.writing.nw..ed. ##7 Learning Engli/9: 9tt6:,,www.<<,world/er>ice,learningengli/9, Net Lingo Q 89e Internet Dictionar:: 9tt6:,, wl Writing La< at P.rd.e Bni>er/it: 9tt6:,,owl.engli/9.6.rd.e.ed., ,!e %aris Revie9: www.6ari/re> Power/ of Per/.a/ion 4from t9e National !rc9i>e/5: 9tt6:,,www.arc9i>e/.go>,e'9i<it/,6ower/RofR6er/.a/ion,6ower/RofR6er/.a/ionR9ome.9tml Sargasso3 9tt6:,,9.manidade/..6rr6.ed.,ingle/,6.</,/arga//o.9tm


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