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Photoshop tools basics Zoom Tool (Z): This tool allows you to zoom on your image.

Hand Tool (H): This tool is used for moving your entire image within a

Move Tool (V): This tool is used to move things.

Rectangular Marquee Tool (M):

selections on your image, in a rectangular shape.

This tool is used to make

-Elliptical Marquee- This tool allows you to draw oval or circular sections. Lasso Tool (L): This tool allows you to draw freehand and straight edge

(In order from left to right) -Magnetic Lasso- This tool is used for set edges against high contrast backgrounds. -Polygonal Lasso- This tool is used to draw selections in whatever shape you want. Quick Selection Tool (A): This tool is used to detect the edges of
shapes within an image.

(In order from left to right) -Selection Brush- This tool is used to automatically select or deselect the area you

-Magic Wand- This tool is used to select a color range.

Red Eye Removal (Y): This tool allows you to remove the reddish glow in
the eyes of someone in a picture.

Spot Healing Brush Tool (J): This tool is used to remove unwanted
bumps, pimples, acne, crumbs etc... from your picture.

-Healing Brush- This tool is used to remove specs or scratches from an image.

Smart Brush Tool (F):

-Detail Smart Brush

Clone Stamp Tool (S): Used the exact same as the Healing Brush Tool but
it doesnt blend in well.

-Pattern Stamp-

Blur Tool (R):

This tool is used to make things blurry.

(In order from left to right) -Sharpen-SmudgeDodge Tool (O):

This tool is used to lighten whatever area you use it on.

(In order from left to right) -Dodge-Burn-

Brush Tool (B): This tool is used to paint on your image.

(In order from left to right) -Impressionist Brush-Color ReplacementEraser Tool (E): This tool is used to erase whatever information wherever
you click and drag it.

(In order from left to right) -Background Eraser-

-Magic EraserPaint Bucket Tool (K):

Gradient Tool (G): This tool is used to make a gradiation of colors.

Color Picker Tool (I):

Custom Shape (U):

(In order from left to right) -Rectangle-Rounded Rectangle-Ellipse -Polygon-Star-LineText Type Tool (T): This tool makes Text

(In order from left to right) -Vertical Type- This tool makes Text -Horizontal Mask-Vertical Mask-

-Text On Selection Tool-Text On Shape Tool-Text On Custom Path Tool-

Pencil Tool (N):

Crop Tool (C): This tool is used to crop your image to the size of the box.

Recompose Tool (W):

Cookie Cutter Tool (Q):

Straighten Tool (P):

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