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Baitul Ilm Notes for Classical Arabic Class 2011-12

Reference Book: An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by W ! "#ackston $esson: 0% &'( 1) - 2*+

"#e ,ual Number - "o indicate t.o of a noun/ Arabic em0loys a dual number In 12345 case/ t#e dual noun ends .it# 6 7 89 : In ;2<=5 and >?4@5 case/ t#e dual noun ends .it#

7B A C 99 :


;2<=5 >?4@5 ABFG> 7 7 BI A : FJ5 7 BKL45M A 7 BNIFJ5 A

12345 6HG> 7 7 8IFJ5 6 7 8KL45M 6 7 8NIFJ5 6

Male dual

Female dual

Oound 'lurals - QP8JPM RI@PM : "#e SsoundT or re(ular 0lural is formed by addin( a suffiE to t#e base of t#e noun Ue. eEam0les: 'lural &>?4@5

V ;2<=5+ : ABI 7 FJ5 : AB= 7 5W5 Y 8IFJ5 X Y 8=5W5 X

'lural &12345+


62IFJ5 : : 2=5W5 6 Z 8IFJ5 X Z 8=5W5 X 8_ `a : Q [\ [ ] :^ 7 9P :?L [ b c d 7e [f : g [h ij 7 X Z 8e :k g 7 B3 7

A :5 7 M2F [l [ m [n [4 o PM 8p c :e cL : 8e :

Note: !asculine 0lural nouns cannot #aqe a Ae2=K but feminine 0lural nouns can #aqe


r 2011 Baitul Ilm

'a(e 1 of 2

Baitul Ilm Notes for Classical Arabic Class 2011-12

Reference Book: An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by W ! "#ackston $esson: 0% &'( 1) - 2*+

"#e final 6 in t#e dual form and masculine 0lural form is dro00ed .#en t#e dual or t#e masculine 0lural noun is s8t5 DEam0les:

7 8p > := i PM u :H :< i PM Q 7v 7L :? : Cp Q 7J 7{ [ hL : w [x :y 7H :I :P CM Q [\ [ 83 i2 :K :A : ez 7P iM 6 ij 7 : By m 7 M4 o n : Cj 7 8e : : :k | :} :h :Q Cp 7B CF :~ : m [K C M? :
Broken 'lural - 4J xIPM RI@PM : Broken 0lurals #aqe different 0atterns in 0lural forms Uour 0atterns are bein( introduced in t#is lesson "#e remainin( .ill be coqered in future lessons

>8 V 8Jh V >8}l V 8G> - Z 8 :3 7 65 V mn> V bNl - m Z [3 [ ;2Fv V 62B~ V 2F5 V X2B - Z2 C [3 [ HvL V M?>L V f?L V ;8>L - Z 8 :3 CM :
All of t#ese four broken 0lural forms are s4<=5 Uurt#er eEam0les of broken 0lural nouns ot#er t#an t#e aboqe four forms: 'lural Oin(ular

&A &B &C &,

{hL 8BP?L 8e L

>L {h P? 2e

r 2011 Baitul Ilm

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