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NAME: ________KEY (terms & definitions)_____________ (PRE-TEST)

Persuasive Techniques
allusion analogy anecdote aphorism bandwagon appeal card-stacking celebrity endorsement emotional appeal expert opinion glittering generality loaded words logical appeal/reasoning name calling parallelism persuasion plain folks appeal propaganda repetition rhetorical shocking statistic slogan snob appeal stereotype testimonials transfer

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the correct/best term for the definition and example provided. (Each word above should be used only once.)
1) persuasion - the attempt to convince others to do something or to change a belief of their own free will. 2) testimonials - statements attesting to the worth of someone or something 3) aphorism - a short statement or saying that makes some wise or clever observation about life; it is used to make a point. (EXAMPLE: Teens who are debating about whether or not to have sex should follow the good advice of an old saying: When in doubt, dont .) 4) analogy - a comparison made between two things or two situations (that are mostly not alike) to show a similarity between them, in order to make a point about one of them. (This kind of comparison is like a simile or metaphor, but may be longer or more in-depth.) (EXAMPLE: When teens get heated up, they should remember that having sex truly is like playing with fire. It can hurt, it can burn, and it can leave scars on their lives that last forever. ) 5) card-stacking - based on half-truths; a form of manipulation that presents only partial information in order to leave an inaccurate impression; emphasizes only a part of the information that supports a particular viewpoint. (EXAMPLE: Saying that AT&T has the fewest dropped calls, but not explaining that its because they have the fewest calls actually connected. Calls cant be dropped if they arent connected to begin with.) 6) repetition - a persuasive technique in which a word, phrase, sentence, slogan, idea, etc., is used multiple times for emphasis (EXAMPLE: Today is the day to make a change! Today is the day to make a difference! )

(CONTINUED) 7) parallelism - use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar in grammatical structure and/or meaning; they come side-by-side or close together and are used for special emphasis

EXAMPLE: When sex is over, teens are left to face the possibility of pregnancy. She waits. He wonders. They worry. 8) slogan - catchy phrase used in ads, campaigns, etc. 9) anecdote - short, interesting story (told to make a point) (EXAMPLE: Karen was 15 years old when she met Dan. She had never had a real boyfriend before, and she thought he was the cutest guy in the whole school! She knew she was in love and thought he was, too. Now Dan is nowhere to be found. But Karen is reminded of him every time she looks into her little babys eyes .) 10) allusion - a reference to a person, place, event, or a another literary work that is mentioned with the belief that the reader/audience will understand what is being talked about and where the reference comes from. (EXAMPLE: Many teen-agers are tempted by their partners to have sex, even when they believe its the wrong thing to do. When this happens, they should realize the partners pleading is just like the song of the siren that Odysseus faced; it sounds enticing but will bring nothing but harm in the long run.) 11) stereotype - a biased belief about a whole group of people based on insufficient (not enough) evidence or irrelevant (unrelated) evidence (EXAMPLES: all blondes are dumb ... OR ... that all company presidents are more concerned about profit and personal gain than about their employees) 12) logical appeal/reasoning - based on reasons supported by evidence; attempts to convince the audience using rational argument based on thought, not emotion 13) loaded words - evoke, or draw out, very strong positive or negative attitudes toward a person, group, or idea; based on the strong positive or negative connotation of the word (EXAMPLE: A person who is assertive and out-spoken may be described as confident to promote a positive attitude toward that person OR as pushy to promote a negative attitude toward that same characteristic in a person. 14) bandwagon appeal - technique urging you to do or believe something because everybody else does, or to join everyone else (EXAMPLE: Be where the action is. Shop at Hang-out Mall. ) 15) celebrity endorsement - a type of testimonial using famous people to promote a product or idea (EXAMPLE: Im professional football player Marcus Browning, and I use X-brand deodorant. ) 16) name-calling - labeling intended to arouse powerful negative feelings. Its purpose is to represent a particular person, group, product, or idea as inferior or bad without providing evidence to support the claim. (EXAMPLE: referring to a candidate as a warmonger, tree hugger, egghead, etc. (continued) 17) snob appeal - This technique suggests that you can be like the expensivelydressed, perfectly-shaped people who use this product. (EXAMPLE: I accept only the best, and that's why I buy Aloft perfume.)

18) propaganda- term that broadly covers all attempts at persuasion that are not based firmly on reason and critical thinking; persuasion that deliberately discourages people from thinking for themselves . (It often relies on one-sided or distorted arguments. You must be able to spot these types of techniques being used and be able to judge the validity and trustworthiness of their appeals.) 19) expert opinion - a persuasive technique (type of testimonial) using a knowledgeable person recognized as an authority on the subject to make a statement of belief about it. 20) transfer - method that builds a connection between things that are not logically connected (EXAMPLE: An advertisement might show a prosperous, happy, loving family drinking a certain brand of milk. The goal is to get the viewer to associate the brand of milk with happiness, love, etc.) 21) glittering generality - a certain type of transfer technique that associates virtue words or virtue images (of great value) with the product, even though there really is no direct connection between the product and virtue. (EXAMPLE: Easy, breezy, Covergirl 22) plain folks appeal - Ordinary people sell a message. You are to believe that because these people are like you, they can be trusted. Or, in the case of persuasive advertising, the ordinary person is somehow made special because of the use of the product. (EXAMPLES: As a construction worker, I often get headaches on the job. That's why I use PainAway aspirin. ...Or... You can lose weight and look great if you purchase this exercise machine!) 23) emotional appeal - An attempt to affect how people in the audience feel so they will agree with you. It is a statement that arouses strong feelings (positive or negative) such as pleasure or anger, joy or sadness, pride or shame; desire for success, fear, etc.; (Sometimes called heartstrings appeal.) (EXAMPLE: A coffee ad showing an older brother coming home from the military overseas ). 24) rhetorical - a question that doesnt expect or require an answer. It is asked for effect only. (EXAMPLE: Wouldnt you rather have Dairy Choice Ice Cream? ... OR... Shouldnt you be wearing a Time-On watch?) 25) shocking statistic - a surprising and/or disturbing percentage

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