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Joined on September 26, 2009 at 12:58 PM

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Can you hear me?

mathfaery (Elizabeth): yes

tal: yes

virginia alberti: yes

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): 8,000, wow

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): while we are waiting a sec - where are you from and
what do you do?

mathfaery (Elizabeth): yes

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): I am from Cary, NC, USA, doing math clubs and Math
2.0 interest group

mathfaery (Elizabeth): I'm from Southern California and I teach math at Cypress

virginia alberti: i'm from Brescia -Italy

Deb Boatwright: i can not see you putting in the answer

Deb Boatwright: hi

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): at the bottom, deb - do you get a bit of lag?

Deb Boatwright: thank you

LFS: I live in FYR Macedonia (30 years), but am US by birth (20 years) and teach
mathematics and am big user of ggb.

LFS: Q: is anybody talking?

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): can you hear Michael just now?

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): he's talking

LFS: yes now

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): this instant live dynamic links between
representations is quite powerful

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): thank you

cea: hello everybody!

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): hi cea

tal: where can we find high-school ggb based lessons ?

Deb Boatwright: i can not hear

LFS: michael - talk really slowly

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Is the wiki sorted by level, as tal asked?

LFS: scroll down

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter): Yes, the wiki is organized by levels (middle
school, high school, university, different subjects)

LFS: wiki is "ok" sorted - that is being worked on

Deb Boatwright: I teach K-5 and I would love to see elementary lessons

tal: 10x Maria

JohnFaig: what is the wiki URL?


Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Are you working/talking with Scratch people about

LFS: current problem with wiki is that you cannot run ggb applets on the wiki too
- this is what he means about scratch

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): How do applets embed, in general? Do they?

tal: We have it in Hebrew !! GREAT !

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter): yes

Moderator (Michael Borcherds): To embed a ggb file in HTML as applet:

Moderator (Michael Borcherds): <applet name="ggbApplet"
archive="" height="400" width="616">
<param name="filename" value="quadratictest.ggb">

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Really all over the world

Deb Boatwright: How would we help?

Deb Boatwright: Ithaca at cornell or ithaca colllege

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

LFS: ic

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Where are these people communicating? The forum?

LFS: also we are looking to involve classroom teachers

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

LFS: if you contact, please mention that you want to particpate in - say the
scientific committee

Deb Boatwright: Dynamic Mathematics is new to me

LFS: on the geogebrana2010 website there is a form for "expression of interest"
Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Thank you, LFS!

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

Deb Boatwright: I would be interested in how a newbie gets started?

LFS: You can now embed a geogebra applet on wiki - which offers free
sites to teachers. e.g.

LFS: yes

Deb Boatwright: ?

Susan: yes

Erin: yes

Deb Boatwright: yes

virginia alberti: yes

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): we can't hear you - a bit of lag

Susan: like googleearth

Deb Boatwright: maria can you email him the link to reconnect?

Moderator (Michael Borcherds):

Deb Boatwright: no

Deb Boatwright: but is it like a graphing calculator screen?

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): he got the link, Deb - it will probably take a second
to reload

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): well, a minute

Moderator (Michael Borcherds):
LFS: there are tutorials

LFS: with audio visual explanations

Susan: i feel like you have to know some programming

Susan: i got a ittle frustrated

Deb Boatwright: do you know of newbie info for geogebra

LFS: you might try looking at:

Deb Boatwright: would you do a sample plotting of a line

LFS: two points and a line

Deb Boatwright: on a graph

Deb Boatwright: How about graph the interception of a line

LFS: the number next to poly1 is the area

Deb Boatwright: got it

Deb Boatwright: graphing calculator

Susan: can you do a trig grid with pi symbols

Susan: like pi/2

Susan: nice

Susan: cool

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): very cool

mathfaery (Elizabeth): very cool
LFS: graph sine

Deb Boatwright: great to use on a smartboard

Susan: can you export as a .swf file?

CalArmstrong: You could record it using Jing

Deb Boatwright: Put you could use jing to make a moving screen shot

LFS: yes - Jing works great for this

Susan: yeah but then it is not interactive in jing right?

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Jing records videos of screens, right?

Deb Boatwright: you all owe me a coke!

Deb Boatwright: yes Maria

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): why deb?

LFS: michael can anybody run a session like this with interactive GGGB

Susan: I really like how good it works in a webpage

Susan: much better than sketchpad.

Deb Boatwright: Yes

CalArmstrong: it'd be nice to get it on iPhone/Touch

Susan: it's dyanmic

Susan: dynamic on the webpage

CalArmstrong: let me get my chequebook
LFS: can we interact with ggb?

LFS: in this app

Deb Boatwright: okay

Susan: i really like the stuff that Daniel Mentard does

Susan: are there other websites like that?

LFS: thank you maria

Susan: you should be able to app share


Susan: all you need to do is right click on a name and give permission

Moderator (Michael Borcherds): There are some people working on GeoGebra applets
that can be used by several people at once

LFS: where do i look for info on this

Deb Boatwright: Algebra for all... this is a nice meduim that might help

Susan: what are the copyright issues?

Deb Boatwright: My school is a school in needs of improvement for math

Susan: I'm never sure whether I can jsut take an applet

LFS: deb - is the name "algebra for all"

Susan: ok

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): LFS, there are several people in Math 2.0 group who
work on SL and OpenSim interfaces, e.g. Trevor Meyer - we can discuss it on the
email group there:

Deb Boatwright: no what I mean about algebra for all is that they say everyone can
learn algebra

Susan: i just got frustrated

Deb Boatwright: how can we help

Susan: i've used sketchpad but found this much more daunting

Susan: me too

Susan: may i talk on my mic

LFS: and better

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Susan, just click your mic and talk

Susan: but i feel that this is not intuitive

LFS: the forum is great but they are very "high" math and want to explain it in
"very general" terms

Susan: it would help to have some of these listed in a FAQ

Deb Boatwright: i think it would be great to start using it as a geoboard

Deb Boatwright: and then letting students see it grow

Susan: sketchpad has a huge support system

Susan: I know about autograph too

Deb Boatwright: you in the uk are ahead of us I think regarding the use of

LFS: now theres a non-intuitive program

Susan: agreed with that...autograph is hard

Susan: what about an online class?
Deb Boatwright: hats off for anything you all do

Susan: i know there is no funding

LFS: gs is great for "rich" districts

Susan: but maybe people would be willing to pay

LFS: but ggb is catching on fast

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter): sorry, lost Internet

Susan: there was only ONE session at NCTM Washington DC this year

Susan: I was very disappointed

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): NCTM isn't big on technology

Deb Boatwright: you can color objects on the board

LFS: no kidding maria

LFS: susan - i really like to find simple answers to ggb problesm so if you get
stuck, if you want you can write me

Moderator (Michael Borcherds): There are some tutorials here:

Moderator (Michael Borcherds):

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): maybe just English language list?

Erin: NCTM is not really supporting tecnology at all these days

Susan: Very few people know about it here

CalArmstrong: to be fair, NCTM is too busy with math standards battles on several


Susan: NCTM is not classroom teachers

LFS: that's the truth about nctm

Moderator (Michael Borcherds): and there are some tutorials on Youtube

Susan: but people have to apply to speak

Susan: Only one...last year

CalArmstrong: but that was Clay Shirky's point.... we don't necessarily need

Erin: I have heard of people that have entered proposals dealing with amth 2.0 and
tech and they are getting denied

Susan: I don't think that is the answer.....

CalArmstrong: NCTM conferences local organizing committees choose the
presentations, not NCTM itself

LFS: not too much at necc (iste) either

Susan: NECC deadline is OCt 8

Deb Boatwright: I would just like to start using it in my creation of math lessons
for use with smartboard.

Moderator (Maria Droujkova):
making-virtual-splash-in-san.html is the link

LFS: GeoGebra apps in the classroom are 2 types: constructions and applets.

Deb Boatwright: Put it up on Illuminate

Moderator (Maria Droujkova):

Deb Boatwright:
Susan: i think that would help

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): there was an unconference by NECC (unplugged, that
is) that was pretty good

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

Susan: that is one wa to get started


Moderator (Michael Borcherds): Thankyou for listening

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter): thank you all!

LFS: thank you maria, michael and markus (3M)

Erin: Thank you!

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter): Sorry for loosing Internet

Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Thank you!!!

mathfaery (Elizabeth): Thanks so much!

Susan: are there workshops coming up?

Susan: is there a list somehwere of workshops

Susan: ?

virginia alberti: thanks!

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

Deb Boatwright: You said something about working with classroom teachers?

Deb Boatwright: Earlier I asked how can we help

Moderator (Maria Droujkova):

Deb Boatwright: at what address

Deb Boatwright: to let you know

Moderator (Markus Hohenwarter):

Deb Boatwright: thank you

Susan: you can use google docs to collect information

CalArmstrong: Thanks, Maria!

Deb Boatwright: Thank you Deb Boatwright

Moderator: Thank you all!

Moderator: thank you!

virginia alberti: thank you Maria!

Moderator: thank you!

Moderator: bye everybody!

virginia alberti: very interesting!

virginia alberti:

virginia alberti: ciao

Moderator: ciao

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