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Teacher Candidate: Beverlee Whipple Grade Level: K Content Area: Social Studies, Responsible behaviors, environment


A. Contextual Factors

24 students.13girls, 11 boys 1 ELL Student (boy) 1 boy has moderate behavior problems 1 boy has dyslexia 1 girl is in a wheel chair
B. Utah State Core Curriculum Standard

Objective: Describe and practice responsible behaviors for health and safety. Students will develop an understanding of their environment, and investigate the changes in seasons.
C. Enduring Understanding/Big Idea

1. I will understand that we need rules to keep us safe. 2. I will understand that we need to be honest and be responsible to be a good citizen. 3. I will understand that we need to have respect for others, leaders, and the environment. 4. I will understand that there are different changes that happen in the different seasons (e.g. winter snow, spring, rain summer sun, and autumn wind) and know the rules on the play ground.
D. Concepts

By the end of the unit, students will know: 1. Recount responsible activities that contribute to the environment, school and family 2. Discuss rules on the play ground and chart on an easel. Vocabulary words: respect, winter, spring, summer, autumn, rules safety.
E. Skills

By the end of the unit, the students will be able to : S1 Students will develop an understanding of their environment. S2 Describe how to be a good citizen in school and at home with family S3 Demonstrate safety skills in the classroom and in the home
F. Essential Questions/Guiding Questions

1. How can students demonstrate respect for others in the classroom and in the home? 2. How can participating in responsible activities contribute to the environment and home? 3. What does it mean to be a good citizen? 4. Why do we need school and family rules? 5. What are some safety procedures for school and in the neighborhood? Step 2 ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE

A. Pre-Assessments Students will pair up and show how they would show respect to each other, and explain what doing service in the school and home with the family means to them. B. Formative Assessments/Evidence C1. Observe the behavior of the teacher and how respect is shown. C2. Groups discuss and answer questions on safety, the environment, taking responsibility, and being a good citizen. C3 Assessment: Chart on white board, ask questions, walk around the room.

1: Teacher observation. Students can demonstrate examples of respect with each other through dramatic play. 2: Students participate in responsible activities that contribute to school and with family, by learning how students can plant a seed that can turn into a beautiful flower in our environment, and by raising hand if they know the answer to question asked by teacher, and pointing to correct answer on the smart board. 3: Student describes responsible behaviors in being a good citizen in the school and at home

with family, with the teacher.

4: Students will discuss ways to be safe in the class and outside of class and demonstrate these in a neighborhood walk, with teacher. 5: Teacher observation. Students demonstrate with each other rules and safety procedures in the on the playground. C. Summative Assessments/Evidence Students will demonstrate, with a partners showing respect to each other in school and at home with family. While teacher walks around and observes. Students will learn how planting a seed can make the environment beautiful. Students will take an oral multiple choice test about safety rules in school and in the neighborhood. This test will be read by the teacher to the (yes or no paddles) they will hold up yes if they agree or no if they dont agree. The words yes a no will be printed on board by teacher and explained which is yes and which one is no.

Step 3 INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES/LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. Show a picture book called Respect, Give it to Get it, about children showing respect to others and Talk about Respect. Discuss ways that kids are showing/not showing respect and words that kids are using to show respect, 2. Students will learn how a seed can go through the different seasons and then turn into a beautiful flower. 3. Teacher will read book David Goes to School. After reading the book discuss with the students why David got into trouble at school. 4. Teacher will read a story called about Safety in the Class and will. discuss different ways we can be safe in class and at home and in the environment. 5. Discuss rules of the play ground and complete a rules chart on the easel white board. Students will take turns writing a number list on the board

Lesson #1: I will know how to show respect to others. Teacher will show a picture book called Respect, Give it to Get it, about children showing respect to others and Talk about Respect. Discuss ways that kids are showing/not showing respect and words that kids are using to show respect, for the dyslexia student the teacher can show pictures of students being friends, showing respect to parents/teacher, or a child helping another student in the picture. This will be good for the non dyslexic students also. Put students in groups of four or five and have them discuss and come up with a demonstration to the class ways, including words and phrases, that they can show respect (dramatic Play). Lesson #2: I will demonstrate responsible behaviors in school and in the family. The students will observe the behavior of the teacher, then analyze what they have seen, and organize their thoughts to predict what they can do to demonstrate responsible behaviors in school and home with the family. Students will then participate in responsible activities that contribute to the school and family. (e.g., follows teachers direction, give service, put belongings away, let the student with behavior problems that you would like him to be the leader of one of the two groups, and if you have two that like to act out the other will be over the second group. This will make them feel special and wont be as likely to act out because they each want their group to win. Students will be divided into two teams and given scenarios about responsible behaviors. First student to ring the bell with the answer and gives the correct behavior wins a point. (This is why the students earlier analyzed and organized what they observed when the teacher demonstrated responsible behaviors in school and at home with family. They used a science concept approach.

Lesson #3: I will describe and practice responsible behaviors in being a good citizen in the school and at home with family. Teacher will read book David Goes to School. After reading the book discuss with the students why David got into trouble at school. What did he do wrong? How could David have made better choices? Teacher can also ask the ELL students these questions, and if they struggle explain further, to help them understand the story better. Break students into groups of four. Pass out a picture card with a classroom rule pictures of someone being a being good citizen in a picture (e.g., a student sitting quietly for the teacher, etc.), and for the ELL students to be able to see good and bad behaviors. Have students work together to create a short skit demonstrating responsible behavior and how to follow this particular rule at school through pictures.

Lesson #4: I will know the safety rules at home and in the environment. Teacher will read called I Can be Safe book about safety in the class and in the

environment. Discuss different ways we can be safe in class and at outside in the environment (e.g., look both ways before crossing a street, dont talk to strangers, and walk on sidewalks). Write these on a chart paper or board. If possible, take a neighborhood walk on the sidewalk and practice neighborhood safety rules that were discussed and how they could do this with the family, and have students take turns pushing the student around in the wheel chair. (e.g., have the students use their visual and use their sensory skill. Have students notice houses, bushes that someone could hide behind, trees that obstruct views from house windows, if the houses yards look clean or littered with debris they could get hurt with). Have students draw a picture of something they saw while on their walk that would be a safety rule violation. Lesson #5: I will know the safety rules of a classroom. Teacher and students will discuss rules of the play ground and complete a rules chart on the easel white board. Teacher will have on student write the first number on the board for her, then have another student write the next number, and so on. Teacher will ask students how many numbers all together they wrote on the easel, (1-10). For the gifted ask them to come up one at a time and continue on writing numbers to 15. Teacher will then start the discussion on rules and ask students for answers and write them next to each number. The students are to come up with 15 rules for safety in the classroom The students will show the teacher that they can count and print numbers.

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