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Darwin Virtual Museum

Grade 7 Science

Student Name: Partner Name:

PART 1: Reflecting on the Process

1. Working Collaboratively: Participation Pies Divide each participation pie according to the amount of work that you completed and the amount of work that your partner completed. Be honest with yourself! Researching Reading and understanding the material and completing the planning sheet Preparing Technology Preparing the Virtual Museum PowerPoint Overall Consider all of the tasks and project requirements

2. Personal Management: Individual Reflection Highlight or circle the number to indicate your level of effort.
1. How much effort did you put into reading and understanding the text and websites that Mr. Robins suggested? I didnt try !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I tried my very best 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. How much effort did you put into completing the planning sheet that Mr. Robins provided? I didnt try !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I tried my very best 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. How much effort did you put into searching our resources for artifacts (pictures) for the Virtual Museum PowerPoint? I didnt try !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I tried my very best 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. How much effort did you put into adding your research onto the Virtual Museum PowerPoint? I didnt try !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...I tried my very best 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Sources: Use and Access Complete the chart and discuss the reflection questions with your partner.
How many times did you access (read or review) this source? PowerPoint presentations Text book pages Other:

Reflection Questions: 1. Which sources did you access the most and which sources did you use the least? 2. MILLION DOLLAR QUE$TION: What impact did this have on your final product?

What did you learn from reflecting on your use and access of sources?

PART 2: Reflecting on the Benchmarks Brainstorm all important Darwin/Evolution Vocabulary to Use in Your Reflection:

Focus Questions: Pick 3 questions to answer, one from each section. Level of Blooms Answer 3 questions in your reflection Taxonomy Pick 1 of these Understanding/ Describe the most important idea that you learned while doing this Comprehension project - OR What can you say about Darwins theory of evolution? Pick 1 of these What questions would you ask in an interview with Darwin? - OR Application What would the world be like without Darwins discoveries? Pick 1 of these What judgment would you make about Darwins personality? What kind of a friend might Darwin have been? - OR Evaluation/ Through our activities, humans create selection pressures on Synthesis many organisms in the environment. If evolution usually leads to better traits that help organisms evolve, why should we be concerned about the effect of humans on the environment? Reflection: Pick 1 presentation tool from the list below. Mr. Robins will tell you what to do with it once it is complete just make sure you save it!

Voice Thread @

Using Google images, pick 3-4 images that represent your learning in the Virtual Museum. Upload them to Voice Thread. Thoughtfully answer the questions above by recording your voice using Voice Thread. Be sure to have one vocal recording on each image. * You will need to create a Voice Thread account if you dont already have one *

Wordle @
Create a Wordle word cloud using your answers and explanations to the questions above. You may want to type your answers in a Word document and then paste them into Wordle.

Mindomo @
Create a mind map showing your answers and explanations to the questions above. Using Google images, pick 3-4 images that represent your learning in the Darwin Virtual Museum assignment. Incorporate these images onto your mind map.

Letter Generator @

Write a letter to Darwin incorporating your answers and explanations to the questions above. Darwin is your audience. You are the author of the letter.

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