Mohan Koparkar - Lunar Nodes

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LUNAR NODES by Mohan Koparkar” Ph.D. ‘This is the most recent book on LUNAR NODES that Contains just about every thing You would want to know Fegarding them. This book has @ NEW innovative topic lunieh deals with your KARMIG CONTROLS in this ie Every minute controlling aspect is discussed in this book. ‘Other chapters include, nodes through signs & houses, aspects of nodes to natal & progressed planets, transiting nodes and ther effects transiting planes on ‘hodal axis, nodes in synastry and more, A must forall ‘strologieal readership. About the Author jan Koparkar’ is a graduate of the University of Rochester. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1972. Surprisingly his interest in engineering began to disappear as he continued his graduate studies. Beyond a certain Point, ne realized the dryness of the subject and Secided to do something uncommon for a change. Being highly serious about astrology, he concen- trated his efforts in that direction. Things happened very fast and in a matter of a few years, he tnished Six excallent texts on astrology. Besides his usual teaching lecturing and writing activities, he's busy with his individual and corporate clients | SBN# 0-918922-04-6 “ASTROLOGY ‘North Node- Karmic ist meray into thi Ie $5.95 ‘South Node - Init of karma {rom pastile, reincarnation Makan VManarlar Dk PH ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. BASIC CONCEPT OF LUNAR NODES. KARMIC CONTROLS CONTROLLING ASPECTS. NODES THROUGH THE SIGNS. NODES THROUGH THE HOUSES. ASPECTS TO THE NODES INTHE NATAL CHART ASPECTS TO THE NODES IN THE PROGRESSED CHART. TRANSITING NODES, TRANSITING PLANETS TO THE NODES. NODES IN SYNASTRY. 2 22 a 52 cy 0 n DEDICATION ‘This book is dedicated to my myst ‘whom I shared a couple of past lives rious ‘SOUL MATE” with | am also very grateful to all the direct and indirect support provided by thal SOUL. The following is the most inspired poom by that Soul, which will bea part of my forthcoming book of poetry Two dark eyes porsstont in actions filles with compassion Ihungry for emotions deep in those ayes World was encloses {colorfully composed beautiuly exposed Iie had a structure Into that deepness stared helplessly Into that madness. INTRODUCTION In astrological studies, the importance ofthe Lunar Nodal Axis ‘Snot significantly given by many students. One ofthe prime feasons for this. ogloctod area. is the lack of available Information on the Lunar Nodes. Several books touch on this topic, but nane deals with enough information to completely Justity as a book on the Lunar Nodes, In this toxt,an entraly now concept of understanding the nodal significance is put together which will shed considerable light {as to one's Karmic destiny inthis Ife. These dalineations are Gerived out of the special process of "Magnification" and each ontroling minor aspect fs discussed inthe book In this ‘ashion, one wouldnow thew Karmic nputin life and how they are supposed to cistripute their energies in iis ietime. ‘Other chapters include the usual aspects tothe nodes by althe Planets in the natal, a well as the progressed, conditions. The brits of transiting nodes on the natal planets are discussed along with transiting planets over the Nodal axis The Nades in hart comparison are quite interestingly presented here a8 supplimentary compatibility criteria, "Nodes in each sign and in each house ae belly discussed to make this Book on Nodes a compote work

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