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Joshua Macias Mr. Coffey A.P. English Block 6 28 August 2010 !

a"e a #rea$%

Macias 1

Martin &uther 'ing Jr.(s ) !a"e a #rea$) s*eech +as true a *iece of rhetoric ,ecause it touche- on *athos. ethos. an- logos. Aristotle(s i-ea of the $ain attri,utes of rhetoric. Pathos *laye- a huge *art in Martin &uther 'ing/s s*eech ,ecause his s*eech +as -irecte- to e"ery African A$erican the suffere- segregation. !is s*eech +as -irecteto+ar-s a large au-ience +ith a strong *assion for free-o$. Before his s*eech. Martin &uther 'ing Jr. ha- $uch fa$e fro$ ,eing a strong lea-er of ci"il rights in the 1010(s anfro$ gi"ing s*eeches on the su,2ect. !e +as a *o+erful figure ,efore his s*eech in 1063. ,ut the s*eech ga"e hi$ $ore fa$e an- *o+er to strengthen the ci"il rights $o"e$ent. Martin &uther 'ing Jr. ha- $uch e4*erience in *u,lic s*eaking an- +as charis$atic. !is s*eech use- $eta*hor such as relating the free-o$ of African A$ericans to a ,a- check that +as returne- ,ecause of insufficient fun-s. !e s*oke clearly an- *resse- on issues that +oul- cause e4cite$ent to his au-ience. !is s*eech +as as great as it +as ,ecause it containe- a large a$ount of *athos. ethos. an- logos. &istening to his s*eech $a-e $e think of hi$ as an intelligent. +ell5rea-. charis$atic $an +ith a *assion of esta,lishing e6uality for all $en. M&' inclu-e- his au-ience in his s*eech an- ke*t the$ as an acti"e *art of his s*eech. !e relate- to his au-ience ,y -escri,ing his -rea$ +orl- an- then saying. )7his is our ho*e.) !e usesi$*le language. an- his $ore co$*le4 +or-s +ere use- in the right *laces. !is s*eech

Macias 2 +as easy to follo+ an- still touche- the hearts of $any *eo*le. Martin &uther 'ing Jr./s ) !a"e a #rea$) s*eech is full of *athos. logos. an- ethos +hich has lea- to it ,eing regar-e- as a true *iece of A$erican rhetoric.

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