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Willow Creek High School Physical Education Syllabus 2013-2014

Welcome! My name is Jade Robertson and I am a graduate of Jacksonville State University with a B.S. in Physical Education. I am very excited to be teaching your child Physical Education (P.E.). Our mission in P.E. is to build knowledge of healthy choices to our students to ensure a long healthy life. Students will be encouraged to have fun and learn as much as possible during their time in class. Also, students will be encouraged to participant daily in the different activities performed during class. Students will have P.E. daily and will be expected to be appropriately dressed. Students should have a t-shirt, shorts or athletic pants, and tennis shoes. Tennis shoes do not have to be new, but they must be cleaned and only worn in the gym. This is to protect the wear of the gym floor. If the student does not have appropriate shoes, they will not be allowed to participate and lose participation points. You may contact me on my school website, email, or school office if you have any questions or comments. My planning period is from 1:00-2:00. Website: Email: School phone: 256-456-1234

Thank you, Jade Robertson Physical Education Teacher

Course Objectives 1. Demonstrate and perform different skills 2. Learn healthy food intake 3. Apply healthy choices to their life

General Rules 1. Students must make effort to dress in PE attire and participate in physical activities. 2. Respect everyone 3. No horseplay 4. HAVE FUN!

Routines, Policies, and Procedures

Behavior/ Discipline Plans Classroom rules are posted and discussed at the beginning of the school year. If these rules are broken, these actions will take place. 1. A warning of a behavior problem will be given to the student 2. If the problem continues, the student will sit out for 10 minutes 3. Problem continues, the student will be sent back to class to a teacher-student conference 4. A parent is contacted about the behavioral problem

Grading Students will earn a grade for the year by dressing out in the appropriate clothes, participating daily, behavior, and skill. There will be 150 points possible for each week and 4,050 for the total year. 30 points daily: 15-dress 5-participation 5-behavior 5- skill

The student may be deducted the points from the total daily points if they do not meet the requirements during class. For example, your child dresses in and participated all class but has behavioral problems that day; they will be deducted up to 5 points for that.

Dressing, Absence, Participation Dressing: All students will be required to bring a t-shirt, dress code appropriate shorts, and tennis shoes to class each day. There will be dressing rooms available with lockers. Lockers can be rented at the beginning of the year for $10. Absence: Students who are absent must have a doctor excuse to be excused from the daily points. No parent notes will be accepted. If students do not have an excuse they will not be able to get their daily points. Participation: Participation will be recorded daily. Participation is participating in PE activities from the start to finish of the class period. If the student does not participate they will not earn the participation points for that day.

QR Code Here you will find a QR code. Download any type of Code scanner on your smart phone or tablet. It will direct you to MY school website where you will find all the information needed for this Physical education class.

Medical History & Release Form Willow Creek Physical Education

This form must be completed and signed by the students parent or legal guardian. The form gives a licensed physician the parents/guardians consent to treat a student in the case of an illness or emergency.

Students Full Name (F, M, L) _________________________________________________________ Grade________ D.O.B. ___/___/____ State _______ Phone _____________________ Zip _____________ (other)__________________ Address _________________________________________________ City______________________ Phone (home)_________________ Relative or other responsible party __________________________________________ Health History Family Physician ___________________________________ Phone________________________ Drug Allergies (ex: Penicillin) ________________________________________________________ Environmental Allergies (ex: pollen, peanuts, grass)____________________________________________________________________________ Contact Lens _____ Asthma _____ Diabetes______ Epilepsy______ Serious Health Problems _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Any medications student is presently taking: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature _________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Phone ____________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Name__________________________________________________ (work)________________

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