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0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka

'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&

B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

*%DD</ ;</4%/4
H3#4 64#/)#()D I/#4.</#, <(
D4#4%J (%,#4% 4< 43.D ,%DD</K
(You shoulu incluue ALL applicable
stanuaius. Raiely uo teacheis use
just one: they'u nevei get thiough
them all.)
=LM5MLMEM5G Compaie anu oiuei fiactions, incluuing fiactions gieatei than one, using mouels anu

=LM5MLMEMNG 0se mouels to iepiesent equivalent fiactions, incluuing fiactions gieatei than 1, anu
iuentify iepiesentations of equivalence.

ODD%/4.#, P/)%(D4#/)./0
(What is the big iuea oi essential
question that you want stuuents to
come away with. In othei woius,
what, asiue fiom the stanuaiu anu
oui objective, will stuuents
unueistanu when they finish this

B#Q @G
Bow can you builu mouels to compaie anu oiuei fiactions.

Bow can you use a numbei line to compaie anu oiuei fiactions.
What aie benchmaik fiactions.

Bow can you use the benchmaiks u, 12 anu 1 to compaie anu oiuei fiactions.

S78%94.+%DG H3#4 #(% Q<2

B#Q @G
uiven two uiffeient fiactions, stuuents will be able to builu mouels to iepiesent the coiielating fiactions
in oiuei to compaie as 'gieatei than' oi 'less than'.

uiven two uiffeient fiactions, stuuents will be able to plot those fiactions on a numbei line anu compaie
them using the teims 'gieatei than' oi 'less than' with no eiiois.

uiven two uiffeient fiactions, SWBAT compaie anu oiuei fiactions using benchmaik fiactions on a
numbei line.

Auuiess the following questions:
! Why aie you teaching this

- I'm teaching this so stuuents can get a visual, conceptual unueistanuing of how we oiuei anu compaie
fiactions. Stuuents neeu to leain this concept because we fiequently use fiactions in eveiy uay life.
0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

! Wheie uoes this lesson fit
within a laigei plan.
! Why aie you teaching it this
! Why is it impoitant foi
stuuents to leain this concept.

Stuuents will neeu to apply theii knowleuge when it comes to measuiing in the kitchen, uistance anu in

- This is the intiouuctoiy lesson foi this unit, ulobal Concept 1. This unit is bioken up into foui concepts:
@M =<)%,D #/) -%/93$#(UD 4< ;<$>#(% C(#94.</D
2. Nouels anu Stiategies to Compaie Fiactions
S. Pieces Nissing anu Compaie the Whole to Compaie Fiactions
4. Nouel anu Repiesent Equivalent Fiactions

O+#,2#4.</ V,#/G W<X X.,, Q<2
U/<X D42)%/4D 3#+% $#D4%(%)
Q<2( <78%94.+%DK

Auuiess the following:
! What foimative eviuence will
you use to uocument stuuent
leaining uuiing this lesson.
! What summative eviuence will
you collect, eithei uuiing this
lesson oi in upcoming lessons.

B#Q @
Foimative- 0bseivation of stuuents using manipulatives anu gioup conveisation anu explanation of
essential question.
Y X.,, ,<<U #/) ,.D4%/ C<(& Stuuents builuing mouels anu using a numbei line to compaie anu oiuei
fiactions anu using the teims 'gieatei than' anu 'less than'.

Foimative- }ouinal theii unueistanuing thus fai about the essential question, " Bow can you use a numbei
line to compaie anu oiuei fiactions."
Y X.,, ,<<U #/) ,.D4%/ C<(& Stuuents cieating numbei lines anu using the benchmaik fiactions to compaie
anu oiuei fiactions while using the teims 'gieatei than' anu 'less than'.

Foimative- }ouinal question on uay S- "Is S6 closei to zeio oi 1 whole. Explain."
Y X.,, ,<<U #/) ,.D4%/ C<(& Stuuents cieating numbei lines anu using the benchmaik fiactions to compaie
anu oiuei fiactions while using the teims 'gieatei than' anu 'less than'.

Summative- 0nit test
H3#4 ;</4%/4 Z/<X,%)0% .D
/%9%DD#(Q C<( # 4%#93%( 4< 4%#93
43.D $#4%(.#,K

- Bow to compaie anu oiuei fiactions gieatei than one anu mixeu fiactions
- Bow to use fiaction tiles to builu fiactions gieatei than one anu mixeu fiactions
- Bow to cieate anu plot fiactions on a numbei line
H3#4 7#9U0(<2/) U/<X,%)0% .D
/%9%DD#(Q C<( # D42)%/4 4<
-Stuuents shoulu unueistanu what a numeiatoi anu uenominatoi is anu be able to explain the meaning
behinu each one.
0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

D299%DDC2,,Q $%%4 43%D%

! Bow will you ensuie stuuents'
have this pievious knowleuge.
! Who aie youi leaineis.
! What uo you know about them.
! What uo you know about theii
ieauiness foi this content.

-All but five stuuents passeu the unit test !"#$%&'("#)"* ,%(-')."&/ Ny stuuents stiuggle with tuining a
fiaction gieatei than one into a mixeu numbei anu then plotting it on a numbei line.
- Stuuents have also stiuggleu with the iuea that the uenominatoi tells you how many equal pieces make
up the whole.
H3#4 $.D9</9%>4.</D $.034
D42)%/4D 3#+% #7<24 43.D 9</4%/4K

- 18 is gieatei than 14 because 8 is a gieatei numbei than 4.
- 44 is not equal to 1
- 48 is not equal to 12

*%DD</ Y$>,%$%/4#4.</
1%#93./0 =%43<)D
(What teaching methou(s) will you
use uuiing this lesson. Examples
incluue guiueu ielease, S Es, uiiect
instiuction, lectuie, uemonstiation,
paitnei woiu, etc.)

Stuuent exploiation
Coopeiative leaining stiategies
NCTN Piocess Stanuaius
64%>G7QG64%> V,#/
(What exactly uo you plan to uo in
teaching this lesson. Be thoiough.
Act as if you neeueu a substitute to
caiiy out the lesson foi you.)

Wheie applicable, be suie to
auuiess the following:
! What Bighei 0iuei Thinking
(B.0.T.) questions will you ask.
! Bow will mateiials be


Who is
(Teachei oi


B#Q @

Intiouuce new concept anu essential question:
!"# %&' (") *)+,- ."-/,0 1" %".2&3/ &'- "3-/3 43&%1+"'05

V(<7,%$ 6<,+./0:W<<U&
6 .&-/ & -/,+%+")0 %7"%",&1/ %&8/ 17+0 #//8/'- 4"3 930: !).273/( &'- 6 1"
/&1 &41/3 0%7"",: !"#/;/3< #/ *"17 #&'1 -+44/3/'1 0+=/- 2+/%/0> 6 #&'1 ?@A "4
17/ %&8/ &'- 07/ #&'10 ?@B> C7+%7 "'/ "4 )0 #+,, D/1 17/ *+DD/3 2+/%/5 !"#
%&' (") 23";/ +15
(Nis. Bumphiey because 8 is biggei than 4!)
0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

! Who will woik togethei in
gioups anu how will you
ueteimine the giouping.
! Bow will stuuents tiansition
between activities.
! What will you as the teachei uo.
! What will the stuuents uo.
! What stuuent uata will be
collecteu uuiing each phase.
! What aie othei auults in the
ioom uoing. Bow aie they
suppoiting stuuents' leaining.
! What mouel of co-teaching aie
you using.






-Pass out fiaction tiles anu let them 'play' anu use them to help finu the answei

T%#D</./0 [ V(<<C
C7&1 -" (") '"1+%/ &*")1 17/ 43&%1+"' 1+,/05 E'( 2&11/3'05
(the laigei the numbei in the uenominatoi, the smallei the fiaction, 8 18 pieces
make up 1 whole, ect.)
- Aftei stuuents exploieu fiaction tiles anu begin to come up with the answei to
which piece is laigei, have stuuents come anu shaie unuei ELN0 to explain theii

F/1G0 13( 0"./ ."3/ 23"*,/.0 H)01 ,+8/ 17+0 "'/:
G0se PoweiPoint of piactice questions. Stuuents will justify theii iesponses anu
thinking with theii fiaction tiles anu numbei line oi will teach the class any othei
stiategy they come up with.
- Buiing this woik time, Stuuents will woik in theii table gioups to exploie with
the fiaction tiles to solve the pioblems.
*(If a stuuent uses a numbei line without piompting fiom teachei, ask if the
stuuent woulu shaie anu explain the stiategy with the class as that stiategy will
be useu in upcoming uays)

WS1 \2%D4.</D C<( B.D92DD.</&
W<X 9#/ Q<2 9<$>#(% C(#94.</D 2D./0 $#/.>2,#4.+%D 4< D<,+% #
B< 43% X3<,%D /%%) 4< 7% 43% D#$% D.?% ./ <()%( 4< 9<$>#(%
C(#94.</#, >#(4D <C %#93K O]>,#./M
Which fiaction is gieatei ______ oi ______. O]>,#./ 3<X Q<2 U/<XM

0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@


Intiouuce Essential questions:
!"# %&' (") )0/ & ').*/3 ,+'/ 1" %".2&3/ &'- "3-/3 43&%1+"'05
C7&1 &3/ */'%7.&38 43&%1+"'05

V(<7,%$ 6<,+./0:W<<U&
- Refei back to uay 1 when Nis. B anu I hau the cake uilemma.

*Stait with a ieview fiom yesteiuay to uemonstiate why 14 is gieatei than 18
with a uiffeient tactile anu visual
6'01/&- "4 43&%1+"' 1+,/0< #/ &3/ D"+'D #"38 #+17 2&11( 2&2/3
IEach stuuent neeus two ciayons anu 1 piece of patty papei)

6 #&'1 (") 1" */D+' *( 4",-+'D (")3 2&2/3 +'1" 4")3 /J)&, 2+/%/0:
K"#< %","3 ?@A "4 (")3 #7",/ #+17 "'/ %","3 &'- ")1,+'/ 17/ "17/3 173//
K/L1< 4",- (")3 2&2/3< 0" (") 7&;/ /+D71 /J)&, 2+/%/0:
M2/' +1 )2 &'- %","3 ?@B "4 +1:
C7&1 -" (") '"1+%/5
IBecause patty papei is see-thiough, it is easily seen that 18 is only half of 14)
!"# -"/0 +1 %".2&3/ 1" 17/ 43&%1+"' 1+,/05
(It takes two 18 pieces to make 14, it takes two 14 boxes to make 12)

N", 6'01/&- "4 )0+'D 43&%1+"' 1+,/0< 7"# %"),- 6 7&;/ 07"#/- #7+%7 2+/%/ +0
,&3D/3 )0+'D & -+44/3/'1 013&1/D( ,+8/ & ').*/3 ,+'/5
(Plot the fiactions on uiffeient numbei lines oi the same numbei lines anu
whichevei one is closei to the whole is gieatei)

T%#D</./0 [ V(<<C
F/1G0 13( 0"./ ."3/ 23"*,/.0 H)01 ,+8/ 17+0 "'/:
G0se PoweiPoint of piactice questions. Stuuents will justify theii iesponses anu
thinking using numbei lines
- Buiing this woik time, Stuuents will woik in theii table gioups to exploie what
0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

they notice each time they cieate a numbei line.
* Look foi stuuents who use 12 to ueteimine is wheie a fiaction shoulu be
placeu on a numbei line as that leaus into benchmaik fiactions
C7&1 -" (") '"1+%/ &*")1 /&%7 1+./ #/ .&8/ & ').*/3 ,+'/5
IWe use u, 12 anu 1)
O< ?@P &'- ? &3/ */'%7.&38 43&%1+"'0Q 43&%1+"'0 #/ )0/ /;/3( 1+./

WS1 \2%D4.</D C<( B.D92DD.</&
B< 43% X3<,%D /%%) 4< 7% 43% D#$% D.?% ./ <()%( 4< 9<$>#(%
C(#94.</#, >#(4D <C %#93K O]>,#./M
Which fiaction is gieatei ______ oi ______. O]>,#./ 3<X Q<2 U/<XM
W<X )< Q<2 U/<X X3#4 @:E .D <C X3<,%K

Intiouuce essential question:
!"# %&' (") )0/ 17/ */'%7.&380 O< ?@P &'- ? 1" %".2&3/ &'- "3-/3

T%#D</./0 [ V(<<C
M'%/ &D&+'< ,/10 D" *&%8 1" ")3 %&8/: !"# %"),- 6 /L2,&+' 1" 90: ! 17&1 .(
2+/%/ +0 D3/&1/3 )0+'D */'%7.&38 43&%1+"'05
(Stuuents will uiscuss anu solve in gioups- shaie out stuuent thinking anu

F/1G0 13( 0"./ ."3/ 23"*,/.0 H)01 ,+8/ 17+0 "'/:
G0se PoweiPoint of piactice questions. Stuuents will justify theii iesponses anu
thinking using benchmaik fiactions on a numbei line to justify thinking
- Buiing this woik time, Stuuents will woik in theii table gioups to exploie anu
uiscuss how benchmaik fiactions help them solve each pioblem they uo

WS1 \2%D4.</D C<( B.D92DD.</&
0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

WS1 \2%D4.</D C<( B.D92DD.</&
Which fiaction is gieatei ______ oi ______. O]>,#./ 3<X Q<2 U/<XM
H3Q #(% 7%/93$#(U C(#94.</D 3%,>C2, ./ 9<$>#(./0 #/) <()%(./0
W<X 9#/ Q<2 2D% 7%/93$#(UD 4< 9<$>#(% #/) <()%( C(#94.</DK

H3#4 X.,, Q<2 )< .C^

^# D42)%/4 D4(200,%D X.43 43% 9</4%/4K
Paiallel teach with CT- Stuuents who stiuggle with the content will be pulleu back foi small gioup
teaching with CT as I continue to float aiounu to each table gioup as they pioblem solve.

H3#4 X.,, Q<2 )< .C^

^# D42)%/4 $#D4%(D 43% 9</4%/4 _2.9U,QK

Rathei than asking the stuuents to solve the pioblems using fiaction tiles, I will ask if they can solve it a
uiffeient way (Let stuuent exploie uiffeient stiategies befoie piompting to the iuea of using a numbei

YC #>>,.9#7,%` 3<X )<%D 43.D ,%DD</ 9<//%94 4< 43% ./4%(%D4D #/) 92,42(#, 7#9U0(<2/)D <C Q<2(

=%%4./0 Q<2( D42)%/4Da /%%)D #D
>%<>,% #/) #D ,%#(/%(D
W<X X.,, Q<2 ).CC%(%/4.#4% ./D4(294.</ C<( D42)%/4D X3< /%%) #)).4.</#, ,#/02#0% D2>><(4K
Seivices aie pioviueu uuiing math foi my stuuents who iequiie language suppoit.

L99<$$<)#4.</D IYC /%%)%)J
(What stuuents neeu specific
accommouation. List inuiviuual
stuuents (initials), anu then explain
AR, EL- ieau the woiu pioblems to them

0SF Elementaiy Euucation Lesson Plan Template (S 2u14) "#$%& Saia Nalinka
'(#)% *%+%, -%./0 1#2034& 5 6278%94:;</4%/4& =#43 '(<2> 6.?%&
B#4% <C *%DD</& @:EF G@:E@

L99<$$<)#4.</D IYC /%%)%)J
(What stuuents neeu specific
accommouation. List inuiviuual
stuuents (initials), anu then explain
the accommouation(s) you will
implement foi these unique

AR, EL- ieau the woiu pioblems to them

(What mateiials will you use. Why
uiu you choose these mateiials.
Incluue any iesouices you useu.
This can also incluue people!)

Fiaction tiles- so stuuents can visually see the uiffeiences between fiaction sizes
ELN0- so stuuents can shaie theii iueas anu thinking anu "teach" the class of new infoimation they

Resouices- uCu's foi thiiu giaue, CT, math content coach anu othei thiiu giaue inteins

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