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SECRETARIA DO ESTADO DE EDUCAO DE MINAS GERAIS Superintendncia Regional de Ensino de Curvelo Acesse: pipcbccurvelo.blogspot.

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Leia o texto a seguir: As the 2007 X Games begin this week, you or your kids might be inspired to take your deck out to the skate park. Beyond the competitions, skateboarding is a very popular hobby, particularly among youths; however, it can also be dangerous. According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, skateboarding injuries are responsible for 104.000 emergency room visits per year, most skateboarding injuries can be prevented by taking a few simple precautions. Here are some tips to help keep your next skateboarding excursion fun and injury-free: Always wear protective gear. Helmets, along with elbow and knee pads, are essential. Learn the correct way to fall. Fortunately. Ride on smooth pavement, free of debris, and NEVER ride in the street. Make sure your board is in good condition, with no loose or broken parts, sharp or slippery edges.

Adapted from: <>

1. Na segunda linha do texto a palavra however expressa uma ideia de A) concluso. B) contradio. C) finalidade D) causa 2. Observando as quatro dicas que se encontram no texto, podemos concluir que o termo X Games se refere a A) Jogos Olmpicos B) Jogos de Vero C) Jogos Radicais D) Jogos Extravagantes 3. O skateboarding mencionado no texto como um hobby popular, no entanto A) entre os jovens no muito apreciado. B) necessrio possuir uma carteira de habilitao. C) s pode ser praticado em grandes competies. D) pode ser muito perigoso e precisa de cuidados. 4. Considere as informaes abaixo e marque a sequncia correta, sendo que F corresponde a False e T a True. I O skateboarding um esporte totalmente seguro e no requer precaues enquanto sua prtica. II O texto acima se refere ao skateboarding como um esporte popular, particularmente para os jovens. III Checar as boas condies do equipamento uma das dicas mencionadas no texto. A) F,T,T B) T,T,T C) F,F,T D) T,F,T Felipe Coura Equipe PIP II Lngua Inglesa SRE Curvelo

5. Observando a figura e a fala abaixo entre aspas, podese afirmar que A) o professor pressupe um pensamento do aluno em relao s suas aulas de matemtica B) o aluno expressa suas preocupao em relao ao teste de lgebra que acontecer na sexta. C) o professor aconselha o aluno a tomar alguma providncia em relao s aulas de matemtica. D) o aluno no possui calculadora ou celular que o ajude nas aulas de lgebra. 6. A figura ao lado pode ser considerada A) um anncio. B) uma charge. C) uma tirinha. D) histria em quadrinhos.

New moves to get women back to work

Monday September 11, 04:08 AM

The Government is to announce a package of measures designed to destroy barriers to women succeeding in the workplace. Among the initiatives is a national campaign to encourage businesses to sign up as "exemplar employers" offering women help with flexible working, time-share, and good quality parttime work. New national standards should be determined for local education authorities, requiring them by April 2007 to offer schoolgirls "careers information, advice and guidance which is free from gender stereotyping". Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will say: "The best of business already understands the benefits that flexible working delivers, but it's time the rest jump on board. There is a practical business reason - helping women harness their full potential is worth up to 23 billion a year to the UK economy, according to the Commission. "So my message to business is clear, this is not about political correctness, this is about improving your profit margins." She will add: "We have given parents the basic rights to improve their choices and help them succeed at home and at work. But the challenge now is to ensure we establish a longterm change in attitude and a major expansion of opportunities, with businesses helping individuals make the most of their talents."
(Adapted from:

7. De acordo com Ms Kelly, a razo para trazer as mulheres de volta ao mercado de trabalho que A) elas so bem-sucedidas. B) falta mo-de-obra feminina. C) h uma necessidade de aes politicamente corretas. D) elas representam mo-de-obra exemplar. 8. De acordo com o ltimo pargrafo, o desafio agora para Ms Kelly A) estabelecer um posicionamento mais comercial imediatamente. B) expandir as oportunidades educacionais. C) ajudar os indivduos a expressar seus talentos. D) estabelecer uma mudana de comportamento a longo prazo e expandir as oportunidades para o trabalho feminino. E) ajudar as mulheres a serem bem sucedidas no trabalho e em casa. Felipe Coura Equipe PIP II Lngua Inglesa SRE Curvelo

9. Na frase We have given parents the basic rights to improve their choices and help them succeed at home and at work, them, refere-se a A) rights. B) parents. C) choices. D) home and work. 10. A estrutura verbal apresentada no texto que corresponde forma do Present Perfect Tense A) Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will say (). B) The best of business already understands the benefits that flexible working delivers (). C) So my message to business is clear (). D) We have given parents the basic rights to improve their choices ().

Felipe Coura Equipe PIP II Lngua Inglesa SRE Curvelo

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