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MOTIVATION ASSESSMENT SCALE Pseudonym: Sarah Rater: Kelli Kingsbury Date: 10/17/13

Description of e!a"ior #$e specific%: Engages in aggressive behaviors, these include: hitting, kicking, throwing, and pushing ob ects at sta!!"
#nstructors: $he %&S is a 'uestionnaire designed to identi!y those situations where an individual is likely to behave in speci!ic ways" (ro) this in!or)ation, )ore in!or)ed decisions can be )ade about the selections o! appropriate replace)ent behaviors" $o co)plete the %&S, select one behavior o! speci!ic interest" *e speci!ic about the behavior" (or e+a)ple ,is aggressive- is not as good a description as ,hits other people"- .nce you have speci!ied the behavior to be rated, read each 'uestion care!ully and circle the one nu)ber that best describes your observations o! this behavior" &l)ost /ever 1 1al! the $i)e 3 &l)ost &lways 4

1" 6ould the behavior occur continuously i! this person was le!t alone !or long periods o! ti)e7 a

/ever 0

Seldo) 0

2sually 3 8

&lways 5


9oes the behavior occur !ollowing a re'uest to per!or) a di!!icult task7 e 3" 9oes the behavior see) to occur in response to your talking to other persons in the roo)/area7 s 3" 9oes the behavior ever occur to get a toy, !ood, or an activity that this person has been told he/she can:t: have7 t 4" 6ould the behavior occur repeatedly, in the sa)e way, !or long periods o! ti)e i! the person was alone7 ;e"g" rocking back and !orth !or over an hour"< a 5" 9oes the behavior occur when any re'uest is )ade o! this person7 e 7" 9oes the behavior occur whenever you stop attending to this person7 a =" 9oes the behavior occur when you take away a !avorite !ood, toy or activity7 t >" 9oes it appear to you that the person en oys doing the behavior7 ;#t !eels, tastes, looks, s)ells, sounds pleasing<" s 10" 9oes this person see) to do the behavior to upset or annoy you when you are trying to get hi)/her to do what you ask7 e

8 8 8

8 8 8 8

$aken !ro) Michael J. Delaney /Mark Durand, Ph.D. 1986

Go to next page 11" 9oes this person see) to do the behavior to upset or annoy you when you are not paying attention to hi)/her7 ;e"g" you are in another roo) or interacting with another person< s 10" 9oes the behavior stop occurring shortly a!ter you give the person !ood, toy, or re'uested activity7 $ 13" 6hen the behavior is occurring does this person see) cal) and unaware o! anything else going on around her/hi)7 s 13" 9oes the behavior stop occurring shortly a!ter ;one to !ive )inutes< you stop working with or )aking de)ands o! this person7 t 14" 9oes this person see) to do the behavior to get you to spend so)e ti)e with her/hi)7 a 15" 9oes the behavior see) to occur when this person has been told that he/she can:t do so)ething he/she had wanted to do7 e

8 8

8 8

Sensory ) ) , ,. ) * , * ,0 +1-

Escape + + . . ,. )

Attention ) * . , ,. )


Tota( Score / Mean Score / Re(ati"e Ran2in' /

Moti"ation Assessment Sca(e: 3unctions for usa'e To direct our understandin' of t!e $e!a"ior c!a((en'e to t!e intent of t!e c!a((en'e "ersus t!e 4ay it appears or ma2es us fee(1 To understand t!e corre(ation $et4een t!e fre5uency of t!e c!a((en'in' $e!a"ior and its potentia( for mu(tip(e intents1 To identify t!ose situations in 4!ic! an indi"idua( is (i2e(y to $e!a"e in certain 4ays #e1'16 re5uests for c!an'e in routine or en"ironment (ead to $itin'%1 Outcomes: To assist in t!e identification of t!e moti"ation#s% of a specified $e!a"ior1 To ma2e more informed decisions concernin' t!e se(ection of appropriate reinforcers and supports for a specified $e!a"ior1

$aken !ro) Michael J. Delaney /Mark Durand, Ph.D. 1986

Note: Li2e any assessment too(6 t!e MAS s!ou(d $e used in an on7'oin' continua((y de"e(opin' mode1

$aken !ro) Michael J. Delaney /Mark Durand, Ph.D. 1986

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